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Editor - Health Impact News

Medical Analytics Firm: COVID19 Vaccine to Take 5.2 Years to Develop with 5% Chance of Success

The pharmaceutical trade publication, Fierce Pharma, is a publication targeting investors in pharmaceutical products, such as vaccines. This week (April 2020) they published an article titled: Don’t count on a COVID-19 vaccine for at least five years, says AI-based forecast. Investors want to be assured that a new product does not get rushed to market too quickly, bypassing safety regulations, for obvious reasons.  They have learned their lessons from previous products that gained FDA approval but later turned out to harm people, like the Merck VIOXX scandal in years passed, where up to 60,000 people are suspected of dying due to dangerous side effects of the drug, before it was pulled from the market. A company called Clarivate has developed an analytical tool called Cortellis Analytics which apparently uses artificial intelligence to predict how long it will take to bring a certain drug to market. Fierce Pharma reports: "Using a tool it developed called Cortellis Analytics, Clarivate estimated that Moderna has just a 5% probability of success with its COVID-19 vaccine mRNA-1273, and that the time window for approval would be 5.2 years. The low probability of success reflects the fact that mRNA is a new, unproven approach to vaccines, said Sarah Hardison, Ph.D., head of product, regulatory and pharmacovigilance at Clarivate, in an email." Clarivate isn’t the only firm raising questions about the growing optimism that a solution to COVID-19 will rescue everyone from their quarantines soon. Analysts at SVB Leerink spoke to a vaccine development-specialist earlier this month and warned in a report to investors that “safety is often more important than efficacy to regulators, and long-term safety must be established before” a vaccine will be approved.

Passport to the Brave New World: The Vaccine

I have already written about the currency reset and other features of a technocratic future waiting in the wings. —New levels of visible surveillance, social credit scores, universal guaranteed income, Internet of Things, energy-use quotas, smart cities. —Events can move in several directions, going forward. In this article, I explore one of those directions. The occasion is this fake pandemic; the big hammer is the vaccine against the phony COVID. Viewed from one angle, the whole fake epidemic is a set-up for the vaccine, and for mandatory vaccines. I have written about the special exemption from liability recently issued by the US Dept. of Health and Human Services. Basically, anyone associated with pharmaceutical strategies undertaken “against the coronavirus” cannot be sued, regardless of “adverse effects” of medicines or vaccines. Taking a stand against mandatory vaccines—any and all vaccines—is more important than ever.

Wisconsin Pediatric Group Starts Mobile Clinic to Vaccinate Infants at Home

It's been well-documented that administering vaccines during babies' pediatric visits can bring in tremendous revenues for pediatricians. With the nation now suffering under lock downs due to the coronavirus situation, fewer parents are bringing their children into clinics for routine check ups where vaccines are usually administered. One clinic in Wisconsin has found a solution that might become more common place in the not-too-distant future. They created a mobile clinic and are driving directly to people's homes to administer vaccines.

Bill Gates Calls for Vaccine Certificates as Requirement for Travel

Some in the Alternative Media are beginning to use the term "Plandemic" instead of "Pandemic" as there is clear evidence that the events unfolding today over the Coronavirus scare have been planned for some time, even before the breakout in Wuhan China late last year. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard told Bloomberg News recently that unemployment could reach 30%, and admits that the shut down of the U.S. economy is something that has been planned. Health Impact News reported back in January of 2020 how Event 201, hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, ran a 5-hour simulation on the Coronavirus pandemic, six weeks before the first outbreak in Wuhan China. This week, TED Talks released a video of reporter Chris Anderson interviewing Bill Gates about the Coronavirus response, and Bill Gates says: "Eventually what we'll have to have is certificates of who's a recovered person and who's a vaccinated person because you don't want people moving around the world....(without their certificates)."

Over $57 Million Paid by U.S. Government for Vaccine Injuries in 2020 as Experimental Coronavirus Vaccine Fast Tracked

With the nation currently gripped by the Coronavirus crisis, and with most of the public lauding the fact that the FDA is fast-tracking a new vaccine to supposedly fight the Coronavirus, with testing beginning already on humans with the experimental vaccine while bypassing animal testing, unknown to most of the public, a meeting was held on March 6, 2020 with the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV), under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. These are quarterly meetings held every 3 months, as required by law, but seldom, if ever, publicized or reported on by the corporate "mainstream" media. Health Impact News might be the only place where these quarterly meetings are reported. We have been accused of publishing "Fake News" when we publish these reports, but all of the information is available to the public and posted on the Federal Government's websites. The Big Tech companies that control so much of the Internet's traffic, work hard to suppress this information. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is supposed to be the authoritative source for information about vaccines. However, the CDC has huge conflicts of interest that are not disclosed to the public, as they are largest purchaser of vaccines in the world, using YOUR tax dollars to purchase them and advertise them.

PhD Researcher Judy Mikovits and Expert on Viruses Explains the Coronavirus and Reveals Information You are Not Likely to Hear in the Corporate Media

TV Santa Barbara has published a recent interview with host Bob Lovgren interviewing Dr. Judy Mikovits explaining what the coronavirus is, how it got here, how it can be treated, and other important information you are not likely to hear in the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media. We have featured Dr. Mikovits' work here at Health Impact News many times over the past few years. I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Mikovits a few years ago, just after a 4-year gag order on her had been lifted. Dr. Mikovits' bio is quite impressive, and would rival any of the talking head "experts" currently being featured in the corporate-sponsored media. Judy A. Mikovits, PhD, earned her BA from University of Virginia and PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from George Washington University. In just over twenty years she rose from an entry-level lab technician to become director of the lab of Antiviral Drug Mechanisms at the National Cancer Institute before leaving to direct the Cancer Biology program at EpiGenX Pharmaceuticals in Santa Barbara, California. There in 2006, she became attracted to the plight of patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism. In only five years she developed the first neuroimmune institute from a concept to a reality and is primarily responsible for demonstrating the relationship between immune based inflammation and these diseases. She has published over 50 scientific papers. Dr. Mikovits spoke the truth about the fraudulent use of government research money, the marketing of inaccurate retrovirus tests, Medicare fraud, the contaminated blood supply, and the harm that is associated with vaccines and their schedule of administration. Her research showed how retroviruses are linked to the plague of modern illnesses that are bankrupting the U.S. healthcare system. She was arrested without a warrant and held in jail for 5 days without the opportunity for bail as a fugitive from justice. Her career was destroyed. Please watch this presentation on the coronavirus. If this video becomes too popular, it will most likely disappear from the Internet.

Dr. Rowen: Flu Vaccine May Make you more Susceptible to Coronavirus

In case you plan to rush out and get a flu vaccine, you might want to read this abstract, and also share with your pro vaccine friends. It appears that getting a flu vaccine will make you more prone to coronavirus infection. This is hot off the press. My interpretation of this is that when you receive (or your child) a vaccination, your immune system is artificially deranged by the vaccine so that it will not respond normally to secondary challenge. This is one of the missing elements in alleged vaccine research. A vaccine "interferes" with the immune system's normal processes. The first sentence in the abstract says it all: "...vaccination may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses, a phenomenon known as vaccine interference" Please read. My heart goes out to the millions of children whose immune systems have been tampered with by forced vaccination.

New Study Finds Gardasil HPV Vaccine Increased Serious Nervous System Disorders

A new study published in the open access Systematic Reviews journal titled Benefits and harms of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines: systematic review with meta-analyses of trial data from clinical study reports attempts to tackle the controversial vaccine.  Using clinical study reports obtained from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and GlaxoSmithKline from 2014 to 2017, study authors Lars Jørgensen, Peter Gøtzsche and Tom Jefferson set forth to assess the benefits and harms of the HPV vaccine.  The researchers looked at twenty-four of 50 eligible clinical study reports containing 58,412 pages of 22 trials and 2 follow-up studies including 95,670 participants: 79,102 females and 16,568 males age 8–72.  The newly published research from Gøtzsche and co-authors found more of the same shoddy research behavior reporting: “Serious harms were incompletely reported for 72% of participants. Nearly all control participants received active comparators. No clinical study report included complete case report forms.”  Furthermore, the researchers found:  “the HPV vaccines increased serious nervous system disorders and general harms.”

South Dakota First State to Propose Bill Outlawing Mandatory Vaccinations for School Attendance

While most state legislatures are bowing to the Big Pharma lobby and proposing bills to remove exemptions to childhood vaccines and make them mandatory as a requirement for school attendance, a newly proposed bill in South Dakota moves in the opposite direction. House Bill 1235 has been introduced to prohibit schools from discriminating against any person for refusing to accept unwanted medical intervention, including vaccines. House Bill 1235 states that: "No child entering public or nonpublic school, or a public or nonpublic early childhood program in this state, may be required to receive any immunization or medical procedure for enrollment or entry. The Department of Health may recommend any immunization for school entry but may not require them. No school may use any coercive means to require immunization. It is a Class 1 misdemeanor for any educational institution, medical provider, or person to compel another to submit to immunization." The bill’s prime sponsor is District 21 state Rep. Lee Qualm, R-Platte.

Coronavirus: Who is Controlling the Information? Are Potential Government Actions More Dangerous than the Actual Virus?

Is the current coronavirus "pandemic" really threatening modern civilization as we know it, or is it being hyped to appear much worse than it really is? To answer this question, it depends on where you get your information, and how you interpret that information. Anyone who has lived in the U.S. much for the past 10 years or so has seen a familiar path that the fear surrounding coronavirus is taking. We saw the same fear being propagated this past summer (2019) over an alleged new "measles outbreak" that was used to justify massive government intervention, targeted primarily against those who were not vaccinated with the alleged fraudulent MMR vaccine. New York City went so far as to ban unvaccinated children from appearing in public places this past summer.  And yet, no one died from the measles, and other infectious diseases that were NOT labeled as "outbreaks" or "epidemics," and yet infected a far higher percentages of people, such as whooping cough that DOES cause death, did not get the same media attention. Merck pharmaceuticals, the manufacturer of the MMR vaccine, saw sales soar as a result of the publicized "measles outbreak." Other diseases that were promoted by fear-based corporate media outlets in recent years include: Ebola, Zika, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, and many others. And yet, here we are today at the beginning of 2020 with no history of massive casualties in the U.S. due to these "outbreaks." Sharyl Attkisson is an Emmy Award winning independent news reporter who just recently recorded a podcast titled: Coronavirus: Who is controlling the information?

New Illinois Bill Would Require 6th Graders in Public, Private, and Religious Schools to Get the Gardasil HPV Vaccine

A new proposed bill would require some Illinois students to get the HPV vaccine. The bill was filed by Rep. Robyn Gabel, D-Evanston, on Feb. 11. HB 4870 amends the Communicable Disease Prevention Act. A synopsis for the bill states, "the Department of Public Health shall adopt a rule requiring students, upon entering the sixth grade of any public, private, or parochial school, to receive the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination and requiring confirmation that the student has completed the series of HPV vaccinations upon entering the ninth grade of any public, private, or parochial school. Provides that the Department shall adopt the rule in time to allow students to receive the vaccination before the start of the school year beginning in 2022. Effective January 1, 2021."

Dr. Lawrence Palevsky Testimony: Unvaccinated Children Are the Healthiest Children I Have Ever Seen

Dr. Lawrence Palevsky is a pediatrician trained at NYU School of Medicine, and did his residency at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York. He recently spoke at a forum on vaccines in Connecticut, discussing the repeal of the religious exemption for childhood vaccines. Dr. Palevsky spent the first nine years of his career working in emergency rooms running a neonatal intensive care unit. Once he began his private practice, he began to hear: "... not dozens, not hundreds, but thousands of stories from parents who took a very healthy child into their doctor's office, and then found that their child lost much of their health. Whether it was their speech, whether it was seizures, whether it was death, whether it was asthma, allergies, eczema - whether it was autism, whether it was learning disabilities, whether it was inflammatory bowel disease, autoimmune diseases. And every one of those parents were told it had nothing to do with the vaccine." Today, he has viewed the outcomes of families who do not vaccinate their children for over 20 years. And he states: "They are the healthiest children I have ever seen."

25-Year-Old California Man Vaccine Injured as Infant Weeps as His Mother Tells His Story

25-year-old Dillon Corder, along with his father and mother, were recently interviewed by Polly Tommey on the VAXXED II tour bus in California. Dillon speaks with difficulty as a result of his vaccine injuries suffered as an infant, and during the course of the interview he asked his mother, Elizabeth Corder, to read something he wrote about his life growing up as a vaccine-injured child. "Hi, my name is Dillon. From day one, I've had physical therapy, speech therapy, and OT (occupational therapy.) It was hard growing up. I didn't have many friends. It was hard to make friends because of my speech problem. When people cannot understand me they ask 'what' a million times and I get frustrated. As I got older, I had thoughts of suicide, and I was often depressed because things in my life were taken from me. When the other 15-year-olds were learning to drive, it was something I could not do, and still cannot do. When I asked girls out they always said 'no.' Sometimes I am angry at my parents, because why didn't they know? I know it's not really their fault, because they just didn't know. But it still makes me mad that they were not informed by the doctors. So much has been taken from me. I'm 25 now. How will I find a wife and have a family or kids to be happy in life? I just want people to know to get educated before they make this decision, because if someone gets injured, it's for lifetime." The tragic story of the Corder family in California happened in the late 1990s. Today, things are much different in California. The doctors who treated Dillon back in the 1990s and recommended that his parents stop vaccinating him, would probably be breaking the law today in California if they offered the same advice. With the most repressive childhood vaccine laws in the nation, what will happen to California when all of these vaccine-injured children become disabled adults? California already has the worst homeless problem of any other state in the U.S. Where will all of these vaccine-injured children go when they become adults, as the medical community refuses to acknowledge that their disabilities are due to vaccine injuries?

“He was Murdered” – 13 Month Old Infant Dies 14 Hours After Receiving the Flu Shot

Krystle Cordingley says her son Corbyn died 14 hours after receiving the flu shot. Krystle claims that the hospital tried to cover up what happened, and doctors said his death following vaccination was a coincidence. Finally, she reports, one honest MD said, yes, it was the vaccine that caused the severe damage to Corbyn's brain stem.

U.S. Congressman Adam Schiff Sued by Physicians Group for Censoring Vaccine Debate

On Jan 15, 2020, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, along with Katarina Verrelli, on behalf of herself and others who seek access to vaccine information, filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Plaintiffs allege that Defendant Adam Schiff has abused government power and infringed on their free-speech rights. “Who appointed Congressman Adam Schiff as Censor-in-Chief?” asks AAPS General Counsel.  “No one did, and he should not be misusing his position to censor speech on the internet.” In February and March 2019, Rep. Schiff contacted Google, Facebook, and Amazon, to encourage them to de-platform or discredit what Schiff asserted to be inaccurate information on vaccines. He then posted the letters and press release on the House.gov website. Within 24 hours of Schiff’s letter to Amazon dated Mar 1, 2019, Amazon removed the popular videos Vaxxed and Shoot ’Em Up: the Truth About Vaccines from its platform for streaming videos, depriving members of the public of convenient access.

Whistleblower Doctor Claims Tamiflu Drug Fraud Bilked $1.5 Billion from Government to Stockpile Drug that is Ineffective in Stopping the Flu

Drug company Hoffmann-La Roche (OTCMKTS – RHHBY) bilked U.S. federal and state governments out of $1.5 billion by misrepresenting clinical studies and falsely claiming that its well-known influenza medicine Tamiflu was effective at containing potential pandemics, according to a recently unsealed whistleblower lawsuit. The lawsuit claims the drugmaker’s scheme involved publishing misleading articles falsely stating that Tamiflu reduces complications, severity, hospitalizations, mortality and transmission of influenza. The company then used those articles to aggressively market the drug to the government for pandemic use. Relying on the supposed truthfulness of Roche’s claims, federal and state governments spent about $1.5 billion to stockpile Tamiflu to combat influenza pandemics, according to the complaint.

Pro-Vaccine NJ Senator Caught Denying Aborted Fetal Tissue is Used in Today’s Vaccines to try to Stop Religious Exemptions

New Jersey is one of the most recent states where lawmakers want to remove vaccine exemptions, specifically religious exemptions. Del Bigtree's HighWire program has captured Senator Sweeney's denial that today's vaccines contain human DNA from aborted babies, and then presents the truth that contradicts Senator Sweeney's denial. In fact, today's vaccines use more aborted DNA than ever before.

California Medical Doctor Explains How Doctors Receive No Medical Training on Vaccines – Indoctrination on Belief in Vaccines

Dr. Gary Foresman was recently interviewed by Polly Tommey on the VAXXED II tour bus. Dr. Foresman compared today's medical training, which forces most doctors into huge debts, as "the indoctrination, almost the indentured servitude of the average physician" coming out of medical school. He goes on to explain that doctors come out of their training wanting to think they have all the knowledge after spending so much money, and that it is hard for them to admit there are gaps in their knowledge. "Today's doctor, they're spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, and then when you go through medical school and residency, and you put your life on the line, you've been on call every four nights - you've had some of the worst nights of your life overnight in the ICUs, and I have, you do not like to come out of that training, and think you don't have all the knowledge. So you start to act like you do. Even when you haven't had training in that area."

The Gardasil HPV Vaccine Changed My Life Forever!

Ashley from San Jose, California was recently interviewed by Polly Tommey on the VAXXED II tour bus. Ashley was quite emotional when she saw all of the signatures on the bus, and Polly tells her that seeing the VAXXED bus and sitting in it is an emotional experience for most people. Ashley received the Gardasil vaccine when she was 20 years old, and immediately suffered pain. Soon afterwards, her monthly periods stopped. She also experienced some paralysis on the right side of her body. She tried to get help from medical doctors, but she was only recommended to get psychiatric help, as they did not believe her symptoms could be related to the vaccine. Even her family doubted her, and accused her of buying into "conspiracy theories." #getversed

Gardasil Ruined My Life #getversed

The VAXXED II tour bus has resumed interviewing victims of vaccine injuries in 2020. Polly Tommey interviewed a young woman in her 20s along with her mother who suffered life-changing side effects after receiving the Gardasil HPV vaccine. She started having seizures and had to quit her job. She was hospitalized on almost a weekly basis, and was vomiting 60 to 70 times a day, while gaining weight at the same time. She gained 50 lbs. the first year after being vaccinated with Gardasil.