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With The Chemical Imbalance Myth Exposed, That’s Not All Psychiatry Got Wrong

Today, CCHR released its latest figures of global drug regulatory agency warnings about psychotropic drug risks, reporting a 34% increase in cautions about violence-related side effects and a 27% increase in self-harm and suicidal effects since June 2017. These figures raise questions about whether the psychiatric-pharmaceutical industry has been misleading consumers for the past 30 years about the potential violence- and suicide-inducing effects of psychotropic drugs, in the same way patients were deceived into believing that a chemical imbalance in the brain causes mental disorders, requiring the drugs to correct it. University College London (UCL) researchers recently disproved the decades-old theory that a brain-based chemical abnormality causes depression. Since the early 1990s, the industry has propagated this fabricated theory, while also denying the drugs used to “treat” it can induce violent and suicidal behavior. The official warnings have been issued by agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and its counterparts in countries that include Australia, Canada, Denmark, Ireland, European Union, New Zealand, and United Kingdom.   Since June 2017, there was also a 112% increase in warnings about psychotropic drugs linked to addiction or withdrawal, a 32.5% in emotional problem warnings and a 19% rise in death or increased risk of death.

The Marketing of “Mental Health” – People who Admit to Having “Mental Health Issues” now Considered Heroes

Society is now celebrating people who say they have mental health issues. Athletes who “come forward” with their confessions are heroes. So let me be clear. “Mental health issues” is a PRODUCT. It’s being sold like SUVs, cereal, beer, skin care lotions. And just to give you an idea of how successful the sales campaign is, here is a staggering quote from NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, about a large survey of college students: “The researchers also found that students are more willing to use university mental health services…By 2015, nearly 20 percent of those surveyed said they used these services…Moreover, nearly 75 percent said they would consider using university mental health services…” These services are a gateway, a funnel into the diagnosis of a mental disorder…and then the prescription of drugs. The drugs are the bottom line, the moneymaker. The drugs CAUSE very real mental problems. There is no doubt that some of the people confessing their mental health issues these days are really talking about the effects of the drugs; but they don’t know it.

RNA for Moderna’s Omicron Booster Manufactured by CIA-Linked Company

Since late last year, messenger RNA for Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines, including its recently reformulated Omicron booster, has been exclusively manufactured by a little known company with significant ties to US intelligence. National Resilience was founded relatively recently, in November 2020, and describes itself as “a manufacturing and technology company dedicated to broadening access to complex medicines and protecting biopharmaceutical supply chains against disruption.”  Resilience was co-founded by Biotech venture capitalist Robert Nelsen. Nelsen was one of the earliest investors in Illumina, a California-based gene-sequencing hardware and software giant that is believed to currently dominate the field of genomics. As mentioned in a previous Unlimited Hangout investigation, Illumina is closely tied to the DARPA-equivalent of the Wellcome Trust known as Wellcome Leap, which is also focused on “futuristic” and transhumanist “medicines.” Nelsen is now chairman of National Resilience’s board, which is a “Who’s Who” of big players from the US National Security State, Big Pharma and Pharma-related “philanthropy.” Another notable board member, in discussing Resilience’s intelligence ties, is Drew Oetting. Oetting works for Cerberus Capital Management, the firm headed by Steve Feinberg who previously led the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board under the Trump administration.  Cerberus is notably the parent company of DynCorp, a controversial US national security contractor tied to numerous scandals, including scandals related to sex trafficking in conflict zones. Oetting is also part of the CIA-linked Thorn NGO ostensibly focused on tackling child trafficking that was the subject of a previous Unlimited Hangout investigation. In addition to these intelligence-linked individuals, the rest of Resilience’s board includes the former CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Susan Desmond-Hellmann; former FDA Commissioner and Pfizer board member, Scott Gottlieb; two former executives at Johnson & Johnson; former president and CEO of Teva Pharmaceuticals North American branch, George Barrett; CalTech professor and board member of Alphabet (i.e. Google) and Illumina, Frances Arnold; former executive at Genentech and Merck, Patrick Yang; and Resilience CEO Rahul Singhvi.

7th Formerly Healthy Young Canadian Doctor to Die Within a 2-Week Period: 26-Year-Old Neurosurgeon

The top-read article on Health Impact News every day for the past 18 days, is the article about 6 Canadian doctors, all young and healthy, who died within a 2-week period, and coincides with at least one major Canadian hospital that mandated a 4th COVID booster vaccine for their employees. Jim Hoft, from Gateway Pundit, has now published the news about a 7th doctor death within that 2-week time frame, 26-year-old Dr. Ryan Buyting, a neurosurgery resident at Alberta Health Services (AHS). Again, as with the other deaths of previously young and healthy doctors, no link to the COVID-19 vaccine was mentioned by the media, but Canadian medical schools reportedly require all students and residents to be fully vaccinated. Dr. William Makis MD, cancer researcher at the University of Alberta and Nuclear Medicine Physician employed at the Cross Cancer Institute (CCI) by Alberta Health Services (AHS) said that Canadian medical schools require all students and residents to be fully vaccinated. “I’ve just been informed that Dr. Ryan Buyting, age 26, who was a promising medical student from Dalhousie and had just started Neurosurgery residency at Alberta Health Services in Edmonton, Alberta, has “died suddenly,” he wrote. “Canadian medical schools require ALL medical students and residents to be fully vaccinated (triple vaccinated) to be able to continue their education. I’ve stated before that those responsible (including Deans of Faculty of Medicine) should face criminal charges and long prison sentences,” he added.

White House Orders 171 Million Doses of “New” Boosters for the Pro-Vaxxers Still Alive as COVID-19 Vaccine Market Dwindles

The pharma-funded corporate media announced yesterday that the White House has ordered 171 million "new" doses of COVID-19 vaccine booster shots that should be available for the COVID-19 pro-vaccine members of the American public soon who are still alive after receiving previous COVID-19 shots. The problem is that those who want COVID-19 vaccines are a dwindling market, partly because millions of people in the U.S. have now been crippled or have died after taking the vaccines for the past 20 months, according to the CDC and FDA's own statistics in the Vaccine Adverse Events Recording System (VAERS). There are more deaths and injuries following emergency-use authorized experimental COVID-19 vaccines in 20 months than have been recorded in VAERS for the previous 30 years following all FDA-approved vaccines. That's not a very good repeat business model, when so many of your patients are dying and becoming crippled. And it is estimated that only 1% of all vaccine injuries and deaths are reported to VAERS, which would put the number of Americans injured by a COVID-19 vaccine at around 138 million, with around 3 million deaths. The ABC report acknowledged that this is a dwindling market: "... demand for boosters has dropped with each campaign for people to get another shot. About 108 million people have received their first booster shot, for example." According to the CDC's "COVID Data Tracker," 261,981,618 people have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, 107,872,738 people have received a first booster, and only 35,200,364 have received a second booster. This is a diminishing market, and I am quite sure that the majority of the 171 million "new" doses will probably never be used. So why would Big Pharma continue with a product that is killing and injuring so many people, and significantly reducing their market among the pro-vaxxers? The answer, which should be obvious to all by now, at least for those who have refused the COVID-19 "vaccines" and can still think for themselves, is that this is part of a global plan to "save the Earth" from climate change. Along with reducing the world's population is a plan that is currently in place, and can especially be seen in Holland right now, to dramatically reduce the world food production as well. Bill Gates is the Billionaire Globalist who has been pushing this agenda for decades now, and a report published in ZeroHedge News today also identifies Bill Gates as the primary influence behind the "Inflation Reduction Act" that was just recently put into law.

Wildfires As A Weapon: US Military Exposed as Corporate Media Predicts Killer Floods Worse than Earthquakes for California

Dane Wigington of GeoengineeringWatch.org has released an explosive video discussing previously classified documents about how the U.S. Military has been using "wildfires" as a weapon for decades now. In the corporate media, a study was just published claiming that a disaster "larger than any in world history" faces California, and it is not an earthquake, but killer floods. They are blaming it on climate change, of course, but never mentioning the deliberate geoengineering programs that are probably really behind all of this. U.S.A Today reported: "A new study says that as the Earth warms, a massive California flood gets more likely — one that would swamp Los Angeles, displace millions and cause historic damage. Megadrought may be the main weather concern across the West right now amid the constant threat of wildfires and earthquakes. But a new study warns another crisis is looming in California: 'Megafloods.' Climate change is increasing the risk of floods that could submerge cities and displace millions of people across the state, according to a study released Friday."

Why You Should be Investing in Ancient Grains for Your Food Storage Preparations

There is a certain dietary philosophy that has claimed in recent years that humans evolved from "hunters and gathers" and that modern agriculture was a recent development in human history over the last many billions of years, and this dietary philosophy began to condemn ALL grains as not fit for human consumption. The flaw to this belief, of course, is that it accepts Darwinian evolutionary biology as a fact, rather than just a theory about the origins of life. The history of the human race as recorded in the ancient writings of the Bible, however, shows that man was an agriculturist since the beginning, as God created the first man and woman to tend the Garden of Eden, where undoubtedly grains grew. "Gluten" is now blamed for many diseases, so that grains are categorically condemned as an "anti-nutrient" by some modern dietary thinking. Much of this belief comes from the field of laboratory diagnostics, where one today can be tested for "food allergies," and if gluten shows up in your food allergy test, then you are diagnosed as "gluten intolerant" or having an allergy to wheat. However, you might be surprised to find out (or maybe not if you have now become aware of the corruption in the diagnostic testing field such as PCR tests to test for "viruses"), that there is currently no accepted test protocol to determine if one is allergic to gluten. Even if there was an accurate test to see if gluten is floating around in your body somewhere, what would it actually prove? It would only prove that your body is not processing gluten properly, and a just as reasonable conclusion to such a test, if it existed, would be to blame your digestive system for not processing it correctly, rather than blaming gluten. So for most people who believe they are allergic to gluten, it is usually based on the fact that if they eat any products that contain wheat and gluten, like their Krispy Kreme donuts, or their "breakfast of champions" highly processed cereal, and feel sick afterwards, then they must have an "allergy" to gluten. This is faulty reasoning, of course, because there are many factors to look at when one cannot consume highly processed grain products. Most of America's grains, for example, are contaminated with the popular herbicide glyphosate, the active ingredient in RoundUp and the most widely used herbicide in the world, which is now linked to cancer. Glyphosate is known to seriously damage our digestive systems, and our "microbiome." Ever since we found out that our certified organic grains from North America were contaminated, I have searched all over the world to find clean grains that are not contaminated, and focused on ancient grains that had not been hybridized to increase the gluten elasticity so coveted by bakeries to help breads rise quicker. Whole grains are a great investment for food security IF the grains are NOT contaminated! There are probably many places where you can order bulk food for long-term storage, but please make sure you are storing CLEAN and HEALTHY food. This will prove to be invaluable if a crisis hits where it is difficult to find food, and you want to make sure that the food you store will be food that can keep you healthy, and NOT make you sick!

Medical Professionals who Refuse to Participate with Hospitals Killing Patients Start Providing Alternative Health Services Through Private Membership Associations

With millions of medical professionals in the United States that have either been fired for not complying to medical mandates such as COVID-19 vaccines, or have been fired for exposing corruption in hospitals that have been literally murdering people with COVID protocols the past couple of years, or who have just simply quit because they could no longer in good conscience participate in a system that is killing people, are starting a new medical paradigm: Private member medical associations. These kinds of private member medical associations are not new, of course, and many have existed prior to the COVID-19 Scam, but they have a common goal: eliminate the insurance companies who decide who gets to be treated and who does not, and eliminate the federal government with their massive public funding for only "approved" therapies. Sadly, the American public has been brainwashed for decades now into believing that one cannot survive without health insurance, or the government-funded and supported medical system. But I can testify to the fact that it is possible, as I have not paid for health insurance for myself and my family for over 30 years, and we are all still alive, and none of us are bankrupt due to medical bills. I learned early on in my life to NOT trust in doctors and hospitals for my health, but to trust in God, and God has honored my faith in him for over 30 years now since I stopped paying for health insurance. Much of my writing the past decade and a half has been exposing how evil and corrupt the medical system is, and how it is idolatry to trust in it for your health. It should come as no surprise, therefore, that this model of providing healthcare services through private membership agreements without insurance companies and government funding is now taking off with the millions of medical professionals who have left the corrupt hospital systems since COVID-19 started.

142 New Cases of COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries in Babies Added to VAERS as CDC Now States “Unvaccinated People Have Same Guidance as Vaccinated”

Another 142 new cases of COVID-19 vaccine injuries to babies and toddlers between the ages of 6 months and 4 years old were added to the U.S. Government run VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reported System) database today, bringing the total number of cases filed for this age group to 829 since the shots were authorized by the FDA a few weeks ago in June. Brain and heart injuries, hallucinations, anaphylactic shock, seizures, skin rashes, gastrointestinal injuries, hemorrhaging, and other serious conditions continue to be listed as side effects to these toxic shots being injected into babies and toddlers. As we have been reporting frequently for the past few weeks, many pro-vaccine and pro-pharma doctors and scientists are coming forward to sound the alarm on just how horrible these COVID-19 "vaccines" are, and the death and carnage that has followed. A video has surfaced in the alternative media featuring an Israeli Professor, Dr. Zvika Granot, Ph.D., who is on the Faculty of Medicine at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He heads up the Granot Lab as the "Principal Investigator," focusing on "neutrophils" and cancer research. He is also a member of "The Public Emergency Council For The Covid19 Crisis in Israel," which is where this video apparently originated. Dr. Granot states: "We have already seen many distortions of science, lies and half-truths during the COVID crisis. More than once we have seen aggressive policies based on hopes that lack a scientific basis presented to the public as scientific facts. We have seen how economic and political entities presented distorted science and silence many scientists who think differently. Approving vaccination for babies and toddlers by the FDA in the USA and by the Ministry of Health in Israel, breaks all records of the theater of the absurd and raises deep doubts about the conduct of the regulators in the USA and Israel." The truly tragic thing about this corruption with the FDA and the CDC, is that yesterday the CDC finally backtracked on many of their COVID-19 measures that are recommended, stating that the focus should now be on "individual decisions," and that "unvaccinated people now have the same guidance as vaccinated people." People need to be tried, convicted, and executed over this.

How the Monkeypox Vaccine Scam Mirrors the COVID Vaccine Scam: Animal Trials show Monkeypox Vaccine does NOT Stop Transmission

Just like the COVID vaccines, turns out that in the animal experiments, Jynneos did not stop monkeys getting monkeypox, but did stop them from dying.   Since the current strain of monkeypox is mild, and virtually no one dies from monkeypox, this is another reason to avoid these dangerous vaccines like the plague—they won’t stop the infection! The US Government has created a fake shortage of vaccine. Well yes, of course, they always do that to fan the flames of demand. But this is a lot bigger than that. The USG already owns 16 million doses, stored frozen in Denmark, and had spent well over $1 Billion on Jynneos vaccines before Moneypox was identified in the west. Despite the Denmark factory's "fill and finish” facility being completed in 2021, and despite the USG allotting $44 million for “qualification” of that same facility in January 2019, the FDA only got around to finishing its inspection on July 27, 2022.   Because of the vaccine "shortage," the existing vaccine will get a liability waiver. How sweet is that? Jynneos is licensed, and is being used for its labelled indication (prevention of Moneypox) so the manufacturer is liable for injuries. The USG might also be liable, if it steered you wrong about the safety or efficacy of the vaccine…or if it hid a study it had conducted, for example. But since we have a shortage, the USG in its benevolence and wisdom is going to dilute it and give recipients instead a 20% dose, administered intradermally instead of subcutaneously. But in order to make this kosher (kosher for whom?) the DHHS and FDA are issuing the vaccine an emergency use authorization, and we all know what that means. You can’t sue anybody even if the vaccine kills you.