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ATF and Delaware State Police Trooper Conduct Surprise Firearm Inspection at Man’s Home without Search Warrant

Armed American News has published an excellent investigative report about a man in Delaware who recently received a visit from two ATF agents and a Delaware State Police trooper, who wanted the man to bring out two guns that he had allegedly recently purchased, to make sure they were still in his possession. They had no search warrant. Please watch and learn how this man was coerced into giving consent to let them examine one of his guns, when he legally did not have to, so that faced with a similar circumstance as this man found himself in, you do not make the same mistakes that he did. Absent a search warrant, you do not even have to talk to law enforcement! You have a 5th Amendment right to remain silent. Let them know that they are trespassing, and ask them to leave immediately. Be polite and respectful, as often these officers are just "following orders" and may be just as uncomfortable being in that situation as you are. But that's no excuse for them to violate your Constitutional rights. Absent a search warrant signed by a judge, the only way they can remain on your property and converse with you is if you consent, and the minute you open up your mouth and answer their questions, you are consenting, at least in their view. The only words that should come out of your mouth are: "You're on private property and trespassing, and I am requesting that you leave now." Record everything as much as possible! This man had a Ring camera, but I do NOT recommend those as law enforcement agents across the country are tapping into these cameras on people's doors without their permission, and they have the ability to see everyone who enters and exits your home. Use your cell phone, or if you can afford it install a private security camera system that does NOT use the Internet, but simply records everything on to a DVR inside your home. This could have very well been a "trial balloon" by the authorities to see just how compliant the public will be on the issue of their privately-owned firearms, and they need to know that the public will not give in to illegal searches and entries willingly. If too many people give in and start answering their questions, they will simply move on to the next phase, with the goal of knowing where every firearm is located, and then to seize them at the right time if they choose to do so. We have also uploaded Law Professor James Duane's excellent presentation on why you should NEVER talk to the police! This is your right, and is protected by the 5th Amendment. It has been viewed by probably over 100 million people now, but copies are starting to disappear on YouTube so we have uploaded it to our Bitchute Channel.

LA County Chief Medical Officer Exposes Bogus COVID Hype with Health Department Bureaucrat Politician

In a sign that perhaps even the pro-pharma pro-vaccine medical professionals are starting to get tired of the constant COVID hype and are beginning to speak out against health politicians who are appointed bureaucrats and never elected by the people to their public office, LA County Chief Medical Officer Dr. Brad Spellberg went public recently to humiliate Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer’s announcement that COVID-19 cases were on the rise and new face mask mandates were needed soon.

Panic in Europe: Russia Stops Gas Flow on “Force Majeure” as Biden Admin Temporarily Prevents Rail Strike

In two major headline stories today on Monday, July 18th, there was some bad news for Germany and Europe, but some potentially good news for the U.S. This is not a good time to be dependent on public utilities if you live in Europe, especially Germany, as Russian natural gas supplier Gazprom reportedly declared a force majeure today on the Nord Stream 1 pipeline into Europe, stating that “extraordinary” circumstances outside its control would not allow them to reopen it. Meanwhile in the U.S., disaster was averted today, at least for now, as it was announced that the Biden Admin has set up an emergency "National Mediation Board" and signed an executive order that prevents any work stoppage for 60 days. Any "good" news for the short-term is temporary, of course, as the planned collapse of the world's financial system is now inevitable. Charles Hugh Smith reminded us all of the Economics 101 lesson in a recent blog post at of two minds.com that when your society is built on debt that cannot be paid back, there is only one solution: DEFAULT. Gazprom won't be the first force majeure or bankruptcy that we will be reading about in the news in the days ahead....

“Swamp Coolers” – DIY Simple Evaporator Air Coolers You Can Make at Home if You Don’t Have Air Conditioning

As much of the nation is experiencing very hot temperatures here in the middle of July, there are reports that many people cannot use or do not have air conditioning, sometimes because there is a shortage of technicians and parts to fix HVAC units. There are simple and cost effective ways to cool the air around you, however, and they are usually called "swamp coolers" or "evaporated air coolers." There are many videos that show one how to make these, and I have included one here that highlights 8 different types. You do still need some power, so backup power is a very high priority when electricity is not available from the grid. At the very least, you should have some backup rechargeable batteries and some kind of solar charger that can provide at least a couple hundred watts of energy that will power a fan and other small appliances.  12 volt fans and appliances can also come in handy, as then they can be powered from your vehicle. Just make sure you have electrical cords long enough to get inside your dwelling to the place you need to cool down. These DIY coolers also require water, so make sure you have a backup plan that includes some kind of reservoir of water. 

NIH, FDA & CDC Employees Quitting In Droves Over Infant Covid Vaccines

Two of America's top health agencies are reportedly hemorrhaging staff as poor decision-making, described by staff as 'bad science,' has led to low morale. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are both suffering staff shortages, according to Dr. Marty Makary, a top public-health expert at Johns Hopkins University, writes at Common Sense, the Substack run by former New York Times columnist, Bari Weiss. Both agencies, along with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have been mired in controversy throughout the pandemic for inconsistent messaging and for decision-making that didn't seem to line up with available science. 'They have no leadership right now. Suddenly, there's an enormous number of jobs opening up at the highest level positions,' an anonymous NIH scientist told Common Sense. The decision that seemed to raise the most commotion was the authorization of COVID-19 jabs for children aged six months to five years old.

More than 260,000 American Service Members could be Discharged due to Non-compliance with Vaccine Mandates

The Biden administration’s strict Covid-19 vaccination mandates place more than 13% of the US’ fighting forces at risk of discharge, according to Department of Defense data updated on Wednesday. The Pentagon’s website shows 268,858 “partially vaccinated” individuals across the Army, Marines, Navy, and Air Force, plus another 50,710 civilian employees. However, the figures don’t include servicemembers who have had no shots at all, meaning the real number imperiled by the administration’s vaccine mandates could be significantly higher.

Funeral Home Whistleblower: Hospitals Are Covering Up Baby Vaccine Deaths By Cremating Babies Themselves

Funeral home director John O'Looney (UK) was interviewed by Maria Zeee (Australia) yesterday, where he discussed that hospitals were directly cremating babies who allegedly died after a COVID vaccine, most of them prenatal, rather than going to a funeral home. He states that he has never seen anything like this in his professional career as a funeral director, and that the only reason as to why hospitals were doing this was to prevent this information from reaching the public. Mr. O'Looney became a whistleblower early on in the vaccine roll outs, as he had bury so many young, previously healthy people in their early to mid-20s shortly after receiving COVID-19 vaccines, and his embalmer was seeing things in the arteries of those who were vaccinated that he had never seen previously. Meanwhile, another 141 cases of COVID-19 vaccine injuries in the 6 months old through 4 years old age group were added to the Vaccine Adverse Events Recording System (VAERS) database today.  As we reported last week, the damage being done to these young brains that are creating seizures and hallucinations is truly horrifying, where the most common side effect being reported is “Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome,” which the Cleveland Clinic defines as: "Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a rare and life-threatening reaction to the use of any neuroleptic medication. Neuroleptics, also known as antipsychotic medications, treat and manage symptoms of many psychiatric conditions." There is also extensive damage being done to their digestive tracts, with diarrhea and vomiting being reported, as well as pancreatitis and colitis, and many other gastrointestinal issues. Other side effects being reported among these babies and toddlers include anaphylactic shock, dementia, depression, lupus, Guillain-Barre syndrome, encephalitis, seizures, meningitis, and all sorts of rashes.

The Federal Reserve’s Crimes Against the American People Go Unpunished

In what is likely the least surprising news headline of the day, The Federal Reserve's Watchdog has cleared Chair Jerome Powell and former Vice Chair Richard Clarida of any wrongdoing in their trading activity. “We did not find evidence to substantiate the allegations that former Vice Chair Clarida or you violated laws, rules, regulations, or policies related to trading activities as investigated by our office,” Inspector General Mark Bialek said in a letter to Powell dated June 11 and published Thursday. Yesterday, Senator Sherrod Brown, the Chair of the Senate Banking Committee, along with two of his fellow Senators on that Committee (Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock) and two additional Senators who do not serve on that Committee (Jeff Merkley and Kirsten Gillibrand) sent a stunning letter to Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell. The overall thrust of the letter suggested that the Fed had attempted to quiet public outrage over the Fed’s trading scandal by issuing new trading conduct rules for Fed officials but had failed to put the force of law behind those rules or set up a proper chain of command. But three sentences in the letter also strongly suggest that the Fed Chairman is actually hampering the investigation of the trading scandal, which was referred by Powell to the Federal Reserve’s Inspector General rather than to the Securities and Exchange Commission or Department of Justice, which should be involved in any serious insider trading investigation. Those three sentences read as follows: “Additionally, we are disappointed that the Federal Reserve has refused to provide additional information regarding the full scope of the trading scandal…” The use of the word, “refused” has a strong aroma of obstruction. Next is the sentence: “…we also repeat our request for your cooperation with members of Congress and the Federal Reserve’s Office of the Inspector General as we seek to understand the full depth of the Fed’s trading scandal.” The use of the words “repeat our request for your cooperation” strongly infers that Fed Chairman Powell has withheld his cooperation. And, finally, there is this sentence: “Recent reports also reveal that the Federal Reserve failed to require updated financial disclosures from the former presidents of the Dallas and Boston Reserve Banks upon termination of their positions, which is inconsistent with the financial disclosure requirements for Board officials.” That last sentence refers to Robert Kaplan, the President of the Dallas Fed, and Eric Rosengren, the President of the Boston Fed, both of whom announced on September 27 of last year that they would be stepping down as the trading scandal drew public outrage.

Politicians and Politics do Not Rule the World: Corporations, Financial Institutions and Bankers do and They are Implementing a New World Order

Boris Johnson was recently removed from office in the UK, Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has just fled the country in disgrace, and in the U.S. the corporate media has turned against U.S. President Joe Biden, now that his son's penis is probably the most downloaded image on the Internet among photos of his pedophilia ways, and Biden's days in office seem to be coming to an end, possibly sooner rather than later. But anyone who still believes that these high-ranking politicians have any real power over national or international affairs, and that by replacing them with other politicians will solve economic or social problems, is not living in reality in terms of who controls the affairs of this world. Money, or financial power, rules the world, and since the start of the industrial age that began after WW II, that group of people at the top who occupy the leadership of banks, financial institutions and large corporations has dramatically shrunk, and the time has come for them to make their ultimate move, to take over the world's financial system and implement a New World Order where any resemblance to individual liberty and principles of democracy are completely swept away for totalitarianism and tyranny. In the U.S., for example, these Corporate Globalists have their own separate legal system that prevents them from facing justice, their top banks employ as many software engineers to spy on their employees as Google and Microsoft employ, and they have gotten away with rigging the markets illegally for so long now, that they are now in the process of doing away with Wall Street altogether and implementing a new national stock exchange called MEMX, where people will work remotely instead of on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange in New York City. Technology, and I am defining "technology" here as the advent of the PC (personal computer) and public use of the Internet (which was developed by the military) in the 1980s and early 1990s, is by and large what has allowed them to gain so much power, but that technology may also be their Achilles heal and downfall - but that is a topic for another day and another article. Most of the public is aware of the World Economic Forum (WEF) where many of these Globalists gather, but Brandon Smith has published an article today exposing another organization that is less well known, and possibly even more influential, the "Council For Inclusive Capitalism." This is not an organization that you want to be ignorant about, if you want to fight Globalism and their plans for a New World Order.

Data Show 441 Children Without Parents Crossing the Border to the U.S. Every Day as U.S. is Top Destination for Child Sex Trafficking

An average of 441 children will cross the U.S.-Mexico border alone every day this year, surpassing last year’s record, data from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) show. “DHS projections call for approximately 148,000 and 161,000 [unaccompanied children] referrals to [Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement] this year. With monthly projections exceeding those seen in FY 2021,” says a document obtained by the Washington Examiner. It reportedly detailed the response plan to the influx from the Department of Health and Human Services as of January 2022. Border Patrol prioritizes the transfer of those under the age of 18 who cross the border illegally without a parent or guardian. Another forecast outpaces data from a year earlier, as Customs and Border Protection recorded 147,975 total encounters of single minors in the fiscal year 2021, meaning 405 children per day on average from October 2020 to September 2021. Data show more than 101,000 unaccompanied minors have been seized nationwide till May in the current financial year.