Tacoma Woman Sent to County Jail for Refusing Health Department Advice on Treating her Alleged Illness

Unelected medical doctors can weaponize local "health departments" to incarcerate sick people who choose to reject a doctor's medical advice for their alleged illnesses, as a current case in Tacoma, Washington illustrates. Pierce County Superior Court Judge Philip Sorensen issued an arrest warrant for a Tacoma woman this week for allegedly refusing to take the advice of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department for the treatment of her illness, which they claim is "tuberculosis." This case is a classic example of how a medical doctor, in this case Dr. Anthony L-T Chen, the Director of Health of Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department, who is an unelected politician, can order citizens to take certain medical treatments for their alleged illnesses, and if they disobey, can get a local judge to order them to be arrested for the purpose of forced medical treatments. What is especially troubling about this particular case is that the woman in question does not even speak English, and was not only subject to the actions of the Health Department and County Judge, but had to also accept an interpreter only approved by the Health Department. Her attorney has stated that she does not have proper understanding of the situation, and is denying that she has a medical condition. The attorney has also stated that the County Jail is the wrong place to treat this woman. When are we as a society going to finally start resisting these medical doctors turned politicians and their alleged authority to incarcerate people, or take away their children, for simply not taking their medical advice?