Are You Prepared for Life with No Internet?

Here in 2024, the U.S., and the World, depend upon the Internet and technology so much that it makes the year 2000, when the concerns about the computer date format (Y2K) caused the U.S. to spend billions of dollars to fix, look like it was in the dark ages. We have entire generations now who have been born into this technology, and do not know any other way of life. Most just blindly trust that this technology and the Internet will always be there for us. Most people cannot even imagine or fathom what life would be like today without the Internet. Total e-commerce sales for 2023 were estimated at $1.1 TRILLION in the U.S., an increase of 7.6 percent (±1.2%) from 2022. If the Internet went down for just 1 day, it would result in a loss of $11 billion in the U.S., and about $43 billion worldwide. If the Internet went down for just a few days to a week, our economy would totally collapse. If the Internet went down for a month, SOCIETY would collapse. This is not exaggeration or hyperbole. People who understand the technology know that this is true. This is why the Globalists, such as the World Economic Forum (WEF), have been warning the public since late 2020 that a "Cyber Pandemic" and "Cyber Attack" are coming that will make COVID-19 look like a walk in the park. They're not wrong.