by Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D.


Breaking science news: Vaccinated children are sicker than their unvaccinated peers, according to a landmark new study on vaccine safety: “Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination.”

For over two decades, vaccine safety advocates have wondered if vaccinated children are sicker or healthier than their unvaccinated peers. These children’s health advocates have asked the CDC to conduct studies to compare health outcomes in completely unvaccinated children to those in vaccinated children, as per the CDC’s recommended schedule.

Every parent in America, and every doctor recommending vaccines, should want to see these studies done.

After all, in order to put the vaccine debates to rest, we must demonstrate that the current CDC-recommended vaccine schedule is actually safe.

But, despite constant hand-wringing over declining public confidence in vaccines, the CDC refuses to do these studies.

James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D. and Paul Thomas, M.D.’s analysis is scrupulous and thorough. They analyzed the data several different ways to account for potentially confounding factors, such as an increasing tendency to avoid vaccination. They compared the new metric (RIOV) with the old measure of incidence. And they found that the new method correlates well but is more sensitive, thus more likely to reveal a true negative effect than the old one.

So what did Drs. Lyons-Weiler and Thomas find?

The results: cumulative office visits for asthma, allergic rhinitis, breathing issues, behavioral issues, ADHD, respiratory infection, otitis media, ear pain, other infections, eye disorders, eczema, and dermatitis were all much higher in vaccinated children than unvaccinated children.

In even the most conservative analysis, the study finds statistically significant elevated risks of anemia and respiratory virus infection in the vaccinated children.

Read the full article at

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