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So far AdminM has created 1973 entries.

How Many Families Have Been Destroyed by Clergy Sex Abuse and Psychiatric Drugs?

A new TV miniseries was released earlier this month (June, 2024) titled: Six Schizophrenic Brothers. The documentary is based on the 2020 book by Robert Kolker, "Hidden Valley Road: Inside the Mind of an American Family", an account of the Galvin family of Colorado Springs, Colorado, a midcentury American family with twelve children (ten boys and two girls), six of whom were diagnosed with schizophrenia. The TV miniseries interviews several of the surviving family members, including two of the brothers who are still alive and are still being treated for schizophrenia. Schizophrenia, of course, is not a real disease. There are no lab tests one can take to be diagnosed with schizophrenia, or any other psychiatric disorder for that matter. It is simply a label applied to people who exhibit behavioral traits that are deemed as an "illness" that prohibits a person from acting "normally" in society. So if schizophrenia is the wrong diagnosis for what the Galvin family suffered, what caused the initial problem that led to the psychiatric drugging of six of the boys?

Why Has Former CDC Director Robert Redfield Been Warning that the “Bird Flu” Will be Worse than COVID for the Past 3 Years?

Former CDC Director Robert Redfield is in the news again today promoting his favorite topic, the "deadly Bird Flu" fear porn. This is another summer re-run, as this is a story that has been launched to the public multiple times since it made its debut in theaters in 2006 under then President George W. Bush. It was a hoax back then, and while I had not yet started Health Impact News in 2006, I had a phone call with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny that year about a book she had just published titled "FOWL! Bird Flu: It's Not What You Think", which we then began selling in my online store. The pandemic never came, but people made a lot of money off of it, and they went after small-scale poultry producers to protect the large commodity poultry operations from competition. They recycled the dreaded “Bird Flu Pandemic” again in 2015 during the Obama administration, and again began destroying poultry farms, especially in Iowa, the state that produces the most eggs. This announcement of a “pandemic” allowed them to take certain measures and create fear among the public, but once again, nothing really came of it, other than the fact that some poultry operations lost a lot of money, while the vaccine manufacturers profited. Then in 2022, former CDC Director under Donald Trump, Robert Redfield, announced that there was a new “pandemic” coming which had yet to happen, and that he said would be far worse than COVID, proving once again that all these “pandemics” are first hatched in the minds of the Globalists and then announced prior to them happening as if they have the gift of prophecy. This performance was re-run last year, in 2023, as well, as once again Redfield was featured in the corporate media to warn about the deadly Bird Flu that was coming and would be far worse than COVID. And now here he is again for a 3rd repeat encore performance this week, using the same exact script that was obviously written over 2 years ago. So what is behind Redfield's apocalyptic fear mongering over the "Bird Flu"? After doing a few minutes of research, I believe I have found out why.

Pushback Against AI Hype is Increasing as AI Failures Continue to Increase

As Silicon Valley investors continue investing in the AI hype that started at the end of 2022 with Microsoft's release of ChatGPT, many now are beginning to wake up to the fact that AI's promises are still all hype at this point, and may never develop into the techno-prophecies that continue to make the news each day. LLM AI's failures after its introduction over a year and a half ago now, are starting to wake up investors and others who look beyond the hype. A couple of weeks ago Jeffrey Funk and Gary Smith published an article on Market Watch, an investor go-to source owned by the Dow Jones company that includes Barron's and the Wall Street Journal, titled: "Big Tech’s ‘fake-it-till-you-make-it’ hype is now infecting AI". This is still the minority view on Big Tech and AI, to be sure, but that is only because there are still too many Silicon Valley Billionaires and Venture Capital firms with way too much money to spend, and are willing to take a chance on investing in science fiction with the hope and belief that it will some day all come true in the future. Once the money dries up, which may happen a lot sooner than Silicon Valley enthusiasts realize, all this hype will come to an end. Some, however, are not waiting for that crash to come, and are already abandoning AI, realizing that a year and a half has been sufficient time to actually produce something of value in the real world, because what is currently being seen in the real world where AI is being implemented, is not positive, but negative. For these business leaders in the REAL WORLD, there are calls to stand against AI, and be "pro-human." Consumers still have the most power to stop AI and Big Tech, by refusing to use their products. Forget about voting in national elections, and start voting with your dollars instead! This is what the tyrants cannot control, and where the REAL voting power exists. One sector where we are currently seeing pushback against technology is in the grocery self-checkout market, where major grocery retailers like Walmart and Kroger are actually abandoning this technology due to customers not wanting to use it. The tyrants cannot rule over the masses without the consent of the masses. This has ALWAYS been true, because we vastly outnumber them.

Exposing Christian Zionism False Teaching: God Saves Individuals, Not Groups of People

American Christian Zionism may be the most dangerous, and the most Satanic, teaching in the history of Christianity. Since the Zionist false doctrine is claimed to be taught in the Bible, I have used the Bible to prove that it is not, and that in fact the Bible teaches the exact opposite, so anyone can "fact check" my articles by going directly to the original source: The Bible. One very clear and easy way to refute Zionism from the Bible, is to look at the very clear and obvious truths that are taught in the Bible that almost all Christians agree on, and that totally contradict Christian Zionism. Christian Zionism differs from Jewish Zionism, but they both share the belief that the "Jews" are God's chosen people, and that this ethnic group of people has a special significance before God based on their membership in this ethnic group today. And while Christian Zionists can make this claim based on the writings of the Old Testament under the Mosaic Covenant, they cannot make this claim based on the New Covenant in the New Testament that followed the historical execution and subsequent raising from the dead of Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah. The apostle Paul in the New Testament, himself a Jewish leader who converted from Zionism (referred to as the "Circumcision Party" at that time), wrote: "Therefore, remember that formerly you who are Gentiles by birth and called 'uncircumcised' by those who call themselves 'the circumcision' (that done in the body by the hands of men)—remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility." (Ephesians 2:11-16) So the first thing to notice here is that in the New Covenant it does not matter which group one belongs to, either Jews or non-Jews referred to as "Gentiles." What matters is if one is part of this "new man" also described as "one body" that was made possible by "the blood of Christ". Any other group affiliation is meaningless.

Saudi Arabia Ends 80-Year-Old PetroDollar U.S. Agreement: Joins China-Led Central Bank Digital Currency Coalition

This past Sunday (June 9, 2024) Saudi Arabia made the historical move to not renew an 80-year-old agreement with the United States that established the U.S. Dollar as the world currency to purchase Saudi oil, in what should have been headline news, but seems to have been blacklisted in U.S. financial news publications, even in alternative financial news publications such as ZeroHedge News. While I could find no major U.S. English publication covering this as headline news, there was plenty of discussion on Twitter/X. One U.S. investor, Andrei Jikh, who has over 2 million subscribers on YouTube, published a video on just what the end of the petrodollar means, and that video has accumulated almost 1 million views over the past couple of days. The petrodollar agreement between Saudi Arabia and the United States included more than just the agreement to require the purchase of oil with U.S. dollars, as it also included a promise from the U.S. to protect Saudi Arabia militarily, and also contained provisions for establishing the State of Israel in 1948, something that President Roosevelt actually opposed, but was adopted by his successor, President Truman. While U.S. Bitcoin enthusiasts believe that Bitcoin can replace the petrodollar, all the evidence points in the opposite direction, as it was announced last week that Saudi Arabia has joined the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Project mBridge, a China-dominated central bank digital currency.

As the World Looks on with Horror On the Palestinian Massacre Prompting Calls for Ceasefire, Christian Pastors Continue to Urge Genocide

This past weekend, the world watched with horror as details emerged about an Israeli rescue of four hostages, which resulted in the deaths of 274 Palestinians, including at least 64 children, as well as 4 other hostages who were killed in the rescue, including one American. This has renewed calls for a ceasefire and an end to the war in Gaza, and the UN Security Council passed a resolution to do just that yesterday (Monday, June 10th). So is this proposed ceasefire UN resolution just smoke and mirrors? I would think so, because if you understand the mindset of the Zionist Satanic Freemason Jews, you will understand that they do not believe that they did anything wrong in massacring so many civilians in their rescue of 4 Israeli hostages, because they genuinely believe that their nationality makes them better than any other race of people, who are just the "Goyim" (Gentiles or Non-Jews), whose lives are worthless compared to the Jewish master race. As I have been reporting since October 7th in 2023, the most hardcore Satanic Zionists in the United States are actually Zionist Christians, whose pastors and leaders fully support the massacre and genocide against the Palestinians, as many of these pastors and leaders have literally called upon the U.S. to send nuclear bombs into Gaza to "finish the job" of genocide. So as the world watched with horror the massacre this past weekend which has prompted new calls for ending the war, Christian Pastor John MacArthur was interviewed by Daily Wire's Ben Shapiro where he supported the continued genocide of the Palestinian people, referring to them as "Amalekites".

Mourning the Loss of Alternative Health Investigative Reporter and Author John P. Thomas of Health Impact News

It is with a very heavy heart that I announce to the Health Impact News readership the physical death of John P. Thomas, who died this week in Maine. John was my top investigative reporter for many years, and some of his investigative work was so comprehensive and powerful, that we published several eBooks on the topics he covered. His writing has literally reached many millions of people around the world for the past decade, and for a limited time we are offering all of his eBooks in my online store for free download. John P. Thomas began writing for Health Impact News in 2014, and while millions of people are familiar with his work for the past decade, only a handful of people knew the whole story about the life of John P. Thomas, because that's the way John wanted it. John wanted people to know him for his work, and so in his bio we never mentioned that John was totally blind, and handicapped with years of suffering from environmental illnesses, illnesses that the modern medical system has no cures for, because for the most part the medical system refuses to even admit they exist. And while John P. Thomas began writing for me in 2014, he actually began working for me in 2006, almost 8 years earlier, in my ecommerce store Healthy Traditions. Like so many of us who live in the Truth and seek to expose the lies of our culture, especially the lies published and practiced by the evil medical cartel that runs this country, John P. Thomas died mostly alone this past week, with only his loving and long-time wife by his side. John's writing and his willingness to count the cost to publish the Truth, made him mostly an outcast among his family and friends, and his wife Kathleen told me yesterday that she only expects a few people to show up for his funeral next week. THIS is the kind of life that all of us who serve our Lord and King Jesus Christ, rather than the multitude of idols in modern society powered by Satan, can expect when we don't back down to Satan's attacks. So if you have been blessed in the past by the writings of John P. Thomas, please take a few minutes to write something in the comments for his surviving widow, Kathleen, as she herself also suffers from years of environmental illnesses, and now must continue her battle without John.

Has a New “Golden Triangle” Emerged to Keep American and Israeli Zionist Aggression in Check?

Much of the news in the alternative media the past few days has been very apocalyptic, suggesting that we are on the brink of an escalation of world conflicts into a nuclear conflict with Russia. And yet, as easy as it is to cover both sides of any current geopolitical issue by simply reading the English news sites published by all countries currently involved in conflicts around the world, it seems as if few bother to do so, and simply regurgitate a narrative that is the most popular among their readers and entices the most clicks. Is Russia really about to escalate their conflict with NATO into a full blown nuclear war? Not according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who addressed the issue when he met with the heads of the world’s major news agencies in Russia yesterday, and reportedly stated: "Look, someone has imagined that Russia wants to attack NATO. Have you gone completely insane? Are you as thick as this table? Who came up with this nonsense, this bulls**t?" I know that most Americans will object at this point and state that Putin's words cannot be trusted, and while I do not disagree with that, there is plenty of other evidence to look at, which I will present in this article today, to suggest that Putin is not lying when he says Russia has no desire to take on NATO. What are the Chances of an Attack on the U.S. Mainland? At this point, almost zero, in my opinion. And the biggest reason is that until our financial system crashes and the U.S. can no longer pay their financial obligations, all these countries will continue to prosper from doing business with the U.S. Sam Parker, writing for Behind the News Network, has just published a 3-part series titled: The Covert War between Iran & Israel. He covers a lot of history, from a non-western and pro-Islamic perspective, about the relations between Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia and China. He refers to Iran, Russia, and China as the emerging "Golden Triangle in Eurasia". Read this very carefully, because if this (or most of it) is true, World War 3 is all but over already.

Anthony Fauci Sits on the Political Hot Seat to be Blamed for the False Wuhan Lab Leak Psyop for COVID as REAL Crimes go Unaddressed

Most all of the "news" headlines yesterday were about the latest circus act playing in Washington D.C. in the halls of the U.S. Congress where the day's entertainment show was hosted by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, where the starring performance was acted out by Anthony Fauci, the former NIAID director and one of the master minds behind the 2020 military campaign implemented by then Commander in Chief, President Donald Trump, and his Operation Warp Speed military campaign that he unleashed against the American people. If you missed it, don't worry, as it was a summer re-run from previous performances under the "COVID-19 Virus Wuhan Lab Leak Theory", a D.C. TV series that has been running the past few years produced mainly by Senator Rand Paul. If our readers have been wondering why I have spent so little time in recent months covering the issues of COVID-19, and the most lethal bioweapon that has ever been unleashed into the human race, the COVID-19 bioweapons, it is because that story has already been written, and all that is playing in "theaters" these days are re-runs. If you search for "COVID" on Health Impact News, you will get over 1,600 results out of the 8,600+ articles published on Health Impact News since 2011. So for those of you with short memories or who have never investigated the 1,600+ articles we have already published on this topic, let's have a short review here about how this scam started, and who should be tried for treason and war crimes against the U.S. public, for crimes committed under COVID that are now all a matter of public record.

Catholic Churches Going Bankrupt as Families Abandon the Church to Protect their Children from Pedophile Priests

It was reported earlier this week that another Catholic Diocese in California has filed for bankruptcy due to recent surges in lawsuits filed against pedophile priests during the past few years, which has caused attendance and support for Catholic Churches to plummet. The Fresno Diocese is not the first one to file for bankruptcy due to backlashes from pedophile priests, but follows the Diocese of Sacramento, the Archdiocese of San Francisco, the Archdiocese of Oakland, and the Diocese of Santa Rosa. While Catholic Churches across the U.S. have been going bankrupt in recent years as more and more cases are filed by the victims of Catholic pedophile priests who prey on children, that process accelerated in California after a 2019 legislative bill was passed that opened a three-year “look-back window” that would allow survivors of childhood sexual abuse to file suits based on old claims that would normally have fallen outside the statute of limitations. When the window closed in 2022, more than 2,000 individuals around the state had filed cases against the Catholic Church. Many of the victims who are now adults and were formerly abused by Catholic clergy, claim that filing bankruptcy by these dioceses is a cop out to avoid paying out settlements to the victims. And this problem of pedophile clergy is not limited to just the Catholic Church, but is a problem in ALL Christian Churches who have a central authority figure or figures that claim to be more holy than the non-clergy, and are trusted to have access to children.