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Massachusetts Set to Lose 50% of Their Correction Officers by Sunday due to Vaxx Mandate with Prison System “Pushed into Chaos”

Cheryl Fiandaca of WBZ CBS Boston reported today that more than 1,500 correctional officers in Massachusetts, about 50% of the state's "highly trained correction officers," are scheduled to be fired on Sunday, October 17th, for failing to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination status. Governor Charlie Baker has reportedly activated 250 National Guard troops to help staff potential shortages at the state prisons. Fiandaca interviewed Kevin Flanagan, the legislative liaison for the Massachusetts Correction Officers Federated Union, who stated: "With all due respect to the men and women of the National Guard, we have highly trained correction officers who have worked throughout the pandemic for 18 months and to now say 50 percent would be terminated it’s not right, it’s not fair." Absent from the CBS I-Team report is the issue of the National Guard, who are being called up in many states to replace workers being fired for not getting a mandated COVID-19 shot. The National Guard does not have to comply with COVID-19 vaccine mandates until June of 2022. A report earlier this year stated that fewer National Guard members were receiving COVID-19 shots than active duty members, with less than 40% vaccinated. This begs the question on how National Guard members, the majority of whom have not yet been vaccinated and have until next year to comply with mandates, can replace prison workers and in other states hospital workers who are being terminated simply because they are not vaccinated for COVID-19?

Chicago Set to Lose 50% or More of Police Force at Midnight Tonight as Police Union Calls Mayor’s Bluff on Reporting COVID-19 Vaccine Status

Chicago police officers union president John Catanzara is calling Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s bluff. The Chicago Mayor is trying to force all of Chicago's police officers to register at a portal supplied by the city that reveals whether or not they have proof of a COVID-19 vaccination. The officers have until midnight tonight (October 14, 2021) to register at the portal, or they will go into a "non-pay" status, which Catanzara claims is a new status that previously did not even exist. Catanzara put out a video on Tuesday this week, directing officers to "hold the line" and NOT go to the portal and give the city their personal information. He does not believe the Mayor or the City has a lawful right to this information, which clearly violates HIPAA and other privacy laws. He stated: "Do not fill out the portal information. You are under no obligation to do that, other than the city's demand. Once you do that, we can never get information back. We have no assurances from the city that that is secure. What that information is going to entail as far as going forward, who it can be shared with, etc. (nobody knows.) The simple fact that they keep putting out public statements, emails, and having bosses call you, means one thing: our members are holding the line. And officers from all ranks are not going into that portal. They clearly must have a very very low cooperation level, which is good. It's information they shouldn't be entitled to." Catanzara tells the officers to submit exemption forms today (Thursday) instead of going to the portal, and the union has supplied three exemption forms that are allowed by law in the State of Illinois for valid vaccine exemptions: medical, religious, and conscientious objection.

NBA Star Kyrie Irving Gives up over $100 Million to Refuse COVID Shot – Stands with Black Community in New York

NBA star Kyrie Irving is waging war with the NBA over mandatory COVID-19 shots, and at least from my perspective, he is overwhelmingly winning that war. Kyrie is a member of Brooklyn Nets, a New York City NBA franchise team. New York City mandates that everyone attending events such as professional basketball games must have proof of vaccination for COVID-19. When training camp for the NBA broke a couple of weeks ago for the new season, several players stated that they would not be getting the mandatory COVID-19 shots, with others expressing hesitancy at getting it stating that it should be a matter of one's own choice. But most of the other NBA stars have now come around and announced they are getting the shots. Brooklyn Nets coach Steve Nash said at a press conference yesterday that the team was preparing to play the season without Kyrie being able to play home games, since Kyrie was not apparently budging on his position, undoubtedly in the face of tremendous pressure from the Globalists to announce to the public that he was going to get the shot as a condition to be being able to play games in NYC that require him to have the shot. Kyrie stuck to his principles, and was willing to give up half of his salary and many millions of dollars, to stick to that principle and only be eligible to play road games outside of NYC. He called their bluff. As a result, today, Brooklyn general manager Sean Marks stated that the team would NOT allow Kyrie to play just half their games, games outside of New York, after all. The real reason the NBA and Nets are making this decision, is that they cannot afford the PR nightmare that would ensue for allowing an "anti-vaxxer" to tour to other NBA cities and become a beacon of light for those who refuse to bow to the Globalists and their eugenics agenda. As we have previously reported, less than 30% of Blacks living in New York have taken a COVID-19 shot, deciding instead to stand for freedom and against medical discrimination. Kyrie is obviously choosing to stand with the Black community in New York, rather than using his "privileged status" as an NBA multi-millionaire to take a stand against that Black community, and in favor of the NBA slave masters.

Airline Industry Issues Dire Warning Against Vaxx Mandates: “We have all the Control – Aircraft Will Stop Moving” with Major Effects on Economy

There have been widespread rumors this week that the thousands of flights canceled this past weekend by Southwest Airlines have been the result of massive amounts of people calling in sick to protest COVID-19 vaccine mandates for the airline industry. Neither management nor airline employees would admit to a protest movement like this, as it is illegal and considered a matter of "national safety." Pilot Joshua Yoder, who is the co-founder of the U.S. Freedom Flyers that recently produced a video that we published, appeared as a guest on Tucker Carlson's show on Fox this week. He stated: "We have all the control. And the control comes from a simple word. And that's 'no.' We just don't need to comply. I think you will see massive disruptions in the supply chain and in your travel, if we just stand up and say 'no.' If these companies fire us, and they fire 30% of the workforce, aircraft are going to stop moving. And it's going to affect you. It's going to affect your air travel, and it's going to affect the economy." Another commercial airline pilot, who was only identified as "David in Orange County," called into the American Journal show on Infowars.com this week. He addressed the issue of flying with pilots who have taken the COVID-19 shot, and their increased risks for blood clots.

911 System In Jeopardy As First Responders Reject Jab

The American Ambulance Association (AAA) warned House and Senate leaders the "nation's EMS system is facing a crippling workforce shortage, a long-term problem that has been building for more than a decade. It threatens to undermine our emergency 9-1-1 infrastructure and deserves urgent attention by Congress." "The magnitude has really blown up over the last few months," AAA President Shawn Baird told NBC News. "When you take a system that was already fragile and stretched it because you didn't have enough people entering the field, then you throw a public health emergency and all of the additional burdens that it put on our workforce, as well as the labor shortages across the entire economy, and it really has put us in a crisis mode," Baird said. What's making the EMS labor shortage worse is President Biden's vaccine mandates. First responders are quitting across the county because they don't want to get the jab and have realized they can transfer to other higher-paying jobs. 

Healing without Drugs: Western Culture has Lost its Way

For decades now western culture has taken great pride over "western medicine" as a product of modern times and the "age of science." The belief that modern medicine has achieved great success in overcoming historical diseases that prior to the advent of modern medicine plagued and killed humanity is drilled into anyone who grew up in a western country with a western education. Older traditional systems of dealing with health and sickness are thought to be antiquated and inferior, which includes bodies of health information that have been around for many thousands of years in non-western countries, such as "Traditional Chinese Medicine" (TCM) or "Ayurveda" practices in South Asia, mainly in India. If you haven't figured it out yet, the western pharmaceutical-based system of "health" depends upon sick people to earn profits. Healthy people are a major cause of business loss for this system and their products. So for the system to grow, it needs more sick people, not less. And as evil as the current medical system has become, even this system is in the process of failing, and very soon there will be many sick and dying people looking for help, and help will not come from the medical system. What I do in this article is look at alternative forms of healing that have existed for thousands of years, and give hope that true healing can be found outside of the medical system as we race forward towards a "Great Reset" of our society. We must not fear what lies ahead, but embrace it as our destiny, and find our own purpose in what God has called us to do to resist the Satanic world system.

Hundreds of Thousands Of US Troops Remain Unvaccinated As Deadlines Approach

With vaccination deadlines fast approaching, hundreds of thousands of US service members remain either unvaccinated or partially vaccinated against Covid-19, according to the Washington Post. The Navy has been most compliant with President Biden's July edict that the nation's 2.1 million troops take the jab. According to the report, 98% of active duty seamen have gotten at least one shot, while 90% are fully vaccinated. That's in stark contrast to the Marines, where just 72% are fully vaccinated. Meanwhile, over 60,000 Air Force personnel have just three weeks to meet the DoD's Nov. 2 deadline. Among the Army Guard and Reserve - which have until June 2022 to come into compliance, under 40% are fully vaccinated.

UCLA Doctor “Willing to Lose Everything” Escorted from Work for Refusing COVID Vaccine

An anesthesiologist at UCLA Health in California who has not shied away from airing his suspicions about COVID-19 vaccines was escorted out of his workplace for refusing to get vaccinated in defiance of a statewide and employer mandate. Dr. Christopher Rake is seen in a video appearing to record himself as another man escorts him out of the UCLA Medical Plaza in Westwood. “This is what happens when you stand up for freedom and when you show up to work, willing to work, despite being unvaccinated, and this is the price you have to pay sometimes,” Rake is heard saying in the video posted by The Beverly Hills Courier staff writer Samuel Braslow. “But what they don’t realize is that I’m willing to go lose everything — job, paycheck, freedom, even my life for this cause.” Rake concludes his video with a message for viewers: “Be well. United we stand, divided we fall.”

Industry Insiders Warn that Winter Blackouts Across the US are Possible as US Heating Oil Supplies Lowest In Decades

Americans are hoping the energy crisis in Asia and Europe won't spread stateside. But industry insiders warn that winter blackouts across the US are possible as low fossil fuel stockpiles may lead to shortages amid heightened demand.  The latest concern is ultra-low stockpiles of heating oil (distillate fuel oil). In the winter of 2019–2020, about 5.5 million households used heating oil as their primary heating source, and 81% of those households were in the Northeast.  Energy Information Administration (EIA) reports there are only 31.2 days of the demand for heating oil, the lowest levels since 2000.  Low stockpiles ahead of cooler weather could be problematic for consumers who may be burdened with high energy costs, or worse, fuel shortages. Below is the two-week forecast for the US Lower 48, underlining cooler weather trends are nearing and how consumers shouldn't wait until the last minute to fill up their tanks. 

16 Year Veteran Australian Police Sergeant Quits in Protest of Andrews COVID Orders, Claims Majority of Cops Agree with Her

A 16-year veteran of the Melbourne, Victoria police force in Australia went public this week to denounce the actions of many police during recent protests. Acting Senior Sergeant Krystle Mitchell was interviewed by a group called "Discernable," wearing her full uniform during the interview and announcing that she was officially resigning from the force at the end of her interview. Blaming the police actions ultimately on Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews, Mitchell stated: “I think that the reason, or the issue, in why perhaps police [are] feeling more emboldened to act the way they are in relation to these harsher actions is because of the messaging that comes from Dan [Andrews],” who tells the law enforcers what to do “on a daily basis.” However, she stated that individual police members who use excessive force will be held accountable, and that police do have a responsibility not to use excessive force, something that is allegedly grilled into them at the academy. She served 6 years at Professional Standards Command - the division responsible for investigating police misconduct, corruption, discrimination and freedom of information, referring investigations to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) where appropriate. She reminds her colleagues that ultimately they will individually be held accountable for their actions, and are still subject to s 462A of the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic) which forbids the disproportionate use of force. Acting Senior Sergeant Mitchell cites ethical conflicts as the reason for speaking publicly about conduct of Victoria Police officers, their Chief Commissioner - Shane Patton, their Minister - Lisa Neville MP, and ultimately their Premier - Daniel Andrews MP. She feels she can no longer remain silent with the division between police and community growing, and totally ignored by the leadership of both the police and government. She also stated that she has talked to over 300 fellow police officers, and the majority feel the same way that she does. Sergeant Krystle Mitchell gave up her career to do this interview, and could possibly face disciplinary measures as well.