Attack on America’s Children Continues as FDA Authorizes Deadly New COVID Boosters for Children as Young as 5 Years Old

Like a nightmare that never ends, the criminal FDA continued its acts of genocide by authorizing the deadly new Bivalent COVID vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer for children as young as 5 years old today. The Bivalent COVID vaccines were first authorized for adults just 6 weeks ago on August 30th, and according to the Government's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 2,168 cases have already been filed including 19 deaths, 27 permanent disabilities, 184 visits to the ER, 73 hospitalizations, and 26 other life threatening events.

“Long COVID” is the Term Now Used to Cover Up COVID Vaccine Injuries as Health Insurance Companies Face Financial Collapse

Last month (September, 2022) we reported how Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is the new term apparently being used to cover up deaths due to the COVID-19 vaccines, and that in many places around the world it is now the #1 cause of death. But what about those who suffer injuries and disabilities following COVID-19 vaccines, but do not die? Health statistics clearly show that there has been a significant increase in disabilities which has resulted in many people no longer being able to work, and Edward Dowd has been a leader in the U.S. publishing health and life insurance statistics that bear this out. The CDC had to deal with these health statistics, and they have apparently chosen to use the term "Long COVID" to explain data that they published this week showing that this affects 24 million adults in the U.S., including between 2 million and 4 million—or about 2% of the workforce—who are not working because of it. There are currently no diagnostic tests that can identify "Long COVID," which of course presents major problems for the Health Insurance industry, as well as applying for Social Security disability benefits. Similar to how "SADS" is killing young, formerly healthy people, the CDC data shows similar results for Long COVID for younger age groups: "14.9% of people 18 to 29 years old have experienced long COVID, and 16% of those 30 to 39 years old have had it." Since there are no diagnostic tests to identify Long COVID, how is the CDC identifying it? By symptoms. There is a long list which was published in a Fierce Healthcare article this week, and all of these symptoms can be found in abundance in the U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID-19 vaccines. So is the CDC considering COVID-19 vaccines as a possible cause of "Long COVID"? From the Fierce Healthcare article: "Kavanagh has long been a proponent of the necessity for vaccines, but the CDC data doesn’t have a vaccination status category. Vaccination status became something of a lightning rod during COVID-19 surges, with those who followed the CDC guidelines noting that they often had to pay (in a sense) for the emergency care and/or hospitalizations of those that hadn’t. Being vaccinated helps guard against getting long COVID, according to the CDC." Let that sink in America. The CDC wants the public to believe that "being vaccinated helps guard against getting long COVID." And when hospitalizations were increasing in 2021 when the vaccines were being rolled out, with about 80% of the American public taking at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine according to the CDC, it was the unvaccinated who were being blamed for increased hospitalization rates. If both of these statements were actually true, would it not be in the best interest of the CDC to track COVID-19 vaccination status?? They certainly have the data to do so. So why are they not tracking COVID-19 vaccination status and publishing the data?

Pfizer and the FDA NEVER Claimed Their COVID-19 Vaccine Stopped Transmission – This is NOT News Today!

My news feed and my inbox in my email program have been flooded with links to stories reporting what so many in the Alternative Media today are claiming is BREAKING NEWS: Pfizer's COVID Vaccine was Never Tested on Preventing Transmission! The source of this "Breaking News" is apparently a Dutch Member of the European Parliament, Rob Roos. Well I have some news for all of you emailing me this story: This is NOT news! Pfizer and the FDA have NEVER claimed that their COVID-19 stopped transmission of COVID, and this information has been readily available to the public since the beginning when the shot was first given an EUA. It has ALWAYS been a lie propagated by the Corporate Media and the criminal CDC, and we have exposed this lie many times in the past. A few months after the shots were authorized by the FDA, Barbara Loe Fisher, the co-founder of The National Vaccine Information Center, which is the leading vaccine consumer advocacy group in the world and has been in existence for over 30 years, wrote what was by far the most comprehensive review of these new shots where she warned the public, among other things, that these vaccines were never even intended to stop transmission! In November of 2021, we reported that even the director of WHO told the Brazilian President that the COVID shots were not designed to stop transmission. So with all due respect to Mr. Roos, this is OLD NEWS, and is certainly not a "smoking gun."  The fact that so many people are getting worked up into a frenzy over this today just proves that people in the beginning did not do their homework and research for themselves the public information that was available about these shots, and sadly, that included MANY in the medical field who were recommending them!!

Kiev Introduces Rolling Blackouts and Stops Exporting Electricity to Europe as Western Media Still Claims Russia is the One Suffering

The fighting in Ukraine has escalated this week, as Russia has reportedly started a new bombing campaign against key infrastructures in many cities inside Ukraine as a response to an alleged bombing of a key Crimean bridge. If one only gets their "news" from the Corporate Media, it would appear that this is an act of desperation by Putin in a failing war for Russia. One of these headlines is from The Independent in the UK which reads: "Putin is gambling that the West will abandon Ukraine – we won’t - Western Europe faces its most difficult winter since the end of the Second World War – but is prepared to make the sacrifices, rather than be forever held hostage by Russia." If you live in "Western Europe," does this editorial represent your sentiment on this war? Are you prepared to "make the sacrifices" this winter to not be "held hostage by Russia?" Here are what should be the real headlines for the past few days as this war quickly escalates, but that the Corporate Media is either not reporting or only reporting as non-headline news. First, Kiev's power grid was so badly damaged in these recent attacks, that the capital city of Ukraine is now going through rolling blackouts, and the Ukraine Energy Ministry announced yesterday that it had to stop exporting electricity to Europe, as energy supplies for Europe are quickly disappearing. Secondly, the deal that Turkey recently helped broker to allow Ukraine wheat to be exported through the Black Sea may now be in jeopardy, which could lead to rising food prices globally.

Fashion Designer Brings Trauma-Based MK Ultra Children’s Clothes to a Store Near You

Disturbing doesn’t even begin to describe it. In another clear sign of how low our dystopian society has sunk comes Caroline Bosmans, a 44-year-old Belgian designer of children’s clothing. Bosmans’ “luxury society” brand is about faceless children, uninspired clothing, deranged imagery and high price tags. To our eyes, it looks like another in a long line of death-cult, trauma-based MK Ultra ritual abuse to create dissociative personalities. It seamlessly combines with the Crime Syndicate’s now long-duration program of forcing children to attend school wearing masks that stifle their oxygen and steadily damage their developing brains. This is combined with fear. The goal is to alter brain waves, setting the stage for specific trained behaviors (aka brainwashing) that have “on” and “off” triggers or switches.

Children Labeled “ADHD” Support the $20 Billion Pharmaceutical Industry who Wants More Children on Drugs

October is designated “ADHD Awareness Month,” during which pharmaceutical company-funded groups promote the risks of “untreated” Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and the need for mind-altering “medication.” Not discussed is how the psychiatric drugs prescribed to treat ADHD are linked to psychosis, addiction, cardiac arrest and suicide while raking in $20 billion a year in U.S. sales alone.

4,500 Dead Babies in VAERS From Pregnant Women Injected with COVID Shots, but Florida Only Pulls COVID Vaccine Recommendation for Young Men

The evidence that COVID-19 vaccines are deadly for unborn children and should never have been recommended for pregnant women, or even for women of child-bearing age who wish to become pregnant, continues to mount. Dr. Drew Pensky, known to most people as "Dr. Drew" via his decades of appearing in the corporate media as a TV and radio talk show host, recently interviewed Dr. James Thorp and Dr. Kelly Victory to discuss the effects of the COVID vaccines on fetal health. Dr. James Thorp is a board certified OBGYN and Maternal Fetal Medicine Physician with over 43 years of obstetrical experience. Dr. Thorp has publicly stated that in the past two years since the mRNA COVID vaccines were introduced, he has seen an “off-the-charts” rise in sudden fetal death and adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as fetal malformation and even fetal cardiac arrest, among his patients. The testimony of Dr. Thorp and what he is seeing in fetal health post COVID-19 vaccines is completely supported by the data in VAERS, the U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, which is maintained by the CDC and the FDA, and it is something I have also been reporting here at Health Impact News for OVER A YEAR now. As of the latest update to the VAERS database this past Friday, there are now 4,499 fetal deaths following COVID-19 vaccines.

Japanese Researchers Publish Cases of Strange Blood Clots Following Pfizer COVID Vaccines

More cases of damage done by the COVID-19 vaccines continue to be published in the medical journals, and now Japanese researchers have published a couple of cases of unusual blood clots found through autopsies after the Pfizer COVID vaccines that seem to corroborate what some funeral home embalmers are also reporting in terms of strange blood clots found in the bodies of dead people.

The New China: The World’s First Example of a Medical Tyrannical Totalitarian State in 2022

If the Globalists such as those who participate in the World Economic Forum get their way and are actually able to implement a new One World Government, as they have been broadcasting for years, but have now accelerated in their efforts since the success of COVID where they effectively shut down almost the entire world through lockdowns, what would that world look like? We don't need to guess or speculate about this any longer, because here in 2022 China has shown the world what a medical tyrannical totalitarian government looks like in most of their major cities. I have put together a video report that shows what is happening with China's Zero COVID policy in many of their major cities, which includes long lines of thousands of people lining up each day to be tested for COVID before going to work or shopping so that their QR code which must be carried at all times MUST show green, what happens when it turns red, the massive amounts of quarantine camps that are currently being built, how drones are being used to threaten people to stay locked up, how Chinese children are being raised in this society, and the sheer volume of cameras that are being installed everywhere to force compliance. This is most certainly NOT happening everywhere in China, but it is reportedly happening in the "Smart Cities" where the technology exists for this type of massive surveillance and compliance.

Contaminated Blood: Italian Researchers Examine Blood of Over 1000 People After Pfizer or Moderna mRNA Vaccines and Find 94% Contaminated

The use of dark-field microscopic analysis of fresh peripheral blood on a slide was once widespread in medicine, allowing a first and immediate assessment of the state of health of the corpuscular components of the blood. In the present study we analyzed with a dark-field optical microscope the peripheral blood drop from 1,006 symptomatic subjects after inoculation with an mRNA injection (Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna), starting from March 2021. There were 948 subjects (94% of the total sample) whose blood showed aggregation of erythrocytes and the presence of particles of various shapes and sizes of unclear origin one month after the mRNA inoculation. In 12 subjects, blood was examined with the same method before vaccination, showing a perfectly normal hematological distribution. The alterations found after the inoculation of the mRNA injections further reinforce the suspicion that the modifications were due to the so-called “vaccines” themselves. We report 4 clinical cases, chosen as representative of the entire case series.