Is a False Flag Iranian Attack on Saudi Oil being Planned to Blame an Increase in Oil Prices?

From the Korean Peninsula, to the Ukraine borders, to Taiwan and now the Middle East and many other parts of the globe, it seems that every day now I am reading that war is about to break out. With the U.S. mid-term elections just days away now, it seems that the entire world is on edge. Earlier this week the Wall Street Journal reported that Saudi Arabia had shared intelligence with the U.S. about an imminent attack on their oil fields by Iran, and earlier today it was reported that a Telegram channel belonging to Iran posted a simulated attack on Saudi Arabia. I lived in Dhahran in Saudi Arabia in the mid-1990s, right next to the ARAMCO oil company, and the U.S. military presence was everywhere. If it is similar today, I can hardly believe that Iran would be foolish enough to start bombing what is basically an outpost of the U.S. military, but who knows. One thing is for certain, Big Oil is profitable again in spite of the Green Agenda. The two largest US energy majors just had blowout quarters, with Exxon posting its strongest quarterly result in the company’s 152-year history including its highest ever net income, while #2 Chevron reported its second-largest profit; the two companies amassed more than $30 billion in combined net income.

Food Author who Celebrated Anti-Vaxxers “Dying in Legions” Suddenly DEAD from Cardiac Arrest

Julie Powell, a blogger turned influential food author who once celebrated anti-vax and anti-mask people “dying in legions,” died suddenly from cardiac arrest. On Tuesday, Powell’s husband told The New York Times she died from cardiac arrest, with no other information provided. Upon news of her death, social media users quickly highlighted an October tweet from Powell in which she appeared to celebrate Covid-19 killing “some of the right people.” “I would argue that COVID does kill some of the right people. The anti-vaxxers/maskers are dying in legions,” Powell tweeted in response to a woman wishing death on Justice Brett Kavanaugh after he tested positive for Covid. Further research showed Powell tweeted about being vaxxed and boosted, and couldn’t wait to get another booster, despite she and her husband being sick from Covid over the past few months. In Powell’s final tweet, made just one week ago, she also complained of developing a disease called Black Hairy Tongue. The 49-year-old author wrote “Julie & Julia,” a book based off her experience cooking every recipe in a Julia Child cookbook which was the inspiration behind a 2009 Hollywood adaptation starring Meryl Streep and Amy Adams.

New California Law Allows Children from All 50 States to Seek Transgender Medical Services without Parent’s Permission

California recently passed SB 107 allowing children from all 50 states to seek transgender medical services in California, even if a parent does not approve. "With this law, California is basically saying it can take temporary emergency jurisdiction over any child from anywhere if there's a disagreement between a parent and the state of California over how to treat a child's gender distress," Emilie Kao, senior counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom said. Greg Reese reports how some groups in California are actively recruiting children from "Red" States where parents may disagree with transgender medical procedures.

Freemason Technocrat Elon Musk Proudly Displays his Allegiance to Satan on Halloween – Beware the “Twitter Trap!”

We recently published an article about how the Technocrats false techno-prophecies were rapidly falling apart showing how these false claims of what the technology can do, such as integrate with humans to create trans-humans is all fake, and that the one place where this is being exposed today is in the fantasy of totally autonomous self-driving vehicles. We exposed many of the false claims made by Elon Musk, and warned people that the real threat the Technocrats posed was in data collection. Elon Musk is clearly a Freemason, which is how he has gained access to his power. If you are not yet familiar with how Freemasonry is a secret religion that worships Satan, please educate yourself on this topic by watching Altiyan Childs' documentary. Elon Musk showed up at a Halloween party, along with his mother who is also clearly a Freemason, and proudly displayed what appears to be his allegiance to Satan. And as to his plans for Twitter, someone has found a video where he admits that he wants to turn Twitter into the same thing as the Chinese WeChat app, which is the main app China uses to combine social media, digital identity, vaccination and medical status, criminal history, tracking and surveillance, digital currency, shopping, carbon footprint, and is their major input into the Chinese "Social Credit Score." I have noticed that Health Impact News is beginning to get some traffic again from Twitter, since Musk took over, which probably means they removed our ban. But we have no plans to go back on Twitter ourselves, and anyone who is planning to, should be cautious that Twitter could become a massive surveillance tool. And while Musk claims that he respects "free speech," he could also very well be planning to provide your "free speech" to intelligence agencies where your political views and everything else you share on Twitter is put into a database to potentially be used against you. Those of you driving Musk's Tesla cars probably have all the places you have ever driven to, how long you stayed there, and with the camera's 9 cameras inside and out, possibly even what you have done in your cars and around it, all stored in a database somewhere.

Is the Public Being Conditioned for the Next COVID Scam with a “Lab Escaped” Killer Mutant Virus?

"Viruses May Be Watching You – Lying in Wait Before Multiplying and Killing," read a recent headline at SciTechDaily. The article goes on with its apocalyptic warnings: "Viruses may be ‘watching’ you – some microbes lie in wait until their hosts unintentionally give them the signal to start multiplying and kill them. Especially after more than two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people picture a virus as a nasty spiked ball – essentially a mindless killer that gets into a cell and hijacks its machinery to create a gazillion copies of itself before bursting out. For many viruses, including the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, the mindless killer moniker is essentially true." Wow! Who knew that viruses could be so intelligent, and actually participate in premeditated murder of its hosts? Well here's the problem: it's all fake. Stuff like this might happen in science fiction movies or TV series, but in real life there is zero evidence of such intelligence in viruses. The sole purpose of publishing such fiction in a pseudo-scientific publication is to create FEAR, which then can be leveraged to sell PRODUCTS, such as vaccines. And that might be exactly what is happening today, as recent headlines in the corporate media are claiming that "new strains" of the COVID "virus" are being developed in laboratories with deadly "kill rates" of up to 80%. With so many people carrying around blood clots and weakened hearts from the COVID-19 vaccines, it would be reasonable to expect that a surge in deaths and illnesses in the weeks ahead could be attributed by the "health authorities" to something new, like a lab-escaped "mutant virus" to bring about new emergency measures to develop new drugs and vaccines for this "new variant." And these "leaked" news stories about lab-created "killer COVID-19 viruses" could very well be readying the masses in the public who still trust the corporate media and the corrupt government alphabet agencies to accept this new scam.

More Women are Dying from Cervical Cancer Since the Gardasil Vaccine Was Introduced

Prior to the COVID-19 experimental vaccines that were tested on the public with disastrous results, the HPV Gardasil vaccine was the #1 most-read topic on Health Impact News, as we have published literally hundreds of articles on this deadly vaccine that has destroyed so many lives. The Gardasil vaccine produced by Merck is advertised as a way to prevent cervical cancer by stopping the Human papillomavirus. The HPV vaccine causes autoimmune diseases as well as Primary Ovarian Failure making young girls infertile. And now, a new study from researchers at UCLA has revealed that late stage cervical cancer has actually been increasing since the Gardasil vaccine was launched.

Medical System Struggles with How to Treat Heart Disease Caused by COVID Vaccines

One of the most prestigious medical journals dealing with heart disease, the Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA), has published two new articles this month dealing with how to detect and treat COVID-19 vaccine induced heart disease (myocarditis, pericarditis, and myopericarditis). They are: "Vaccine‐Triggered Acute Autoimmune Myocarditis: Defining, Detecting, and Managing an Apparently Novel Condition" and "Myocarditis After COVID‐19 Vaccination in Pediatrics: A Proposed Pathway for Triage and Treatment." Medical journals are generally not written for the public, but for doctors and other medical professionals, so you will not hear about this in the corporate news which is heavily sponsored by the drug companies who produce the COVID vaccines, and would not want the general public to have this information. The JAHA published studies admit to a difficult situation in treating what they refer to as a "novel" cardiac disease that is caused by COVID-19 vaccines without fueling "vaccine hesitancy" which would reduce the number of people getting COVID-19 vaccines, which of course they are obligated to believe are necessary to fight the COVID-19 "virus" disease. To admit otherwise, would be to admit these vaccines are a total scam and unnecessarily killing and maiming people, a criminal offense. So the fact that JAHA even has to address this issue and give guidance to medical providers in how to detect and treat these new "novel"  vaccine-induced cardiac diseases, proves that these vaccines cause harm, especially among young males. The fact that JAHA is even addressing this issue, is truly astounding, because they are basically admitting that this is a very real and very serious problem, and that they have been totally unprepared on how to detect and treat these vaccine-induced cases of heart disease.

New Bivalent COVID-19 Booster Shots Continue to Kill and Injure as U.S. Government Targets Blacks and Hispanics

The U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) updated their database yesterday and added another 1,020 injuries and 8 deaths following the new Bivalent COVID-19 booster shots, bringing the totals now for the new booster shots to 5,435 injuries, 45 deaths, 53 permanent injuries, 535 ER visits, and 192 hospitalizations. The CDC and the U.S. Government are trying to convince the public that without these new booster shots, their chances of dying from COVID are much higher, but the CDC's own statistics show that "All Deaths Involving COVID-19" have been steadily declining since the end of July, even though the new Bivalent booster shots were not approved until the end of August. This means they are lying to the public, and people are being injured and dying after the new booster shots needlessly. And earlier this week the U.S. Government spent U.S. taxpayer money to develop new TV and radio ads targeting Blacks and Hispanics to go get the deadly booster shots. Please warn people that these ads are "misinformation" based on the U.S. Government's own statistics, and are only designed to sell more of Moderna and Pfizer's vaccines, which are becoming less and less popular.

The Fantasy of Autonomous Self-Driving Cars is Coming to an End as Tesla Faces DOJ Criminal Probe

For years now the technocrats have made huge predictions about how technology is rapidly advancing and is poised to replace humans, or become hybrids with them, in the not-too-distant future. The problem with this soaring faith in technology is that many of the lofty techno-prophecies have been largely science fiction, and the kind of propaganda that Hollywood has been brainwashing people to believe in for decades now. Starting with the mega box office successful Star Wars films back in the 1970s, along with popular TV franchises such as Star Trek, the technocrats have brainwashed the public into believing that such technology as replicating food at the push of button, or transporting people through space, or android and holographic "people" were the destiny of technology, and how it would become a normal part of our lives. Well, welcome to 2022, where none of that stuff has happened yet, and never will, because it is all science fiction. But we now have several generations of people who still believe in the techno-prophecies, and some of them have become billionaires where they could actually throw a ton of money into trying to invent some of this science fiction. Perhaps the one technology that has received some of the most techno-prophecy funding is "self-driving vehicles." Well if no one else has publicly said this yet, I will be happy to be the first one to do so: The fantasy of completely autonomous self-driving vehicles that will replace human drivers is now officially DEAD. Reuters announced this week that the DOJ has started a criminal probe into Tesla's claims of "self-driving" cars, which allegedly began last year, and is perhaps the reason why Andrej Karpathy, the former head of Tesla's AI department and Autopilot driving assistance software, abruptly quit this past July after working on Tesla's self driving vehicle system for five years. While not mentioning the Reuters' exclusive report on the DOJ's criminal probe into Tesla, Ford and Volkswagen announced this week that they were halting further investments into AI self-driving vehicles, forcing Argo AI, an AV technology startup founded by Uber and Google veterans, to shut down.

In Stunning Strategy Reversal, Pentagon Will No Longer Rule Out Use Of Nuclear Weapons Against Non-Nuclear Threat

As Bloomberg just reported, the Pentagon's new National Defense Strategy rejects limits on using nuclear weapons long championed by arms control advocates (and, in the not too distant past, by Joe Bide) citing burgeoning threats from Russia and China. “By the 2030s the United States will, for the first time in its history face two major nuclear powers as strategic competitors and potential adversaries,” the Defense Department said in the long-awaited document issued Thursday. In response, the US will “maintain a very high bar for nuclear employment” without ruling out using the weapons in retaliation to a non-nuclear strategic threat to the homeland, US forces abroad or allies. In yet another stark reversal for the senile occupant of the White House basement, in his 2020 presidential campaign Biden had pledged to declare that the US nuclear arsenal should be used only to deter or retaliate against a nuclear attack, a position blessed by progressive Democrats and reviled by defense hawks. But, like with every other position held by the pathological liar who even trumps Trump in the untruth department, this one has just been reversed as well as "the threat environment has changed dramatically since then" and the Pentagon strategy was forged in cooperation with the flip-flopping White House. The nuclear strategy document doesn’t spell out what non-nuclear threats could produce a US nuclear response, but current threats include hypersonic weapons possessed by Russia and China for which the US doesn’t yet have a proven defense. It does spell out, however, in the strongest terms, what would happen to another nuclear power, North Korea, if it launched a nuclear attack on the US, South Korea or Japan. That action “will result in the end of that regime,” it says. US nuclear weapons continue to play a role in deterring North Korean attacks. So, the brilliant neocon minds behind the report concluded, it is better to instill the fear of a disproportionate nuclear retaliation, thus making an outright nuclear attack far more likely (if the US will nuke you anyway, may as well go all out).