It’s Time for All True Believers in Jesus Christ to Invoke our own “Emergency Powers” to Stop Trump from Handing Over the U.S. to the Technologists

As we head into the third week of the new Trump 2.0 Presidency here in 2025, it is becoming increasingly clear that President Donald Trump will do everything he can to rule the U.S. like a King, with self-defined "emergency powers" that he is now using to issue "executive orders" (EOs) to bypass the Constitution of the United States as well as many other laws and treaties to accomplish his goals. And those goals, based on the first couple of weeks, seem to be to hand off control of the U.S. into the hands of the Technologists, who have made it clear that they want to do away with the current financial system, and implement their own, based on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, in an attempt to destroy the world economy, and then build it back "better" based on their technological science fiction dreams, with total control of the U.S. Fortunately, Trump's alleged "emergency powers" that he is trying to use to accomplish his goals, pale in comparison to the "powers" that are available to the disciples of Jesus Christ. In addition, human intelligence far exceeds "artificial (fake) intelligence", and that human intelligence, which is created by God, becomes "superior" human intelligence when the human spirit is united with the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ. What I am introducing today, therefore, is a new Fact Sheet that describes the "Human Superior Intelligence" (HSI) network that was implemented on Earth with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in the First Century. This intelligence network is far superior to Satan's intelligence networks, and it is time for those of us who operate in this network to start utilizing it to fight back against the evil King Trump and his technocrats who are attempting to take over the world's financial system and set up a new one to rule the world.