Oregon Pediatrician Paul Thomas turned out to oppose mandatory vaccines in 2015. Testimony here.
Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
Residents of Oregon are expressing outrage this week as state legislators are proposing a new bill to remove vaccine exemptions and have called a public meeting with only 3 days notice, in an apparent attempt to fast-track the bill and minimize public opposition.
People in Oregon have opposed mandatory vaccination laws in the past, most notably in 2015 when they turned out at the state capitol in mass to oppose a mandatory vaccine bill introduced by Oregon State Senator Elizabeth Steiner Hayward. See:
Medical Tyranny in Action in Oregon: Doctor and Senator wants Medical Freedom for herself, but Not Oregon Citizens
Mandatory Vaccination Bill HB 3063- OPPOSE
by Oregonians for Medical Freedom
House Bill 3063, which would remove all nonmedical exemptions in Oregon was scheduled for a public hearing, with just 3 days notice!
Chief Sponsors: Representative Greenlick, Senator Thomsen, Representative Helt, Mitchell, Schouten, Wilde
Regular Sponsors: Representative Doherty, Prusak, Williams, Senator Wagner
Bill Overview Bill Text: Introduced
CALL TO ACTION: We need everyone possible to show up at the Capitol on Thursday, February 28th at 3:00pm. The hearing is scheduled to be held in Hearing Room E.
Plan to keep your testimony to 90 seconds.
Written testimony can be submitted toÂ
. They will accept written testimony until 5pm on Friday, March 1st.
Arrive early so that you can find a place to park. Metered parking is available on streets surrounding the Capitol.
Bring your testimony to read, but no signs are allowed inside the Capitol.
If you plan on testifying in person, show up early to sign up to testify.
It’s likely that the hearing room will fill up, so some people may need to watch the proceedings from monitors outside the room. If that happens, someone will direct you where to go to watch.
It is imperative that everyone submit written testimony, and that can be as long as you want it to be. However, if you are testifying in person, make sure you distill your comments down to 90 seconds. You may want to focus on how this bill will discriminate against a minority population, on vaccine injury and the impossibility of getting a medical exemption in Oregon, and on the fact that Oregon’s unvaccinated rate is only 2.6%.
Please spread the word, get your testimony submitted, and SHOW UP on Thursday at 3pm!
Key Points:
Mandating Vaccination for ALL students in Oregon for school attendance will impact 31,521 students that have filed a non-medical exemption
Exempt in Oregon means the student didn’t receive ALL 31 of 31 required vaccines for school attendance.
Oregon has extremely high MMR rates across all counties.
OHA data on high vaccination rates across Oregon.
7.5% of kindergarteners file an exemption form, meaning they could simply be exempt from ONE vaccine and not ALL vaccines.
Only 2.6% of students in K-12 are 100% UNVACCINATED so that means of the people who filed an exemption, 66% of them partially vaccinated their kids! (Because only 2.6% of the 7.5% of exemptions did no vaccines, that means 4.9% did vaccinate, 4.9/7.5=65%)
Exemption rates go up naturally over time as a new vaccine is added to the schedule, parents are opting out until they are ready.
ACTION ITEM: You can call and email the House Health Care Committee members to let them know why you oppose this proposed legislation. Please let them know if you are a constituent.
House Health Care Committee:
Chair: Representative Andrea Salinas
Vice-Chair: Representative Cedric HaydenÂ
Vice-Chair: Representative Rob NosseÂ
Representative Teresa Alonso LeonÂ
Representative Denyc BolesÂ
Representative Christine Drazan
Representative Alissa Keny-GuyerÂ
Representative Tiffiny Mitchell
Representative Ron Noble
Representative Rachel Prusak
Representative Mitch GreenlickÂ
Read the full article at Oregonians for Medical Freedom
Leaving a lucrative career as a nephrologist (kidney doctor), Dr. Suzanne Humphries is now free to actually help cure people.
In this autobiography she explains why good doctors are constrained within the current corrupt medical system from practicing real, ethical medicine.
One of the sane voices when it comes to examining the science behind modern-day vaccines, no pro-vaccine extremist doctors have ever dared to debate her in public.
Book – The Vaccine Court, by Wayne Rohde – 240 pages
“The Dark Truth of America’s Vaccine Injury Compensation Program”
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