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So far AdminM has created 1974 entries.

After Years of Bombing Syria, the U.S. Continues to Turn Their Back on Those Suffering After a Massive Killer Earthquake

I spent several years living in Turkey in the mid-1980s and early 1990s, and have lived in the area where a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck earlier this week, with thousands of deaths. During my time in Southeastern Turkey in 1991, working with Kurdish refugees, I got to know many Orthodox Christian Syrians living in that region. It is so sad to see the pictures of devastation from this region this week, following the massive earthquake that struck there. But what really angers is me is how the criminal government of the United States has caused thousands of Syrian deaths even before the earthquake happened, by unnecessarily bombing the people and ruining their economy through sanctions. And now that the people of Syria are suffering even more because of this massive earthquake, the U.S. refuses to lift sanctions against the country to allow a greater flow of humanitarian aid to come into the country to help the survivors. The U.S. denies that they are stopping aid workers, of course, but I spoke with some Orthodox Christian Syrians living here in the U.S. today who confirmed to me that their families are suffering, and that the sanctions in place make it very difficult for them to get aid to their family members living in Syria.

What ChatGPT and DeepMind Tell Us about AI

The world is agog at the apparent power of ChatGPT and similar programs to compose human-level narratives and generate images from simple commands. Many are succumbing to the temptation to extrapolate these powers to near-infinity, i.e. the Singularity in which AI reaches super-intelligence Nirvana. All the excitement is fun but it's more sensible to start by placing ChatGPT in the context of AI history and our socio-economic system.

The 75-Year History of Failures with “Artificial Intelligence” and $BILLIONS Lost Investing in Science Fiction for the Real World

"Artificial Intelligence" (AI) is all the rage again, including in the Alternative Media in recent days, with fantastic claims about what AI is going to do to transform society in the future. AI is promoted today as "new" technology, but did you know that AI has a 75+ year history of making fantastic claims about how it is going to transform society and replace humans? If you read the history of AI, you will see that many of the claims being made for AI today are not that new at all, and that investors in the AI technology have been losing money on AI for over 75 years now. That is not to say AI cannot be profitable. It can be very profitable if you are in the film industry and create science fiction stories, which Hollywood has been doing at least as far back as the 1930s and the "Frankenstein" blockbuster films. It is also very profitable in today's booming video gaming industry, which is now branching off into virtual reality. But when it comes to actually trying to implement the fictional ideas of AI through technology to produce something of value, like a robot that can replace a human, AI comes up short again and again, for over 7 decades now, because investors are fooled into believing that science fiction can actually be implemented in the real world, outside of the virtual reality fake world.

European Central Bank Preparing for Bail Ins & Banking Collapse According to Whistleblower

A contractor whistleblower for the European Central Bank contacted Greg Reese after he aired the video excerpt from the recent FDIC meeting where they discussed "bail ins," alleging that he had been assigned an "urgent project" related to preparing for bail ins for the European Central Bank (ECB). "Bail ins," as opposed to "bail outs," are when the banks take money out of accounts on deposit within that bank when a bank does not have enough funds to meet its obligations. According to this report by Greg Reese and the information from his informant, the playbook for bank bail ins has already been written for Europe, and they are preparing for bank runs.

44-year-old Thai Princess Bajrakitiyabha in Coma After Pfizer COVID Shots – Thailand to Nullify Contract with Pfizer

Clayton Morris reports on a video in which Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a German-Thai microbiologist, describes going to Thailand and informing the royal family that the health issues the Princess Bajrakitiyabha is experiencing have been caused by the COVID vaccines she received. Dr. Bhakdi claims that officials in Thailand are upset, and are taking actions to nullify their contract with Pfizer and will seek billions of dollars in compensation.

The Federal Reserve Cartel – Eight Families own the USA, BIS, IMF, World Bank

Who owns the Federal Reserve? They are the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York; the Rothschilds of Paris and London; the Warburgs of Hamburg; the Lazards of Paris; and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome. Many of the bank’s stockholders reside in Europe. The US government had a historical distrust of BIS, lobbying unsuccessfully for its demise at the 1944 post-WWII Bretton Woods Conference. Instead the Eight Families’ power was exacerbated, with the Bretton Woods creation of the IMF and the World Bank. Bretton Woods became a boon to the Eight Families. The IMF and World Bank were central to this “new world order.”

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs): The Battle for the Future of the Monetary System is Underway – Are You Ready?

The United States is getting closer to issuing a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). What does this mean? It means that the financial collapse of the economy is getting closer, and this is the plan of the Central Bankers to replace the current monetary system. If you are unaware of what CBDCs are, and how they can be used for evil purposes to try and control every aspect of our lives, then it is time to take notice, because this is a train that has left the station, and is not coming back. It is not a new monetary system that can be implemented overnight, however, but will need to be rolled out in stages, and those roll outs have already begun in many countries around the world. As with anything in life, tyrants cannot control people without their consent. They fear the masses, because they are outnumbered. If there is massive resistance among the public, it can thwart their plans. They will use fear as their main tool, and we have seen just how powerful fear is, with the COVID-19 operation that began in 2020. So there is a window of opportunity here to wake up as many people as possible to resist converting over to a new, cashless society, where digital currencies issued by Central Banks will completely dominate our lives and eliminate any remaining remnant of "privacy." I am publishing today the latest article by Jim Rickards to give us an update on just where we are today with U.S. CBDCs, and then a video by James Corbett that was just published and explains more in depth just what CBDCs are, along with sources of information on how to learn to opt out of CBDCs. Do NOT skip or browse through quickly this information, because I am not exaggerating when I say that your future, and the future of our society, depends upon you understanding what is at stake here, and how to resist it.

Recent Data Shows ‘Stunning Increase’ In Serious Harm Reports In Young Healthy Pilots After Introduction of COVID Shots

It’s been a year since four Department of Defense (DOD) whistleblowers found a sudden increase in various diseases in the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), which coincided directly with the introduction of COVID-19 vaccinations. Now, new data shows more evidence. That’s according to Lt. Col.Theresa Long, M.D., MPH, a board-certified aerospace medicine doctor and Army Brigade flight surgeon with specialty training as an aviation mishap investigator and safety officer, who was one of the four whistleblowers. Long’s background has uniquely equipped her to recognize what she described as “unusual diagnoses and alarming trends only after the introduction of the COVID-19 vaccinations.”

Mislabeling Vaccination Deaths for 50 Years

Since last year (2022) I have been warning the public about the new class of "experts" that have arisen since COVID warning about the dangers of the COVID-19 injections, but who endorse and recommend all the other vaccines that have been approved by the FDA for the past 30+ years. The corruption in the pharmaceutical industry and the injection of toxic vaccines that cause injuries and deaths did not begin in 2020 with the COVID shots, and there are many of us who have been warning the public on these killer vaccines for decades now. I have also stated publicly that I am PROUD to be labeled as an "Anti-vaxxer"! Like evil and the Devil, there are just certain things it is good to always be against, because there is nothing good in them. Vaccines have never been proven safe nor effective - none of them. So I was very pleased to see an author on Substack, Marc Girardot, dig up some older information previously published by Neil Z. Miller who years ago exposed the fact that infant deaths due to vaccines are never listed on death certificates, because there are no CDC codes for cause of death due to vaccines. Instead, they are labeled as SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Infant vaccinations have been the likely premier cause of illnesses for over a century.

World War III has Started: The War of Private Militaries? Russia Private Military Group Recruits Americans

I have been reporting since last year (2022) that World War III has already started, even as the corporate media tries to portray the fighting in Ukraine as a war only between Russia and Ukraine. James Rickards of the Daily Reckoning has recently published an excellent piece explaining the rationale of why World War III has already started, by comparing it to World War I and World War II and how those wars started. But first, watch this excellent report published today by Greg Reese which gives a historical perspective on the United States that you will not see in the corporate media, and then a video promo published by the Wagner Group, a private military organization with ties to Russia, where they are now actively recruiting Americans to join their group to fight for Russia.