Dr. David Martin Exposes the False Foundation of Eugenics: “You Don’t Have DNA”

Yesterday we published a Q&A session given by Dr. David Martin and Dr. Judy Mikovits at the “Free & Brave” Conference held at the Church of Glad Tidings in May, 2021. I went to the Church of Glad Tidings website to see if some of the other sessions from the conference were there. It appears that some are, but maybe not all of them. Since I was a lot less familiar with Dr. David Martin than I am with some of the other participants in this conference, and since some of things he shared during the Q&A session with Dr. Mikovits were so fascinating, I decided to watch his 90+ minute presentation from the next day of the conference, "How Did We Get Here?" Dr. David Martin has a very long bio with years of experience, and if I were to copy it all here it would probably double the length of this article, so you can read it on his website. I have never read a bio as diverse as his, and it is likely you have not either. His 90-minute presentation challenged my thinking on several topics, and I don't necessarily agree with everything he says in his presentation, but that's a good thing. One of the problems with modern American culture is that we are conditioned to only seek out people who believe in and agree with the same things we think or believe in, and therefore we lose opportunities to grow in knowledge and benefit from the experience and wisdom of others. So when I learned what Dr. Martin's main premise was, which is that it is not the Federal Reserve and Central Bankers who control the U.S. financial system, but instead it is the Life Insurance industry, I was skeptical. And honestly, I have not had the time yet to research this topic and verify what he is claiming. But the other part of his main premise, which is that the Globalists use "science" to weaponize nature, and that at its core it has always been a eugenics system, that is definitely a topic I can resonate with from the years of publishing we have done here at Health Impact News, exposing the modern-day field of "genetics" as just "eugenics" at its core, which is the basis of modern medicine and the pharmaceutical industry. But he took it a step further from anything we have published, and made the bold claim that we don't have DNA, only chromosomes, and that DNA is only a model, developed to weaponize nature and science. So I have lifted that section out as an 8-minute clip, because I think this is a very important point to de-mystify for everyone, and is another part of removing the false gods our society has built to instill fear into us. If you find this 8-minute clip educational, then watch the entire 90-minute presentation, even if you don't agree with everything he says, because he presents many things you will not likely hear elsewhere. I have also provided a partial transcript of the 8-minute section on DNA.

CDC Begins Mass Extermination Program of Americans’ Children Aged 12 to 17 Implementing Eugenic Population Control Measures through COVID-19 Bioweapons

Rochelle Walensky, the current director of the criminal organization and marketing arm of the pharmaceutical industry, the CDC, which should be renamed more appropriately as the Center for DEATH and population Control, has committed crimes against humanity by heading up a program to kill, maim, and render infertile Americans' children between the ages of 12 and 17. In spite of the overwhelming evidence that this age group has nearly ZERO risk for harm from COVID-19, she addressed the public yesterday and lied to the American people. "In the critical month of June, I want to highlight a specific population that we were hoping will join the tens of millions who have already been vaccinated, and that is adolescents," she explained. She also referenced a report to be published in Friday's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, that demonstrates "the level of severe disease, even among youth that are preventable," which is why the CDC is going to "redouble" motivation to get adolescents and young adults vaccinated. The propaganda report promised yesterday is now up on the CDC website today. Anybody with at least a high school education reading level can clearly see through the BS in this "study" which is nothing more than propaganda. But how many parents will even bother reading this garbage before deciding to let someone inject their child with a COVID-19 bioweapon? We are seeing a global eugenics population reduction plan being unfolded before our very eyes that now far eclipses anything that happened in Nazi Germany during WWII, and is now racing ahead towards numbers that were reported during the Bolshevik revolution under Lenin and Stalin.

What Didn’t Happen at Nuremburg? The Criminals at the Top were Never Tried

As much as it might cause us a fair deal of displeasure and even an upset stomach to consider such ideas as the hold eugenics has on our presently troubled era, I believe that ignoring such a topic really does no one any favors in the long run. This is especially serious, as leading World Economic Forum darlings like Yuval Harari flaunt such concepts as “the new global useless class” which Artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, automation and the Fourth Industrial Revolution is supposedly ushering in. Other Davos creatures like Klaus Schwab call openly for a microchipped global citizenry capable of interfacing with a global web with a single thought while Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg promote ‘neuralinks’ to “keep humanity relevant” by merging with computers in a new epoch of evolutionary biology. Leading Darwinian geneticists like Sir James Watson and Sir Richard Dawkins openly defend eugenics while a technocracy consolidates itself in a governing station using a “Great Reset” as an excuse to usher in a new post-nation state era. If there is something fundamentally evil lurking behind these processes which has any connection to the Anglo-American rise of fascism and eugenics nearly a century ago, then let’s at least have the courage to explore that possibility. It was after all, only by looking at this ugliness 80 years ago, that patriots were able to take appropriate measures to prevent a bankers’ technocratic dictatorship in 1933 and again during WW2... so perhaps a similar display of courage to think the unthinkable might be worth the effort for those who might find themselves in a similar situation today.

From Nuremberg to California: How Eugenics Destroys the Lives of Children by Removing Consent to Medical Procedures Like Vaccines

Comments by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News Editor: I have been investigating and covering the topic of vaccines for over a decade now, and know the topic so well that seldom, if ever, can I find anyone to carry on an intelligent conversation about the topic. The controversial topic of vaccines in the U.S. today is primarily a topic about beliefs, and people's trust in vaccines resembles a religious belief, not an informed opinion based on the facts. I am not sure in all of my years in covering this very important and very controversial topic, that I have ever found a literary treatise on the subject as eloquent and comprehensive as this piece just put together by Barbara Loe Fisher, the founder of the National Vaccine Information Center. Revolutions that have changed the course of history have begun on lesser documents and exposés than what Barbara has written here, and I am not exaggerating. When discussing the topic of vaccines, the religious-like faith of those who put their trust in them usually starts out with a statement like: "When it comes to vaccines, the science is settled." This statement in and of itself is intrinsically unscientific, and is simply used to avoid debate and censor any information contrary to the religious-like beliefs so many hold about vaccines. Fisher correctly points out how our modern day culture has come to worship "science," but it is a very perverted form of true science. Fisher does an excellent job also of documenting the history of "eugenics," which was born in American intellectualism and made notorious by Hitler in Nazi Germany to justify horrible atrocities. As we have reported here at Health Impact News, while the term "eugenics" has become unpopular, the ideas it represents have never left American culture - they have just been "repackaged" and are the same arguments used today for forced vaccination as they were used in the past for forced sterilization.

Vaccine War Heating Up: Mothers of Unvaccinated Children Labeled Criminals

The Vaccine Culture War is heating up. In America, professors and doctors in academia and government are profiling parents by class and race to shame and discredit those challenging vaccine orthodoxy. “When it comes to vaccines, rich parents get away with child neglect,” the headline in the Washington Post proclaimed on May 10, 2017. The OpEd was written by a Pace University law professor promoting criminal prosecution of mothers whose children are not vaccinated. She suggested that all mothers who don’t vaccinate their children are criminals and should be punished - “regardless of socioeconomic status” – because vaccination is a “collective obligation.” In 2013, the flames of prejudice were fanned by an online publication profiling parents in a San Francisco community and labeling them “vaccine deniers.” The parents were described as “wealthy, educated, liberal leaning” and often working in “technology, law and other white collar professions that demand critical thinking skills,” who put their children at risk by feeding them non-GMO organic food, taking them to holistic doctors, and paying $20,000 a year to send them to private schools where self-reliance, independence and critical thinking are taught. Professors at major universities suggested the government should impose a tax on unvaccinated people, suspend free speech about vaccination, and deny elected representatives public office and strip doctors of their medical licenses if they talk bad about vaccines. A USA Today OpEd stated flatly: “Parents who do not vaccinate their children should go to jail.”

Mapping the Genome and Modern Genetics: Eugenics Repackaged for Modern Times

The "science" of eugenics in America's past history resulted in racism, forced sterilization, forced vaccination, and tyrannical government policies all in the name of developing a "superior" race of people. In Germany, the "science" of eugenics was used by the Nazi Party to "eliminate" over 11 million men, women, and children. The term "eugenics" has fallen out of favor and is no longer a politically correct word to use, because of its negative stigmatization. But has the philosophy behind "eugenics" simply been replaced with the "new science" of genetics, and the mapping of the human genome? Is there reason to suspect hidden motivations of certain groups who want us to be convinced that our genes, and only our genes, control every aspect of our health and well-being? Can we trust everything we hear about the benefits of genetic research? Is there a dark side to genetics? Is America heading down the same path that eugenics led us in the past, and that led Nazi Germany up to World War II?

Eugenics in the United States Today: Are We on the Same Path Nazi Germany Followed?

The word Eugenics means "good genes." Eugenicists believe that principles of Darwin’s theory regarding “the survival of the fittest” can be used to support the elimination of weak and undesirable people from society. When Adolf Hitler applied Darwin’s theory of evolution and the principles of eugenics to the goals of the German state, the result was the murder of eleven million men, women and children. These lives were sacrificed in the name of eugenics. Eugenicists were seeking to improve the conditions of life for humanity by creating a “superior” race of people. The eugenics movement had a very dark side, which led to social control, loss of reproductive freedom, and the loss of life. Should we be concerned that modern genetic science might have a dark side as well? Will the fruit of genetic research be misused by ill-intentioned people to gain control over others as happened with eugenics in the past? Has modern genetics completely severed itself from its roots? Or, might it become the tool that will be used to try to control the lives of certain groups of people in America today, such as those who refuse vaccines?

Vaccine Culture War Myths

"Even if you and your children have willingly received every government recommended vaccine today, if non-medical exemptions are removed from U.S. vaccine laws, you will have no choice if you decide you don’t want to use every new liability-free vaccine that government recommends tomorrow. This Vaccine Culture War is about a lot more than vaccination. Because if the State can tag, track down and force you against your will to be injected with biologicals of known and unknown toxicity today, then there will be no limit on which other freedoms the State can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow." - Barbara Loe Fisher Doctors who say vaccines are safe for everyone and do not cause injury and death are either uninformed, in denial or lying. Since the first vaccine for smallpox, doctors have known and it has been well documented that brain inflammation, permanent brain damage and death have always been among most serious complications of vaccination. Just like any other pharmaceutical product, vaccines carry a risk of injury or death. These risks can be greater for some people with genetic, biological and environmental risk factors that doctors do not understand or cannot predict.

The American History Of Compulsory Vaccination and its Ties to Eugenics

Those currently proposing forced vaccination laws point to a U.S. Supreme Court decision from 1905: Jacobson v. Massachusetts. In fact, the Supreme Court has not heard a compulsory vaccine case since the 1920s. In the article presented here, Attorney Emord looks at the history of compulsory vaccination, and shows how it was Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. who stripped away Fourteenth Amendment rights in regards to compulsory vaccination, the very same judge who ruled in favor of forced sterilization which was supported by the "science" of that day, eugenics. Eugenics is the same "science" used by the Nazis in Germany to endorse eliminating "feeble-minded" people in favor of a "master race."

Are Proposed Forced Vaccination Laws Comparable to Eugenics Forced Sterilization Laws in the U.S.?

Constitutional attorney Jonathan Emord has written an excellent commentary about current legislative efforts to remove vaccine exemptions, and increase forced vaccinations against people's wills. Emord writes: "The current rush to revoke laws allowing conscientious dissent from compulsory vaccination, including encumbering or revoking grounds based on religious or medical grounds, are a return to a very ugly era of elitism, one of gross intrusion into rights of personal autonomy and liberty that left us only a few decades ago." Emord reminds us that it was not that long ago when "eugenics" was a popular "scientific fact" accepted by the majority in our society, and used to pass state laws forcing sterilization of people considered "genetically unfit" for society. The most famous case was Buck vs. Bell, a Virginia statute which was decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1927. The Court's decision, delivered by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., included the infamous phrase "Three generations of imbeciles are enough." Upholding Virginia's sterilization statute provided the green light for similar laws in 30 states, under which an estimated 65,000 Americans were sterilized without their own consent or that of a family member. In 2001, the Virginia General Assembly acknowledged that the sterilization law was based on faulty science and expressed its "profound regret over the Commonwealth's role in the eugenics movement in this country and over the damage done in the name of eugenics." What other "faulty science" is there in mainstream western science today that seeks to impose its will on a free society by force in the area of vaccinations, where proponents claim "the science is settled?"

The Vaccine Culture War in America: Are You Ready?

More than 1.2 million people in the United States are infected with HIV but government officials do not ban HIV infected children and adults from attending school, receiving medical care, being employed, or otherwise participating in society. In fact, there are anti-discrimination laws that guarantee civil rights protections for Americans infected with HIV or living with AIDS. In 2012, public health officials reported that about two million people in America are infected with chlamydia, tuberculosis, syphilis and gonorrhea, and they estimate another three million people are infected with hepatitis C. Like those with HIV or AIDS, these citizens are not targeted for discrimination and blocked from getting a public education, being employed or moving freely in society. But in 2015 after a handful of measles cases were identified at Disneyland, suddenly Americans are being asked to surrender civil liberties. Healthy children whose only "crime" is that their parents have chosen to refuse toxic vaccines are suddenly at risk for being denied an education in America and other freedoms granted to other citizens. How did a handful of measles cases at Disneyland turn into a full-scale assault on civil and human rights in America?