Will the CIA Orchestrate a Nuclear War in 2023?

There are many questions the world is facing as we draw near to 2023. Will the Globalists continue their depopulation plan that started in 2020 with the COVID scam? Will there be a new "pandemic" announced, either as a new variant of COVID-19 or some new virus, or has there been a sufficient number of people who have now become aware of the fraud and criminal actions inflicted upon them through the COVID-19 scam, and the toxic COVID-19 bioweapon shots that have killed and injured so many, so that continuing the "killer virus" story becomes a plan with diminishing returns? One thing we know for certain as 2022 draws to a close, is that the pro-vaccine crowd has suffered tremendous losses as a result of taking the shots. It might be time for a new plan to be implemented to go after the anti-vaxxers, and that plan could very well be a nuclear war. Whatever it is, we can be certain that the CIA will be centrally involved in carrying out these plans, as they have been doing for the past 80 years or so. This past weekend, investigative journalist Jack Murphy, a former member of the special forces serving with the Green Berets and Army Rangers, published an article alleging covert CIA operations inside Russia by using a NATO country's spy network.

Will 2023 be a “Tsunami of Regret”? Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Predicts the Worst is Yet to Come with the Fallout from the COVID Shots

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is someone whose work we have featured here at Health Impact News for the past 11 years. She is a doctor of Osteopathy, and has been a fierce vaccine critic for decades now. Sherri is not one of these talking head medical doctors who have risen to fame since the experimental COVID bioweapon shots were introduced at the end of 2020, simply because they have taken a political stand against some the criminal aspects of the COVID shots. Most of these new talking head doctors and other "experts" still promote all the other toxic and dangerous vaccines that the CDC recommends, and many of them also still recommend the COVID shots for certain age groups, while not recommending them for others. Some of these new "experts," have even publicly admitted they were fooled by the propaganda, and initially took a COVID shot before realizing how bad they were. Dr. Jane Ruby's recent interview with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny provides great information. Dr. Tenpenny is a true expert on this topic, having understood the dangers of vaccines long before the COVID-19 bioweapon shot appeared. She is not new to this topic, and so I highly recommend watching this video as they summarize where we are today with the COVID-19 shots, and what is likely coming in the future as we head into 2023. Dr. Tenpenny believes we are just at the beginning of the wave of deaths and disabilities that are going to result in people who have taken the COVID-19 shots.

Report: Hundreds of Thousands of Parents in the U.S. Having their Children Kidnapped by the State at a Rate that Doubled in 6 Years

ProPublica teamed up with NBC News to publish an investigation into families who lose their parental rights through the Child Welfare system and often never get their children back. The title of their report is: The “Death Penalty” of Child Welfare: In Six Months or Less, Some Parents Lose Their Kids Forever. The focus of their investigation was the length of time it took before the State terminated parental rights, based mainly on a 1997 law passed by President Bill Clinton, the Adoption and Safe Families Act. As we have published many times over the years on our MedicalKidnap.com website, this law released federal funding that actually encourages states to take children away from their families, rather than encourage "safe families." And while the Clintons are usually blamed for this horrendous law, it was the Republican-led Congress under Newt Gingrich that passed this law and delivered it to President Clinton to sign, so the guilt extends to both political parties. The ProPublica report focuses on West Virginia, because: "No state terminates parental rights more frequently or faster than West Virginia, according to a ProPublica and NBC News analysis. One in 50 children here experienced the severing of their relationships with both of their parents from 2015 to 2019." Nationwide, they report, "the parents of about 327,000 children lost their rights from 2015 to 2019," and: "According to a recent study, the risk that a child will experience the loss of their legal relationship with their parents roughly doubled from 2000 to 2016. One in 100 U.S. children — disproportionately Black and Native American — experience termination through the child welfare system before they turn 18, the study found." ProPublica and NBC News are most certainly not the first ones to report on this evil practice in the U.S., demonstrating that this problem is so huge, that even the corporate news has to report on it, as it is a problem that cannot be ignored. I have been covering this issue for almost a decade, and without corporate sponsors and investors, I am free to report on this issue without "sanitizing" it and call it what it actually is: CHILD TRAFFICKING, all done under the color of the law. When a person or organization comes into the home of a family and uses force to take children away from their parents, when neither the parents nor the children are requesting or desiring such an action, and in fact are resisting it, what do you call that? It's called KIDNAPPING!

Amazon’s Whole Foods Moves Closer to the Satanic Merchant Model of Marking and Tracking Every Customer

Earlier this year, Whole Foods rolled out their "Just Walk Out" shopping feature where one can scan a QR code tied into your Amazon.com account upon entering the store, and then skip checkout by again scanning your QR code upon leaving the store. Cameras throughout the store, along with Wifi signals, track everything you do including scanning what products you put into your cart, or take out. This technology is currently being tested at a Whole Foods store in Washington D.C., and one in Los Angeles. QR codes, however, are already old technology, as they can easily be hacked, and they are dependent on a smart device like your cell phone, which is a problem if your battery dies or you lose your phone. So Amazon.com has rolled out what will eventually replace the QR code, which is biometric scanning of your hand through Amazon One. This technology will probably quickly evolve to scanning other body parts such as your face and eyes. The technology to implant a chip into your body somewhere, also already exists.

The Birth of Jesus and The Satanic Jewish Conspiracy to Enslave Humanity

The western Christmas holiday is first and foremost a marketing bonanza to promote commercialism and retail sales, like most holidays. It is one of the religious holidays, designed to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Western commercialism presents it as a "family friendly" positive holiday, with family traditions practiced for gathering together and exchanging gifts. Hollywood has produced many "feel good" films over the years to be played at Christmas time, to promote the "Christmas spirit." It is also the time of year when Christmas music is played to contribute to this "Christmas spirit." Many Christians will celebrate by reading the biblical stories of Jesus' birth as recorded in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. If you are gathering together with family and loved ones during this season, and enjoying this holiday, consider yourself blessed. There is nothing I am writing here that is intended to steal your joy during this season. By all means, enjoy it, while you can. But the Christmas holiday season also brings much sadness, for there are many who are separated from family and loved ones, including the multitude of parents in the U.S. who have lost their children to the corrupt child welfare system that routinely kidnaps children from loving families, often through medical kidnapping. Others are separated from family because they stand for the Truth, and Jesus Christ, and have counted the cost of being a disciple of Jesus, which more often than not means losing the support of your biological family. So if you find yourself this Christmas alone and separated from family, take heart, and be encouraged, because even Jesus was eventually rejected by his family, and even considered "insane," because he spoke out against the tyrannical Jewish system of his day. Also, while the birth of Jesus brought great hope and joy for humanity as the long awaited Jewish Messiah, his birth also brought much pain, suffering, and even death for many. This is a story that is part of "Christmas" that most family gatherings will probably exclude from their Christmas traditions, and it is recorded in the Gospel of Matthew.

Changing The President Won’t Matter – Who is Really Running this Country?

Catherine Austin Fitts is the publisher of The Solari Report and the former Assistant Secretary of Housing under President Bush. She was recently interviewed by Greg Hunter, of USA Watchdog. Greg Hunter is obviously a MAGA Trump supporter, and put forth all the usual arguments that those in the Trump cult parrot like robots, trying to excuse Donald Trump's actions in funding and implementing the COVID-19 bioweapons, which have now killed and maimed millions of Americans. But Catherine Austin Fitts interrupts him several times to set the record straight. I have abridged the 1-hour-plus interview down to just over 7 minutes. Greg Hunter also tries to make a distinction between Biden and Trump, by claiming that at least Trump would not have mandated the shots, as Biden did. This is now the official Republican platform, which is NOT anti-vaccine, nor even anti-COVID-19 injections. It is simply anti-mandates. But Catherine Austin Fitts explains that it doesn't matter who the president is, and that changing the president doesn't matter.

Do You Really Have Nothing to Hide? The “Right to Remain Silent” Protects the Innocent

The Bill of Rights contains the 5th Amendment, which is the right to remain silent. This is the one right that law enforcement hates, and the American public has been conditioned to believe over the years that this amendment is only for criminals who don't want to incriminate themselves, and so they have been trained to say to you: "If you don't have anything to hide, why won't you answer my questions?" But the fact is that the 5th Amendment was placed in the Bill of Rights to protect innocent people from a tyrannical government. If you have never watched Law Professor James Duane's classic lecture to a group of students on why he is "proud to admit that I will NEVER talk to a police officer," this is must viewing. Generally, when questioned by officers, the best response is to simply state: "I don't answer questions." These officers are counting on you not knowing your rights, and being able to intimidate you for information. In an article published by Robin Koerner at the Brownstone Institute today, you will learn how innocently answering questions posed by a TSA Officer can result in you being put on a list where you can no longer travel, even if you did nothing wrong.

U.S. Spy Firm Can Track Cryptocurrency Users – Offers its Services to the Highest Bidder

Leaked files reviewed by MintPress expose how intelligence services the world over can track cryptocurrency transactions to their source and therefore identify users by monitoring the movements of smartphone and Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices, such as Amazon Echo. The contents comprehensively detonate the myth of crypto anonymity, and have grave implications for individuals and states seeking to shield their financial activity from the prying eyes of hostile governments and authorities. The documents are among a trove related to the secret operations of Anomaly 6, a shadowy private spying firm founded by a pair of U.S. military intelligence veterans. The company covertly embeds software development kits, or SDKs, in hundreds of popular apps, then slices through layers of “anonymized” data in order to uncover sensitive information about any individual it chooses anywhere on Earth, at any time. In all, Anomaly 6 can simultaneously monitor roughly three billion smartphone devices – equivalent to a fifth of the world’s total population – in real-time. The company’s international surveillance reach could be more sweeping – and invasive – than even that of the C.I.A. and N.S.A. MintPress can reveal individuals, organizations, and states seeking to bypass traditional financial structures and systems loom prominently in Anomaly 6’s mephitic crosshairs, and spying on their transactions is a pivotal component of its sales pitch to government and private clients. This Orwellian technology leaves cryptocurrency users the world over nowhere to hide.

NFL Legend Franco Harris Dies Suddenly – Was CDC Spokesperson for COVID “Vaccines”

NFL Pittsburgh Steeler legend and Hall of Fame star running back Franco Harris died suddenly today, just days before he was to be honored by the Pittsburgh Steelers and have his jersey number retired. Franco Harris was one of the "NFL Alumni" who worked with the CDC last year to promote the COVID-19 "vaccines." Franco Harris becomes another casualty on an ever increasing long list of current and former athletes who have been "dying suddenly" or suffering heart attacks since the COVID-19 "vaccines" were rolled out.

Health Impact News Quits All Social Media – Sorry Trolls!

Health Impact News received notice this week that our Twitter account has been reinstated. However, we will not be logging into this account and using it, and in addition, we have now deleted our other social media accounts and will no longer post any articles on Social Media.