Canada Commits $75M to COVID Vaccine Injury Compensation as U.S. Passes $1.5 TRILLION Spending Bill with ZERO Funds for Vaccine Dead and Injured

News sources in Canada this week reported that the Canadian Government has allocated $75 Million to their Vaccine Injury Support Program to compensate victims who have died or suffered injuries after taking a COVID-19 vaccine. In the United States this week, Congress and President Biden passed a 2700+ page spending bill with $1.5 TRILLION allocated, but not a single dollar is earmarked for COVID-19 vaccine injuries or deaths. Citizens outside of the United States are much more likely to benefit from this $1.5 TRILLION bill, as $13.6 BILLION will go to Ukraine, and at least $8 BILLION will go to Israel. And because all of the COVID-19 vaccines were authorized for "emergency use" during a "pandemic," before the FDA even approved them, any injuries or deaths suffered as a result are NOT eligible for compensation in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Instead, one has to file a claim with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP). According to the CDC and FDA's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), there have now been 1,183,495 cases of deaths and injuries reported following COVID-19 vaccines. As of March 1, 2022, 4099 claims have been filed with the CICP for COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths. And out of those 4099 claims, how many have been compensated by the U.S. Government so far? That would be ZERO! In the past 12 years, the CICP has only paid out 135 claims, and none of those are for COVID-19 vaccine injuries or deaths since December of 2020. So while the past two administrations (Trump and Biden) have given the pharmaceutical companies $TRILLIONS to manufacture and distribute the COVID-19 vaccines that were rushed to market by Trump's Operation Warp Speed, not a single dollar has been spent on the millions of people who have been harmed or killed by these experimental injections.

How Will the Injuries and Deaths from Hundreds of Millions of Experimental COVID Vaccines be Compensated?

Even before COVID became part of our life here in 2020, very few Americans even knew that a law was passed in 1986 that allowed pharmaceutical companies to not be sued in civil court for injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. Prior to 1986, the pharmaceutical companies were being sued in court so often from vaccine injuries and deaths, that they threatened to stop producing vaccines unless Congress gave them legal immunity. Congress obliged, and then President Ronald Reagan signed the bill into law. After the new law was in place, a special Vaccine Court was setup by the federal government, and one had to sue for damages due to vaccine injuries and deaths in this special court under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). To date, BILLIONS of dollars in damages have been paid out to those who have suffered harm and to families who had children die from vaccines, and Health Impact News publishes the quarterly reports from the DOJ listing these settlements, and this information is suppressed as "fake news" even though the source is the U.S. Government. So here we are on the eve of the roll out of hundreds of millions of doses of a new experimental COVID vaccine that has never been in the market yet, and where there will most assuredly be deaths and injuries caused by the side effects. How will the Vaccine Court handle all these claims that will inevitably result with widespread massive distribution of an experimental vaccine? They won't. Anyone injured or killed by a COVID vaccine will be covered under a different program, the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP). Wayne Rohde, author of the book "The Vaccine Court," explains the difference between the two programs. In short, if you are injured or have someone killed by one of the new experimental COVID vaccines, expect to pay all of your expenses out-of-pocket, because your life is not worth much to the U.S. Government, and they are asking the public to sacrifice themselves for "the greater good" to stop a virus that there is not even an accurate test that can identify it.