Another Government Lie? The Overwhelming Evidence that Tobacco does NOT Cause Cancer

One medical "fact" that the majority of people living in western countries today accept as "true", is that smoking cigarettes leads to lung cancer, and that tobacco is a toxic substance. But is it true? Can we trust our government when it comes to health advice? Have they ever lied to us in the past about health or diseases? First, think about it logically. People have smoked tobacco for hundreds, if not thousands of years. U.S. Government "experts" figured out only in 1964 that cigarettes caused cancer and were bad for health, as the Surgeon General put out a warning declaring that cigarettes were bad for one's health. Was there actually any evidence or credible science to back this up, or were other interests in play behind this warning? Fortunately, if one decides to search out the evidence themselves, there is plenty of evidence and research to show the opposite, that tobacco does not cause cancer, and that as a natural plant, it actually has some therapeutic properties, which at one time seemed to be well-known.