The U.S. Government Does not Want You to Know the Truth About How the COVID Shots are Killing and Injuring People

With almost half of the American public now convinced that the increase in "sudden deaths" is linked to the COVID-19 shots, it is time to understand that the U.S. Government does NOT serve and protect the people, but instead serves and protects the interests of Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the rest of the Wall Street Billionaires and bankers. The evidence now is overwhelming that the U.S. Government completely violated the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States that allows for dissenting information and the right to criticize those in public office, by partnering with the Big Tech companies that control Social Media, such as Google/YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter to censor information about the COVID-19 "vaccines" that contradicted the U.S. Government's propaganda. These are criminal actions that have led to the deaths and injuries of millions of people. And this was not an accident. This was premeditated murder, as the U.S. Military funded and operated the entire campaign of unleashing weapons of mass destruction on their own citizens, all in the name of "population control" and "saving the planet." As has almost always been the case throughout human history, the side of TRUTH is almost always the minority side, and to take a stand for TRUTH is to sacrifice oneself for the cause of liberty. The compliant ones are the ones who are now dead or crippled, the defiant ones are the ones still standing and telling the truth. The U.S. Government is not on your side. They are your enemy, because they serve Big Pharma and Big Tech, not you.

Vindictive Pro-Vaccine Nurse Convinces Amazon to Take Down the Entire Health Impact News Network for Over 9 Hours

When I came online first thing this morning, I quickly found out that all of the websites in the Health Impact News network were not accessible, and had not been accessible for about 5 hours since the middle of the night. My chief technology officer began troubleshooting the issue, and when he could not determine what the problem was, he reached out to support at our hosting company, Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS informed us that they had blocked us due to an alleged DMCA copyright violation. Apparently, they had only sent a single email as a warning, and ended up sending the warning to the wrong email address, and not to the main email addresses on the account. So we had never received it. Our websites were down for over 9 hours as a result. We republished a story that originally appeared on The COVID Blog of pediatric nurse Mary Pat Voll, who bragged PUBLICLY on her Facebook account that she had received the "COVID vaccines." She was also 21 weeks pregnant at the time, and her baby was stillborn eight days later, according to a subsequent PUBLIC Facebook post she made. This is news, and this information is protected speech under the First Amendment. Mary published these on her Facebook account PUBLICLY, when she had the choice to publish it privately so only her friends and contacts would see it. Apparently she wanted it to be public only for those who are pro-vaccine and would sympathize with her, and be convinced that the "vaccine" had nothing to do with the death of her baby. But stating that the "vaccine" had nothing to do with the death of her baby is her OPINION, and she is certainly free to state her opinion publicly. However, what she is NOT free to do under the First Amendment is try to force others to have the same opinion, or threaten to censor them.

As Censorship Wars Heat Up Health Impact News Joins

Big Tech is trying to control the political narrative and deciding who can and who cannot participate in online discussions by censoring anyone who does not agree with their Marxist, Communist-like views. Twitter and Facebook have banned President Trump and many of his supporters as a massive purge of Right-wing accounts continued in earnest this weekend. Are we entering into the Cyber warfare stage now as we near inauguration day? In addition to Twitter and Facebook, Google has removed the most popular alternative social media app, Parler, from their app store (Google Play). Apple is threatening to do the same. And the Cloud-based servers that host Parler's site, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is also threatening to take down their site. Other apparent accomplices with Big Tech that are also moving to censor free speech include Shopify, the nation's most popular ecommerce site, and Mozilla with their popular Firefox browser. At the time of this writing, our accounts on Parler and Gab are hard to reach as both of those platforms are under attack. We have extended our presence now to as well. Things seem stable there for the present, and MeWe also seems stable, and so far so has which hosts our video channel. All of these platforms are a threat to Big Tech and their desire to squelch any speech that does not agree with their political views. We request you stop using Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube and start moving to these other platforms. If our domains or websites are shut down, we will be posting on those platforms, if possible, with further instructions on how to find us.

As DOJ Probes Big Tech Monopoly, They Also Use Big Tech to Remove Dozens of Websites Squelching Free Speech on Foreign Policy

Big Tech's censorship and squashing of free speech has been a hot topic during this 2020 election year, and as the public in the United States continues to be fixated on the current corporate news media's non-stop coverage on the elections, election fraud, and Big Tech censorship, the DOJ is quietly shutting down websites right and left in their own censorship purge, shutting down websites that dare to publish a different narrative about Iran than the U.S. and Israeli narrative. And they are teaming together with Google, Facebook, and Twitter to do it, according to the FBI: FBI Special Agent in Charge Craig D. Fair. “Thanks to our ongoing collaboration with Google, Facebook, and Twitter, the FBI was able to disrupt this Iranian propaganda campaign and we will continue to pursue any attempts by foreign actors to spread disinformation in our country." Global Research, an independent news organization out of Canada, reports that one of the websites seized and shut down was another independent news site in Canada, the American Herald Tribune (AHT). Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, President and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), and Editor of, wrote: "We stand in firm support of The American Herald Tribune and Professor Anthony Hall, who has the courage to confront the US corporate media. The tendency is towards online media censorship in derogation of the Rights to Free Speech. Google and Facebook are collaborating with the FBI in this endeavor."

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Sues Facebook and So-Called “Fact-Checkers” for Government-Sponsored Censorship, False Disparagement and Wire-Fraud

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) filed a lawsuit on Monday in San Francisco Federal Court charging Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, and three fact-checking outfits with censoring truthful public health posts and for fraudulently misrepresenting and defaming CHD. CHD is a non-profit watchdog group that roots out corruption in federal agencies, including Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and exposes wrongdoings in the Pharmaceutical and Telecom industries. CHD has been a frequent critic of WiFi and 5G Network safety and of certain vaccine policies that CHD claims put Big Pharma profits ahead of public health. According to CHD’s Complaint, Facebook has insidious conflicts with the Pharmaceutical industry and its captive health agencies and has economic stakes in telecom and 5G. Facebook currently censors CHD’s page, targeting its purge against factual information about vaccines, 5G and public health agencies.

CENSORSHIP: Is Big Tech Planning to Delete All Accounts Questioning Vaccines Before The COVID Vaccine Release?

As material from dystopian novels such as 1984 begins to become a reality, we are witnessing the accelerated rollout of an agenda, which is leading towards a predetermined future. In this interview Spiro is joined by Richie Allen, a journalist, producer and the host of the Richie Allen Radio Show. In this interview, Richie Allen shares information regarding contacts who he has been in touch with currently working for Google. According to the unnamed source or sources, Google, Facebook and Twitter are coordinating with each other to carry out a multi-platform purge of accounts that question vaccine safety. The potential purge is said to coincide with the rollout of the new, experimental COVID-19 vaccine.

How Can the Whole World be Lying? Response to my Mom and Anyone who Cannot Fathom a Houdini Magic Trick Carried out on a Global Scale

“How can the whole world be lying,” my mother innocently asked me when I told her that Covid-19 is the largest human experiment in history and that the mainstream media isn’t giving us the full picture. There was a silent pause followed by “But what about Dr. Fauci?” The following below is dedicated to my mom and anyone who cannot fathom a Houdini magic trick carried out on a global scale, “drifters” who cannot deal with negativity and grasp onto wisps of information without context or substance, and/or those gripped and immobilized by fear. This is also dedicated to those who feel that something is off but were too busy buying toilet paper or washing their hands. My hope is that you are looking for answers based on some inkling that there’s something nefarious happening behind the scenes that violate your civil liberties. While the possibility of an arguably orchestrated “artificial” event is a huge (red) pill to swallow, I request you suspend your beliefs and take a journey with me through time. Never before in history has an outbreak brought a global economy to a screeching halt. The Coronavirus Chronicles aims at helping readers navigate Covid-19, an “infodemic” of epic proportions, defined as an excessive amount of information making it difficult to suss out the truth.

How Bill Gates Controls Global Messaging and Censorship

Bill Gates is the world’s largest vaccine producer and the single largest donor to the World Health Organization (WHO)—since President Trump halted U.S. support pending an investigation of WHO’s handling of the COVID-19 crisis—and the CDC Foundation. Those agencies are now marketing arms for his vaccine empire. In January of 2019, Gates had WHO declare “vaccine hesitancy” a top “global health threat” (with Ebola, HIV, war, and drug-resistant pathogens among others), signaling a worldwide Pharma Gold Rush to mandate vaccines to all people. Gates maxed-out in donations to Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff’s PAC. In February of 2019, Schiff wrote to Facebook, Google, and Amazon, demanding they censor “vaccine misinformation,” a term meaning all skepticism toward government and industry pronouncements about vaccine safety or efficacy—whether true or not. “Vaccines are both effective and safe,” Schiff wrote. “There is no evidence to suggest that vaccines cause life-threatening or disabling disease.” This was misinformation.

How to Beat Internet Censorship and Create Your Own Newsfeed

Back in January of this year (2020) we reported about Event 201, a pandemic simulation which was hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This event took place about 6 weeks BEFORE the first cases of COVID-19 were reported in Wuhan China. As I have previously written, almost everything that was predicted at this pandemic simulation event has now occurred, except one: an Internet blackout. The most likely reason that an Internet blackout has not occurred yet, is because the American public, and indeed the world population, was very compliant and voluntarily locked themselves down in their own homes - something that has never before happened. With a compliant public, an Internet blackout would have done more harm than good, as the bandwidth on the Internet was pushed to its limits with everyone suddenly working from home via the Internet, and entertainment streaming services seeing a record high demand as people voluntarily complied and stayed home. Shutting off the Internet would have been counterproductive, as it would have made people angry and quite possibly led them out their homes back on to the streets to start protesting sooner. As a result, more and more people were able to research what was really going on, and find alternative accounts of the news different from what was being spoon fed to them through the corporate media and television networks. This has increased the corporate news organizations and their Big Tech alliances with companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google to increase their efforts to censor dissenting voices, such as what we publish here at Health Impact News. As a result, many of our articles are now censored and not allowed on Facebook, Twitter, Google (who owns YouTube) and Pinterest (Pinterest has banned us completely). In addition, emails from the domains of our news sites, like, are also being suppressed, and many of the larger Big Tech "free" emails like and no longer allow us to email our newsletters or respond to inquiries. So how do you beat this Internet censorship?

Pinterest Censoring Anti-Vaccine Doctors and Pins Related to Vaccine Rights

The popular image-sharing social media website Pinterest is blocking pins that provide safety information about vaccines, or question whether or not legislation should be passed to mandate vaccines. When Health Impact News noticed that some of their pins were no longer showing, we contacted Pinterest to find out why. Someone named "Tina" from Pinterest Help emailed this to Health Impact News: "One or more of your Pins about vaccines has been highlighted as containing medical misinformation. Per our policy, this content will remain available to you, but it will be hidden from circulation on Pinterest as it contains claims that are considered to be misleading or inaccurate by the medical community." The fact is that the "medical community" is not at all unified on their views of vaccines, as increasingly more doctors, scientists and medical professionals are beginning to question the Big Pharma and Government extremist position on vaccines. The extremist pro-vaccine position on vaccine is: ALL vaccines are safe and effective and good for ALL people ALL of the time, by force if necessary. This extremist view probably represents very few in the medical community, as all 50 states currently allow vaccines exemptions be written by medical doctors. Pinterest's "Community Guidelines" was clearly written to protect the interests of Big Pharma: We’ll take action on content spreading medical misinformation that could lead to serious harm to Pinners - for example, claims of curing diseases currently considered by the medical community to be incurable. It would appear that the motivation behind such a policy is to prevent harm to Big Pharma and their profits, not Pinterest users and an informed public.

Snopes and Retraction Watch Fail to Prevent Publication of Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Study

The first-ever study of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated American children (and a subset study) published two weeks ago in the peer-reviewed Journal of Translational Science have reappeared online after briefly disappearing while under fire from a small band of Skeptics and the staff at Retraction Watch, an organization that reports Science retraction news. Snopes, the fact-checking website, is still misreporting that the study has been retracted, even while it sits, published, in the science journal’s pages. It is a troubling saga unfolding in the scientific publishing world, and it is worth paying attention to because it’s revealing of powerful forces in that realm that are trying to censor scientific research and to shield important data from public viewing.

Scientist Critical of HPV Vaccine Censored from Commenting on NIH Website

As an employee of the National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), it is certainly within Dr. Mark Schiffman’s job description to write articles promoting human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines. After all, his employer owns patents on HPV vaccine production technologies and receives licensing fees from the sales of HPV vaccines. The HPV vaccine, Gardasil, based largely on technology developed at NIH and produced by Merck & Co., was approved by the FDA in June 2006. The NIH, funded by taxpayers, also maintains a forum for scientific discourse, called PubMed Commons which hopefully “will leverage the social power of the internet to encourage constructive criticism and high-quality discussions of scientific issues that will both enhance understanding and provide new avenues of collaboration within the community”. In December 2016, Dr. Schiffman and a few industry-paid consultants published an article titled “Carcinogenic human papillomavirus infection.” Dr. Lee responded to Dr. Schiffman saying: "Dr. Schiffman’s responses to my initial comment on the Primer needs a rebuttal to point out its misleading and obfuscating statements." Almost immediately, the discussion was effectively shut down by the removal of Dr. Lee’s comments. Does this not seem like a gross violation of the public trust in an organization such as NIH which has promised to ‘encourage constructive criticism and high-quality discussions of scientific issues’?

Vaccine Risk Denialism Threatens Censorship on Dangers of Vaccines

British and American researchers have created software to monitor online articles critical of vaccinations in 144 countries. The purpose of this software is reportedly "to create a rapid response to anti-vaccine sentiment." Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center discusses how public access to vaccine risk information is being restricted, and that vaccine injuries and deaths are covered up.