Declassified Guantanamo Court Filing Shows 9/11 Hijackers were Recruited by the CIA
For the past several days, the media, both the corporate media as well as the alternative media, have been widely reporting news about the alleged "Pentagon leaks" which resulted in an arrest today of a suspect who was charged with espionage. I have not published anything about this story yet, because I really have not seen anything that was allegedly leaked that was important enough to report on, as other news seems more important, and I was not sure if this alleged "leak" was intentional or not, possibly to control the public narrative. And while I am still unsure about that, another news item that has been happening almost simultaneously and that has not been widely reported, was brought to my attention today, and from my perspective, is probably a much larger news story. And that news is that a copy of a previously heavily redacted document filed with the Guantanamo Military Commission was obtained by Seth Hettena of SpyTalk, unredacted, and that this now unredacted court document shows that two 9/11 Saudi hijackers were recruited by the CIA, and then afterwards the CIA tried to keep this information secret from the FBI.