Mississippi First in Infant Vaccination Rates – Highest Infant Mortalities

Lindey Magee of Mississippi Parents for Vaccine Rights recently commented on an article published in Mississippi's Clarion Ledger on their front page, boasting about the state's 99.7% vaccine rate for kindergartners. Mississippi has the highest rate of childhood vaccination because it is one of only two states in the U.S. that does not allow parents a choice regarding vaccines, as a requirement for attending school. Only a medical doctor can provide an exemption, as religious and philosophical exemptions are not allowed. The Clarion Ledger was obviously proud of their vaccination rates, and many around the country want to follow their model and remove vaccine choice from parents and families. Lindey Magee, however, does not think Mississippi should be so proud of their vaccination rates, given the fact that Mississippi ranks last in the U.S. in infant mortality rates and very low in other key health figures for children. More:

Vaccination: Defending Your Right to Know and Freedom to Choose

The most divisive and hotly debated of all health freedom issues is the question of whether individuals should be at liberty to dissent from established medical and government health policy and exercise freedom of thought, speech and conscience when it comes to vaccination. In the health freedom movement, there are some who will defend the legal right to purchase and use nutritional supplements, drink raw milk, eat GMO free food, remove fluoride from public water systems and mercury from dental amalgams or choose non-medical model options for healing and staying well, but are reluctant to publicly support the legal right to make vaccine choices.

As Enterovirus D68 Deaths Increase, Are Vaccine Contaminants to Blame?

Enterovirus D68 has received far less press coverage since the Ebola news (and now measles) exploded. However, this virus has killed 14 people so far, mostly small children. Enterovirus D68 causes respiratory problems and can cause "polio-like" paralysis. Enterovirus D68 is is affecting the lives of thousands of children, killing some and crippling others. Enteroviruses are not new in the U.S., so what is causing this particular virus to become so deadly? In this article I will share with you my research concerning Enterovirus D68, and how vaccine contaminants could very well be the missing piece of this puzzle as to why this virus has affected so many children. Sadly, while countries outside the U.S. are looking at vaccine contaminants and their effects on children who are paralyzed, that will never happen in the U.S., because the government aggressively protects the vaccine industry.

Flu Vaccine and Pregnancy: A Dangerous Practice

Dr. Brownstein's excellent commentary on the American Academy of Obstetrics and Gynecology's recommendation of the flu shot for pregnant women highlights how logic and science are often suppressed to promote the lucrative flu vaccine business. What has happened to our nation when medical professionals are recommending a product with no proven safety record to pregnant women? The question is, is the flu shot safe for anyone? When someone is given the flu shot, are they warned about the side effects others have reported?

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy: A Fake Psychiatric Disorder Used to Medically Kidnap Children?

A Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy diagnosis lacks scientific validity. The Munchausen syndrome by proxy profile used by doctors contains paradoxes that make it very difficult, almost impossible, for mothers to prove their innocence. For example, being an over-protective parent is part of the Munchausen syndrome by proxy profile, but so is being a negligent parent. Read how one family lost custody of their vaccine-damaged daughter to a Munchausen syndrome by proxy diagnosis in a medical kidnapping case. It took months to regain custody of the girl, but it was too late. The child died a short time later.

What the Gardasil Vaccine Did to Me: Pacemaker at Age 21

When I was 20 years old, I was working as a certified pharmacy technician. I was very healthy, athletic and active. I looked forward to my future. Gardasil was approved by the FDA in June of 2006. That December, one week before my 21st birthday, I received my first of three injections. I have not been the same person since then. I am now 28 years old, married with two beautiful boys. I still have a pacemaker implanted. If you are considering Gardasil, or any other HPV vaccine, please do some research before you decide, I wish I would have.

Broccoli Sprouts Improve Autism and the Microbiome

A recent study hit the news about a supplement derived from broccoli sprouts, called Sulforaphane, showing that negative Autism behaviors were eliminated quite a bit by many who ingested it.

Government Study: Flu Vaccine not Effective for Elderly – Death Rates Increased

Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson revealed this week that the government's own studies on the effectiveness of the flu vaccine for the elderly show that they are not only not effective in preventing the flu, but that the death rate of those vaccinated increased. While still a reporter for CBS News, Attkisson tried to interview the lead researcher of a "mainstream" flu vaccination study they assumed would show that the flu vaccine was effective in preventing the seasonal influenza virus. However, the National Institute of Health (NIH) blocked the interview, and Attkisson had to interview the co-authors of the study instead, since they were independent researchers, and not paid by the government. Attkisson writes: "These study authors who were honest, at their own career peril, should be commended."

Use of Aborted Human Cell Lines in Vaccines Linked to Rise in Autism

Researchers from the Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute recently published a study showing a correlation with the introduction of human fetal cell lines used as contaminants in childhood vaccines, and the rapid rise of autism. The study was published in the Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology, an open access Academic Journal. I reviewed the full length research paper and found the methodology of the research very thorough. The researchers tracked not only the introduction of aborted fetal cell lines introduced into vaccines used in the childhood vaccination scheduled in the United States, but they also tracked standards for autism diagnoses as published in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. This manual is used in the field of psychology and has undergone several revisions. One of the claims made for the rising rate of autism in America today is that it is primarily related to changes of diagnosis. This study used sophisticated software to account for these changes in autism diagnosis, and found: "Autistic disorder change points years are coincident with introduction of vaccines manufactured using human fetal cell lines, containing fetal and retroviral contaminants, into childhood vaccine regimens. This pattern was repeated in the US, UK, Western Australia and Denmark. Thus, rising autistic disorder prevalence is directly related to vaccines manufactured utilizing human fetal cells. Increased paternal age and DSM revisions were not related to rising autistic disorder prevalence."

Boston Nurses Speak Out Against Mandatory Flu Shots

Last month the Massachusetts Nurses Association sued Brigham and Women’s Hospital over a new policy that required nurses to receive the annual flu vaccine as a condition for employment. The nurses were criticized by the medical establishment. Lynn Nicholas, president of the Massachusetts Hospital Association, stated that the nurses were: "putting a pet peeve of theirs above the safety and well-being of the patients they serve, their families, visitors to the hospital, and their colleagues.” When nurses all across the United States and Canada are willing to sacrifice their jobs and careers to avoid the annual flu shot, it is time to sit up and take notice. Trish Powers, representing Brigham nurses in Boston, fired back a comment that The Boston Globe published. It is titled "Brigham nurses know flu vaccine can do harm."