CDC Withholding Data on COVID-19 Vaccines Because “They might be misinterpreted as the vaccines being ineffective” and “The figures would be misrepresented by anti-vaccine groups”

Yesterday we reported how the Epoch Times obtained emails that showed the FDA and NIH have been secretly studying neurological problems that have appeared in people after they took a COVID-19 vaccine. But the Epoch Times was not the only news organization to report that data from COVID-19 vaccine injuries has been concealed from the public by Government health agencies. The New York Times also reported yesterday that the CDC is not publishing large portions of the Covid data it collects. "For more than a year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has collected data on hospitalizations for Covid-19 in the United States and broken it down by age, race and vaccination status. But it has not made most of the information public. Two full years into the pandemic, the agency leading the country’s response to the public health emergency has published only a tiny fraction of the data it has collected, several people familiar with the data said." (Source: NYT) And what is the reason why they have not published all this data according to the New York Times? "Kristen Nordlund, a spokeswoman for the C.D.C., said the agency has been slow to release the different streams of data because basically, at the end of the day, it’s not yet ready for prime time. She said the agency’s priority when gathering any data is to ensure that it’s accurate and actionable. Another reason is fear that the information might be misinterpreted, Ms. Nordlund said." So there you have it. This information alone is enough to charge and convict all the heads of the U.S. health agencies, including the FDA, NIH, and the entire department of Health and Human Services with criminal intent to commit fraud resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans, and millions injured by the illegally rushed-to-market COVID-19 shots under President Donald Trump's Operation Warp Speed, and the mass distribution and concealment of the data showing how ineffective and deadly these shots are under the Biden administration. So why is the information only now being leaked to news media like Epoch Times and the New York Times? That's the big question, and whatever the answer is, it surely is nothing good. Are they ready to crash the economy and move to the next "crisis" to hide their criminal activities?

Fully Vaccinated are Suffering Far Higher Rates of Infection than the Unvaccinated, and It is Getting Worse

10 months into the COVID-19 mass vaccination campaigns in the UK, statistics provided by the UK’s Health Security Agency now clearly show that those who have been fully vaccinated are suffering far worse health and are susceptible to infections at greater rates than the unvaccinated. Natural immunity is quite obviously more effective than "vaccine immunity," which wanes very quickly, and apparently in the process destroys one's natural immunity as well, providing the perfect repeat-business model craved by the pharmaceutical companies, who will now pitch regular booster shots, along with all their side effects including twice as many people dying than people who have died after all vaccines for the past 30 years. And of course the COVID-19 shots do not stop transmission (they never even claimed to do this), so the vaccinated will keep on infecting each other. This is great news for Big Pharma, and devastating news for the public who were fooled into taking these experimental gene-therapy shots.