Weaponizing Tesla Cars? Tesla Cars are Death Traps!
There were two articles in my news feed today about Tesla vehicles. One was headline news in the national news, both Corporate Network News and the "Alternative" News. I guess the reason why that story was headline news today, is because a Tesla truck blew up in Las Vegas in front of one of Trump's Vegas properties. I'm not going to comment on that story, since everyone else is, and it is obvious that this is the story that the media lords want everyone to read. The second article I saw regarding Tesla today was in a local news report in California, where it was reported that two men were trapped inside a Tesla after it burst into flames. How terrifying! I decided to do some research to see how often something like this happens with Telsa vehicles, and I was astounded by the sheer number of horrifying experiences there were out there, including cases where toddlers were trapped inside Tesla cars where their parents could not get them out! I have created a short 11-and-a-half-minute video from some of these reports. It seems all of these, if they were reported, were only reported in local media sources, and none of them made it into the national news. I believe that all of these reports were reported in 2024, so they are very recent. I could have easily made a video that was hours long...