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So far AdminM has created 1974 entries.

America’s Faith In Technology is Leading the Financial Collapse of a Once Great Country

Today's meeting of the Federal Reserve and their announcement regarding interest rates was, by far, the most anticipated financial announcement so far in 2023. Since the start of the banking collapse of the past couple of weeks, there has been widespread speculation about what the Fed was going to do today. Would they announce rate cuts and the return of easy money, which would throw a life preserver out to America's smaller banks, or would they continue with rate hikes in an attempt to lower inflation, but potentially doom hundreds of America's smaller and mid-sized banks to collapse? It was a no-win situation for the Fed, and most were anticipating at least a halt in rising interest rates, if not the announcement of rate cuts. In the end, the Fed announced another rate increase, stating that rate cuts were not on the table for the rest of 2023. Trying to calm the nerves of investors on Wall Street, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell announced that "all depositor savings" were "safe," and that they were prepared to "use all tools" to keep the U.S. banking system "safe and sound." However, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, who was testifying before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee at the same time Powell was making his remarks, was asked if the FDIC was going to raise the limit on bank deposits that are insured above the current $250,000 limit, and she replied: “This is not something we have looked at, it’s not something that we’re considering.” Whoops! The stock markets then began a steep decline in the final hour of trading, as soon as she said that. Bank stocks tumbled once again, but they are not the only ones looking at disaster. The automobile industry and the housing market is also in big trouble now, as U.S. consumers' ability to borrow money and make major purchases will now get even worse. And just as a reminder, this current crisis of liquidity and downward spiral all began last year when FTX blew up, and the Big Tech sector began massive layoffs. Big Tech's main bank, Silicon Valley Bank, the 15th largest bank in the U.S., was the first to crash. And now, America's reliance on technology is crippling this nation, and it can only get worse, as all of this technology, such as AI which is eating up $billions of cash in Chat bot and other software right now, is all dependent upon hardware, and most of that is produced in China and Taiwan. China can now easily cripple the United States and bring us to brink of collapse, without firing a single shot or launching a single missile, by simply cutting off their exports to the U.S., and blocking exports from Taiwan.

“An Extraordinary Change”: Labor Data Reveals Shocking Drop In Workplace Attendance Following COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign

Last we heard from former Blackrock portfolio manager Ed Dowd and his deep-dive partners at Phinance Technologies, the rate of Serious Adverse Events reported during Covid-19 vaccine trials closely tracked a spike in disabilities reported following the vaccine's official rollout. In their latest analysis, Dowd and crew use data from the Bureau of Labor Statistcs (BLS) to reveal a shocking spike in both employee absence and lost worktime rates, which they believe is due to vaccines - either from primary vaccine injuries, or because of weakened immune systems due to the jab, and not long covid caused by the virus itself.

California Farmers: “We’ve Lost EVERYTHING” – $BILLIONS of Food Lost in Floods in State that Produces Half of America’s Agriculture

Almost half of America's agriculture is produced in the State of California, producing over 50 $BILLION annually in revenues. Now, with recent historical and unprecedented flooding, many farmers in California are reporting that they have "lost everything." And it is not over yet, as the rains continue, and record amounts of snow in the Sierra Nevada mountains still need to melt, which will flow into farmlands that are already devastated in California's Central Valley. The emphasis today is still on saving people's lives as the rain and flooding continue, and nobody knows yet what the final damages will be to America's richest farmlands and how that will impact food security in the United States, and the nation's already fragile economy. I have put together a video report that is just under 15 minutes. I have friends and family members who live in this area of California, so I can confirm from first hand experiences that none of this is exaggerated. It is real. This was a very emotional video for me to compile.

A New World Order is Emerging as the Davos Banking System Collapses

With the collapse yesterday of the world's first SIFI (systemically important financial institution - "too big to fail") bank, Credit Suisse, the reality that the financial system of western culture is now on the brink of collapse is starting to sink in with Americans. While still not headline news in the American corporate media, financial headlines were notably pessimistic today, even with the stock market posting gains. The more dire outlooks are still being published as "opinion pieces," but it appears that more and more Americans are starting to face the reality that life as we have known it, is about to radically change. Here is an article that was featured on the Home Page of Market Watch for most of the day today, while the markets were open. And while it is listed as an "opinion" piece, it sure reads like a news article to me. "Opinion: The end of the ‘everything bubble’ has finally hit the banking system. Credit Suisse and SVB might be just the first of many shocks." The independent financial alternative media, without needing investors and editors' approval to print anything, was much more apocalyptic. Here are a few headlines from ZeroHedge News today: "The Banking System is On The Brink of Collapse," "This Financial Crisis Will Be Like None Other In History," "Nowhere To Hide In CMBS: CRE Nuke Goes Off With Small Banks Accounting For 70% Of Commercial Real Estate Loans." A New World Order is emerging, and it is NOT led by the Davos Crowd and the World Economic Forum.

Bailout Failure! Bank Runs Drain $550 Billion In Deposits In One Week – Are we Looking at an Infrastructure Collapse that will be Blamed on “Cyber Attacks”?

After a brief reprieve of declining bank evaluations yesterday (Thursday March 16, 2023) due to some of America’s largest banks stepping forward to provide an infusion of $30 billion for San Francisco's troubled First Republic Bank, considered the next FDIC bank about to collapse, the financial system took another hit today in the Stock Market as it lost confidence in the ability of the larger banks to step forward and bail out smaller banks. If anything, it appears more likely that the criminal banking cartel is about to consolidate their power by driving the smaller banks out of business. And in the midst of bank runs and declining bank valuations this week, the Corporate Media published reports about possible cyber attacks being launched by Russia, according to a "research report" published by Microsoft. Big Tech, which we previously reported is now controlling the country's infrastructure in Ukraine, is also mostly running the operations for the U.S. military today. So when you discuss private companies who receive $billions from the U.S. Government in defense contracts today, you need to add Microsoft, Amazon.com, Google, and Elon Musk's Starlink, and other tech companies to the list of traditional private defense contractors such as Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrop, etc. If the U.S. Government cannot stop the bank runs and the collapse of the banking system, will they just turn to Big Tech to shut down the entire system, either by taking down the Internet or the electrical power grids, or both, and then blame it on Russia and use it as an excuse to start the World Economic Forum's "Great Reset" agenda?

COVID-19 Drug Remdesivir Estimated to have Killed 100,000 Americans

John Beaudoin is calling for a criminal investigation into remdesivir citing data that it may have killed 100,000 people in America. The US Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) authorised the experimental antiviral drug remdesivir, brand name Veklury, for emergency use against covid-19 in May 2020. By October 2020, it had received full approval. It remains a primary treatment for covid-19 in hospitals, despite research showing it lacks effectiveness and can cause high rates of organ failure. In mid-February, Beaudoin called for a criminal investigation into the drug, citing data for Massachusetts he estimates remdesivir may have killed 100,000 people in the US. “They know,” he tweeted, “or they wilfully refuse to know. Either way, it’s homicide.”

FDA Continues Infanticide-by-Vaccine Program Giving Emergency Use Authorization for 4th COVID “Vaccine” for Babies and Toddlers Under Age 5

With the financial system on the brink of collapse and the war in Ukraine intensifying and capturing the public's attention this week, the FDA quietly gave a new emergency use authorization (EUA) for a 4th COVID "vaccine" booster for babies and toddlers under the age of 5. With the EUA COVID shots now being added to the CDC Childhood Vaccination Schedule, a baby born in the United States can now have 42 doses of vaccines injected into them before the age of 5. And if a child misses a few vaccines, or misses their "well-child" appointment with their pediatrician, no problem! As you can see from the image at the top of this article, pediatricians are trained to inject multiple doses into babies and toddlers during a single office visit, even though there are ZERO studies on the effects of injecting multiple doses of vaccines at the same time into babies and toddlers. If the baby or toddler dies after these injections, it will be classified as "SIDS", sudden infant death syndrome. This is infanticide-by-vaccines, and a way of reducing the population, and it is already happening. Here are a couple of records from the U.S. Government's own VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) database where young children were injected with the EUA COVID shots together with other vaccines, and the child died. In the first case, a 6-month-old baby boy from Iowa was injected with 7 doses of vaccines (COVID + DTAP + HEPB + IPV + FLU + PNEUMO + ROTAVIRUS), and then died 10 days later.

U.S. GOP Senator Calls for Shooting Down Russian Planes as War with Russia Escalates

As the world stands on the brink of a total financial meltdown, the U.S. corporate media was controlling the narrative in a different direction today focusing on the downing of a U.S. drone over the Black Sea that they claim was shot down by Russians. U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham appeared on Fox News to state that the U.S. should now start shooting down Russian planes, because "that's what Ronald Reagan would do," and of course, this is all "Biden's fault."

Banking Crisis Worsens: Swiss Bank is First “Too Big to Fail” Bank to be Bailed Out as Saudis Withdraw Support

Switzerland's second largest bank, Credit Suisse, which has been experiencing bank runs and plummeting stock valuations since the end of 2022, became the first SIFI (systemically important financial institution), or "too big to fail" bank, to crash today forcing regulators to step in and ensure a bailout. The Saudis almost single-handedly crashed the U.S. Stock Market (and stock markets around the world) this morning when they announced that they were not going to put any more money into the failed Swiss bank. While the U.S. Stock Market did end lower today, it most assuredly would have been a blood bath if Swiss Regulators had not stepped in to ensure the world that it was going to bail out their troubled bank. This was after European markets had closed, however, and European banks' stock values lost 7% at end of trading in Europe today. Since a simple statement made by Saudi National Bank Chairman Ammar Al Khudairy almost crashed the entire world's financial system today, what does that tell you about the frailty of the current banking system?

Studio Guests Nearly Faint and Corporate Media Melts Down Over French TV Show Talking About Adrenochrome Drug Use Among Celebrities

The harvesting of blood from children to make drugs that allegedly help keep people young is not a conspiracy theory, but is something that is actually happening today among the rich and powerful. We have previously published articles regarding "young blood" and the desire for these rich and famous people to find the "fountain of youth," including Silicon Valley Billionaire Peter Thiel. In an article we published in 2020, we reported how mainstream media sources outside the U.S. had begun to report on one of these drugs, the most notorious one, called adrenochrome, which is allegedly developed from blood taken from babies and very young children just before they are murdered, often as part of Satanic Ritual Abuse occult practices. Turkish TV and others had begun covering this back in 2020, while the corporate U.S. media would probably never touch a subject such as this, and few in the alternative media will cover it either. So I am not surprised to read about the reactions of a recent TV show in France where this topic was brought up.