The One Who Controls the Storms

What once used to be referred to as "acts of nature" or "acts of God", terms still used by insurance companies today, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc., are today being politicized and blamed on alleged evil actors in the opposing political party, based on who is placing the blame on these (formerly known as) "natural disasters", and their political affiliation. We saw this back in 2005, when hurricane Katrina had a direct hit on New Orleans, and is one of the worst disasters to ever occur in U.S. history. Then President Republican George Bush was blamed by the Democrats and the Left for the hurricane, for not taking more action to fight climate change, and because he was on vacation at the time and was late to provide national help to the survivors. Fast forward to today, and the current Democrat President and Vice President are being blamed by Republicans and the Right for Hurricane Helene, and I am sure they will also be blamed for Hurricane Milton that just ripped through Central Florida last night, at the time of my writing this. They are being blamed for "weaponizing" hurricanes, and preventing FEMA from responding quickly enough. I, for one, am getting tired of reading daily news events through the glasses of political ideology. I am more interested in discovering the Truth, so whether you believe these hurricanes are being weaponized to destroy only Republicans, or that these hurricanes are caused by man-made climate change, I am going to present a third, non-political alternative: Jesus Christ, the Creator of the Universe, controls the weather.