Trump Bypasses Congress with Executive Order to Send $3 BILLION in Bombs and Weapons to Israel to Expand War in West Bank
Once again, President Trump showed that he is ruling the U.S. like a king instead of an elected representative of the people, as he issued another "emergency" executive order and bypassed Congress to send $3 billion in weapons to Israel, as Israel expands their operation into the West Bank, where Palestinians are being attacked and murdered by Jewish settlers that can only be compared to the Nazi groups in the southern U.S. in years past, where Ku Klux Klan members attacked and brutally murdered blacks in one of the darkest eras of American history. While the corporate media is mainly reporting on what is going on in Gaza, Palestinians are being killed and driven from their homes throughout the West Bank, an area that is NOT controlled by Hamas. Please invest a few minutes of your time to view on-the-ground reports of what is happening in Israel from a non-Western and non-Zionist perspective. As the late great Paul Harvey used to say: "And now, the rest of the story....."