Uber Announces Participating in Contact Tracing – They Will Turn You in to Health Authorities

As I reported yesterday, law abiding citizens are now being arrested in their homes with ankle monitors to prevent them from leaving in some parts of the U.S., if one of the family members tests positive for COVID. Today, FiercePharma is reporting that Uber is now participating with health authorities to help with contact tracing. So if you thought that you could avoid being arrested in your own home by simply refusing to get a COVID test from among the more than 100 fast-tracked inaccurate COVID tests currently on the market, think again. Uber is providing their contact tracing services for free, not to you their customers, but to local health authorities. That means every time you use the popular ride-share service, they can track you to see if you have been in contact with any COVID positive people, including, apparently, previous riders in their drivers' cars which you would not even know about, and then turn your information into the health authorities. This apparently applies to food delivery apps as well. If you don't want to risk a knock at your door by health authorities and law enforcement forcing you to get a COVID test, the best option you have right now is to NOT carry around a cell phone, or if you do, keep it shut off or on "airplane mode." Start using cash for transactions (while you still can) instead of credit cards, as a record of a credit card purchase at a certain time in a certain location, could also identify you as being in contact with the COVID positive individual. Welcome to the "new normal." Civil liberties are gone, and things like HIPAA privacy laws no longer apply in this perpetual state of emergency over THE VIRUS.

The Worst Is Yet to Come: Contact Tracing, Immunity Cards and Mass Testing

No one is safe. No one is immune. No one gets spared the anguish, fear and heartache of living under the shadow of an authoritarian police state. That’s the message being broadcast 24/7 with every new piece of government propaganda, every new law that criminalizes otherwise lawful activity, every new policeman on the beat, every new surveillance camera casting a watchful eye, every sensationalist news story that titillates and distracts, every new prison or detention center built to house troublemakers and other undesirables, every new court ruling that gives government agents a green light to strip and steal and rape and ravage the citizenry, every school that opts to indoctrinate rather than educate, and every new justification for why Americans should comply with the government’s attempts to trample the Constitution underfoot. Yes, COVID-19 has taken a significant toll on the nation emotionally, physically, and economically, but there are still greater dangers on the horizon. As long as “we the people” continue to allow the government to trample our rights in the so-called name of national security, things will get worse, not better.