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So far AdminM has created 1978 entries.

Former CDC Head and Merck’s Current Vaccine Division President Julie Gerberding Sells $9.1 Million in Merck Pharmaceutical Shares as Gardasil Vaccine Gets Bad Press

SEC filings reveal that Merck’s Vaccine Division President Julie Gerberding sold over half her Merck shares in January for $9.1 Million. That transaction followed a spate of bad news for Merck’s flagship Gardasil vaccine. Last month, Cancer Research UK announced an alarming 54% rise in cervical cancer among 24-29-year-olds, the first generation to receive the HPV jabs. The following day, the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine published a withering critique of Gardasil’s crooked clinical trials, “It is still uncertain whether human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination prevents cervical cancer as trials were not designed to detect this outcome.” As Gerberding knows, those trials revealed that Gardasil dramatically RAISES (by+44.6%) the risk of cervical cancer among women with a current infection or those previously exposed to HPV. Merck is now fighting existential fraud lawsuits on both the MMR and Gardasil vaccines, that threaten licensing for those key products. Fat rats are always the first to jump ship.

Dr. Brownstein: Corona Virus is Nothing New – Here’s What to Do

I am sure you aware of the corona virus infection that is causing concern around the world. The symptoms of corona virus initially mimic the flu—fever, headache, cough, fatigue and muscle aches. Corona virus is nothing new. It has been with us for a long time. Conventional medicine has little to offer to prevent or treat corona virus infections other than washing your hands–I agree with that one. It is time for you to take the initiative and learn what other therapies are out there. Your conventional doctor simply has no effective tools in his/her toolkit for this.

Did Bill Gates & World Economic Forum Predict Coronavirus Outbreak? Will There be an Internet Blackout to Control Information?

In this report we take an inside look at Event 201, which took place in NYC on October 18 2019. Event 201 is a high-level pandemic exercise hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This is extremely fascinating because this pandemic simulation exercise of coronavirus took place about 6 weeks before the first illness from the coronavirus was actually reported in Wuhan China! That is one hell of a coincidence if you believe in that sort of thing. Another fascinating connection, is the fact that not only did the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation participate in and help set up the pandemic simulation of a coronavirus outbreak, but they just so happen to fund the group who owns the patent to the deadly coronavirus and are already working on a vaccine to solve the current crisis. Again an incredible coincidence… In this report you will see footage from inside the event as the members of the emergency epidemic board in this simulation, which consists of representatives from major banks, the UN, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Johnson and Johnson, logistical powerhouses, the media as well as officials from China and America’s CDC just to name a few. This simulation also includes news reports that were fabricated just for this exercise, please keep that in mind because they are eerily similar to reports we are currently seeing regarding this real world coronavirus outbreak.

Study: No Evidence the HPV Vaccine Prevents Cervical Cancer – 54% Increase in Cervical Cancer in British 25 to 29-Year-Olds

Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines hit the global marketplace in the mid-2000s. From the start, public health agencies enthusiastically promoted HPV vaccination as the “best way to protect [young people] against certain types of cancer later in life.” However, a blistering new study by British researchers—and new data showing that cervical cancer rates are surging in British 25- to 29-year-olds—raise numerous questions about officials’ inflated claims. The study’s results indicate, instead, that the jury is still out on whether HPV vaccination is effective. The question is far from academic because, prior to Britain’s introduction of HPV vaccination in 2008, cervical cancer rates had been trending sharply downward. In fact, between the late 1980s and mid-2000s, cervical cancer rates halved. Now, Britain’s leading cancer research charity (Cancer Research UK) reports a steep 54% rise in cervical cancer in one of the very age groups that first received the vaccine.

Are Mandatory Vaccines Coming to Your State? Feds & Big Pharma Push to Force States to Mandate ALL CDC Recommended Vaccines

As vaccine-related bills are being introduced into state legislatures this month, a bill (HB1090) has been proposed in the Virginia legislature to require school children to receive every dose of all current and future vaccines added to the recommended childhood vaccine schedule by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) appointed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). It removes legal authority from the state Board of Health to make recommendations to the General Assembly, the Joint Commission on Health Care and the Governor for revision of the list of vaccines required for school children and effectively transfers that authority to an unelected federal advisory committee. In what is a very transparent power grab by federal government officials that is sure to make pharmaceutical company stockholders smile, this type of proposed legislation could be coming soon to your state, too. Here is why automatically codifying federal vaccine use recommendations into state law threatens the integrity of representative government in our constitutional republic and is a threat to the public health and civil and human rights.

WHO’s Scientists Confirm Major Safety Problems with Vaccines

Rarely does the general public get to hear what vaccine scientists and public health officials really think about vaccines. Instead, the simplistic (and propagandistic) mantra aired ad infinitum for public consumption is that vaccines are “safe and effective”—full stop. As the transcripts from the secret Simpsonwood meeting revealed two decades ago, however, when the experts are among themselves, they tell a different story—and, as a new behind-closed-doors video powerfully reveals, they are still far from convinced of their own safety message.

Less Than 1% of Vaccine Injuries Reported in the Government National Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) was created by Congress under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 and became operational in 1990 in response to growing public concern about the safety of vaccines, particularly the DPT (diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus) vaccine. VAERS is jointly operated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Since VAERS began collecting reports in 1990, as of Nov. 14, 2019 there have been 8,087 vaccine-related deaths reported and about 47 percent of those death reports were for children under the age of three. There have been 17,394 reports of permanent disability following vaccinations, with about 30 percent occurring in children under age 17, while about 40 percent are in adults between 17 and 65 years old. A 2011 report by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) stated that fewer than one percent of all vaccine adverse events are reported to the government.

Big Pharma Spends $30 BILLION on Medical Marketing – Wants Vaccine Exemptions Eliminated

In her meticulously referenced testimony submitted to the Massachusetts legislature which is considering whether to eliminate religious exemptions from the childhood vaccination schedule,  Meryl Nass, MD, board member of the Alliance for Human Research Protection, laid out the facts to refute the Pharma-orchestrated propaganda about vaccines. First: “there is no crisis (no epidemic of deaths or disabilities) from infectious diseases caused by unvaccinated children, either in Massachusetts or the United States.” She pointed out that “the elephant in the auditorium today is Pharma profits.” Merck lists on its website over 1,000 candidates for state and federal offices to whom it “contributed” money in 2018. Pharma money purchases the allegiance of our major media corporations: in addition to its expenditure for advertising to consumers — $6.4 billion — Pharma spent in 2016, Pharma spent $29.9 billion on medical marketing. “Pharma’s latest risky strategy is trying to rid the world of vaccine exemptions, to prevent vaccine opt-outs–before a new crop of vaccines, with inadequate safety and efficacy testing. Vaccines for which Pharma will have no liability once they are placed on the childhood schedule.” Dr. Nass points out the added danger that government waivers of vaccine liability posed for children. “Waivers discourage manufacturers from ensuring that the vaccines they sell are as safe and effective as possible. The removal of vaccine exemptions, combined with liability waivers for vaccine side effects and recently loosened standards for licensing vaccines, create a highly toxic mix. Dare I say out loud that our children’s arms and bodies are the delivery system for transferring money from the citizens of the Commonwealth to the pharmaceutical industry?”

Measles Vaccine Failure: The Glaring Problem Officials Are Ignoring

It is far from uncommon for vaccines—including the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) and MMR-plus-varicella (MMRV) vaccines used in the United States—to fail to live up to their textbook promises. As of 2019, in fact, leading vaccine scientists admitted that “the ability of the current measles vaccine to sustain long-term protective immunity and adequate herd immunity in settings with no wild type virus exposure” is “still a subject of debate.” Right at the starting gate, anywhere from 2% to 12% of children who receive their first measles-containing vaccine exhibit “primary vaccine failure”—defined as vaccine non-responsiveness. For largely unknown reasons, this subset of children (and also adults) fails to mount the expected antibody response after either an initial vaccine or a booster shot. Even in those for whom the vaccine appears to “take,” vaccinated individuals “have lower levels of measles-specific antibody than do those with immunity derived from exposure to wild-type” measles virus. Secondary vaccine failure (waning immunity) is also a built-in feature of measles (and other) vaccines, with vaccine efficacy acknowledged to be “lower and not life-long compared to the wild type virus infection.” Studies show that levels of measles antibody progressively decreasewith increased time since vaccination. Moreover, additional boosters do not solve the problem. In a CDC study of 18-28 year-olds who were given a third dose of MMR vaccine, protection petered out in less than a year—a fact that forced the study’s authors to argue against a routine third dose.

New Ebola Vaccine to be Added to Little-Known Government Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program Along with Other Dangerous Vaccines

With the news of the approved Ebola vaccine by the FDA, many questions arise. Will it shed? Is it a live virus? Will we see Ebola outbreaks on our shores? While I can’t answer those questions conclusively, I do want to bring to your attention something that has been brewing in the background for several years. It wears a black hood and cape, wants to remain anonymous and is no hero to those who fall victim to vaccine injury or death. This is another federal program, hardly known to the public. And one that I do not wish upon anyone. The federal program, Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) is lurking in the darkness and hiding undercover at The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Anthrax vaccine was the 1st major designated biologic for this program. And we all know the horrors of what happened to so many of our military personnel. Just google Dr. Meryl Nash and her great work uncovering this horrible tragedy. H1N1 influenza vaccine when first available along with Tamiflu medicine were included in the CICP until they were approved for use by children. Then comes along the manufactured Zika crisis and a vaccine was developed. The Zika vaccine is covered in the program. I do not want to forget nerve agents, small pox, botulinum toxin, radiation, and any other future pandemic biologic vaccine or device. The Secretary of HHS has now begun the process of adding the Ebola vaccine to the program per her announcement in the Federal Register as of Dec 9, 2019.