Barbara Loe Fisher: Seeing Through the COVID-19 Spin – How Big Pharma and Government are Spending $BILLIONS to Deceive the Public with Misinformation on COVID “Vaccines”

Seeing through the COVID-19 spin is a challenge even for those who have been writing and talking for years about the need to limit Big Pharma’s influence on health policy and law. Perhaps the greatest change I have seen in vaccine regulation, policymaking and law over the past four decades has been the development of public-private business partnerships between Big Pharma and the government. That seismic change has affected how new vaccines are developed, licensed and regulated and is influencing what we see happening today. Since the coronavirus pandemic was declared by government officials in early 2020, lawmakers have been persuaded to build the entire global pandemic response around a single experimental biological product. That single product is generating billions of dollars in profits for liability free drug companies and their partners. The COVID-19 spin is reaching dizzying new heights every day, with fundamental facts about the experimental product’s risks and failures getting lost in the hard sell. Government health officials have said that COVID-19 vaccines will be approved for use in children of any age by early 2022. With the majority of adults suffering very strong COVID vaccine reactions, especially younger adults, why are there plans to give the messenger RNA cell disrupter biological to infants and young children when the CDC says the majority of children with COVID-19 disease either have mild symptoms or no symptoms at all? The enormous sums of money that Big Pharma and government is spending on television and digital ad campaigns to make sure that every child and adult in America gets a COVID-19 vaccine is creating false impressions and assumptions. When public policy precedes the science and aggressive advertising campaign blur the lines between facts and myths, truth gets lost in the spin and nobody is safe.

Barbara Loe Fisher’s 40-Year History Advocating for the Vaccine Injured and the Right to Informed Consent

Back in 1980, a young mother watched with horror as her infant son, who for 2.5 years was very healthy and at the top of all the growth and development charts for his age, began to deteriorate and start regressing just after his 4th DTP vaccine, which had caused convulsions just after being vaccinated, followed by life-long learning disabilities. Barbara Loe Fisher began the painful task of researching the actual science behind the vaccine market, rather than just blindly trusting what Big Pharma and government health authorities were saying about the safety and efficacy of vaccines, turning her own personal family tragedy into what today has become the oldest and most effective vaccine advocacy organization in the world, blessing hundreds of thousands if not millions of lives through her work, and the organization she went on to co-found, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC). I have put together a 30-minute clip of some of Barbara's more memorable appearances in the corporate media, dealing with hostile doctors, public health officials, and medical news broadcasters. We are living in unprecedented times, where non-FDA approved vaccines, which have great risk for harm to begin with even when they are approved by the FDA, are now being tested on the American public as well as on citizens of most countries around the world all in the name of a COVID-19 pandemic. Thousands of people have already died following these experimental injections, and hundreds of thousands have been injured. Big Pharma and the government "health authorities" want to vaccinate every person on the planet, as Globalists like Bill Gates have already stated this is their purpose. To do so, they will need to try to forcibly vaccinate those who choose not to get them. Here in the U.S., it is highly unlikely that there will be any national orders or legislation passed to make COVID injections mandatory. Those battles, as always, will be fought at the State level. And Big Pharma now has $TRILLIONS in their coffers to "entice" state legislators and Governors to pass restrictive laws forcing vaccines unto those who do not want them. The NVIC is a non-profit organization with a history of fighting this kind of legislation for decades now. There is no one I would want in my corner fighting this fight more than Barbara Loe Fisher and her team at the NVIC. But they need our help! They cannot win this battle alone. We all must do our part.

September DOJ Report Lists 200 Vaccine Injuries and 1 Vaccine Death Compensated During 6 Month Period – And that’s Without a Fast-Tracked COVID Vaccine

The federal government Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services met on September 4, 2020, and the Department of Justice reported that during a 6-month period from February 16th through August 15th this year, 200 vaccine injuries and one death were compensated through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). The NVICP was started as a result of a law passed in 1986 that gave pharmaceutical companies legal immunity from being sued due to injuries and deaths resulting from vaccines. Today, anyone suffering from a vaccine injury or death must sue the U.S. Government and go up against their top attorneys. So far in 2020 the NVICP has paid out $200 MILLION in damages due to vaccine injuries and deaths. These damages were caused primarily by the annual flu vaccine, and other childhood vaccines that have gone through the FDA approval process. What will these numbers look like after the COVID vaccines are fast-tracked? We will probably never even know, because The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act), which was invoked because of the COVID "Pandemic" earlier this year, will absolve the U.S. Government from even having to try cases and award damages to any injuries or deaths related to a COVID vaccine. So if people start dying in mass, and if new injuries result from this COVID vaccine, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the U.S. Government will undoubtedly blame the injuries and deaths on either the second wave of SARS-CoV-2, or some new plandemic that will lead to far more tyrannical actions than anything we have seen so far. Welcome to the New World Order, where a massive reduction of the world's population is the goal, and where mass deaths are already expected this fall.

2019 DOJ Report on Vaccine Court Reveals Vaccines Continue to Injure and Kill People: $110 MILLION in Damages Paid Out First Quarter

The federal government Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services just concluded their first meeting of 2019 on March 8th. These quarterly meetings include a report from the Department of Justice (DOJ) on cases settled for vaccine injuries and deaths as mandated by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). The NVICP was started as a result of a law passed in 1986 that gave pharmaceutical companies total legal immunity from being sued due to injuries and deaths resulting from vaccines. Drug manufacturers in the vaccine market can now create as many new vaccines as they desire, with no risk of being sued if their product causes injury or death. This has resulted in a huge increase of vaccines entering the market, and the U.S. government, through the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), is the largest purchaser of these vaccines, spending in excess of $5 billion taxpayer dollars each year to purchase these vaccines. The CDC's annual budget of $5 BILLION to purchase vaccines from pharmaceutical companies with American taxpayer funds, and the NVICP law which gives legal immunity to the pharmaceutical industry for injuries and deaths due to vaccines, are facts that are routinely censored and withheld from the public in the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media, as well as in government legislative hearings that seek to mandate vaccines by force. If you or a family member is injured or dies from vaccines, you must sue the federal government and go up against their attorneys in this special vaccine court. Many cases are litigated for years before a settlement is reached, as can be seen from the most current report. One flu shot victim litigated for 7 years before reaching a settlement, and one Gardasil HPV vaccine victim litigated for over 5 years before reaching a settlement, for example. Another Gardasil HPV vaccine victim who suffered cardiac arrest and death, took over 3 years to settle. As far as we know, Health Impact News is the only media source that publishes these DOJ reports on vaccine injuries and deaths each quarter. Here is the March, 2019 report. The total amount of damages paid out by the U.S. Government so far in 2019 for vaccine injuries and deaths is over $110 MILLION.

Vaccine Awareness Week: National Vaccine Information Center Calls on Health Officials to Protect Babies in U.S. from Toxic DPT Vaccine

During the Ninth Annual Vaccine Awareness Week co-sponsored by the non-profit charity National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) and Dr. Joseph Mercola, NVIC is calling on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to protect newborns from being subjected to the risks of an old and crude whole cell pertussis vaccine in DPT that has not been given to babies in America for 20 years. During this year’s Vaccine Awareness Week, NVIC is also releasing a 2018 Annual Report on U.S. State Vaccine Legislation: Breakdown, Trends and Predictions. The report is an analysis of which state legislatures passed bills that affected vaccine exemptions or added new vaccine mandates, enrolled citizens in electronic vaccine tracking registries, approved vaccine promotion programs in daycares and schools or enacted other vaccine-related legislation. NVIC reports that for the third year in a row, exemptions in vaccine laws remained stable with no losses in any state. Vaccine Awareness Week Sept. 23-30, 2018 was launched with an article and video reviewing the risks and failures of influenza vaccines and will include an article on fast tracking and marketing of vaccines, such as Gardasil (HPV) vaccine, by federal health agencies. Saturday will feature online viewing of excerpts from the international award winning HPV vaccine documentary, Sacrificial Virgins.

State Vaccine Legislation Scorecard: Majority of Americans Oppose Mandatory Vaccination

State vaccine laws and the legal right to vaccine exemptions are hot topics in America. Between 2015 and 2017, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a non-profit charity, closely monitored state legislation and analyzed and issued positions on 454 vaccine-related bills through the NVIC Advocacy Portal (NVICAP). In 2015, the NVICAP team responded to more vaccine related bills than were filed in any previous year: 160 bills across 41 states. This record was shattered two years later in 2017 when NVIC tracked and published information on an all-time record of 184 proposed vaccine bills filed in 42 state legislatures. Mainstream media continues to cite the passage of two 2015 bills, California SB277, which eliminated the personal belief and religious vaccine exemption, and Vermont H98, which removed only the philosophical exemption, as evidence that public support for vaccine exemptions is waning. This is a myth easily refuted by looking at the real evidence.

Vaccine Awareness Week: Fighting the Vaccine Culture War and Opposing Mandatory Vaccines

This week from November 5-11, 2017 and the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) are co-sponsoring the Eighth Annual Vaccine Awareness Week (VAW), a week dedicated to raising awareness about vaccines and informed consent rights. With all the uncertainty surrounding the risks and failures of vaccines, it's critical to protect your legal right to make independent health choices and exercise voluntary informed consent to vaccination. It is urgent that everyone stand up and fight to protect flexible medical, religious and conscientious belief vaccine exemptions and expand informed consent protections in state public health and employment laws. During this week, Dr. Joseph Mercola will double match your donations up to $100,000 to the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a non-profit charity advocating for vaccine safety and protection of the ethical principle of informed consent to medical risk taking, including vaccine risk taking. NVIC's mission since 1982 has been to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and to defend your legal right to exercise informed consent to vaccination.

Forced Vaccination for all Hospital Workers Passes Indiana Senate Unanimously

SB 162 unfortunately passed the full Indiana Senate on 2/2/16 completely unopposed with a vote of 50 yes and 0 no. The bill was amended to become a much worse bill. While the introduced version of the bill prohibited a hospital from ultimately requiring an employee to receive a vaccine if the “employee refuses to permit the immunization after being fully informed of the health risks”, the final version sent to the House was significantly adversely altered to force vaccination as a condition of employment and to grant liability protection for hospitals firing employees.

Opposition to Forced Vaccinations Growing – National Vaccine Information Center Leading the Way

In 2015, state legislatures across the United States experienced an unprecedented flood of bills backed by the pharmaceutical and medical trade industries to restrict or remove personal belief vaccine exemptions, expand electronic vaccine tracking systems, and require more vaccines for children in school and adults in the workplace. While much of the media attention and gloating by lobbyists for the pharmaceutical industry and organized medicine focused on the loss of the personal belief and religious exemption in California and the loss of the philosophical exemption in Vermont, there was little recognition of the huge successes in states where attempts to restrict informed consent rights failed. In 2015, citizens took a stand for their informed consent rights in the following states and derailed legislative attempts by special interest lobbyists to outright eliminate the conscientious/philosophical exemptions: Maine, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas and Washington. Additionally, during the 2015 legislative cycle, activist citizens in the following states came out on top of attacks that would have eliminated or severely restricted religious vaccine exemptions: Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, and Vermont. Regarding adult employees, bills to mandate vaccines for child care employees were passed in California, but bills to require vaccination for health care workers in Connecticut, Missouri and New Jersey and school employees in Texas all failed. Leading the way to stop these bills was the web-based National Vaccine Information Center's (NVIC) Advocacy Portal, which was utilized more in 2015 than in any other previous year. The NVIC Advocacy Portal is a free online communications network that connects registered users with their legislators through their smart phones, tablets and computers.

California Parents Must Act By December 31, 2015 to Maintain Vaccine Exemptions

SB 277 - the bill eliminating all nonmedical exemptions for the 10 vaccines currently required before a child can attend public or private school, preschool or daycare - was signed by California Governor Brown on June 30, 2015 and goes into effect on July 1, 2016. However, what everyone in California who is planning on using a personal or religious belief exemption needs to know to take advantage of the grandfathering of these exemptions beyond July 1st and until the next grade span (preschool, kindergarten inclusive and including transitional kindergarten, or 7th grade), you MUST have an exemption on file at your school or day care by December 31, 2015! For those programs with a winter holiday, the deadline may be even sooner with offices closed.

The Health Liberty Revolution to Save Our Children from Vaccines

Those tiny miracles. God’s most precious gift to us. We hold them in wonder just moments after they are born. We love them in a way we never loved anyone, and they love us in a way that no one else ever will. We will not be silent while our children are being harmed by those who have no liability or accountability for their actions. We will not bow down before our oppressors and witness the biological integrity of another generation of children be destroyed in this bitter harvest that can only continue if we allow it to continue. This is a Health Liberty Revolution and we are declaring our independence from the profit-driven, fear-based toxic paradigm embraced by government and fed by industries that are bankrupting America’s health care system and taking away our freedom to choose how we and our children heal and stay well. The pharmaceutical industry and negligent doctors must be held fully accountable and liable for vaccine injuries and deaths in civil court. And every public health law in America must include informed consent protections in the form of flexible medical, religious and conscientious belief exemptions. The mountain you must climb is high, but you will climb it and bring about a new age of enlightenment in this Health Liberty Revolution led by people for the people. And you will not give up, just like we have not given up, because we are doing this work to save our children and the country we love. We are the daughters and sons of liberty, and our mission continues: No forced vaccination. Not in America.

Why is the FDA Fast Tracking Squalene as a Flu Vaccine Ingredient for Seniors?

The non-profit National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is questioning the basis for the fast tracked licensure by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of a squalene-adjuvanted influenza vaccine for use in seniors over age 65. The Novartis MF59 adjuvanted Fluad vaccine was approved for accelerated licensure by the FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) on Sept. 15, 2015 primarily using limited immunogenicity and safety evidence from a small clinical trial in which only about 1,000 healthy Americans over age 65 were given the adjuvanted vaccine. Although MF59 is bioactive and designed to stimulate a strong immune response, FDA does not require that vaccine adjuvants be proven safe in a placebo controlled trial and they are not licensed separately. Fluad will be the first influenza vaccine licensed in the U.S. containing squalene, a controversial oil in water adjuvant that has been linked with development of autoimmunity, narcolepsy and other immune and neurological disorders.

U.S. Government Withholds Vaccine Injury Data: Rolls Out “Vaccine Confidence Plan” Instead

NVIC regularly monitors meetings held by federal vaccine advisory committees, including the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) and the National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC). In recent years, information about compensated vaccine injury claims published in the VICP Data and Statistics Report has changed - but not for the better. This report prepared by DHHS officials continues to provide limited insight into vaccine injury and death awards, despite the fact that federal law states the public has a right to additional information, much of which is presented in bits and pieces during ACCV meetings. While DHHS gives some of this information to the ACCV on a quarterly basis, the information is not as meaningful as it could be because of the way it is presented in ACCV meetings and on the VICP’s website. There is no ability for the public, or the ACCV for that matter, to connect the dots between vaccine injuries compensated by vaccine and condition over time, or to determine the reasons and any associated trends on why petitions are dismissed and claimants are denied compensation.

Will Californians Allow Medical Tyranny to Rule through Forced Vaccination? What to do Next

The California Legislature passed and on June 29, 2015 Governor Jerry Brown signed California Senate Bill 277 into law. The law, which does not take effect until July 1, 2016, removes the personal belief vaccine exemption for children attending daycare and public and private schools. Against the backdrop of the rest of the United States, California stands alone in the minority. Out of the 11 states that had bills filed to remove either the personal belief/conscientious/philosophical or religious exemptions during the 2015 legislative cycle [CA, MD, ME, NC, OK, OR, PA, RI, TX, VT and WA], California was the only state where the legislature passed a bill leaving only the medical exemption.

India Still Reporting Cases of Polio-like Acute Flaccid Paralysis

India’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has reported that it has investigated approximately 18,000 cases of Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) in the country since January 2015 as part of its national polio surveillance program, established in 1997, and that all of the cases have tested negative for poliovirus. Some 50,000 cases of AFP are being detected annually in India.

New Federal Bill Lowers Standards for Experimental Vaccine Licensing

It has only been a few weeks since the forced vaccination lobby rammed a bill (SB 277) through the California legislature eliminating the personal belief vaccine exemption so children will have to get dozens of doses of federally recommended vaccines or be denied a school education. While California was being subjected to one of the most aggressive and expensive state lobbying campaigns ever mounted by the pharmaceutical industry in partnership with medical trade associations funded by industry and government that same lobby was pulling an even bigger fast one on the American people in Washington, D.C. Here comes the 21st Century Cures Act, which is a Pharma-driven bill blessed by the FDA that seriously compromises the integrity of the FDA drug and vaccine licensing process. The 362-page bill sailed through the U.S. House of Representatives on July 10, 2015 and mandates that about $9 billion dollars be given to NIH to develop more drugs and vaccines and $550 million be given to the FDA to fast track products to market. The 21st Century Cures Act is being sold as a way for the FDA to quickly license experimental pharmaceutical products for people suffering with rare or life threatening diseases, whether or not those products have been adequately tested. However, greasing the FDA licensure skids to make experimental drugs available for the sick and dying, who voluntarily choose to use them, is one thing, while greasing the skids to bum rush experimental vaccines to licensure that government will legally require healthy children and adults to buy and use, is something quite different.

Almost No Medical Condition Qualifies for Medical Vaccine Exemption

Should laws be put into place to remove religious and philosophical exemptions to vaccines, and only allow "medical exemptions" to vaccines? If you or your child are sick at the time of vaccination with a fever or on antibiotics, there is no medical vaccine exemption for you. If you are a pregnant health care worker and do not want to get a flu shot while you are pregnant because you do not want to risk a miscarriage, no medical vaccine exemption for you. If your child was injured or died after vaccination and you want to protect your other children from vaccine injury, no medical vaccine exemption for your children. If your baby was born prematurely and is low weight and struggling to survive, no medical vaccine exemption for your infant. For all practical purposes, the Centers for Disease Control and medical trade organizations now direct pediatricians and other vaccinators to deny the medical vaccine exemption to 99.99 percent of Americans. If you want the legal right to freely exercise conscience and protect your bodily integrity or that of your child when it comes to vaccine risk-taking, if you do not want to wake up one day and be forced to play vaccine roulette when you have good reason to conclude that you or your child are at high risk for suffering vaccine harm, you need to act now. You can be sure that the odds definitely will not be in your favor when it comes to finding a doctor to grant you a medical vaccine exemption.

Vaccine Culture War Myths

"Even if you and your children have willingly received every government recommended vaccine today, if non-medical exemptions are removed from U.S. vaccine laws, you will have no choice if you decide you don’t want to use every new liability-free vaccine that government recommends tomorrow. This Vaccine Culture War is about a lot more than vaccination. Because if the State can tag, track down and force you against your will to be injected with biologicals of known and unknown toxicity today, then there will be no limit on which other freedoms the State can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow." - Barbara Loe Fisher Doctors who say vaccines are safe for everyone and do not cause injury and death are either uninformed, in denial or lying. Since the first vaccine for smallpox, doctors have known and it has been well documented that brain inflammation, permanent brain damage and death have always been among most serious complications of vaccination. Just like any other pharmaceutical product, vaccines carry a risk of injury or death. These risks can be greater for some people with genetic, biological and environmental risk factors that doctors do not understand or cannot predict.

110 Bills Currently Being Proposed in 36 States to Enact Medical Tyranny Regarding Vaccines

There are currently 110 bills currently being proposed in 36 states to eliminate and restrict vaccine exemptions, to expand vaccine mandates, to broaden emergency and police powers, to expand and force intrusive vaccine tracking and vaccine data sharing, and to invade your privacy by publicly publishing exemption and vaccination rates. Recent victories in stopping bills in Oregon and Washington prove that lawmakers do listen to constituents who speak the truth regarding vaccines and government tyranny. Much more action is needed!

The Vaccine Culture War in America: Are You Ready?

More than 1.2 million people in the United States are infected with HIV but government officials do not ban HIV infected children and adults from attending school, receiving medical care, being employed, or otherwise participating in society. In fact, there are anti-discrimination laws that guarantee civil rights protections for Americans infected with HIV or living with AIDS. In 2012, public health officials reported that about two million people in America are infected with chlamydia, tuberculosis, syphilis and gonorrhea, and they estimate another three million people are infected with hepatitis C. Like those with HIV or AIDS, these citizens are not targeted for discrimination and blocked from getting a public education, being employed or moving freely in society. But in 2015 after a handful of measles cases were identified at Disneyland, suddenly Americans are being asked to surrender civil liberties. Healthy children whose only "crime" is that their parents have chosen to refuse toxic vaccines are suddenly at risk for being denied an education in America and other freedoms granted to other citizens. How did a handful of measles cases at Disneyland turn into a full-scale assault on civil and human rights in America?