Modern Cyber Warfare Takes a Deadly Turn as Pagers in Lebanon and Syria Blow up Killing and Harming Thousands of People

September 17, 2024 may go down as one of the most infamous days in history, as an unprecedented cyberattack was carried out against people in Lebanon and Syria earlier today, by simultaneously detonating thousands of pagers that blew up remotely killing several people, and injuring thousands. Most of the victims targeted were members of Hezbollah, but many innocent people were also attacked. At the time of this writing, there are two main theories about how Israel was able to pull off this historic attack. One theory is that there was a cybersecurity breach, causing the pagers’ lithium batteries to overheat and detonate. Another is that this was a “supply chain attack,” where the pagers were tampered with during the manufacturing and shipping process. While the most likely explanation of how this happened is that these pagers were altered before people started using them, and that it is not possible to remotely hack existing mobile devices and just blow them up, that doesn't mean that this event today is unlikely to happen again, or that this could not happen in the United States. First of all, lithium ion batteries are notorious for blowing up and burning. This has been happening accidentally for at least 20 years now.

Daily Mail Shows How Easy it is to Cripple America via a Cyber Attack Almost Ensuring that it Will Happen

After the recent Microsoft Windows failed update by CrowdStrike that crippled computers worldwide, cyber security experts have been in high demand for journalists worldwide to report on just how serious and how likely it is that a cyber attack could cripple our society. For those criminal elements who earn their living from cyber attacks and ransoms, this must be cyber heaven for them, because the corporate media is doing their jobs for them, for free! The Daily Mail is a recent example, where they have almost literally published a blueprint on how to destroy America through a cyber attack. Since similar warnings were also reported in Congress last week, this information is obviously not seen as a threat to national security, as it is obviously common knowledge. In fact, just type in "cyber attack" into your favorite news search, and you will see that cyber attacks are already a daily occurrence, and gaining in frequency. The fact that America can easily be crippled by cyber attacks is not a theory, but a fact. A "cyber pandemic" will happen.

Is a “Cyber Pandemic” in Progress? Cyber Attacks Against Car Dealers and the Federal Reserve Put U.S. Economy at the Brink of Failure

While the U.S. media is currently focusing on politics with the upcoming presidential debate, as well as a slew of Supreme Court decisions that are being handed down today, there are other stories not making headlines that may indicate the U.S. economy might be on the brink of collapse. In fact, the U.S. may be in the beginning stages of a "cyber pandemic" that the Globalists at the World Economic Forum have been predicting for the past few years, which they have said will be far more serious than the "COVID Pandemic" was. First, the auto industry has been in total disarray since last week when a cyber attack took down the main software system that is used by 15,000 dealerships nationwide to sell cars. The software network is called CDK Global, and their CEO announced today that they do not plan to have their software system back up and running by the end of the month, which is striking terror into the hearts of car sales people all across the country, as the last few days of the month are typically their busiest selling days as they seek to increase their paychecks for the month with sales commissions. This one single event alone could take down the U.S. economy. One car dealer sales manager told CNN yesterday that “The financial impact it will directly have on us will take months to correct, if not years.” Unfortunately, these cyber attacks are not the only bad news that is being reported today. Due to the ongoing war in the Red Sea where the British and U.S. naval forces have been unable to defeat the Iran-backed Houthi rebels and reopen shipping lanes, there are now severe backlogs in the supply chain, which we have not seen since COVID.

Full Scale Naval War Breaks Out in Red Sea as Cyber Attacks Take Down Fuel Station Distribution in Iran

There can be no doubt now that we are in the beginning phase of WW III, as a full-blown Naval War has broken out in the Red Sea that threatens global trade. It was announced today that the United States was launching "Operation Prosperity Guardian", a new military operation in the Red Sea. There are also many reports of Cyber Attacks in the news right now, with the latest one being reported as an Israeli cyber attack against Iran that took down their petroleum distribution system earlier today. While you can find these stories on cyber attacks by doing a news search, they are not (yet) headline news, and one has to wonder why not, and are these cyber attacks happening a lot more than what is being reported? Most likely. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) just gave permission to Corporate America to NOT report cyber attacks for at least 30 days, due to "national security."

New Netflix Movie Warns of Coming Cyber Attack – Former Freemason Wall Street Manager Explains How the Banks Will Soon Take Your Money

Netflix recently released a new fictional film titled "Leave the World Behind" which dramatizes what could happen with a cyber attack against the U.S. I watched this film yesterday, since online comments about it were all over the place in trying to interpret it. I am recommending everyone to watch this film. Another corroborating source about what is about to happen, is the non-fictional work of David Webb, someone I had not heard of before this week. Webb has published a new book that anyone can download for free. I have read about 75% of the book since yesterday (I started with the Prologue and then worked my way back from the Conclusion), and I have to say this is definitely a MUST READ! David Webb has an incredible Bio, and came from a family deeply involved in Freemasonry. He was a successful Wall Street manager for years, and now lives in Switzerland where he owns farmland. He is originally from Cleveland. I would consider Webb a true "whistle-blower" who knows the intricacies of Freemasonry and the world's financial system, through previous experience.

Imminent Cyber Attacks on European Banks and Nuclear Conflict being Threatened Over Ukraine

The U.S. corporate media reported today that the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) reported to CNN that a global cyberattack has targeted multiple U.S. federal government agencies today. This follows an announcement by certain hacker groups that they were targeting European Banks which would collapse within 48 hours. Meanwhile, Presidents Vladimir Putin and his close ally Alexander Lukashenko have addressed "worst case scenarios which could spin out of the Ukraine war" this week as Russia deploys nukes to Belarussia.

Apple Suffers “Mysterious” Outage as Biden Issues Cyber Attack Warning

Apple services suffered a major outage on Monday, when at one point at least 25 of its services went offline, disrupting both individual users and businesses. The mysterious outage came at the same time President Joe Biden released a nationwide cybersecurity warning to all Americans telling them to prepare for a Russian cyberattack.

The Technocrats New World Order Advances – Expect “Cyber Attacks” Soon

As I wrote yesterday, the "leaks" to the media this past weekend that show the U.S. health agencies have been concealing data that prove the COVID-19 "vaccines" are deadly signify that a major move is about to happen as the next "crisis" is being planned to shift the public's attention away from the COVID-19 vaccine crimes against humanity. After weeks of both sides in the Ukrainian conflict blaming each other for escalating the situation needlessly, seemingly out of the blue Russian President Vladimir Putin appeared in public and signed documents that reportedly state that Russia is recognizing the national sovereignty of Donetsk and Luhansk, republics currently part of the Ukraine, but with historical ties to Russia. This appears to me to be the implementation of a script that has already been written that charts a course now that will move the world on to the next big crisis, with the end goal of uniting the world under a central, technological state. U.S. President Biden then was handed his script, which he read earlier today. For months now the U.S. corporate media has been preparing the public for future "cyber attacks," which will now obviously be blamed on Russia. Newsweek just published an "exclusive" report on these coming cyber attacks this past Sunday: Exclusive: FBI Braces for Russian Cyber Attacks in US as Ukraine Tensions Rise. And last night (Monday, Feb. 21) Fox News did the same thing: Ukraine-Russia Crisis: Cyberattacks could affect U.S. As I have been warning for the past few weeks, it is imperative that you be prepared for disruptions to basic services like water, power, fuel, and frozen bank accounts. Ian Davis, an independent journalist out of the UK, has just published an excellent piece that will help you cut through the propaganda that the corporate media is publishing and drill down to just what the Globalists are planning in this next phase. It was published at Unlimited Hangout, and I am going to republish it here as well. It is one of the most thorough reports on the move to a technocratic centralized government that I have read so far, and well worth the time to read through and digest. Much of this policy is set by the World Economic Forum, led by Klaus Schwab, and the evidence is strong that world leaders such as Trudeau, Putin, Xi, and Biden are following the script that the World Economic Forum has laid out. And for those of you still hanging on to your faith in Trump, here is a clip put together by High Impact Flix (HIF), highlighting President Donald Trump's cozy relationship to Klaus Schwab and the WEF, where Trump was a featured speaker in 2018, and then again in January of 2020, just weeks before the COVID-19 scam was unleashed to the world. I know this will not sway the die-hard Trump cult members who will excuse him as either being "ignorant" and not smart enough to know the true motives of Klaus Schwab and the WEF, or that he is at least better than [fill in the blank - usually Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden]. But I share all of this, not to discourage people, but to make you wise and understand who your true enemies are. We are not without hope, but hope will soon vanish if we continue to cling to the false idea that people can vote their way out of this mess by simply choosing the correct politicians.

Corporate Media Warning of Attacks on Power Grid and Cyber Attacks as U.S. Tells People to Leave Ukraine Now by Any Means Available

Information (or dis-information) is now very obviously being leaked to the corporate media warning of impending attacks on the power grid in the United States, as well as cyber attacks, as the U.S. is now telling citizens in the Ukraine to leave immediately, by whatever means necessary. If you are not prepared for periods of time with no electricity and no Internet, you may have very little time left to prepare.

The WEF’s Partnership Against Cybercrime Wants to Eliminate Online Anonymity, Destroying Privacy

Of particular interest is the call by both FS-ISAC and the WEF Partnership against Cybercrime to specifically target cryptocurrencies, particularly those that favor transactional anonymity, as well as the infrastructure on which those cryptocurrencies run. Though framed as a way to combat “cybercrime”, it is obvious that cryptocurrencies are to be unwanted competitors for the soon-to-be-launched central bank digital currencies. In addition, as this report will show, there is a related push by WEF partners to “tackle cybercrime” that seeks to end privacy and the potential for anonymity on the internet in general, by linking government-issued IDs to internet access. Such a policy would allow governments to surveil every piece of online content accessed as well as every post or comment authored by each citizen, supposedly to ensure that no citizen can engage in “criminal” activity online. A major theme in these efforts has not only been an emphasis on global cooperation, but also a merging of private banks and/or corporations with the State, specifically intelligence and law enforcement agencies. In addition, many of the banks, institutions and individuals involved in the creation of these reports and simulations are either actively involved in WEF-related efforts to usher in a new global economic model of “stakeholder capitalism” or are seeking to imminently introduce, or are actively developing, central bank-backed digital currencies, or CBDCs. Of particular interest is the call by both FS-ISAC and the WEF Partnership against Cybercrime to specifically target cryptocurrencies, particularly those that favor transactional anonymity, as well as the infrastructure on which those cryptocurrencies run. Though framed as a way to combat “cybercrime”, it is obvious that cryptocurrencies are to be unwanted competitors for the soon-to-be-launched central bank digital currencies.  In addition, as this report will show, there is a related push by WEF partners to “tackle cybercrime” that seeks to end privacy and the potential for anonymity on the internet in general, by linking government-issued IDs to internet access. Such a policy would allow governments to surveil every piece of online content accessed as well as every post or comment authored by each citizen, supposedly to ensure that no citizen can engage in “criminal” activity online.