Gardasil Changed my Health, my Life, and Family’s Lives Forever

Gardasil changed my health, my life, and family’s lives forever; physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. We have had to educate ourselves about health in ways we never did before. I have a humbled appreciation to be alive after how ill I was nearly three years ago. We have learned to educate, read, and research what we put into our bodies. We encourage everyone we know to do their own research on everything that is put into their body, especially through injection. The HPV vaccine adverse reactions will not stop until these vaccines do. What I can give and share with others through this experience is the truth, my experiences, and the real facts and statistics regarding Gardasil. I plan to do this until this vaccine exists no more.

Your Child is Vaccine Injured– Just Like Mine

This is what really gets to me, though: The staunchest defenders of vaccines. The parents who will go toe-to-toe with me in a public forum saying what a bad parent I am for not vaccinating. And then what do I find out months later, years later, always in private? Their child has food allergies. Their child has a learning disability. Their child is medicated for ADHD. Their child is crippled with asthma. Their child is on the spectrum. How do they publicly proclaim, “We vaccinated on schedule and my child turned out just fine!” but in private they are dealing with these problems? Welcome to the new normal. Your child isn’t fine. Your child is vaccine injured– just like mine.

Chicken Pox – Bad Vaccine or Bad Reaction?

The chicken pox is going around a community in the San Juan Islands in Washington State. The first case was in a boy who was vaccinated for chicken pox 10 days prior. So the vaccinated kids started the outbreak. Two other kids who got vaccinated also got the chicken pox. Chicken pox is a LIVE virus vaccine and live virus vaccines can in fact cause disease. Just like in this case. Now get this. These children who contracted the chicken pox from the vaccine have been deemed to have not had the chicken pox but rather “a negative reaction to the immunization”. In an even greater twist of logic, these children who got the chicken pox from the vaccine have been cleared to return to school – even though a vaccinated child who contracted the disease from the vaccine started the outbreak – but the unvaccinated kids who DO NOT have the chicken pox, must stay out of school for 21 days. So let me get this straight. If my kid is vaccinated and gets the chicken pox, it is not the chicken pox and he can go back to school but if he is unvaccinated and has no symptoms, he has to stay home?!?!?

Doctors in Pennsylvania Intimidating Parents over Vaccines and Misrepresenting State Laws

A mother submitted a photo from a physician's website in Pennsylvania stating that since 2012 "children who are not fully vaccinated will be denied entry to the school building." She asks: "Is that legal? We live in Pennsylvania." No, the information is incorrect, even though it is written on a physician's form. Find out what the actual law states in Pennsylvania, and in other states regarding legal vaccine exemptions that allow unvaccinated children to continue attending school.

How Much Money do Doctors Make From Flu Shots?

What would readers think if I provided an admission in writing from a medical doctor as to a reason why the medical profession should consider administering flu vaccines? One MD, who also is a speaker for Merck, Novartis, Pfizer, and Sanofi-Pasteur – all vaccine makers, says: "Giving influenza vaccine is also good for the financial health of your practice." That candid remark, made in writing, came from Richard Lander, MD, and was published in the article “Influenza vaccination makes sense for everyone” on Healio Pediatrics webpage about Infectious Diseases in Children. Guess how much the vaccine administration fee is? According to Dr. Lander, it should range from $14 to $30. Dr. Lander uses a hypothetical patient base of 2,000 and explains who may or may not receive the flu vaccine. He contends bottom line and revenue results are $14,000 to $30,000 from only 1,000 patients receiving the flu shot. However, Dr. Lander throws in a financial wild card regarding 100 patients, who called to get a flu shot and then end up scheduling a well visit. According to Lander, a doctor “should be generating an additional $10,000. Bottom line: $25,000 to $42,500, which is not bad!”

Why is the CDC Ignoring Explosion of Recorded HPV Vaccine Injuries, as Other Countries Move to Take Protective Action?

Last month (December 2013), Katie Couric's popular daytime television show aired an episode on "The HPV Controversy." Both sides of the controversy were represented, but the show was widely criticized in the mainstream media for simply suggesting there was a controversy. Vaccine damaged families were interviewed (watch the interviews here), but according to the medical community, Gardasil and the HPV vaccine are completely safe. So Katie Couric issued what was basically an apology and then aired a follow-up show which featured the one-sided standard government position, with an interview of Dr. Anne Schuchat, Assistant Surgeon General and Director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. Dressed in military attire, the whole interview was basically an appeal to authority: Trust us, we are the authorities, and we know what's best. Norma Erickson is the director of SaneVax, the leading website on the Internet highlighting the dangers of the HPV vaccine. She was present with Katie Couric at the first show airing both sides, but no one representing the victims of the vaccine were present for the airing of the second show. She offers her rebuttal below, giving facts and hard science in reply to the spin piece by the government doctor, who is obviously trying to do "damage control," which was aired on the most recent Couric show. As Norma shares the data and science below, in response to the government doctor's comment "we aren’t finding any concerning problems" regarding Gardasil, also keep in mind the following facts: The U.S. government holds patents on Gardasil and also earns royalties from the sale of the vaccine. People injured or killed by the Gardasil vaccine cannot sue Merck, as all vaccine manufacturers have legal immunity from lawsuits in the U.S. More than 10 young women have recently sued Sanofi, the distributor of Gardasil in France, for damages due to the vaccine, including lupus, Guillain-Barré, ADEM, idiopathic hypersomnia, and multiple sclerosis. Japan halted recommendations for the HPV vaccine and has begun a full scale probe over its safety, due to the large amount of serious adverse reactions reported.

Nurses Across the U.S. are Taking a Stand Against Forced Flu Vaccines

As 2014 begins to unfold, it is becoming clear that the medical care industry is facing a crisis. We have already reported about how many doctors are refusing to participate in the new Obamacare health insurance exchanges. But another unintended consequence of new medical care legislation is the refusal of nurses to comply with new mandatory flu vaccination requirements. With a nation-wide shortage in nurses already problematic long before Obamacare was implemented, things are only going to get worse. Nurses across the United States are choosing to lose their jobs rather than submit to forced mandatory flu vaccinations. This began last flu season, in 2012, and we reported many stories of brave nurses standing up for their rights and refusing to submit to mandatory flu vaccinations as a requirement to keeping their jobs. Unfortunately, many of our nation's best nurses were already lost at the beginning of the 2012-2013 flu season as new mandates in Obamacare kicked in, requiring medical care facilities to have a 90% compliance to the flu vaccine as a requirement to receive full reimbursements for Medicare and Medicaid. The trend towards losing nurses over the mandatory flu vaccine has continued this flu season, in 2013-2014. For example, Dreonna Breton, a registered nurse in Pennsylvania, lost her job recently due to refusing the vaccine on medical grounds. She is pregnant, and has a history of miscarriages. Her doctor advised her NOT to get the flu vaccine, but her hospital refused her exemption and fired her. For those nurses who are granted exemptions to avoid the flu vaccine, they are forced to wear masks while at work, for the entire flu season. Since studies show that even those who are vaccinated can still pass on the influenza virus, and since the requirement to vaccinate 90% of medical care workers with the flu vaccine is a financial consideration for getting the full federal funds available for Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements, this requirement to single out those refusing vaccines is a clear case of discrimination and harassment. Nurses across the country are gathering together on the Internet, such as the Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines Facebook Page, and proudly displaying their masks as badges of honor in not giving in to intimidation and medical tyranny. They are some of the few honorable people left in the corrupt medical system.

Gardasil: My Daughter’s Worst Nightmare

Cancer is a frightening word. Any parent in the world would do whatever was in their power to protect their child from this terrible disease. I had no idea adding Gardasil to our list of protective measures would turn our lives into a nightmare. My beautiful 12 year old daughter, Allie, was a victim of Gardasil and I believe that had she been given the 3rd Gardasil shot, it would have killed her as she barely survived the 2nd shot. The authorities will not acknowledge this as yet, but someday they will, and until then I will be the advocate for my child. I will decide what medications she needs and what vaccinations she needs or does not need. I will do the research and investigate the adverse effects of all drugs. I strongly urge anyone reading this to do the same. Do your research. KNOW what they are putting into the bodies of our children!

10 More Young Women File Criminal Complaints due to Injuries from Gardasil Vaccine in France

Health Impact News Editor Comments:

The news coming out of France regarding criminal lawsuits due to injuries suffered by young women after receiving the Gardasil […]

Why Are Babies Dying in China After Receiving the Hepatitis B Vaccine?

At least nine babies have died in China the past few weeks after being injected with the Hepatitis B vaccine. The deaths, which have occurred within a very short time after receiving the vaccine, are gaining wide exposure in the China media. Because vaccines are almost always promoted as safe, injuries and deaths often are not associated with the vaccine, so there may be more deaths than have currently been reported. One of the deaths was reported by a family member after hearing about other babies dying shortly after receiving the vaccine in the media. When the family originally was fighting to save the baby from dying, they had not suspected the vaccine. Reaction in the media and the medical community in China is in stark contrast to how news like this is often reported in the U.S., where the mainstream media is reluctant to report any negative news regarding vaccines, and most doctors refuse to even acknowledge the risks vaccines carry. Here are some quotes from the China media: "Doctors also warn that the hepatitis B vaccine is not suitable for all newborns. Those suffering from fever, weak immune system, low birth weight or serious eczema should not be given the vaccination." "As the investigation continues, medical experts are reminding parents that infants don’t need to receive hepatitis B vaccines immediately after being born. They say it’s ok for parents to wait until the investigation results come out, before deciding whether they want to use the vaccines or not." In the U.S., one never reads any cautionary advice like this, in spite of the fact that deaths and serious adverse reactions do occur often.