In one of my editions of SWAMP WATCH last week, I reported that Florida Representative Matt Gaetz was appointed to be the next U.S. Attorney General, and that he resigned from Congress the same day, which meant that an ethics report regarding his sexual conduct with minors that was due to be published in the House would no longer be published, because he resigned from Congress.
Gaetz was also previously being investigated by the Department of Justice for the same thing, so Gaetz, if appointed, would oversee the very agency, the DOJ, that was investigating him.
I had a couple of angry MAGA people email me, claiming that Gaetz was innocent and the victim of his enemies regarding such allegations, and criticizing me for publishing this.
I always find it somewhat amusing when these MAGA cult members email me in a condescending tone, claiming that they know the "truth" while I am obviously ignorant of these matters.
Do they know Matt Gaetz personally? How do they know that Gaetz is innocent of these charges?
The thing is though, none of these people who chastised me mentioned the fact that Gaetz resigned from the House before this ethics committee report was released.
This begs the question, if he is so innocent and has nothing to hide, why didn't he let the report come out and exonerate him before resigning?
If he is appointed as head of the DOJ, he won't start work until January, after all.
This MAGA "reasoning" also ignores the fact that the House of Representatives is not made up of "liberal democrats" who hate Gaetz and are his enemies.
The House is controlled by Republicans, most of them full on board with the MAGA agenda, including Mike Johnson, the Speaker of the House, who has said that releasing the ethics report on Gaetz after he already resigned, would set a "dangerous precedent."
"Dangerous" for whom?
Well, today it is being reported that Congresswoman Majorie Taylor Greene, who can hardly be labeled as an "enemy" of the MAGA movement, or even an enemy of Matt Gaetz, has joined in with other Republicans who think that not only should the ethics report on Gaetz be released, but that a whole lot of other things should be revealed to the public because "there’s other lawmakers with skeletons in their closet", and that her Republican colleagues in Congress have covered up “sexual harassment and assault claims” by paying off victims with taxpayer money.