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Healthy Traditions Offers Up to a 20% Return on a $1000 Investment and Up to a 30% Return for $5000 Investment to Become Resellers of Long-term Storable Food Tested for GMOs and other Toxins

Last month (January, 2024), I announced that my ecommerce store on the Internet, Healthy Traditions, which has existed for over 22 years now, was winding down its Internet-based store sales and concentrating on recruiting resellers of our products in local communities instead. We are seeking a more sustainable marketing strategy that will continue to serve local communities during times when the Internet may be inaccessible, or when the financial sector that allows sales on the Internet changes and starts requiring people to use Digital IDs, such as biometric IDs that require one to provide something like a face scan, palm scan, or eye scan in order to purchase products on the Internet. Because once the financial sector switches over to something like Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), we will no longer be selling anything on the Internet anymore. We have had very many people contact us about becoming resellers, and we have now added some new ones to our Resellers Page. What I want to do in this article is explain the investment opportunities that exist for those who want to become resellers, and how you could potentially build an entire business around your investment, depending upon how much work you want to put into it, as you develop a sustainable, secure food distribution system in your local community outside of the corporate commodity food distribution system currently in place that fills the shelves of your local supermarket, which is anything but sustainable, and will quickly collapse during a local or national emergency situation that disrupts the supply chains. So what we are offering to Resellers today is the following: For an investment of $1000, you can get a return on that $1000 investment of 20%, or you can invest a minimum of $5000, and can see a return of 25% to 30% on that investment.

The “New” Media is Run by Satanic Jewish Freemasons Just Like the “Old” Media

In the past two articles I have published, I have exposed the Satanic Skull and Bones secret society of Yale University, and how members of this secret society founded the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the 1940s after World War II. The development of the home television (TV) appliance and the corporate media also started during this same time period when the CIA was forming, and the CIA made use of this new product of technology by enhancing their methods of counterintelligence and misinformation, and then broadcasting their lies and propaganda into the homes of most Americans by the 1950s and early 1960s. In those early days in the 1960s, CBS evening news anchor Walter Cronkite was the most influential voice bringing the "news" to Americans every night on their TVs. He read the news on the CBS TV network each evening Monday through Friday from 1962 through 1981. This is what Walter Cronkite wrote in the introduction to the 1996 book Censored – The News That Didn’t Make the News- And Why, by Carl Jensen. Walter Cronkite wrote: "A handful of us determine what will be on the evening news broadcasts, or, for that matter, in the New York Times or Washington Post or Wall Street Journal…. Indeed it is a handful of us with this awesome power… a strongly editorial power. …we must decide which news items out of hundreds available we are going to expose that day. And those [news stories] available to us already have been culled and re-culled by persons far outside our control." The names and faces today may have changed, and even the "medium" is rapidly changing from TV and Cable News to Internet-based news broadcasts, but those behind the scenes controlling what "news" gets published and what "news" does not has not changed. The CIA and the Satanic Freemason Jews still control the media, whether it is "legacy" media or "alternative" media, like Elon Musk's X platform.

Strengthening Spiritual Health and Exploring Natural Health has Led One Man to Receive Healing from COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries

I introduced Abdulah to our readers last month. Abdulah is from a Muslim country, and after being injured by Pfizer's COVID "vaccines" he began to research ways to heal from his vaccine injuries, and ended up finding the Jesus of the Bible. I've asked Abdulah to give us an update on his journey in seeking healing from his COVID-19 vaccine injuries, so that others can benefit from the knowledge and wisdom he has acquired since meeting Jesus of the Bible. His life is a testimony to God's grace and his healing power, as well as a testimony against the "Christian doctors" who have claimed that people cannot be healed from COVID-19 vaccine injuries. Some of these "Christian doctors" have gone so far as to say that one can no longer be "saved" because they have become "trans-humans" after getting the COVID shots, showing that they are false prophets who do not understand or know the miraculous healing power that is available to all true believers in Jesus Christ. Most of the "whistleblower" medical doctors who saw through the COVID scam and the dangers of the COVID shots have nothing of real value to offer vaccine victims except "safer" vaccines and drugs, as they still profit from the medical system, many of them fighting to maintain their "license" to practice "medicine" (pharmakeia).

Christian Leaders Push “Mental Health” and Trusting Medical Doctors Rather than Trusting the Jesus of the Bible to Deal with Life’s Problems

As we have reported for years, the field of psychiatry in modern medicine is the most corrupt profession within medicine, where one out of every five psychiatrists is arrested on criminal charges, where four out of every ten women are being raped in psychiatric wards, and where children are routinely abused sexually by their doctors. The entire field of psychology is based on FRAUD, as psych drugs have been shown to be no more effective in "curing mental disease" than placebos, proving that it is one's faith in the drug that makes them feel better. In 2012, Dr. Irving Kirsch, associate director of the Placebo Studies Program at Harvard Medical School, was interviewed on 60 minutes, where he explained that his research showed that antidepressant drugs were no better than placebos. Last year (2023), we published a study that concluded that the “brain imbalance” theory used to prescribe psych drugs, was totally false. And yet these corrupt psychiatrists have a very high standing in Corporate Christianity, with Pastors and other Christian leaders referring the members of their churches to these criminals to seek help for "mental health", as doctors are seen as the answer to all health problems. One of the largest "churches" in the world that guides millions of Christians to seek out psychiatrists to help them raise their families, is Focus on the Family, which was founded by a psychiatrist, Dr. James Dobson. Their daily radio broadcast is reportedly heard on more than 5,000 stations in more than 150 languages, with an estimated global audience of more than 200 million people. This week, they published a 2-part broadcast on "mental health", where once again, rather than discussing what the Bible teaches on "mental health", they turned to a psychiatrist instead. I have studied some of these psychiatrists who are featured regularly on Focus on the Family, and they all have a very similar approach to dealing with "mental health" for children, and it seldom, if ever, refers to Jesus Christ and the Bible. As you can see above in the description to Dr. Gregory Jantz who was on the Focus on the Family broadcast today and yesterday, "growing spiritually in your faith community" is listed right along with taking prescribed medications. Notice the emphasis on "faith community" rather than just one's personal faith. Several years ago Hillary Clinton was demonized by Christians for saying that she believed it "takes a village" to raise a child, as Christians claimed that this belief promoted Government socialism. But when "Christian" doctors state that it takes a "faith community" to raise a child, how is that any different? As I have shown many times, the U.S. Government and the American Church are essentially one and the same, as one cannot survive without the other.

The Texas Wall “Civil War” Theatrics – Show Time! Grab Your Popcorn and Enjoy the Show

If you have been following the "news" in recent days, both "alternative" news as well as "mainstream" media news, you are probably being worked up into a frenzy over what is happening at the border in Texas right now, believing that there is an actual showdown between Texas Governor Greg Abbott, and U.S. President Joe Biden, and what many commentators are saying is leading to a Civil War in the U.S. But Texas is not the "Middle East" where everything coming across your screen can be easily scripted and controlled, because there are actually people who live in Texas and have gone down to the border themselves to see if what is being reported is true or not. So let's see what they have to say. Who is Greg Abbott really serving?

Christian Myths: The Bible does NOT Teach that it is Required for Believers in Jesus to “Join a Church”

I have been warning believers in Jesus Christ since 2020-2021 to get out of the Corporate Churches, most of which today I would use the biblical label of "Synagogues of Satan", as in general these Corporate Churches work together with the U.S. Government to participate in and support the Satanic structures that are the foundation of American culture today, such as the Demonic medical system and their products such as vaccines, the trafficking of children through foster care and adoption, the Zionist movement that supports genocide, and many other Satanic programs. I have shown how the American Church and Corporate Christianity are inseparable from the U.S. federal government, which I recently wrote best describes "The Great Prostitute" and "Babylon" in the book of Revelation. Two years ago I wrote an article showing how the Christian Religion is not even found in the Bible. This article was referenced in two testimonials we recently published, where a man from a Muslim nation met the Jesus of the Bible, and where a homeless young man also met the Jesus of the Bible. Both testified that they felt relieved that they could serve Jesus without converting to Christianity or joining a corporate church. Whenever I publish this truth from the Bible, that one does NOT need to join a church or become a Christian to know Jesus, I always get two types of responses from Christians. The first response is that while there are indeed a lot of problems within Christianity and the Corporate Churches, that one still needs to find a "good" church, usually referred to as something like "a Bible-believing church with sound doctrine," with severe warnings if one doesn't do so. They usually write things like "there are no Lone Ranger Christians" or "you may end up like Jim Jones," a Pastor who led his entire congregation to commit mass suicide-murder in Jonestown, Guyana, back in 1978. The second response is usually something like: "OK, I know that the corporate churches are bad, but where do I go to find other believers I can meet with and have fellowship with?" The thing that both of these responses seem to agree upon, is that the Bible teaches us to find a group of believers who meet together and then join that group, because we are commanded to do so, and to not seek out "fellowship" with other believers, is a sin. So what I am going to do in this article is show how this "teaching" is NOT found in the Bible, so you can be free from feeling guilty about this myth, and then give some practical ideas of what you could do in place of spending so much time trying to find other believers who think like you and agree with you on every issue.

All Wars are Orchestrated by the Satanic Jewish Bankers

The current war in the Middle East is currently in the middle of its fourth month, and it is now much more obvious that this is a planned war, and that probably every single State actor is following a plan that was put into action last year on October 7th. Iran along with their proxy militaries, such as Hamas, and Hezbollah, have had plenty of time now to carry out their threats against Israel, but as of today the slaughter and genocide of the Palestinian people (including Christians) continue with over 25,000 people killed, including over 10,000 children. Other Muslim nations such as Turkey and the Arab States, also continue to just sit by and watch this genocide happening every day, while only using words to condemn the mass murders. The reason the killing continues, of course, is because all of these countries still receive $BILLIONS from the Zionist U.S., and the ones who control the finances from the West are the Satanic Jewish bankers, led by the two most powerful families in the West, the Rockefellers of the U.S. and the Rothschilds of the UK and France, and all those who do business with them and control most of the world's financial system. This financial system is on the brink of collapse, and the primary commodity that the world's richest people use to control the world in modern times, is petroleum and all of its byproducts. The world today is powered by electricity, and the fuel that electricity needs to keep running the world, is oil. But the main problem these Globalists are having today is that their efforts to get the price of oil higher have been mostly ineffective since the Ukraine-Russia war, and that problem is now being addressed with the war in the Middle East. War is, and always has been, a means to create wealth for the Globalists, led by the Satanic Jewish bankers, and this has been primarily accomplished by keeping the price of oil high. The lie that has been used to adjust the price of oil at will by simply decreasing production, is that oil is a "fossil fuel" with limited supplies, when in fact it is a commodity that the earth is constantly producing, and its fair market value would be close to the value of water, the other liquid that the earth is constantly producing. It is painfully too obvious that the leaders of the Muslim countries who are feigning their condemnation of Israel and their "support" for the Palestinian cause, are in fact working together with the Satanic Jews and the Zionists to drive up the price of oil (among other things), and try to salvage the failing banking system as long as they can before they implement the "Great Reset" of the world's financial system. War is profitable, and when the price of oil increases, it benefits ALL parties on BOTH sides of this current World War. The innocent lives that are sacrificed during war are just the cost of doing business. When one begins to understand the mindset of these Satanic Jews, one can easily see how managing human beings is much better accomplished without so many of them around, as the "useless eaters" or the "goyim" have to be reduced for them to maintain their power, which is why they are so active in killing babies and sexually trafficking them for their own Satanic purposes. It is this same belief system that promotes changing one's gender, or having the kind of sex that does not produce children. The true war on humanity is a war against God the Creator of Life, and Satan the Destroyer of Life, and it has been going on since the First Century, and obviously even long before then.

Mother Who was Sexually Trafficked by Epstein Pedophilia Network Seeks Justice for Her Daughter Who was Medically Kidnapped

Jennifer Guskin was sexually trafficked and suffered Satan Ritual Abuse (SRA) growing up as a child in the U.S. Foster Care system. She was trafficked by the rich and powerful politicians and business leaders in New York and the Washington D.C. area throughout her childhood. Like many survivors of child sex trafficking in Foster Care, once she became an adult and had her own child, the system again came after her, this time by medically kidnapping her newborn infant daughter. We reported last June that Jennifer had decided to sue the Baltimore County Department of Social Services Child Advocacy Center, working together with Howard County General Hospital, who took custody of her newborn daughter on false charges of drug abuse. We made a public appeal for an attorney to come forward to help Jennifer with her case, and I also reached out to my contacts trying to find one to help her, but none were willing to take on her case, so she filed Pro Se. The defendants filed a motion to dismiss the charges, which could have been the end of the matter. However, it would appear that Jennifer had a sympathetic Judge assigned to her case, because while the Judge did dismiss the charges against some of the defendants, she did not dismiss them against all the defendants, and gave Jennifer 45 days to refile her complaint with proper legal codes showing how the defendants had violated Maryland laws. According to Jennifer, the Judge actually told the defendants, "Do you understand that she is claiming that you medically kidnapped her daughter?" I was shocked when I heard this, as we were the first ones to publicly use the term "medical kidnap" in 2013 when reporting on the Justina Pelletier case, which led to an avalanche of so many parents contacting us with similar stories, that we started MedicalKidnap.com in 2014 to document their stories. This was the first time I had ever heard that a judge sitting on a bench in court used the term. I am sure that the 2023 Maya Kowalski medical kidnapping case in Florida, made popular by a Netflix movie on this case, has done quite a bit to bring more public awareness of this tragedy happening in the United States. Sadly, Jennifer probably has very little chance of succeeding in court Pro Se without any attorney, and as the Plaintiff she does not have access to any legal help that one would have access to if they were the defendant in a criminal case, where the system at least supplies a public defender. However, because Jennifer's civil suit includes claims of criminal activities, such as kidnapping, child trafficking, fraud, assault, and others, this is really the job of Baltimore County's State's Attorney Scott D. Shellenberger, as well as Maryland's Attorney General, Attorney Anthony G. Brown, who should be investigating these claims of criminal activity, since that is their primary job as prosecutors. Jennifer has emailed both of these Public Servant Attorneys copies of her complaint. The public can help Jennifer by contacting each of these attorneys and requesting that they investigate Jennifer's case.

Young Man Living on the Streets Finds Jesus of the Bible – Overcomes Drug and “Terminally Online” Addictions

I met Luke online in October of 2022, when he emailed me and told me his story of how he had been "a homeless schizophrenic drug addict in LA, multiple overdoses, multiple suicide attempts, and tied down by every vice one could possibly imagine" just 8 months before he emailed me, and that now "Through Christ, in a matter of 8 months, I am off all illicit drugs as well as all medications, holding a job, and living a thriving life I never thought possible." Like Abdulah, a young man who lives in a Muslim country whose story we recently published, Luke discovered that he could know Jesus without the hindrance of Christianity and the Corporate Church, by reading the Bible for himself and going directly to God. Luke explains how his downward spiral in life began when he was 8 years old and diagnosed with ADHD, and put on the drug Adderall. Luke is a Millennial, and not only did Jesus Christ rescue him from his drug addictions, but Luke explains how Jesus also gave him the power to overcome his addiction to being "terminally online." He ditched his "smart" phone and now only carries a flip phone, and he tells me that he only carries that around because his job requires that he have one. I have asked Luke to write out his story, in the hope and belief that his experiences can provide hope to others who have been damaged by Big Pharma and the online lifestyle, and that one does NOT need to become a Christian or join a Corporate Church to meet Jesus.

Healthy Traditions Winding Down E-commerce Store in 2024 – Recruiting Resellers to Carry Their Products in Local Communities

I have been operating an online e-commerce store here in the U.S. for 22 years now, called Healthy Traditions. We were one of the first in the U.S. to start selling food online back then, when Amazon.com was just beginning to sell more than just books. Google was still in its infancy back then, and had not yet moved to their current location in Mountain View, California, and Facebook didn't even exist, as it was still two years away from their initial launch. Many young technology companies did not make it through the dot-com crash that year, but our business soon flourished due to the growing popularity of Virgin Coconut Oil, as we used the technology and the Internet to educate consumers on the true story behind coconut oil and saturated fats, showing how U.S. Government dietary advice was very wrong, and very harmful. In those early days, the technology worked for us, and not the other way around as it is today, where we are now being forced to work for the technology as it seeks to enslave us. We survived the financial crash of 2008, and we also survived the COVID lock downs of 2020, because we were an e-commerce company. We've also survived multiple attempts by the U.S. Government to destroy our business as we grew to levels that threatened the market share held by others, as they used the FDA and the IRS to try to knock us out of business. And while they failed to destroy us, they did knock us down to a size where our business was drastically reduced and was no longer a threat to the market share of big Wall Street and Silicon Valley businesses. I don't see that as a failure, however, but as a success for the American consumer, because now one can walk into virtually any grocery store today and find some brand of coconut oil being sold, something that did not exist prior to starting our e-commerce business back in 2002. Back in those early days, we easily had over 90% of the U.S. dietary coconut oil business, while today that market share is probably well below 1% for us. So while the technology is what allowed this business to grow in the early years, today here in 2024, as we are in the beginning stages of World War 3 and in a national election year, we see the technology as a threat to our business, not knowing if the Internet will even be reliable, or what might happen once the economy and the banks fail, and the Government pushes everyone to some kind of Digital ID that will be required for everyone who buys and sells on the Internet. Therefore, we have been in the process of recruiting distributors and resellers around the U.S. the past couple of years, in anticipation for the day when the Internet is either not reliable or available, and where one will have to comply with digital IDs, where your entire life can be observed and watched through your online activities. So this is a good time for us to extend an invitation to our customers and friends to consider becoming resellers of these products in your own communities. This will provide some food security for you, and also be a potential way to serve your community should the supply chains be disrupted again, as they were in 2020.