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So far AdminM has created 1977 entries.

Judge Fines Amish Farmer $250K and Threatens Jail Time for Providing Club Members Food They Want

Last month we brought you the story of another Amish farmer, Amos Miller in Pennsylvania, who supplies healthy and ethical food to local food clubs in the Northeast, and how the USDA was threatening to fine him $250,000.00 for not complying with all their regulations, even though he was not selling through the retail commodity food system, but directly to consumers under contract through local food clubs. Unfortunately, a judge has ruled against the farmer and the food clubs, and if he cannot raise a quarter of a million dollars, he will go out of business and possibly spend time in jail. Again, this is NOT due to any complaint from his customers: those who pay him to raise the food. This is about protecting Wall Street and Big Food, and taking away any choices consumers have over how their food is produced, and who they can buy it from.

The American Idolatrous Christian Church is Part of the Satanic New World Order as its Leaders Urge Everyone to get the COVID-19 “Vaccine”

"It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery. Behold I, Paul, say to you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no benefit to you. And I testify again to every man who receives circumcision, that he is under obligation to keep the whole Law. You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace. For we through the Spirit, by faith, are waiting for the hope of righteousness." (Galatians 5:1-6) These words written by Paul in the First Century, were addressed to a congregation of believers in Jesus Christ who lived in the city of Galatia, which would be in central Turkey today. He was confronting the teaching from a group of leaders who were urging the believers to receive a medical procedure: circumcision. "Circumcision" was the sign under the Old Covenant, instituted by Moses, but not the New Covenant, instituted by Jesus Christ. And he didn't hold back in explaining what the consequences would be if these believers decided to receive this medical procedure: they would become "slaves" again to the system that Christ had saved them out of, and they would be "severed from Christ," "fallen from grace," and Christ would be "of no benefit" to them. Read through these verses again, and replace the word "circumcision" for a different medical procedure being preached today by Christian leaders, COVID-19 shots, and you will have the exact same principle happening today as was happening in the First Century from the Jewish "believers" who were trying to force the non-Jewish believers to receive this "mark" through a medical procedure. "It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery (medical tyranny). Behold I, Paul, say to you that if you receive (circumcision) a COVID vaccine, Christ will be of no benefit to you. And I testify again to every man who receives (circumcision) a COVID vaccine, that he is under obligation to keep the whole Law (everything the medical state dictates). You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be (justified by law) healed by pharmakeia/sorcery; you have fallen from grace. For we through the Spirit, by faith, are waiting for the hope of righteousness (healing and deliverance from disease by Christ, not by pharmakeia/sorcery)."

Tragic Loss of Life Following COVID-19 Injections

We continue to bring to the public stories of those who chose to receive an injection from an experimental COVID-19 shot and are now dead. All of these people believed what the media and government health authorities were telling them. They wore masks and complied with other COVID measures, in some cases ridiculing those who did not. But they paid the ultimate price for their belief in the shots, and the claims that were made regarding them. We want to put names and faces on the cold statistics where millions now have suffered from injuries, or are no longer alive after getting a COVID-19 shot. This is the chance you take when you comply with social pressure or mandates from employers to receive a shot for a virus that even if it exists, is no more deadly than the annual influenza, and far less deadly than other things killing people every day, such as heart disease, cancer, car accidents, etc.

Are American Businesses Committing Suicide by Mandating COVID-19 Vaccines for their Employees as Staffing Shortages Increase?

While the public continues to debate COVID-19 Vaccination "Passports" or IDs in order to participate in society, many businesses have recently announced that they are planning to mandate the shots as a condition for employment. This begs the question: Are these companies committing financial suicide by further restricting the labor force that is already seeing massive shortages since last year? As we have documented here at Health Impact News, publishing dozens and dozens of cases of people who died in the prime of their life after receiving a COVID-19 shot, we know that all of these deaths and injuries following the COVID-19 shots are always blamed on COVID-19, and not the shots. And since the CDC has proven to be a disinformation propaganda agency that regularly lies to protect Big Pharma, we actually have no idea what the true number of deaths and injuries are that have followed the COVID-19 injections. They currently admit that about 12,000 people have died after getting the shots in the last 8 months, double the amount of deaths recorded following ALL vaccines for the past 30 years. Add to that the fact that there is a very sizable portion of the population that will simply refuse to get a shot, even if it means being fired from their job, then I think we can answer the question posed in the headline of this article with a definite "YES." Mandating employees to receive a COVID-19 shot as a condition of employment is financial suicide, and a terrible business decision.

Tens of Thousands of COVID-19 Vaccine Injured Fight Censorship to Bring Their Stories to the Public

A website that claims to have "1000 COVID Stories" of people injured by the COVID-19 injections features some heart-wrenching videos. I wish some of these videos had more documentation, but some of these stories we have also covered in the past. More and more of these people are gathering online to find support and help each other, as their injuries are denied to be related to the COVID-19 injections, and their own doctors usually have no answers, or sometimes not even a desire to help them.

Is Pineapple Enzyme Bromelain a Remedy for COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries?

A Health Impact News subscriber from the UK emailed me today, heartbroken over some of the stories we have covered with people taking the COVID-19 injections and suffering horrible disabilities. He shared that he read about research in Australia using the enzyme bromelain, derived from pineapple, and its success in destroying the "spike protein in COVID-19," and decided to try using it as a therapy with an elderly woman who had received two COVID-19 injections and was now "magnetic." He reports that: "After taking this for just over a month she is now to my surprise no longer magnetic as I retested her!" Being familiar myself with bromelain, having used it as a digestive enzyme for years, since the days I lived in the Philippines back in the 1990s, I decided to look this up and see if I could find the research this person was referencing. I found two peer-reviewed studies that have been published since COVID-19 started, where it was being tested as an early treatment for COVID-19. One study looked at just bromelain, and another one (the one in Australia) looked at a compound of bromelain with Acetylcysteine (BromAc), which has been previously studied in cancer treatment.

China’s Troublesome Influence on the New York Stock Exchange Just Exposed How Vulnerable Our Economy is to China

Pam and Russ Martens' daily publication "Wall Street on Parade: A Citizen Guide to Wall Street" is part of my newsfeed, and I recommend that it become part of yours as well. Because these businesses on Wall Street are run by the people who control our nation, not the puppet politicians, and Pam and Russ are incredible watch-dogs in this field. The last two issues have had Pam and Russ analyze what just happened in Communist China with the private education sector, and how that affected Wall Street and U.S. economics. I know that we are mainly bearers of bad news these days, but I cannot make any apologies, because the only way we can face what awaits this nation in the future, is to get solid news outside the corporate propaganda news sources. And whatever awaits our fate here in the U.S., I am pretty sure China is going to have a big part of that. We cannot get so distracted in domestic issues that we do not recognize this huge threat.

More CDC Insanity: Fully Vaccinated Spreading Delta Variant – So Everyone Needs to Get Vaccinated and Wear Masks

Those of us in the alternative media who have been exposing the dangers of vaccines for years, have had to deal with the attacks and ridicule from the vaccine believers who parroted the one statement that always ended any debate on the subject of vaccines, which they claimed were responsible for eliminating most of the world's infectious diseases: "The science is settled. Vaccines save lives." Writing and reporting on this topic for more than a decade now, I have constantly told our readers that this statement, "The science is settled," is one of the most unscientific statements the health bureaucrat "doctors" at the alphabet letter agencies have ever made, because when is the "science" ever settled? Never mind the fact that the rate of autism among our children has increased from one in ten thousand to one out of every 50 children in the U.S. as the CDC childhood vaccination schedule ballooned over the years. Never mind that the U.S. has the highest infant mortality rate in developed countries along with the highest amounts of vaccines injected into children from birth to age 18 among the developed countries. No, that is not related to vaccines, because "the science is settled" when it comes to vaccines, we were all told. Those infant deaths were all written into the death certificates as SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), and everyone knows that autism is genetic, happening before birth, so don't be a stupid "conspiracy theorist" and blame vaccines, because when it comes to vaccines, "the science is settled." So to all my fellow truth seekers in the alternative media who have been ridiculed for many years for publishing the truth about vaccines and the injuries and deaths they cause because "the science is settled," we were all just vindicated yesterday by CDC director Rochelle Walensky, who announced to the world that people fully vaccinated for COVID-19 were spreading the "delta variant" and that it was now time to mask up again, just weeks after they announced that people fully vaccinated for COVID-19 no longer needed to wear masks, because: THE SCIENCE IS SHIFTING.

Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the “Unvaccinated”

The official government narrative that the U.S. is facing a new "pandemic of the unvaccinated" continued this week, as the corporate media, the White House, and state governors all continued to blame the "unvaccinated" for rising cases of COVID-19 and the "delta" variant. Is there any evidence of all these "unvaccinated" patients that we are being told are all of a sudden filling the nation's hospitals? We keep hearing and reading that "90% of new hospital admissions are among the unvaccinated." Since this is not the kind of story that Big Tech and the corporate media will "fact check," let me please provide that service to the public and "fact check" these claims to see if they are true or not.

Fully Vaccinated 33-Year-Old New Yorker DEAD After Cursing Unvaccinated as Idiots and Morons

A 33-year-old New York husband and apparent dog lover is dead in another case of death after virtue signaling. Mr. Jordan Hayes received his first dose of experimental mRNA on or around February 23, according to his Facebook page. The since-deleted Facebook post appears to show a photo of a vaccine clinic. Mr. Hayes not only said that the non-vaccinated are failing society, but also called them “idiots” and “morons.” He emphasized that his message was being spoken “with all of my heart.” Mr. Hayes apparently received his second mRNA injection on March 24. He celebrated being “[fully] vaccinated” and now being able to “kiss everyone on the lips again.” Mr. Hayes went to the emergency room at Mount Sinai Hospital on or around July 1 complaining of chest pains. His health quickly deteriorated from there. Chest pains devolved into a heart attack that required two open heart surgeries. Mr. Hayes suffered multiple strokes during the surgeries. He passed away on July 6, according to a GoFundMe page. He is survived by his widow.