The world is very quickly advancing to the final stages of the "The Great Reset," and implementing a "New World Order," and as I have explained in past articles on this topic, there are two competing ideas as to what this New World Order will look like, and who will implement it.
One is a Luciferian World Order ruled by Satan, and the other one is a Messianic World Order ruled by Jesus Christ.
What is apparently not very obvious to most people today, is that the path to both versions of this New World Order look very similar. Both paths see a reduction of the world's population, for example.
One of the truths that is perverted by the Luciferian world system, is the concept of "race" and "equality." "Critical race theory" (CRT), for example, is being put forward in our educational systems as a way to deal with inequalities within races.
And while there might be some truth in this teaching somewhere, its overall purpose is to continue promoting class warfare, and dividing classes of people to oppose each other and achieve the Satanic version of a New World Order.
True equality of classes is only found in the Messianic New World Order, led by Jesus Christ who only saw two classes of people: those who know God and those who do not.
This truth of the equality of the human race independent of ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, or any other way of classifying human beings, is so basic and so clearly taught in the Bible, that most people just completely miss it and are easily deceived by the prevailing teachings of the day regarding class warfare.
And this is true on BOTH the Left and the Right political sides.
But if you can understand this basic truth, you will be able to see through many of the lies being mixed with truths and half-truths today, and it will greatly affect your view of the future.
It will mean the difference between viewing the future with fear, giving up hope and thinking there is nothing standing in the way to stop the Satanic Globalists' implementation of their New World Order, to looking at the future with expectation and hope, waiting patiently for the day when Jesus fulfills prophecy and brings about true equality and justice for the human race.