Evangelical Christians Running Orphanage in Haiti Murdered – Time to Shut Down Orphanages in Haiti’s Lucrative Child Trafficking Business?

In a tragic story that made headline news this past week, three leaders of a Haitian Orphanage were reportedly murdered by gangs in Haiti. Davy Lloyd, age 23, and his wife Natalie Lloyd, 21, were the American leaders of the orphanage who were killed, as well as Pastor Jude Montis, age 45, who was the Haitian director of the orphanage of Missions in Haiti, Inc., an American non-profit corporation started by Davy's parents in 2001, who are the directors of the corporation. This story has been extensively covered in the corporate media with very little derivation from the original AP story that reported the incident. We really do not know the story that is behind these murders, as the deceased are portrayed as innocent victims of random gang violence in Haiti, which is reportedly common these days. And while that is probably true, it ignores the larger issue of the presence of Christian orphanages in Haiti that have been shown in the past to be part of the huge child trafficking network operating out of Haiti. In my research of Missions in Haiti, Inc., which is headquartered in Oklahoma, I could find no evidence of any known intentional child trafficking operating out of their business. However, it is widely known that such Christian organizations have been used in the past to traffick children. Much of this was revealed back in 2010, just after a massive earthquake hit Haiti, when Evangelical Christian Laura Silsby along with American Baptist missionaries from Idaho tried to traffick 33 children out of Haiti, claiming they were “orphans.” They were also working with the Clinton Foundation. Since this time, some organizations have begun to investigate the 30,000 + children living in orphanages in Haiti, which they claim is a form of "child trafficking."

How American Christian Culture Destroys Motherhood and Kidnaps Children of Single Moms

Modern day America is largely defined by Western Christian and Jewish values, and those of us who grew up in this culture and read the Bible, will naturally tend to read and understand the Bible from our own Western cultural values. However, the inspired authors of the literature contained in the Bible did not write from a Western cultural perspective, but from a Middle Eastern culture perspective, especially the Old Testament. To be sure, during the New Testament period, the Roman culture, which grew out of the Greek culture and is the foundation of "Western" culture, was transitioning to become the dominant culture in the world. But the Jewish writers of the New Testament still largely lived their lives based on Middle Eastern culture, and Middle Eastern cultural values. As an American, I have been very fortunate to live a significant portion of my adult life outside the United States, including many years in Turkey and Saudi Arabia in the 1980s and 1990s, where Middle Eastern culture and Middle Eastern cultural values were still the dominant force shaping their societal values. Most of the modern English translations of the Bible, as well as the English commentaries on the Bible, including the "older" commentaries, some of which were written in German during the Reformation period in Europe and then later translated into English, are all written by Westerners with Western cultural values. One of the most damaging effects of using Christian and Jewish Western cultural values to translate and interpret the Bible, is how the modern definition of  "orphans" and "widows" is used today. It's easy for me to sum up the Western cultural view of "widows" and "orphans" today as defined and practiced in the United States in one sentence: Grab the "orphans" and turn them over to the Government's lucrative child trafficking system called "foster care" and "adoption" and let the widows fend for themselves after they lose their children.

After 9-Year-Old Medically Kidnapped Boy Murdered in Foster Care, Investigation Reveals Many Deaths Happening in Arizona Group Foster Homes

A 9-year-old boy with Type 1 diabetes died 18 days after he was medically kidnapped from his father and put into the Arizona Foster Care system, and into a group home. The child's grandmother who lived in another state and would have surely welcomed the stay of her grandson, was apparently never even considered as a placement for the 9-year-old boy. ABC15 has published an investigation they conducted on the Arizona Foster Care system, and found that other children have died after being removed from their parents and put into Foster Care. But we are never going to get rid of the murderers and kidnappers if we keep saying that stories like this are "a systemic failure." This is a clear example of "systemic ABUSE", because this kind of abuse happens regularly throughout the entire system. To call it a "failure" is to claim that the system is failing to do what it is designed to do, and it pre-supposes that the system is designed to "protect" children. But that is NOT the function of the system, even though it claims to be. We need to move past what the system is claiming to be, and look at its actions and call them out for what they are DOING, and not what they are SAYING. We know that the system does NOT protect children, and we have known that for decades now based on wide-scale research on children in foster care. And that research states that children are better protected when they remain in their home with their family, even if that family is "troubled" and has issues, such as the parents being drug users, than when that child is ripped apart from the only people they have ever known who love them, and put into homes of strangers, or as in this case, into "group homes" who are for-profit businesses that make a very lucrative income from collecting funds from the State to "take care" of foster children. And this case with 9-year-old Jakob's murder is a clear example of how the child welfare system works, where neither he nor his father requested separation, but were forced to do it in what can only be called "kidnapping," and then 18 days later he was murdered by medical neglect and abuse by the Foster Care system. If Jakob had died in the care of his father because of not continuing his insulin dosages, his father would be facing murder charges for "medical neglect and abuse" today, but because it happened in a Foster Group Home run by a private corporation who collects funds from the Government, nobody will even be charged for those very same crimes.

Exposing the REAL Child Traffickers: EVERY Foster or Adopted Child is Wanted by Someone – The Child Welfare System Needs to be Abolished

9News out of Denver, Colorado has done some good investigative reporting recently on the status of legal child trafficking in their state, known as the "Child Welfare System." With access to both federal funds as well as state funding, it is much more lucrative for the State to place children in foster care and make them available for (adoption) trafficking than it is to let the child's own family take care of them. While this is a problem in every state in the U.S., it is apparently especially bad in Colorado according to a new report published by the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform. 9News in Denver interviewed one local family who exemplifies this problem, as they have tried to adopt their own niece, who has already spent 2 years with them, but the State wants to place their niece with foster parents who are not related to the family instead. Statistics compiled over the years on the Child Welfare system clearly show that low income families, who are overwhelmingly minorities (Blacks, Natives, and Latinos), have a much higher rate of their children being put into the Child Welfare System than wealthier families, who are also the ones that make up the bulk of foster and adoptive parents, and are overwhelmingly White middle class Christian Conservatives. 85% or more (depending upon the state) of these children are removed from their homes, NOT because they were being abused, but because they were removed under the more broad term of "neglect," which has a wide range of interpretation, such as "medical neglect" when a parent refuses to comply with a doctor's opinion for medical services, such as vaccines. Other published studies have shown that even when the children have "troubled parents", which the vast majority of the time is defined when the parents are labeled as "drug abusers," (which almost always means illegal drugs such as marijuana, but NEVER prescription drugs, the choice of drugs for most middle class parents), those children of these "troubled parents" still do MUCH better in their "troubled" homes than they do in Foster Care, which is the nation's #1 pipeline for child sex trafficking. This is where the REAL child trafficking occurs in this country, and the only solution to end this child trafficking is to abolish the Child Welfare System. What kind of twisted, corrupt system exists to provide funding for strangers to parent other people's children, but almost nothing for biological families to keep their own children?

U.S. Government Wants Facial Scans of All Children: To “Protect” Children or to Traffick Them?

The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) of the federal U.S. Government is considering allowing businesses to use biometric facial scans of children under the age of 13 as "a new mechanism for obtaining parental consent." As the FTC noted in this press release, "Under the COPPA Rule, online sites and services directed to children under 13 must obtain parental consent before collecting or using personal information from a child." So are parents of children under the age of 13 the ones complaining about online sites collecting data on their children and petitioning the FTC to protect their children? No, businesses are the ones petitioning the FTC to allow face scans of children under the age of 13, allegedly as an "age verification" system. They claim that the images collected are "privacy-preserving", but the mere act of allowing a young child's face to be scanned "with their actual month and year of birth" means that they are stored in a database somewhere where pedophiles will now have access to that information. And those pedophiles are not just cartel members living in the jungles of far away places like Columbia. No, they are working in our government, in our nation's child welfare system in child "protective" services, in our schools and in our churches, as we have so often documented here at Health Impact News over the years. The United States today is perhaps the most dangerous country in the world to raise a child, and every parent needs to understand that their child is in constant danger of being abducted, usually by our own government, and being trafficked. What can a parent do to protect their children?

Sound of Freedom Film Falls Short of Revealing Who are the Ones Trafficking Children and How to Stop It

I was able to view the recently released movie "Sound of Freedom" in a local theater last night, which amazingly was sold out in a Monday evening showing more than a week after the film's release. The film stars Jim Caviezel playing the part of Tim Ballard, a former Special Agent for the Department of Homeland Security who was assigned to the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force, and started his own organization, Operation Underground Railroad, a nonprofit focused on rescuing trafficked children. The production of this film reportedly began more than 5 years ago, and since at least 2021, I have seen numerous interviews and articles about Jim Caviezel talking about this film along with such topics as adrenochrome, Satanic ritual abuse, organ harvesting, and other such dark topics that we have covered for the better part of a decade here at Health Impact News. While this is definitely a good film that I recommend everyone to watch if they get a chance to, be forewarned that none of these darker topics are even addressed in this film, nor is there any real call to action with practical advice on how to actually stop child trafficking.

Florida Parents Continue to Expose Child Trafficking as Pleas to Abolish the Nation’s “Child Welfare” System Pick up Momentum

We have previously reported about a lawsuit in Florida where dozens of parents were suing the State for illegally taking their children away from them. This has been an ongoing problem in Florida, where children are taken away from families who love them, and put into the foster care system where they are often sexually abused and trafficked. The original lawsuit filed last year has since been thrown out by a judge calling it a "shotgun complaint." The lawsuit accused the State of taking away their children illegally, and placing them with strangers instead of placing them with relatives. Many parents and their attorney have now amended that lawsuit and refiled it on the grounds that their Constitutional rights have been violated. Interestingly, Gov. Ron DeSantis, who was a defendant in the original lawsuit, seems to have been dropped in the amended lawsuit. The late Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer was one of the first to call for an end to the nation's Child Welfare System over a decade ago, and it cost her her life. But a couple of new books just published this year, 2023, show that others have now taken up the call to end the nation's child trafficking system that is so wrongfully referred to by such terms as "Child Welfare" and "Child Protection Services."

Judge: FBI Protected Mom who Made $200 million Selling up to 8000 Children over 40 years – Gets Only 3 Months in Minimum Security Prison

Margaret Cole Hughes, Director of European Adoption Consultants (EAC), earlier this year accepted a plea deal from the U.S. Department of Justice to one count of conspiracy to defraud the United States and one count of making a false statement to the Polish Central authority in front of Federal Court Judge James Gwin in U.S. District Court in the Northern District of Ohio. Defense attorneys admitted in court filings that Cole is still in business after making $200 million over 40 years from selling 8000 children through fraudulent international adoptions. According to Judge James Gwin, the FBI protected Cole’s child trafficking network for 40 years and failed to investigate her. Instead, it was the State Department that investigated Cole. Cole’s stepson, Robert E. Hughes III, still works for the FBI. He was assigned to investigate her case by Andy McCabe, who at the time, was Acting Director of the FBI. Defense attorneys said the evidence against their client would have filled the Library of Congress. Cole is wanted for child trafficking fraud in Poland. Margaret Cole Hughes, 75, began her three-month prison sentence in Alderson Federal Prison as a result of her plea deal. It is located in the resort area of Greenbriar, W. Virginia.

How the Christian Church and U.S. Government Work Together to Traffick Children Worldwide Through the Lucrative Adoption Business

The European Adoption Consultants (EAC) is a business that was set up in 1991 by then President George H.W. Bush and Bill Barr, his Attorney General. This agency has been caught numerous times in its 41-year history trafficking children by fooling parents in poor countries with financial incentives, like promising an education for their children abroad, and then placing them in Christian orphanages where American families will pay a high price to adopt the children. These families willingly buy these children because in most cases they have been lied to, stating that the children were either orphans, or that their parents did not want them, when the truth was that these children were kidnapped for financial gain. CNN actually did an investigation on the EAC in 2017, interviewing parents who had been lied to about their adopted children, and then found out from the children themselves that they had parents back in their home country who loved them. I am certainly not a fan of CNN, nor Anderson Cooper and his known ties to the CIA, but this is undoubtedly one of the best investigative reports they have ever done, even if it was politically motivated. Bill Barr and the late George H.W. Bush are not the only high ranking political officials to be reportedly profiting from the trafficking of children. The Clinton Foundation has been involved in adoptions in Haiti for many years. Larry Romanoff, in his very excellent expose on the CIA MK-ULTRA program and child sex trafficking, mentions Haiti as one the CIA's bases of operation. The Clinton Foundation's role in adoptions out of Haiti made news in 2010 when Evangelical Laura Silsby and American Baptist missionaries from Idaho tried to traffick 33 children out of Haiti, claiming they were "orphans." At least two of the current U.S. Supreme Court Justices also have adopted children, and during their confirmation hearings, which typically pit the party in charge against the minority party challenging the Supreme Court nominations, the Right Wing media was appalled that anyone would question the adoption of their children, saying that such questions about how they adopted their children was "off limits." The most recent was Judge Amy Coney Barrett, nominated by President Trump, and has children who were adopted from, Haiti.

“Young Blood” – The Emerging Market for Products Made from the Blood of Children

Last year, we brought to the attention of our readers the growing market for "young blood," and products derived from the blood of children and young people, when Netflix launched their new show in August of 2020 called “Biohackers.” We also reported how the drug "adrenochrome," harvested from terrorized young children who produce blasts of adrenalin, including children murdered in Satanic Ritual Abuse, was beginning to get mainstream media coverage outside the U.S. back in 2020. While the corporate media in the U.S. would like to ignore and censor anything related to adrenochrome, "young blood" is a concept that they apparently want to bring mainstream and condition the public to accept. So it was no surprise that Newsweek ran a major article on "young blood" last week, which was mainly positive and tried to present drug research into making products from "young blood" as "scientific" and inevitable. There is even an official "scientific" name for this research now: "geroscience." Geroscience "seeks to understand molecular and cellular mechanisms that make aging a major risk factor and driver of common chronic conditions and diseases of older adulthood," according to the National Institutes of Health. The admitted "problem" with developing these drugs derived from the blood of children and young adults, is where to get it.

700+ Children Remain in Detention at US Border, 200 for over 48 hours, Amid Spike in Unaccompanied Crossings

Unaccompanied minors coming across the Mexico - U.S. border has been a problem under many presidents' terms. In 2016 we published an article about Sen. Rob Portman's six-month investigation looking at 125,000 unaccompanied minors who had crossed the U.S. borders into the United States since 2011, reportedly fleeing violence and unrest in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. Quote: "Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) recently published a six-month investigation looking at 125,000 unaccompanied minors who have crossed the U.S. borders into the United States since 2011, reportedly fleeing violence and unrest in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. This U.S. Senate report concluded that the Office of Refugee Resettlement, an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), has failed to protect these children from human trafficking, leaving them vulnerable to abuses at the hands of government-approved caretakers. U.S. law requires HHS to ensure that unaccompanied alien children (UAC) are protected from human trafficking and other forms of abuse. However, this is not happening." This report was conducted under then president Obama. It looks like Biden is continuing that same policy, as UACs are being sent to the border, where more than likely they will end up in the corrupt foster care system and being trafficked.