Censored in U.S. Media, Killer Vaccines Exposed in India and Around the World

It was recently announced that the government of India has finally admitted that the deadly Pentavalent vaccine had indeed been linked to the deaths of children. The five-in-one Pentavalent vaccine contains five vaccines for: Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Hepatitis B & Hib Meningitis. The Office of Medical and Scientific Justice (OMSJ) reported that 54 deaths and 135 hospitalizations have been recorded as a result of the vaccine. Many doctors oppose the vaccine due to the serious adverse effects. The Pentavalent vaccine has been linked to deaths in other developing countries as well, where it has been mostly banned as a result. But most of this news is blacked out of the U.S. mainstream media. Find out why.

Studies Outside the U.S. Show Unvaccinated Children Healthier than Vaccinated Children

While the Centers for Disease Control in the United States refuses to conduct a study comparing vaccinated children with unvaccinated children, other countries have conducted such studies, and they show that unvaccinated children are much healthier.

Gardasil: My Family Suffers with Me

My husband and I have three young children. Before Gardasil, we were a very active family and did a lot of different things with our children – we had fun. I personally have always walked a lot, up to 15-20 km a day, as well as cycling about 20 km a day in my job as a social and health careworker. It has been over a year since my last injection of Gardasil. I am still on sick leave trying to recover from the side effects. I fight all I can, and I will find out why this has happened to me and I will be well again. I will live on in good health and hope that the future allows me to be able to participate in all family matters, including diaper changes, vacuuming, washing the floor, doing the laundry and window cleaning etc. All normal things which I have not been able to do very much since I received this vaccination. That is my goal and to be able to have lots of fun with my children. This terrible experience does not just affect me, it affects all five of us at home. It is not actually answers I need but ACTION, as do all my fellows sufferers of Gardasil damage who have been harmed in Denmark by this vaccine. All of us need to be diagnosed correctly and given treatments that will give us back our good health and our lives. We need this NOW – not next year.

CDC Caught Red-Handed Exaggerating Flu Cases and Deaths to Increase Vaccine Sales

One of the many side effects of the government putting itself into the flu vaccine business is that it is not providing honest statistics. It’s no secret that the CDC exaggerates flu hospitalization and death numbers to scare Americans into getting the flu shot. The CDC would apparently like you to believe that if everyone just got the flu shot, there would be no more tragic deaths. They seem to support efforts to force all healthcare workers to get it or lose their jobs, and of schools and youth programs to require it. The CDC’s phony vaccine statistics are just the tip of a much larger scandal. If the government is to evaluate vaccines honestly, it needs to get out of the business of making them.

Big Pharma Tries to Discredit Documents Hidden By CDC Linking Vaccines to Autism

On February 21, 2013, we published the press release from A Shot of Truth which announced that after nearly 10 years of trying to obtain documents from the CDC through over 100 Freedom of Information Acts (FOIAs), that Dr. Brian Hooker had finally obtained documents showing that the CDC had been hiding data linking the mercury in vaccines to autism. This story has gone viral on the Internet, receiving a lot of attention, as can be expected given the fact that the CDC now admits that one in every 50 children in the U.S. are now diagnosed with autism. Apparently, Big Pharma was already expecting this, and very quickly issued an attack piece to discredit the data that had been released. The person appointed to write this response, was a pro-pharma, pro-vaccine, pro-GMO "science" writer. Interestingly, the response was not published in a scientific or medical publication, but in a business magazine. As we wrote earlier today, journalist and constitutional attorney Glen Greenwald published information earlier this week showing how international spy agencies train Internet trolls to use deception and manipulation to infiltrate social media. And that's exactly what the trolls did, targeting sources all over social media who were covering the press release and pointing them to this article, which was reprinted in many mainstream media sources, most of them in the financial sector. This news is obviously seen as a threat to the multi-billion dollar vaccine empire. So here is the response to the Big Pharma hit piece, written by Dr. Brian Hooker and A Shot of Truth:

Internet Trolls May be Trained Government Agents According to Leaked Document

Glenn Greenwald, a journalist, constitutional lawyer, commentator, and author of three New York Times best-selling books on politics and law, has been working with NBC News the past few weeks publishing a series of articles on how covert government agents infiltrate the Internet to "manipulate, deceive, and destroy reputations." The information is based on documents leaked by National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden. Greenwald's article, How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations, is based on four classified documents produced by the British spy agency GCHQ, and presented to the NSA and three other English speaking agencies reportedly part of "The Five Eyes Alliance." In this shocking piece, Greenwald publishes a copy of a spy training manual used entitled: "The Art of Deception: Training for Online Covert Operations." Greenwald writes that agencies like the NSA are "attempting to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse, and in doing so, are compromising the integrity of the internet itself." Let's look and see how this tactic is being used against vaccine objectors.

CDC Caught Hiding Data Showing Mercury in Vaccines Linked to Autism

In a press release issued recently, one that almost no mainstream media sources have bothered to report, it was announced that Dr. Brian Hooker had finally received documents from the CDC through a Freedom of Information Act that revealed the CDC had access to data linking Thimerosal in vaccines to autism, non-organic sleep disorders, and speech disorders. Two members of Congress helped Dr. Hooker draft his letter to the CDC, after having spent nearly 10 years submitting over 100 Freedom of Information Acts to no avail. This information, so far, has been completely blacked out of the mainstream media. This information is very damaging to the CDC, which has stated for years that there are no studies linking the mercury of Thimerosal in vaccines to autism. You can watch for yourself the most recent testimony given by the CDC in the November 2012 Congressional Hearing on Autism. Thimerosal is still used today in the flu shot that is administered to pregnant women and infants. The mainstream media's official position regarding vaccines and autism has been that it has been "proven that there is no link", and Dr. Andrew Wakefield is used as the standard scapegoat being presented as a "disgraced doctor" who supposedly got caught fabricating his study. Of course, Dr. Andrew Wakefield's study has been replicated in at least 28 other studies, and no case has ever been won against Dr. Wakefield in a court of law. Litigation is still pending, and one of the doctors who was a co-author in the study has been completely exonerated in the U.K. Yet, the man who supposedly conducted studies for the CDC proving that vaccines do not cause autism, is a wanted criminal for stealing millions of dollars from the CDC, and is still on the run from the law. But that story is seldom, if ever, reported in the mainstream media.

Students at Fordham University Experiencing Mumps Outbreak Even though They were Vaccinated Against It

WABC in New York is reporting that there is an outbreak of mumps among students at Fordham University. Ten students have been diagnosed with the virus. As you watch the report in this article, you will learn that all those affected had received the MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine, as it is required for all students. The reporter makes this statement about the MMR vaccine: "It's important to know that it's (the vaccine) the best we have, but it is not perfect." This is not the first time that the MMR vaccine has been shown to be ineffective. In past outbreaks, however, the unvaccinated were always blamed. Given the 100% vaccination rate at this university, I wonder how they will get away with blaming the unvaccinated this time? The MMR vaccine is also controversial as there are over 28 studies linking it to autism.

Gardasil: Ashlie’s Near-Death Experience

Who would have ever thought a single injection of the HPV vaccine, Gardasil, could bring my precious daughter to the brink of death? Ashlie has always been bigger than life. A girl who we know can handle anything. At the age of 4, Ashlie decided she wanted to dance. She was shy and didn’t like people staring at her, so we knew that this little endeavor would be short lived. We could not have been more wrong. As Ashlie became older, we knew she had found her passion and career in life. She was going to be a professional dancer and she was on her way. In the middle of June 2009, Ashlie received her first and only Gardasil vaccine and approximately 16 days later she began to complain that her legs were not working correctly. The next morning, I came downstairs and Ashlie was lying on the couch watching TV. She told me that she had crawled from her room and down the stairs to get to the couch. She informed me she could not walk. I asked her to stand. She tried and fell to the floor. How could we have known one vaccine would change our lives and her life so drastically?

Whooping Cough Outbreaks Among Vaccinated Older Children Increasing

Health officials in California are becoming worried at the number of older kids who are coming down with whooping cough. Most of these are children who have received 5 vaccines for pertussis between the ages of 2 months and 7 years. The vaccine clearly doesn't work: "The effects of the vaccine does not seem to last as long as we had hoped," said Jonathan Fielding, director of the L.A. County public health department. "There is a lot of work going on to understand why it is waning." And for the first time, they are admitting the fault is the vaccine, and not the small percentage of unvaccinated children: "Of the pertussis cases in Los Angeles County, 8 percent were individuals who had never been vaccinated. Experts say the number is not a significant factor in the spread of pertussis." Yet, the media continues to blame unvaccinated children. Why is this failed vaccine still in the childhood vaccine schedule??