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Editor - Health Impact News

Why Are Babies Dying in China After Receiving the Hepatitis B Vaccine?

At least nine babies have died in China the past few weeks after being injected with the Hepatitis B vaccine. The deaths, which have occurred within a very short time after receiving the vaccine, are gaining wide exposure in the China media. Because vaccines are almost always promoted as safe, injuries and deaths often are not associated with the vaccine, so there may be more deaths than have currently been reported. One of the deaths was reported by a family member after hearing about other babies dying shortly after receiving the vaccine in the media. When the family originally was fighting to save the baby from dying, they had not suspected the vaccine. Reaction in the media and the medical community in China is in stark contrast to how news like this is often reported in the U.S., where the mainstream media is reluctant to report any negative news regarding vaccines, and most doctors refuse to even acknowledge the risks vaccines carry. Here are some quotes from the China media: "Doctors also warn that the hepatitis B vaccine is not suitable for all newborns. Those suffering from fever, weak immune system, low birth weight or serious eczema should not be given the vaccination." "As the investigation continues, medical experts are reminding parents that infants don’t need to receive hepatitis B vaccines immediately after being born. They say it’s ok for parents to wait until the investigation results come out, before deciding whether they want to use the vaccines or not." In the U.S., one never reads any cautionary advice like this, in spite of the fact that deaths and serious adverse reactions do occur often.

Doctor Verbally Assaults Parent in Restaurant for Choosing Not to Vaccinate

Hardcore pro-vaccine proponents would have us believe the issue of vaccine safety and effectiveness is a closed issue. To them, there is no neutral ground. You are either an evangelist for vaccines or a threat to society with no middle ground in between. To merely raise questions is to be labeled as anti-vaccine and a threat to society. Just ask Katie Couric, who dared to allow some people on to her show to tell their story about how they were damaged by the Gardasil vaccine. Even though Couric stated that she was pro-vaccine and had her daughters vaccinated, it didn't matter. She was attacked viciously in the mainstream media, forced to apologize, and then later it was announced that her popular daytime show would not be renewed. Pro-vaccine doctors are threatened by the truth of vaccines, because they can't stand the thought that they might be responsible for permanent disabilities or even deaths as a result of their beliefs in vaccines. In the story here, one doctor got so upset over hearing a private conversation in a public restaurant over vaccines, that he confronted the father of a vaccine-damaged child and cursed him out in public. This parent did not back down, however, and the doctor probably got more than he bargained for.

The Pentagon’s Vaccine Factories

Why is the Pentagon developing and controlling vaccines? Will our troops become human guinea pigs for MIT’s emerging vaccine to block stress and fear? In the aftermath of 9/11 and the 2001 anthrax attacks, the federal government decided not to let that crisis “ go to waste.” Allegedly to “better protect” civilians and troops against biochemical attacks, germ warfare, or pandemics (including normal, seasonal flu), it put the Pentagon squarely in the vaccine business. We know that the government has a long history of crony capitalist arrangements with Big Pharma to develop, procure, sell, and market vaccines. However, with the president, Congress, and the Pentagon all investing in secretive, expensive, and proven-to-be-unnecessary vaccine plants, perhaps we've turned a disturbing new corner. The Pentagon should not be developing or controlling vaccines, which are mandated by the state, both for soldiers and children.

Multiple Infant Vaccines Linked To Dramatically Increased Mortality

A new study published in the journal Vaccine has brought to light an extremely disturbing though still virtually unreported dark side to immunization campaigns within low-income countries, namely, the observation that infant mortality sometimes increases when the number of co-administered vaccines increases; a finding diametrically opposed to the widely held belief that vaccination is always a life-saving intervention, and that the more vaccines administered to infants the better.

Study Calls Into Question Effectiveness of Hepatitis B Vaccine for Newborns

Hepatitis B vaccine was not effective in preventing asymptomatic occult HBV infection in babies, which may occur in up to 40 percent of babies born to hepatitis-B-positive mothers. Hepatitis B is a primarily blood-transmitted adult disease associated with risky lifestyle choices such as unprotected sex with multiple partners and intravenous drug use involving sharing needles. Hepatitis B is not primarily a "children's disease" or one that is a common threat to newborn babies in the U.S. Any protection offered by the hepatitis B vaccine may wane by the time a child reaches his or her teenage years -- the time when acquiring a hepatitis B infection may be more likely. More than 1,500 deaths have been reported in the U.S. following hepatitis B shots and at least 60 serious health problems or adverse unintended consequences have been associated with hepatitis B vaccination.

Departing Mayor Bloomberg Mandates Annual Flu Shot for Children Under Age 5

Last Wednesday, the New York City Board of Health decreed that all children under age 5 who are enrolled in city-licensed preschools or daycare centers must receive an annual flu vaccine. This is in addition to the seven other vaccinations already required for NYC preschoolers. Tripedia for DTaP, as well as Fluzone, Afluria, and three kinds of Fluvirin for flu, contain trace amounts of thimerosal, a preservative that contains deadly mercury. Tell the NYC Board of Health to repeal mandatory flu shots for preschoolers! If you live in New York, please take action today. If not, please educate yourself and your loved ones about the threat of mandatory flu vaccinations—what happens in NYC today could happen in your state tomorrow.

Sweden Admits the Swine Flu Vaccine Caused Narcolepsy

In 2011 and 2012 several European countries were investigating the claim that people were suffering from narcolepsy resulting from the swine flu vaccine manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline. Finland, among others, began paying out damages for swine flu vaccines given in 2009 and 2010. Narcolepsy is a serious, disabling illness. The disease is principally characterized by a permanent and overwhelming feeling of sleepiness and fatigue. Other symptoms involve abnormalities of dreaming sleep, such as dream-like hallucinations and finding oneself physically weak or paralyzed for a few seconds (Stanford School of Medicine). Here at the end of 2013, Sweden is also admitting that the flu vaccine caused narcolepsy, and is offering an apology to the victims. The reason they are offering an apology is because the time limit to file a case for compensation has passed. So admitting something happened back in 2011 when it is no longer possible to file a claim is leaving a lot of people with no recourse - only an apology.

Girl Suffers Narcolepsy after Gardasil Vaccine: U.S. Doctors are Figuring Out that Gardasil Can Cause Autoimmune Disorders

While the mainstream media continues to state that the Gardasil vaccine is "safe" with no controversy, stories like this one continue to pour in. In the story below, we see that doctors who treated this girl clearly link the Gardasil vaccine to narcolepsy, and they are beginning to figure out that Gardasil "has been known to cause autoimmune disorders." The damage Gardasil has done in the lives of young women are widely being reported in the media outside the U.S., but those reports are mostly censored out of the U.S. media. When Katie Couric recently dared to interview some of those damaged from Gardasil, she was viciously attacked by the mainstream media and forced to apologize. A mother from Florida writes: My daughter hates it when I speak about the new medical conditions she has been suffering through since being vaccinated with Gardasil. I chose to give her this vaccine in an effort to help protect her. I struggle with that decision every day. She had just finished a great soccer season. She had turned 13 already and like always time had slipped away from us. I was a month or two late on getting her annual check-up. Her pediatrician had been discussing the HPV vaccine, Gardasil, with me since she turned 11 years old. I put it off and put it off and then finally agreed to move forward with the injections we thought would protect her from cervical cancer. Within a month or so, I started to notice changes with her. It was like a switch was flipped in her body. One decision has changed her life. Until there is a remedy I will continue to try and “fix her” as her life has been stolen away from her.

Australian Children to be Used as Guinea Pigs for New GMO Vaccine

A US vaccine company has applied for permission to infect up to one thousand individuals in Australia, including children, with genetically modified live bacteria contained in an oral vaccine. PaxVax recently submitted their application for permission to begin the first of three international clinical trials for the new oral cholera vaccine “via oral ingestion of the GMOs”. PaxVax claims to have several safeguards in place to “restrict the spread and persistence of the GMOs and their introduced genetic material” during this clinical trial. That precaution itself should lead any parent to question the wisdom of administering genetically modified live bacteria to their child. Unfortunately, this is not the first GM vaccine in the market. There are other GM vaccines currently in use or proposed for use in the near future, including at least one flu shot, a vaccine which has come under heavy scrutiny recently for its ineffectiveness.

Study: Black Women who are Vaccinated with Gardasil are Vaccinated Against the Wrong Strains

The highly controversial Gardasil vaccine has now been found to be completely worthless for African American women, by scientists at Duke University School of Medicine. Apparently this fact will not stop doctors and nurses from continuing to vaccinate them, however. I wonder how the parents and friends of Moshella Roberts feel about this news, knowing now that she died needlessly from a vaccine that she never needed?