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So far AdminM has created 1979 entries.

Gardasil: The Decision We Will Always Regret – 7 Years Later – Finding A Long and Never-ending Path to Healing

In February of 2015, Kim Robinson reached out to us to see if we would publish her daughter's story about Gardasil vaccine injuries. It was originally published on SaneVax.org. We had published many stories of Gardasil vaccine injuries before that time, and we have published many since that time. Some of the stories we have published have been very heart-breaking, with some, tragically, ending in death. Yet for some reason, that probably nobody can completely explain, Kim's daughter, Katie, became the "poster child" for the many thousands of Gardasil vaccine injury stories. Her story, published just on the Health Impact News network, has been shared on Facebook over 5 million times over the years, besides all the other social media outlets and other websites where her story appears. So it is with great joy that Health Impact News now publishes Kim Robinson's 7-year follow-up report on her daughter, Katie, just as she graduates from High School this year, showing that with lots of love and hard work, a path to healing is possible. Kim writes: "When my husband and I look back at our lives before Gardasil, it seems dreamlike. We were living our American Dream. We were married, had good jobs, bought a home to raise our two healthy kids in and were leading a vibrant family life. That was until September 2, 2010, when we took our daughter to the Pediatrician and consented to the administration of a vaccine we knew nothing about. Everything changed that day and the damage from one jab of Gardasil almost cost us every part of our American Dream including the life of our precious daughter. The funny thing is that I am a paralegal. I research EVERYTHING before making a purchase or before making important choices especially decisions that affect my children. In hindsight, we can’t imagine why, but we never thought about researching a vaccine. All we knew about vaccines was what we now recognize as well derived marketing slogans such as 'vaccines are safe and effective' or 'vaccines save lives.' Every day, we wish we would have heard just one warning so that we could have saved our precious daughter from years of suffering and quite possibly a lifetime of health issues."

African Ebola Victims Get Dangerous Experimental Vaccines While Proven Life-saving Therapies Denied

There is now another Ebola breakout occurring in Africa, this time in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). This is following the 2014 outbreak in Sierra Leone, which prompted pharmaceutical companies to begin development of an Ebola vaccine. The 2014 outbreak in Sierra Leone is reported to have claimed 11,000 lives. The World Health Organization (WHO) is reporting that the "yet-to-be-licensed rVSV-ZEBOV Ebola vaccine" will be distributed in the DRC. The vaccines are donated by Merck, while GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance funded primarily by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is contributing $1 million towards operational costs. In 2014, American doctors Robert Rowen and Howard Robins went into the Sierra Leone heart of darkness with donated ozone generators and facilitating apparatus to treat those infected with the inexpensive, safe, and highly effective, but not FDA approved, ozone therapy (OT). The doctors' humanitarian effort was done at their cost and time with donated equipment. They gathered some local medical practitioners and began training them with application of the procedures among Ebola victims in their region. Those treated with ozone therapy recovered. One who insisted on using the experimental Zmapp drug died quickly. After a short time in Sierra Leon, the doctors were forced to stop. Ozone therapy was banned. But it wasn’t just a ban. Doctors Rowen and Robins were attacked by Sierra Leone media as Americans “experimenting” medically on African Ebola victims and told to go home and experiment on Americans. After the initial ban was enforced, Rowen wasn’t even allowed to administer ozone therapy to one of the locals who had been trained to deliver it to others in his community. That person died an agonizing death over the next week.

Vaccinated versus Unvaccinated Study of Mice Links Hepatitis B Vaccine to Autism

Dr. Zhibin Yao of Sun Yat-sen University (a Top 10 university in China) is not a household name in the American autism community, but perhaps he should be. Not only is he American-educated (University of Pittsburgh) and the author of 33 peer-reviewed studies, but he's also the lead author of two of the most important biological studies ever done analyzing how, exactly, a vaccine can cause autism. Dr. Yao conducted a thorough study of the Hepatitis B vaccine's impact on the brains of mice, and did so versus a control group of mice who received a saline placebo. This is a "gold standard" animal study that you would typically do BEFORE a drug was introduced to the human population. In a world where vaccines were treated like other prescription drugs, Dr. Yao's study would have sent up a giant red flag about the neurotoxicity of the Hepatitis B vaccine. Of course, that didn't happen, and this is the first time you've probably ever heard of this study. Dr. Yao and his colleagues open with a statement that should make every American parent shudder: "The hepatitis B vaccine (HBV) is administered to more than 70% of neonates worldwide. Whether this neonatal vaccination affects brain development is unknown." Even more concerning, is the concluding statement they wrote: “This work reveals for the first time that early HBV vaccination induces impairments in behavior and hippocampal neurogenesis. This work provides innovative data supporting the long suspected potential association of HBV with certain neuropsychiatric disorders such as autism and multiple sclerosis.”

FREE Online Toxic Home Transformation Summit Shows How to Turn a Toxic House into a Healthy Home

It’s time — in fact, way past time — to have a serious look at the toxic influence of your home. Making sure the water, air, textiles, paints, cleaning products, EMFs (and more) aren’t adding to your toxic load is one of the MOST responsible things you can do for yourself and your family. Learn to comprehensively (and easily, in many cases) address possible toxic sources, and turn your home into the “health haven” it is meant to be: preventative, restorative and calming! The Toxic Home Transformation Summit is online and FREE from June 25 - July 1, 2018.

The U.S. Needs an Independent Vaccine Safety Organization Separate from the Corrupt FDA and CDC

Most Americans are oblivious to the huge annual burden of chronic illness, injuries and deaths linked to vaccines. Some of the blame for the public’s ignorance belongs to a complicit media that “pretends that vaccine-related injuries do not occur.” However, the lion’s share of culpability for the buried story likely rests with the two federal agencies charged with vaccine oversight—the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—both of which regularly engage in various forms of deception to uphold their bland narrative that vaccines are unambiguously safe. One of the most significant criticisms has to do with the FDA’s and CDC’s business-as-usual reliance on external experts with financial ties to the pharmaceutical companies and/or products that they are evaluating. Little has changed since a congressional Committee on Government Reform outlined this problem nearly two decades ago. The Reform Committee examined the doings of the FDA’s Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC), which determines whether new vaccines should be licensed, and the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), which recommends vaccines for inclusion in the childhood vaccine schedule. The congressional committee noted that FDA and CDC advisory committee members and chairpersons own stock in the vaccine companies under consideration, as well as own vaccine patents. The CDC “grants conflict of interest waivers to every member of their advisory committee a year at a time and allows full participation in the discussions leading up to a vote by every member,” even if a member has a financial stake in the decision.

Merck’s Fosamax Fraud Demonstrates How Big Pharma and CDC Spin Statistics to Sell Ineffective Vaccines and Drugs

It has been over a decade since I came to the realization that the entire profession of medicine had been bamboozled by the propaganda coming from the Big Pharma drug and vaccine maker, Merck & Company, that its so-called “fracture-preventative” drug Fosamax had defrauded us doctors and our patients by falsely claiming a “50% efficacy rate” in the prevention of bone fractures in osteopenic/osteoporotic women. By doing a little math, I understood that the honest truth of the matter was that patients who took the drug for four years had a miniscule 1-2% absolute risk reduction (AAR) in the incidence of fractures, which is a much more realistic figure that Merck, being a sociopathic entity that is inclined to tell half-truths or outright lies, chose not to use in its advertisements. It is a fact that being truthful in the drug or vaccine industry is an impediment to selling product, because they would be admitting they were selling a lousy, fraudulent, relatively ineffective or dangerous drug or vaccine. In other words, Big Pharma/BigVaccine is still successfully bamboozling us doctors and patients (as well as Big Media, the CDC, the FDA, the AMA, the AAP, the APA, the AAFP, the NIH, the NIMH, Wall Street and our politicians) with the old deceptive tactic of using relative risk reduction statistics about vaccine efficacy rather than honestly telling us the more truthful absolute risk reduction figures whenever they are rolling out their newest – and increasingly unaffordable – vaccines. Therefore, I devote the remainder of this column to reporting some excerpts from the internet and end with some examples of published studies from courageous researchers who have gone up against the drug industry and reported the important statistics that we should all demand to know when a vaccine (or drug) is being sold to us.

U.S. Taxpayer Funds Used To Develop and Market Merck’s Gardasil Vaccine Global Empire

It is no secret that huge conflicts of interest exist between vaccine promoters and vaccine makers. Pediatrician and vaccine developer Paul Offit, for example, who is one of the nation’s leading promoters of mandatory use of government recommended vaccines, holds a $1.5 million research chair at Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia, funded in part by Merck. Julie Gerberding left her post as Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), where she oversaw the creation of national vaccine policies, to head Merck vaccines. Former Texas governor Rick Perry recommended state-wide inoculation of all 11- and 12-year-old girls with Merck’s Gardasil vaccine after his chief of staff left to work at Merck. Just as disturbing are the millions of dollars that officials at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) dole out to academic institutions and vaccine manufacturers to improve vaccine technology, find new, lucrative markets and boost vaccine marketability—functions that guarantee the profitability of corporations, but do not always ensure the well being of taxpayers, the public and patients. Today, taxpayer-supported research to develop new drugs and vaccines is voraciously patented by universities and drug companies for outsized Wall Street profits when the research rightfully belongs to taxpayers. Development of the human papillomavirus (HPV) Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines is a case in point. The initial research was funded by the NIH, National Cancer Institute, University of Rochester, Georgetown University and the University of Queensland, which licensed them to Merck and GlaxoSmithKline. In 2015, Merck made $1.9 billion on its Gardasil franchise.

New Study: Vaccines Linked to Decline in Mental Health and Social Interaction – A Cause of Increase in Mass School Shootings?

A recently published study in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity titled Low-Grade Inflammation Decreases Emotion Recognition – Evidence from the Vaccination Model of Inflammation links low-grade inflammation to a decrease in mental health and human social interaction. Health Impact News found the study to be of great significance, because the researchers have not only proven that there is a link between vaccinations and social impairment, but that there could also be a link between vaccinations and depression, which may explain why U.S. News recently reported that between 2013 and 2016, the diagnosis of depression had risen by 33 percent in the U.S. alone. Furthermore, the results of this study made us question whether or not the vaccinations could be behind the increase in mass violence, particularly school shootings, where the shooter is often profiled as being socially deviant and on psychiatric drugs.

Another CDC Vaccine Scandal: Data Showing Chickenpox Vaccine Causes More Harm than Good Concealed from Public

A March 2018 article in the Annals of Clinical Pathology describes CDC’s suppression of inconvenient research findings pertaining to its Universal Varicella Vaccination Program. The author, an independent computer scientist, outlines in morbidly fascinating detail the “collusion” between CDC and its local public health partner to conceal unwanted chickenpox vaccine outcomes from the public. His effort revealed two clearly negative consequences of the varicella vaccination program: 1. Widespread chickenpox vaccination had “accelerated the recurrence of shingles in children who had had natural chickenpox” to rates higher than those published “in any historical study.” Previously, “such high HZ incidence rates were…associated with older adults, not children.” 2. The mass varicella vaccination program also had “increased the likelihood of shingles recurrence in adults.” Neither finding was palatable to the public health agencies eager to publicize their vaccination program as an unmitigated success.