Colombian Health Officials Demand Changes to Stop HPV Vaccine Injuries

Colombia’s largest mainstream news outlet El Tiempo is currently reporting on a public forum that was held in the Bogotá Council. The forum heard testimony from doctors, lawyers, politicians, health ministers and numerous HPV vaccine-injured girls in an effort to determine the country’s next steps concerning its HPV vaccine program and treatment of the massive numbers of vaccine injuries caused by the shot.

Gold Medalist Dies Of Cervical Cancer- Could It Be Because Of The HPV Vaccine She Received?

Australian, London Olympics medallist rower, Sarah Tait has died after a battle with cervical cancer- she was 33. She is survived by her senior national coach husband Bill and two children. Sadly, the HPV vaccine she had when she was younger didn’t save her and neither did the chemotherapy.

Gardasil Vaccine Put Our Lives on Hold

At 8 years of age, my daughter Calli was diagnosed with ADHD. She was full of energy, constantly on the go, enjoyed singing, acting and music, loved meeting up with friends. Fast forward to the 11th of December 2013. That’s the day Calli received the second dose of the HPV vaccine Gardasil. The 12th of December Calli went to bed at 10pm and at 10.45pm screamed ‘mum!’ I rushed upstairs to find her in a state of acute confusion, unable to see and very frightened. At first I thought she was dreaming but no, this was the beginning of our nightmare. What has concerned me since the 12th of December is that when the school sent out the consent form and their information leaflet, no mention was made of any serious adverse reactions which could occur following HPV vaccination. The serious side effects are listed on the Patients Information Leaflet which is not sent out to parents at the time of requesting consent. Friday 13th December 2013 at 10am while the doctors were at her bed, Calli had a Tonic Clonic Seizure. This was the most frightening experience I have ever witnessed. I thought my child had died in front of me. It’s over two years since Calli received the HPV vaccine and it has been very difficult for her. It has also been difficult for me to watch her every day not knowing how she will be or how much she will suffer. We just have to work on a day to day basis and cannot plan anything. Our lives are on hold at the moment. I just wish I did more research on the side-effects of this vaccine before I consented to vaccinate. I feel very guilty.

Ireland’s HPV Vaccine Injured Fight for Human Rights in Dublin’s High Court

Fighting for the recognition of their vaccine-injured daughters in the eyes of healthcare and political policy, growing numbers of Irish mothers and fathers throughout the country are garnering the world's attention. At the same time throughout Ireland, many are asking for the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine to be withdrawn in the country. Countries globally are experiencing their newly unveiled mandatory HPV vaccine programs in various stages of deterioration and failure. Amidst this chaos, a perfect storm of well-deserved bad press, mounting HPV vaccine injury and political apathy has descended upon Ireland. Mainstream special reports and news stories coming from the Emerald Isle continue to cast a light on the negligent silence of Ireland's political class. The Irish healthcare system is rapidly losing the respect of its people through years of misdiagnosing Gardasil vaccine injury and medical incompetence in its treatment. The mishandling and inaction regarding Ireland's vaccine-injured daughters is now front and center for the world to see in Dublin’s High Court.

Colombian Constitutional Court Orders Official Investigation Into HPV Vaccine Injury Epidemic

Unlike the U.S. where victims of vaccine damage cannot sue the manufacturer of the vaccine, lawsuits against the HPV vaccine are mounting in many countries around the world. Colombian mainstream media has been reporting breaking news this week as the Colombian Constitutional Court has ordered health authorities to deliver “as soon as possible” thorough tests of the initial HPV vaccines given in 2013. The court order directs the District Department of Health Bogotá to conduct toxicology tests to determine whether the HPV vaccines contain heavy metals such as aluminum, lead, cadmium, silver and titanium. Following these studies, the National Institute of Health (NIH), the Colombian Association of Rheumatology and the National Cancer Institute are to deliver to the court any studies demonstrating the negative effects and contraindications of HPV vaccines. According to statements, the mission of the court is to establish whether health authorities violated the fundamental right to health of Colombian girls by not previously warning about the alleged negative effects of the vaccine. Said another way, the court wants to know why, like in every other country where the HPV vaccine is administered, informed consent was not given.

Did Two Medical Journals Just Blacklist Gardasil Research Showing Dangers of the Vaccine?

Recently, the medical journal Vaccine has abruptly withdrawn a study that casts doubt on the safety of Merck’s Gardasil HPV vaccine, and by extension, the entire global push to mandate the shot by law to boys and girls. Are the nine authors of the recently rejected Gardasil study another chapter in the continued global vaccine research fraud? The study found that mice injected with Merck’s Gardasil HPV vaccine exhibited neurological and behavioral abnormalities. The study concluded to suggest curbing the current worldwide push to immunize all boys and girls with the HPV vaccine pending further investigation. The move by the journal Vaccine to put on hold and send for re-review the recent Gardasil HPV study is raising questions. Sources told Health Impact News that the pulled HPV study was temporarily removed at the request of Vaccine’s Editor-in-Chief Dr. Gregory Poland. In addition, Dr. Poland recommended the study be further reviewed. Commenting on these unusual events, one of the Gardasil HPV vaccine study’s authors, Dr. Shaw, told Health Impact News: “It is odd that an already peer-reviewed, revised after review, and then accepted study would be re-reviewed.”

American College of Pediatricians Latest to Warn of Gardasil HPV Vaccine Dangers

The once held theory that the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Gardasil vaccine was safe has officially been proven false. The public has had a front row seat over the years to witness continuous, contradictory “settled science” around the HPV shot become very unsettling. Research fraud has been exposed, and alarm bells sounded as the dominos of perceived safety are falling rapidly now in succession. While the U.S. government ignores the evidence on the dangers of the Gardsil vaccine, and instead is supporting efforts to vaccinate even more children with this deadly vaccine, one group of American pediatricians is issuing their own warning on the vaccine. The American College of Pediatricians recently issued a press release sounding the alarm to the public, the medical community and politicians that the HPV Gardasil vaccine is not as safe as manufacturers would want us to believe. They have warned the public that the Gardasil vaccine causes premature ovarian failure (POF), also known as premature menopause. The only questions remaining are what percentage of the U.S. population has already become sterile or will become sterile as a result of Gardasil mass vaccination programs, and how long will this be allowed to continue?

Gardasil Vaccine Becomes International Scandal: Deceptive Emails by Health Officials Exposed to Public

"I predict that Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all times because at some point in time, the evidence will add up to prove that this vaccine, technical and scientific feat that it may be, has absolutely no effect on cervical cancer and that all the very many adverse effects which destroy lives and even kill, serve no other purpose than to generate profit for the manufacturers." This statement was made in April of 2014 by French medical doctor Bernard Dalbergue, a former pharmaceutical industry physician with Merck, the manufacturer of the HPV vaccine Gardasil. This past week, Dr. Sin Hang Lee, M.D., F.R.C.P. (C), FCAP, director of the Milford Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory in Connecticut, proved Dr. Dalbergue's prediction correct, when he published a letter sent to the U.S. CDC, the World Health Organization, the Ministry of Health in Japan, and others, documenting "scientific misconduct" among the world's leading health organizations tasked with providing vaccine safety, by deliberately misleading Japanese health authorities on the safety of the HPV vaccine.

Many U.S. Pediatricians and Family Doctors Not Recommending Gardasil HPV Vaccine

More bad news for Gardasil and the HPV vaccine. As countries around the world begin to investigate or stop recommending the HPV vaccine due to the high amount of adverse side effects, which includes Primary Ovarian Failure (or "premature menopause" where young ladies will never be able to bear children) and severe disabilities, a new study just published in the journal Pediatrics again shows that doctors in the U.S. are increasingly hesitant to recommend the vaccine. This hesitation regarding the HPV vaccine mirrors a similar study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention last month showing that nearly half of the doctors in U.S. are not routinely recommending the HPV vaccine.

The HPV Vaccine Changed Our Reality

Our daughter Ellen was a happy healthy 12 year old girl who loved to swim competitively and take part in charity runs; she was enjoying secondary school taking part in the school band as well as representing her school at swimming and running events. On 14 January 2010 Ellen had the first Human Papillomavirus vaccination, Cervarix, and the second one on the 25th of February. Since those vaccinations our family lives have been turned upside down. Ellen is no longer a healthy confident independent young girl. Every day I regret ever having allowed her to have the HPV vaccine and can’t help wondering how different all our lives could be if we had made a different decision.