Did Trump Admit He is NOT a Christian? Did Trump Just Predict the Fulfillment of the Noahide Laws and Mass Murder of Christians?

Former President Donald Trump caused a lot of controversy this week when he stated that if Christians turned out to vote him into office this year, that they would not have to vote anymore. And that is in fact what most media outlets are reporting. But here is a short clip, 26 seconds long, on the Wall Street Journal YouTube channel. Slow the speed down as low as it gets, 0.25 (it will make Trump sound like he is drunk), and turn on the subtitles (cc). The subtitles claim he said: "I'm not Christian". To be fair, I checked some other copies of this speech on YouTube and did the same thing, and some of the subtitles claim he said "I'm a Christian", while others are like the WSJ clip and claim he said "I'm not Christian." However, Trump is moving his head in the negative (back and forth) when he says this, which means negative, and not up and down, which means affirmation, and he uses the second person plural in the English language (repeatedly), "you" or "you all", when referring to "Christians", and not the first person plural "we" where he would include himself in the group of Christians. Trump has made it very clear in the past that his family is Jewish. While his son-in-law and daughter Ivanka are openly Jewish, many Jews claim that Donald Trump cannot come out into the open and declare that he is Jewish because of "antisemitism" backlash. Trump has done more to promote the Zionist agenda than any other President in U.S. history, and that includes endorsing the Noahide Laws, which makes believing in the New Testament and that Jesus Christ was the historical Jewish Messiah, illegal, and punishable by decapitation. Could this be the reason why Trump is stating that if he gets back into office this year, that Christians will no longer be able to vote, because they will either be dead or it will be illegal for them to vote anymore due to the Noahide Laws?

Zionist Christians Get Wake-up Call: New Law Defining “Antisemitism” Means Denying the Biblical Record that Jews Condemned Jesus to Death!

There are more Zionists among Evangelical Christians than there are among Jews. President Donald Trump made this very clear during his presidency, admitting that he would never have been able to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem without support from Evangelical Christians, and that he has far more support from Evangelical Christians than Jews. Well, yesterday was a wake up call to Evangelical Christians, as the House of Representatives in Congress, led by their new Speaker of the House Zionist Mike Johnson, who now works together with Democrats to appease his Zionist war-mongering masters to continue funding America's wars while keeping the U.S. border open, has now passed a new "Antisemitism" law that effectively makes it illegal, if the bill passes the Senate and is signed by President Biden, to hold to traditional Christian beliefs and the teaching of the Bible that the Satanic Jews executed Jesus. In October of 2023 when Mike Johnson was elected to become Speaker of the House in the U.S. Congress, I warned the public at that time and wrote: "Do you Zionist Evangelical Christians not understand how supporting modern-day Israel will eventually lead to your belief in Jesus Christ as the promised Messiah also being declared illegal as hate speech and antisemitic?" And that's exactly what he did yesterday, 6 months later. The road to Armageddon and the persecution of the saints, as prophesied in Scripture, is paved by Evangelical Zionist Christians who worship Israel. American Christian Zionist churches are the most dangerous places to be today. If you thought the COVID lock downs and vaccines were bad, you haven't seen anything yet.