What is Life?

Life. It is one of the most common words in the English language. It is something to "live," something to "spend," something that begins and ends, something that is evaluated as "good" or "bad," as "healthy" or "unhealthy." But how do we actually define it? Is it defined by our culture, or does it have an intrinsic meaning that transcends how the culture uses the word? How you understand or define "life" affects pretty much everything you do, and I doubt that very many people have actually spent time evaluating their understanding of "life," but passively just accept how the culture defines it. "Life" is closely associated with "truth," which means that the meaning of "life" is not dependent on people's opinions or understanding of what it is. It just is. It transcends even language, therefore it requires that we examine the language we use to describe and define life, and the closer we can come to its actual intrinsic meaning, the closer we come to understanding "truth."