CDC Now Admits 1 in 50 School Children with Autism – Time to Stop Ignoring the Vaccine Connection

The potential vaccine-autism link MUST become a national debate, if we expect to stem the tide of autism roaring into our next generation like a destructive giant tsunami.

60 Percent of Veterinarians Continue to Over-Vaccinate Their Adult Canine and Feline Patients

Veterinarians and Vaccines: A Slow Learning Curve
by Nancy Kay, DVM
Am I feeling frustrated and disappointed? You bet I am after reading an article titled, “Vets […]

30 Scientific Studies Showing the Link between Vaccines and Autism

It is an often repeated fallacy that there is no research that supports the supposition that vaccines can cause autism.

Herd Immunity: Three Reasons Why I Don’t Vaccinate My Children – And Why Vaccine Supporters Shouldn’t Care

My background as a medicinal chemist taught me to rely on proven research. In my own research, I have uncovered facts that every parent should be aware of.

Are Vaccines Safe? An Honest Review of the Vaccine Approval Process by the FDA

There are no requirements before FDA approval and licensing that a vaccine undergoes independent studies by researchers with no vested financial interests and industry ties in order to validate a vaccine maker’s claims.

Is There Solid Science Behind Vaccinating Pregnant Women?

The truth is that there is little if any scientific support for the pro-vaccine media interpretations of Quinn at al. or that vaccination has ever, or will ever, convey herd immunity or protection to infants.

Documents Obtained by Judicial Watch Reveal 200 Claims Filed for HPV Vaccine Injuries and Deaths

Merck admits that fainting is a side effect for their vaccine, and vaccination rates for the second and third doses are apparently so low […]

Pediatrician: It is the Obligation of the Manufacturers and Vaccine Researchers to Prove that Vaccines and Combinations are Safe


Health Impact News Editor Comments: While I may not agree with Dr. Jay Gordon on the effectiveness of certain vaccines, if every pediatrician in […]

US Public Health Officials Want to Test Anthrax Vaccine on Children

US Public Health Officials Back Pediatric Anthrax Vaccine Experiment
National Vaccine Information Center

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the nation’s sole […]

Will Flu Vaccines Be Required For All U.S. Health Employees by 2020?

Health Impact News Editor Comments: We have reported many stories this past flu season of healthcare workers losing their jobs for refusing the flu […]