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Moderna Seeks Approval from FDA and European Medicines Agency (EMA) to Start Injecting Children Under 6 with mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines

Fierce Pharma reported yesterday that Moderna is seeking approval for their COVID-19 mRNA vaccine to be injected into children under the age of 6, from both the U.S. FDA and the European EMA. They are also asking the FDA to approve their vaccine for children between the ages of 6 and 11. Using government official statistics, children in this age group have almost a zero percent chance of dying from COVID-19, as we have previously shown in numerous articles. And yet, the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) is reporting almost 45,000 injuries and deaths in this age group following COVID-19 vaccines, and we know that this is severely under-reported. This begs the question then as to why the FDA would even consider a COVID-19 shot for this age group (I think we all know the answer to that question), and why parents would take the risk of injuring or killing their child with one of these experimental shots? This is simply the same demonic spirit we have seen throughout history that moves people to sacrifice their children to "gods" like Molech and Baal in ancient times, and is now being manifest in "modern" culture through the vaccine cult. Here are a few tragic stories that have been posted to Telegram within the past few days of parents who sacrificed their children to the vaccine gods and now have either a dead child that they have to bury, or one disabled for the rest of their life.

Updated Psychiatric Manual Makes Grief, Racism, and Childhood “Mental Disorders” to be Treated with Drugs

Americans love their drugs. We are some of the most medicated people on the face of the planet, which means that this will not be a popular article, because I will expose people's idols, showing how evil Big Pharma is, and how they maintain control over the U.S. population through people's addiction to these prescription drugs. The latest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), psychiatry's "bible" that gives them the "authority" to prescribe drugs for "mental disorders," is scheduled to be updated this month (March 2022) with new "disorders" that psychiatrists can now prescribe drugs for, which will undoubtedly put more people on their psyche drugs now. The first thing to understand when it comes to the DSM is that there is not one single "mental disorder" that can be diagnosed by a laboratory test. These disorders are voted upon by the leaders in the field of psychiatry. Therefore, to accept their diagnosis of a "mental disorder," is to put your trust in them, to believe in them and their alleged "expertise" on mental health. Adding new diagnoses to the DSM also weaponizes medical tyrants allowing them to commit people, most often seniors, to medical institutions against their will, and then have a judge award that "mentally disabled" person to the State, where the State can then seize all their assets and liquidate them to pay the patient's medical bills. This is adult medical kidnapping, and it happens in this country every day, about 3x more often than children being medically kidnapped and forced into Foster Care. Psychiatry also plays a huge role in medically kidnapping children, as a school teacher or official, or a social worker, can recommend a psychiatric diagnosis of a child, and then have drugs prescribed, and if the parents disagree, they are charged with medical neglect and their children are taken away from them and awarded to the custody of the State. And State-appointed Foster Parents have no choice over what drugs their foster children are ordered to take, because they are wards of the State. So an update to the book that makes all of this "legal," the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), will undoubtedly lead to more medical tyranny, and more medical kidnappings. New additions to the DSM this month will reportedly include excessive grief, racism, and new guidelines for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), which will basically make childhood a mental disorder.

41,834 DEAD 3.9 Million Injured Following COVID Vaccines in European Database as U.S. Military Deaths Soar 1100%

The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 41,834 fatalities, and 3,900,241 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots. A U.S. Attorney reports that there has been a 1100% increase in military deaths following COVID vaccines, stating, "This is Genocide." Daniel Horowitz reports at The Blaze: "Both political parties are salivating to draw our military into the Russia-Ukraine war, but neither of them seems to care about what our own leaders have done to these soldiers. It is now abundantly clear from numerous data points that the shots have caused unimaginable injury among the general population. Military doctors have come forward to show the enormity of this damage in the military, yet the military has chosen to cover it up and tamper with their own health surveillance data in order to conceal the magnitude of the injury. Meanwhile, new data presented in a Florida federal court on behalf of a Navy SEAL demonstrates that, at a minimum, more people died from the shot than from COVID."

Apple Suffers “Mysterious” Outage as Biden Issues Cyber Attack Warning

Apple services suffered a major outage on Monday, when at one point at least 25 of its services went offline, disrupting both individual users and businesses. The mysterious outage came at the same time President Joe Biden released a nationwide cybersecurity warning to all Americans telling them to prepare for a Russian cyberattack.

How the Christian Church and U.S. Government Work Together to Traffick Children Worldwide Through the Lucrative Adoption Business

The European Adoption Consultants (EAC) is a business that was set up in 1991 by then President George H.W. Bush and Bill Barr, his Attorney General. This agency has been caught numerous times in its 41-year history trafficking children by fooling parents in poor countries with financial incentives, like promising an education for their children abroad, and then placing them in Christian orphanages where American families will pay a high price to adopt the children. These families willingly buy these children because in most cases they have been lied to, stating that the children were either orphans, or that their parents did not want them, when the truth was that these children were kidnapped for financial gain. CNN actually did an investigation on the EAC in 2017, interviewing parents who had been lied to about their adopted children, and then found out from the children themselves that they had parents back in their home country who loved them. I am certainly not a fan of CNN, nor Anderson Cooper and his known ties to the CIA, but this is undoubtedly one of the best investigative reports they have ever done, even if it was politically motivated. Bill Barr and the late George H.W. Bush are not the only high ranking political officials to be reportedly profiting from the trafficking of children. The Clinton Foundation has been involved in adoptions in Haiti for many years. Larry Romanoff, in his very excellent expose on the CIA MK-ULTRA program and child sex trafficking, mentions Haiti as one the CIA's bases of operation. The Clinton Foundation's role in adoptions out of Haiti made news in 2010 when Evangelical Laura Silsby and American Baptist missionaries from Idaho tried to traffick 33 children out of Haiti, claiming they were "orphans." At least two of the current U.S. Supreme Court Justices also have adopted children, and during their confirmation hearings, which typically pit the party in charge against the minority party challenging the Supreme Court nominations, the Right Wing media was appalled that anyone would question the adoption of their children, saying that such questions about how they adopted their children was "off limits." The most recent was Judge Amy Coney Barrett, nominated by President Trump, and has children who were adopted from, Haiti.

Will Russia, Along with China, Iran, and the Rest of the World Outside of NATO Have the Last Laugh in the New World Economy?

I haven't written much about the situation in Ukraine since the alleged "war" there began, because it is mostly a distraction from the real issues happening in the world today, and one can probably pick any one of a dozen narratives currently floating around in the corporate media and alternative media about what is actually happening in Ukraine. But it is important to understand that wars are always about economics, and the Globalists who influence the affairs of the world are not politicians, but primarily the bankers around the world who control the flow of finances.  I am still not prepared to address this topic much myself, at least not on the geopolitical scale, as my time and research are in other places right now, but I offer two articles just recently published that may give you a bit of perspective as to just where this is all heading that you may not be hearing or reading from your normal news sources.

Canada Commits $75M to COVID Vaccine Injury Compensation as U.S. Passes $1.5 TRILLION Spending Bill with ZERO Funds for Vaccine Dead and Injured

News sources in Canada this week reported that the Canadian Government has allocated $75 Million to their Vaccine Injury Support Program to compensate victims who have died or suffered injuries after taking a COVID-19 vaccine. In the United States this week, Congress and President Biden passed a 2700+ page spending bill with $1.5 TRILLION allocated, but not a single dollar is earmarked for COVID-19 vaccine injuries or deaths. Citizens outside of the United States are much more likely to benefit from this $1.5 TRILLION bill, as $13.6 BILLION will go to Ukraine, and at least $8 BILLION will go to Israel. And because all of the COVID-19 vaccines were authorized for "emergency use" during a "pandemic," before the FDA even approved them, any injuries or deaths suffered as a result are NOT eligible for compensation in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Instead, one has to file a claim with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP). According to the CDC and FDA's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), there have now been 1,183,495 cases of deaths and injuries reported following COVID-19 vaccines. As of March 1, 2022, 4099 claims have been filed with the CICP for COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths. And out of those 4099 claims, how many have been compensated by the U.S. Government so far? That would be ZERO! In the past 12 years, the CICP has only paid out 135 claims, and none of those are for COVID-19 vaccine injuries or deaths since December of 2020. So while the past two administrations (Trump and Biden) have given the pharmaceutical companies $TRILLIONS to manufacture and distribute the COVID-19 vaccines that were rushed to market by Trump's Operation Warp Speed, not a single dollar has been spent on the millions of people who have been harmed or killed by these experimental injections.

Trump Warp Speed Official Brags About Vaccine Success But Blames Pharma for Not Producing Enough as Biden’s FDA Set to Approve More Booster Shots

While both the corporate media and the alternative media like to portray Trump and Biden as representing opposites in their political views, there is one thing that unites both men: Their support for COVID-19 vaccines. President Biden even admitted this publicly, last December, stating that he and President Trump agree on COVID-19 booster shots, as both of them had received their COVID-19 booster vaccines. Fierce Pharma published an article today about a new book written by one of President Trump's Operation Warp Speed leaders, Paul Mango, who was the deputy chief of staff at HHS in the Trump administration. Even with the evidence now in VAERS showing record number of people dead or disabled after the shots, with more people dying following a COVID-19 vaccine than people dying from all other vaccines ever produced for the past 31 years, Mango is proud of Trump's accomplishments in Operation Warp Speed, and criticized Big Pharma for not producing more vaccines under Trump. Meanwhile, the FDA is set to authorize a second COVID-19 vaccine booster for both Pfizer and Moderna. So now we know why Fauci is back in the media again, promoting his fear porn about a fake new deadly variant of COVID that is coming: Pfizer and Moderna want to sell more vaccines, and since people don't buy their vaccines, only the U.S. Government does, they want Congress to give them $BILLIONS more to make these.

Idaho Lt. Governor Calls out Gov. Brad Little for Not Intervening in Baby Cyrus Medical Kidnapping Case

Yesterday Idaho Lt. Governor Janice McGeachin appeared on the Stew Peters show and said that she had reached out to Governor Brad Little to intervene in the Baby Cyrus medical kidnapping case, but that he refused. I want to thank Stew Peters for covering this story, and having Lt. Governor Janice McGeachin on his show. And most importantly, I want to thank him for NOT making this a partisan issue, as Republican Conservatives and the Christian Right are just as guilty in participating in State-sponsored child trafficking as the "Left," if not more so, and this is NOT a partisan issue. The only thing I need to disagree with Stew Peters on, is his statement that nobody else is covering this issue, and nobody else wants to talk about this. Because actually, many people have covered this issue over the years, including us, and some have actually given up their lives to expose this corruption in the child welfare system that is trafficking children. Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer was one of the first who tried to expose this evil system years ago, but was then found dead in her home with her husband, in what was reported as a "double suicide." Another person who more recently tried to investigate and expose this corruption was Arkansas State Senator Linda Collins Smith, who was found murdered before she could finish her investigations.

Get Ready for More COVID Vaccines, Masks, and Lockdowns as Fauci Wants More Money for “New Variant”

The COVID-19 "pandemic" is now entering its 3rd year, and Anthony Fauci has announced a new variant he wants everyone to be afraid of, and says he needs more money because everyone is going to need a 4th COVID-19 booster shot, and masks and other measures are probably going to return. As we have previously published numerous times here at Health Impact News, these "variants" can be created at any time to instill fear into the public by using the faulty PCR Test. If you have not yet seen filmmaker Rai Gbrym's documentary on the PCR Test fraud, here it is again, because this show is going to be re-run over and over and over again to keep the COVID-19 story going for as long as people keep falling for this deception. This would almost be hilarious if it wasn't so serious. The world is on the brink of WWW III and a complete collapse of the financial system, and China has already locked down 51 million people due to their new case "outbreak" which will certainly contribute to the supply chain disaster.