The Myth of “Fossil Fuels” and the Myth that the U.S. is Transitioning Away from Oil to “Green” Energy

The United States has been the world's most dominant economic nation since World War 2, and the primary way they have maintained their empire has been by controlling the world's oil and energy. But the world is quickly changing as more and more people wake up to the fact that the Ukraine war has been a proxy war between the U.S. and Russia, and that the goal of the U.S. has been to cut off Europe, which does not produce near enough oil to meet the needs of its population, from the cheap energy they were importing from Russia. The blowing up of the Nord Stream pipeline was part of that strategy, to force Europe to start buying more of their energy from the U.S. instead of Russia. But the rest of the world is striking back now, and quickly abandoning the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency, which has been called the "petrol dollar," being the currency that the world has used to trade oil. In order to convince the American public to support the endless wars the U.S. has engaged in since the end of WW II, which have primarily been wars to control the world's oil, they have had to engage in decades of propaganda spreading lies and myths to justify their military actions. So let's dispel some of these myths regarding energy and oil, including the myth that petroleum is a "fossil fuel" and not "renewable."

Will America’s Addiction to Computer Technology be it’s Downfall?

America is the most technology-dependent society in the world, by far. As I reported last week, the United States has the ability to spy on its citizens at a greater percentage than even China, due to the fact that a higher percentage of U.S. citizens are connected through technology and their cell phones than citizens in China, where over one third of the people in China do not even own cell phones yet. There is another way to measure America's dependency on technology besides cell phone and Internet usage, and that is by looking at how many data centers are in the U.S. that host all the server hardware that is required to keep all this technology running. In this category, the U.S. has no serious competitors. In fact, the U.S. owns more data centers than almost all other countries of the world combined, according to These physical computers, which are housed in physical buildings in physical locations, require tremendous resources to operate, which include energy resources and human resources, to keep it all running. Almost everything connected to the Internet today is run by these data centers that provide Cloud Computing. And all of these computers are primarily owned by three companies: and "Amazon Web Services" (AWS), Microsoft and "Microsoft Azure," and Google with their Cloud Services. If an enemy of the United States wanted to totally cripple our country, including military and intelligence operations, all they would have to do is take down the data centers owned by these three companies. The physical locations of these data centers is a matter of public knowledge, and I was able to find lists of their physical locations by using their own search engines, in less than 5 minutes.

As U.S. Bank Deposits Resume Outflows, How Quickly Will The U.S. Dollar Collapse?

While it has been a relatively quiet week in the financial sector, it may not be long before the economy takes over headline news again. ZeroHedge News reported today that U.S. banks are experiencing more runs on deposits. Pam Martens of Wall Street on Parade addressed the current "credit crunch" that was revealed this week with the release of the Federal Reserve's "Beige Book" report. Almost everyone now in the corporate news media financial sector is admitting that the U.S. Dollar's decline is a foregone conclusion in the future. The only question left is, how quickly will it collapse? Alasdair Macleod of Goldmoney has written the best analysis of the current U.S. Dollar situation that I have read so far, and it was republished on ZeroHedge News as well. This is a bit of a long read, but it is well worth it to understand what is probably in store for the U.S. Dollar in the future, as he tackles the question: "How quickly will the dollar collapse?" If you want a spoiler statement from this article, it would be this: "Assuming that foreign holders reduce their dollar exposure and at the margin buy renminbi (Chinese currency), the fall in the dollar relative to the renminbi could be unexpectedly sudden and substantial."

Texas Medically Kidnaps Newborn Baby Born at Home Because Parents Refused to Bring the Baby to the Hospital

A newborn baby was medically kidnapped in Texas last month (March, 2023) because the parents chose to have a home birth with a licensed midwife, and when they took the baby to their pediatrician for a routine checkup, the doctor stated that the child had jaundice and required to be hospitalized. The parents refused to take the baby to the hospital, choosing instead to treat the jaundice themselves under the care of their licensed midwife, so the doctor called Child "Protection" Services who then came with police to the home and abducted the breastfeeding baby by force. The parents finally got to take their baby home earlier today (April 20, 2023) now over a month old, mainly because this became a national story and many people from the community came out to protest. This family will now have to deal with this trauma for the rest of their lives, and who knows what medical treatment was given to the baby while out of the care of the parents.

Florida Parents Continue to Expose Child Trafficking as Pleas to Abolish the Nation’s “Child Welfare” System Pick up Momentum

We have previously reported about a lawsuit in Florida where dozens of parents were suing the State for illegally taking their children away from them. This has been an ongoing problem in Florida, where children are taken away from families who love them, and put into the foster care system where they are often sexually abused and trafficked. The original lawsuit filed last year has since been thrown out by a judge calling it a "shotgun complaint." The lawsuit accused the State of taking away their children illegally, and placing them with strangers instead of placing them with relatives. Many parents and their attorney have now amended that lawsuit and refiled it on the grounds that their Constitutional rights have been violated. Interestingly, Gov. Ron DeSantis, who was a defendant in the original lawsuit, seems to have been dropped in the amended lawsuit. The late Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer was one of the first to call for an end to the nation's Child Welfare System over a decade ago, and it cost her her life. But a couple of new books just published this year, 2023, show that others have now taken up the call to end the nation's child trafficking system that is so wrongfully referred to by such terms as "Child Welfare" and "Child Protection Services."

New 2023 Documentary Premiere: COVIDISM – Contagious Deception

Health Impact News has just published the premiere of the 2023 documentary film, Covidism: Contagious Deception. "Covidism: Contagious Deception" is the most comprehensive documentary on COVID-19 I have had the pleasure to watch, as it thoroughly analyzes both the scientific and political aspects of the COVID-19 mass deception launched in 2020. The documentary was written and produced by a Health Impact News subscriber, Bonum Vincit (pseudonym), a Bulgarian independent film producer who would like to remain anonymous. This is an amazing film that features interviews and footage of many of the leading dissenting scientists and doctors who tried to warn the public as this mass deception unfolded. These voices were censored from the corporate media and the major social media sites. We have published this film in four parts. Part 1 carefully examines how authorities worldwide have been gaming the numbers regarding cases, hospitalizations and deaths from the alleged coronavirus. Part 1 also explains how health officials actively suppressed safe and effective treatments for Covid-19, while employing deadly protocols for hospital patients. Part 2 focuses on the fascinating timeline of events, which led to the global Covid-19 response, and investigates whether or not the science on the lethality and infectivity of Sars-Cov-2 justified countermeasures such as lockdowns and mask-wearing. Part 3 is a deep dive into the topic of Covid-19 "vaccines," detailing the plethora of scientific evidence for their unsafe and ineffective nature, while exposing the deceptive tactics of manipulating the statistics. Part 4 puts all the pieces of the puzzle together, exposing the premeditated sinister political motivations behind the global Covid-19 response, and how it is intricately tied to a much larger agenda - The Great Reset. This work was a labor of love, and the film producer began it back in 2020, which means it took him almost 3 years to produce this film. He is not accepting any donations for this amazing work, and he wants everyone to freely copy and distribute the film.

Jeffrey Epstein’s Link to the Banking Industry Cartel: Pedophilia, Ponzi Schemes, Money Laundering

Whitney Webb of the Unlimited Hangout was just interviewed by Jimmy Dore regarding her recent article: "The Rise of Jamie Dimon: As JPMorgan’s ties to Jeffrey Epstein are being scrutinized in court, Whitney Webb reveals how the same powerful players who brought Epstein to prominence were largely responsible for the rise of JPMorgan CEO, Jamie Dimon." If you want to understand just how evil the current banking system is in the United States, take 27 minutes of your time to watch this very informative video about how the Banking Cartel has been tied into the pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's business operations for many years now.

Apple Turns iPhone into Ultimate Tracking Tool by Offering Banking Services – AppleID to Become National Digital ID?

Who needs CBDCs or a National Digital ID program to track every financial transaction you make, when Apple has already beat everyone to the punch with their AppleID that now can be linked to your bank account as well? Yesterday, Apple announced that they are now offering attractive rates on savings accounts through their Apple Wallet, as they team up with banking giant Goldman Sachs. With Elon Musk and others racing to create the first "do everything" app that can track pretty much everything one does in life, Apple just beat everyone to the punch by effectively making the iPhone, which is already in the hands of over 120 million people in the U.S., and over 1 billion worldwide, a device that can now pretty much link everything you do to your AppleID. This is a brilliant move by Goldman Sachs, which like all U.S. banks right now, is seeing a mass exodus of deposits since the banking crisis started last month. In their first quarter report today, Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon admitted that this partnership with Apple will increase bank deposits for their troubled bank. Pam Martens of Wall Street on Parade also covered this new venture today, reminding everyone how Goldman Sachs is part of the criminal banking cartel with their history of "dubious dealings" going all the way back to the Wall Street financial crash of 1929.

Harms of Mask-Wearing Misdiagnosed As “Long Covid,” New Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review Indicates

A newly published meta-analysis and systematic review on mask-wearing confirms what commonsense dictates, namely, they do significant harm by interfering with normal human breathing (O2 and CO2 gas exchange), and even more astounding, may be causing symptoms that are being misidentified as "Long Covid."

Which Country is More Tyrannical? China or the U.S.? The Myth of China’s “Social Credit Score” System

With the evidence growing every day that the U.S. is about to start a second military operation against China over Taiwan, in addition to the one that is already swallowing $billions of U.S. resources in Ukraine, and with U.S. politicians publicly stating that sending America's sons and daughters to die in battle for Taiwan to fight against China is an option they are considering, I think it is time to step back and critically look at the current state of affairs between China and the U.S. But to take a critical view and make an honest evaluation of China's perceived threat to the U.S., we have to first admit that the western media, and especially the corporate media in the U.S., is primarily a propaganda machine that is totally untrustworthy in determining truth, and look at other perspectives as well, before we spend $billions more on another war, and potentially lose American lives over a conflict with Taiwan. I have no intention here of writing an article that supports China, which I know ahead of time is exactly what some people are going to accuse me of, but in evaluating the current world situation here in 2023, I think we as Americans have to honestly ask ourselves: which country today is more tyrannical and spies more on their own citizens: The U.S. or China?