There will be Terrible Times in the Last Days – The Holy Scriptures are Able to Make You Wise

The two statements contained in the title of this article come directly from the Bible, in Paul's second letter to Timothy. Here are the words of Paul describing "the last days." As you read the text in this letter written over 2000 years ago, see if they describe the culture we are currently living in here in 2023. "But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God--having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them. They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak-willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth. Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these men oppose the truth--men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their foolishness will be clear to everyone." (2 Timothy 3:1-9)

COVID Lockdowns and Mask Mandates Returning? I’m Not Buying the Psyop Distraction, and Neither Should You

For the past few days a very controlled narrative has been spun and spread throughout the alternative media, and especially among the Right Wing media, both the corporate Right Wing media, such as Fox News, as well as most of the Right Wing alternative media. That narrative states that COVID lockdowns and mask mandates are returning. To be sure, the Liberal Left corporate media is doing their part to fuel this narrative, by publishing "news" stories about the return of the dreaded COVID "virus" cases. It appears that Alex Jones was selected to begin this current news cycle to hype up fear and outrage, by claiming that a TSA whistleblower, who was unnamed, was stating that "FULL Covid Restrictions" were coming in September. I chose not to report this "news" because it was 100% dependent upon the credibility of Alex Jones, a controversial person, to say the least, in both the alternative and corporate media. Even if Alex Jones was 100% sincere in what he was reporting, how do we know that this alleged "TSA whistleblower" was not fed this information for the very specific intention of creating a new news cycle around COVID that promoted hype and fear? It wouldn't be the first time that agencies like the CIA used the platform of Alex Jones to do something like this, and it probably won't be the last time. The other thing that made me skeptical of this "news" by Alex Jones, was that it completely blamed Biden, who is simply a puppet that follows a script (as well as he can in his demented condition) that is written by the corporate Globalists who control these narratives, and control BOTH the Left and Right politicians. Let's PLEASE not forget how the first psyop went down with COVID! It was Donald Trump, the Right-wing Republican President who got all this started. ALL politicians, both on the Right and on the Left, supported ALL the emergency health orders, including masks, lockdowns, and COVID vaccines in the beginning. The entire country, and in fact the entire world, was UNITED around the COVID scam, with very few of us calling these people out and seeing what was happening from the very beginning. It was only many months later, mostly after the majority of the COVID shots were injected into the arms of millions of Americans, including babies and children, that some of the Right began to voice some opposition to the COVID shots, and most of that opposition was around MANDATES, but not the actual killer shots themselves.

Tens of Thousands of Mothers Sue Makers of Tylenol for Pregnancy Use that Led to Babies Born with Autism

Tens of thousands of mothers are suing the makers of Tylenol for using the popular over-the-counter pain reliever during pregnancy, which resulted in them giving birth to babies diagnosed with autism. Last October, a federal judicial panel consolidated dozens of these lawsuits alleging that acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol and generic versions of the drug, can cause autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The main defendant in the lawsuit is Kenvue, which is the former Johnson & Johnson's consumer health unit that is now a "spin-off" of J&J. Co-defendants in the lawsuit are CVS Health, Rite Aid Corp, Safeway Inc, Target Corp and Walgreens Boots Alliance, which are being charged with failing to warn consumers about the risks of Tylenol. Kenvue has suffered some setbacks in recent weeks in trying to get some of the lawsuits dismissed, with one of the reasons given to dismiss the lawsuits being that the FDA had approved the product and its labels. The judge ruled that the lawsuits can continue. The amount of studies published in the medical journals linking Tylenol taken during pregnancy to babies born with autism is overwhelming. We have been publishing articles exposing the dangers of Tylenol for over a decade now. Pregnant women are the not the only ones who should immediately STOP using this killer drug. NOBODY should be using it. Tylenol is a classic example of how corporate profits from the pharmaceutical drug companies are far more important than patient safety, as millions of lives are sacrificed to keep these drugs on the market. It is also just another example of how the FDA works to protect pharmaceutical companies, and NOT consumers. Tylenol has been on the market for 75 years bringing in annual revenues that exceed $300 million.

Maui Resident Uploading Raw Video Footage being Threatened and Fears for His Life

A long-time Maui resident who was visiting Maui before the fires broke out, has uploaded video footage of what is really happening on the ground in Maui since the fires started. TikTok user Geoff Cygnus has often had to hike up into the mountains to get a cell phone signal strong enough to upload his video footage. It started out as just raw footage of the areas that were burned down with no commentary about how and why it happened, but as efforts to silence him increased, he began reporting more about how he was being attacked and how some were attempting to silence him. I have put together a video that shows some of his most recent uploads, and just a warning that this is a very frustrated, and scared, person who has now begun to use profanity. His content at this point is still up on his TikTok channel: Many of these videos are going viral, so download them now while you can.

Karen Kingston Resurfaces – Apologizes and Says She is OK

Karen Kingston updated her Substack page on Sunday, August 20, 2023, apologizing "to friends, family, colleagues, and supporters that I have caused worry and distress due to my silence and absence." "I can state with the utmost confidence that I am currently safe from harm because of the power of your prayers and God’s good grace."

Pfizer Whistleblower Karen Kingston Reported Missing in Mexico

Dr. Margaret Aranda has reported that an "Official Missing Persons' Bulletin" from Mexico has been released stating that Karen Kingston has now been reported as missing in Mexico, when she failed to check out of her hotel there.

Disaster Looms for Southern California with Few Sounding the Alarm Over “Catastrophic” Rainfalls that are Predicted

I am writing this Saturday morning, August 19, 2023. I want to make a point of reference to the time, because the news regarding Hurricane Hilary is now changing by the hour. Last night the corporate media, which collectively all follow a carefully crafted script without much deviation from the narrative they want the public to believe, started using the word "catastrophic" to describe the flooding that is on the way for those living in the Southwest portion of the U.S. in the path of this hurricane, which will be downgraded to a tropical storm either just before making landfall, or shortly after. Having spent many years living in Southern California in the past, and observing over those years how most people who have spent most of their lives living in Southern California where it seldom rains, deal with rain when it comes, which always brings about a huge increase in traffic accidents because people are not used to driving in the rain, I am VERY concerned that people have NO IDEA what is about to hit them. My regular readers know that I do not use hyperbole or engage in "fear mongering" but back up the language I choose to use with factual evidence. So that's what this article is going to do, present the facts to you that for the most part I am NOT seeing in either the corporate media, nor the alternative media, so that you can draw your own conclusions, and send this article to any loved ones you have in this storm's path. Because we know that the government and corporate media have a terrible track record in sufficiently warning people BEFORE disaster strikes, and what I am seeing in the alternative media, so far, is downplaying what is about to hit Southern California, with some claiming that the corporate media is over-blowing the coverage of Hurricane Hilary to distract people from what has happened in Maui. But if the forecasts for the next 24-48 hours hold true, then this storm will absolutely take over the news cycle, and rightfully so.

WARNING! Get Off of Twitter X if You Value Your Privacy! Face Scan Logins and No More Blocking Being Implemented

Ever since Elon Musk purchased Twitter, I have been warning people that Musk bought Twitter to develop an "everything app" similar to China's WeChat app, which is the main app China uses to combine social media, digital identity, vaccination and medical status, criminal history, tracking and surveillance, digital currency, shopping, carbon footprint, and other digital information which can then be used to determine one's "social credit score." Musk kicked his plans to develop Twitter as a tool for evil into high gear recently by rebranding Twitter into "X". Today, August 18, 2023, it is being reported that Elon Musk and his "X" platform is about to roll out biometric IDs as a requirement to log in to one's account, that will require a government-issued ID, along with a "selfie" picture of one's face. Another announcement regarding Twitter/X in my newsfeed today, is a Tweet from Elon Musk that he is planning on eliminating the ability to block people on your Twitter/X account. This will give free reign to trolls and SPAMers, and give free access to the Intelligence Agencies to dispatch their paid trolls to discredit anything you write that does not fit the Globalist narrative.

Hawaii Gov. Josh Green: “There are Going to be Fires Month in and Month Out All Across the Country”

Peggy Hall from The Healthy American has pulled out some comments from Hawaii Governor Josh Green who stated that deadly fires are now going to be common occurrences, happening "month in and month out" all across the country. America is now a country at war against the Globalists all in the name of "Climate Change." Get ready for "climate lockdowns" and the destruction of American cities as the Climate Terrorists continue their reign of terror.

“Unprecedented” Hurricane Heads Towards California

In what could potentially be another climate terrorist attack following the horrendous climate terrorist attack in Maui last week, an "unprecedented" Pacific tropical storm has just been upgraded to a Category 2 hurricane, and is headed to California this weekend. Greg Postel, a hurricane and storm specialist at the Weather Channel, stated: "It is rare — indeed nearly unprecedented in the modern record — to have a tropical system like this move through Southern California." Given the government's complete failure to warn people in Maui about the deadly fire that caused such a horrible loss of life and property, if you live in the Southwestern part of the U.S., please take precautions and prepare for the worst case scenarios, while praying that they do not come to pass. But do NOT rely on the government to give you accurate information, or you could end up like the victims in Maui who lost everything, including many of them who lost their lives, because they trusted their government officials to give them accurate information. Tropical storms on the U.S. West Coast are extremely rare, with the last hurricane to hit California being back in 1939. Like the recent tragedy in Maui, you can be sure that this storm will be blamed on "climate change." But the fact is that weather manipulation and fires have been weaponized by the military for many years now, so I am choosing to call these storms "climate terrorist attacks." Dane Wigington has probably done more research on the topic of "geoengineering" than anyone else for the past several years, and if you want to look at the evidence that the military weaponizes both weather and fires, please see some of our previous coverage of his work. Current forecasts of Hurricane Hilary show it making landfall in Mexico, and then continuing on as a tropical storm through Southern California all the way up to Reno, Nevada. If this forecast holds true, then it takes it through the Central Valley of California, which supplies about half of America's food. This part of California suffered deadly flooding just a few months ago this past Spring, as farmlands were completely washed out.