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Texas Homeschool Families Take Back Their Public Park and Defy Orders to Leave as Police Back Down

Daniel McAdams writes about how his family and a group of about 35 people who are all homeschool families in Texas took their children to the local park to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine, and tore down police tape that tried to prevent them from using a public park. They knew that neither the police nor anyone else had any legal authority to close the park or rope it off like that. Two police came and asked them to leave, and they responded the way every person in the U.S. should respond to such coronavirus edicts that have no legal authority: They stood their ground and refused to leave. They even rebuked the officer who asked them if they were "anti-vaxxers," as if that had anything to do with playing in the park! The police did not dare arrest such a large group, especially with mothers holding their babies in their arms, so after conferring with the chief of police, they concluded that they could stay. What a great lesson for these homeschooled children on how to stand up against tyranny! Now if we could just get the rest of the country to follow their example, we could get this economy up and running again very quickly.  Tyrants need a compliant public to get their way, so what are you waiting for America! Does liberty mean anything to you anymore? Oh, and by the way, the name of the park in Texas where this happened? Freedom Park.

The Fear-Driven Agenda of the Plandemic’s Next Move: Contact Tracing to Track the Movement of All People as Privacy Disappears

As I have been reporting here at Health Impact News for the past couple of days, the worldwide success of the coronavirus Plandemic to control the population has made the Globalists very bold, so that they are moving fast now, and not even trying to hide their agenda. Instead, they are relying on the masses to continue being fed by the corporate propaganda machine in both the News media as well as the Entertainment industry, to continue the Plandemic fear to the next phases of establishing a New World Order. For those who have "ears to hear," and "eyes to see," the time to resist is now, before this progresses much further. And while great attention has been focused on the COVID vaccine that they want to inject into the entire world's population, the COVID vaccine is NOT the next phase of their agenda. They probably know that almost a third of the U.S. population right now is fearful of a fast-tracked COVID vaccine, and a federally mandated COVID vaccine is probably not in the near future, if at all. Other than the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act passed by President Ronald Reagan, there are no federal vaccine laws that I am aware of. Mandatory vaccination laws are a state issue, and every state in the U.S. currently has some kind of law mandating childhood vaccines as a requirement for school attendance, especially public education schools. The vaccine resistance has been very strong in the U.S. for many years now, and there will be many battles at the state level if this is tried, and as always, unfortunately, it will mainly be the poor minorities who do not have the economic means to resist and are tied into the public health and public educational systems that will be forced to comply to continue receiving publicly funded services. This is part of the eugenics movement that started in the U.S. prior to WWII, and was carried out to extreme ends in Nazi Germany. I will write more about this in future articles, but for now you can read previous articles we have published over the years that show the eugenics movement has never died out - it has simply been renamed due to the negative social stigmatism to the word "eugenics." Some of these articles are over 5 years old now, but still very relevant given the current times. (Links provided inside the article.) But with a COVID vaccine still looming off in the distance, the plan in the immediate future, which has already been put into existence, is the plan to be able to track the movements of every single person in society through "contact tracing." We have previously reported on this, and in the proposed bill in the U.S. House of Representatives, H.R. 6666. Independent journalist Ben Swann has just published another report on contact tracing, showing that devices to do this are already in the marketplace and available for use. They are currently used for those who are incarcerated and criminally convicted people, and now they are going to be used for coronavirus contact tracing. How can we resist this? Do NOT get any of the worthless COVID tests and be put into a database!! If it is a blood test, like the antibody tests, not only can your name be entered into a government database, but so can your DNA. Apps to track your movement may also already be on your cell phone, if you have an iPhone or Android cell phone. If so, do everything you can to delete them or deactivate them.

Resisting the New World Order: Face Mask Shaming – Hypocrisy in the Corporate Media and a Doctor Speaks Out AGAINST Face Masks

Yesterday we reported how the Globalists working through the United Nations are no longer hiding the fact that they want to usher in a "New World Order," and that we can now remove the word "theory" from the pejorative term "Conspiracy Theories" when discussing this agenda. The 2020 Coronavirus Plandemic has been their most successful campaign to date in their agenda to establish this "New World Order." If you are reading alternative news from sites like Health Impact News, you are in a position to resist these efforts to radically change our way of life, and become part of the resistance movement that is gaining speed. Today we revisit the topic of face masks, and face mask shaming. As we discussed yesterday, the corporate propaganda media is controlled by these Globalists, and after initially stating that face masks were not necessary during the early days of the Plandemic, they are now joining forces together to try and make these masks mandatory, and shaming anyone who does not comply. Recently, a reporter for the corporate media was in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, a tourist area in the southern part of the state that draws many summer tourists from Chicago and Illinois. Wisconsin was the first state in the U.S. to challenge the governor's coronavirus policies in court, and the Wisconsin Supreme Court declared them unconstitutional, allowing businesses to immediately reopen, and for people to leave their homes and go about their business. Therefore, they are a target now for the corporate propaganda media, who attempted to send a national reporter there to shame them. The reporter from MSNBC, Cal Perry, was trying to shame people in Wisconsin for walking outdoors in the fresh air with no face masks. But in these days of cell phone cameras where any citizen can become an instant on-the-scene reporter, a passerby who was being criticized for not wearing a face mask, turned around and filmed the MSNBC film crew who were "behind the scenes" with Cal Perry, showing that half of them were not even wearing face masks either. Multiple copies of the encounter which clearly exposes the agenda of the corporate propaganda media are now all over Facebook and YouTube. Another citizen on-the-scene reporter with their cell phone camera captured a scene inside a New York grocery store, where a woman who entered the store without a face mask incurred the wrath of the other shoppers, that they began shouting at her and chased her out of the store, so great was their fear over the virus. When this happens, the Globalists trying to setup their New World Order are winning. President Trump, for whatever reason, seems reluctant to wear a face mask in public, and has even said publicly that in the situations where he does wear one, he does it outside of the cameras of the media. When visiting an auto plant in Michigan recently, he stated that in the situations where it was appropriate to wear it, he: "didn’t want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it." Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has flip flopped himself on this issue, recently stated that one of his motivations for wearing one is: “because I want to make it be a symbol for people to see that that’s the kind of thing you should be doing.” Dr. Alan Palmer, a practicing chiropractor for 30 years, has written a very extensive analysis of the medical data behind wearing face masks at Children's Health Defense, and we include it here. He joins many other doctors, many of them medical doctors, across the U.S. who are saying the same thing, such as Dr. Andrew Kaufman, a psychiatrist who lost his job because he refused to wear a face mask, and has declared publicly that he is willing to go to jail to resist the agenda of the Globalists.

The UN “New World Order” Has Now Been Published: No Longer a “Conspiracy Theory” – Out of Shadows

Now that we are a few months into the global Coronavirus event, it is time to pause for a minute and consider how we got here, and why. First, if you have been following Health Impact News throughout this entire time, you will know that this was a planned event, and therefore it is not a true "pandemic," but what many now in the alternative media are calling a "plandemic." Those who have been warning for many years that there is a concentrated global group of powerful people who want a global one-world government to control and rule every single person on the planet have been tagged with the pejorative term "conspiracy theorist," a term thought to be first used by the CIA labeling people who did not believe the official media and government reports on President John F. Kennedy's assassination in Dallas, Texas in 1963. However, during the height of the plandemic this past March, with almost no mention in the corporate media, the United Nations published a new website called: The United Nations New World Order. They issued a Press Release via PR Newswire: United Nations NWO (UNNWO) Launches COVID 19 Coronavirus Focused International Day of Happiness 2020 Campaign Theme HAPPINESS FOR ALL TOGETHER. The desire of a group of very powerful people to establish a one-world government, which also requires reducing the size of the world's population to a more controllable size, is no longer a "conspiracy theory." They are no longer hiding their intentions, and one of their leaders in particular, Bill Gates, is being courted by the corporate media and bringing his desires and intentions out into the open with seemingly no fear whatsoever. Will they succeed?

Bill Gates Documentary Reveals Ties to Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and Eugenics Movement

An independent media publisher named "Grace" who goes by reallygraceful on YouTube has produced what is the best documentary on the history of Bill Gates that I have seen so far. I have never met Grace, and Health Impact News does not necessarily agree with all of her commentary (we don't necessarily disagree either!), but these 3 short videos, which have been very-well produced, come with plenty of references to document the things she is revealing, and we will copy the references here as well, before YouTube removes these videos. Please contact us if the videos do disappear, and we will provide an alternative platform to view them. Also, the Social Media tech giants are suppressing much of our traffic these days on places like Facebook, and our emails also are increasingly being blocked, so be sure to read my article about how to use RSS feeds to continue receiving our articles.

How Bill Gates Controls Global Messaging and Censorship

Bill Gates is the world’s largest vaccine producer and the single largest donor to the World Health Organization (WHO)—since President Trump halted U.S. support pending an investigation of WHO’s handling of the COVID-19 crisis—and the CDC Foundation. Those agencies are now marketing arms for his vaccine empire. In January of 2019, Gates had WHO declare “vaccine hesitancy” a top “global health threat” (with Ebola, HIV, war, and drug-resistant pathogens among others), signaling a worldwide Pharma Gold Rush to mandate vaccines to all people. Gates maxed-out in donations to Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff’s PAC. In February of 2019, Schiff wrote to Facebook, Google, and Amazon, demanding they censor “vaccine misinformation,” a term meaning all skepticism toward government and industry pronouncements about vaccine safety or efficacy—whether true or not. “Vaccines are both effective and safe,” Schiff wrote. “There is no evidence to suggest that vaccines cause life-threatening or disabling disease.” This was misinformation.

Will You Get a Worthless COVID Test? Bill 6666 Wants to Mandate it – Are Americans About to Lose All Medical Rights?

Across the nation, police are being told to not apprehend criminals but instead, to arrest parents at playgrounds, to arrest lone surfers on public beaches, to fine ministers and congregation members sitting in their cars listening to a service on the radio, and to restrict movement by creating one-way sidewalks. People have had enough. They are beginning to see the huge scam that has been perpetrated on the entire world over a viral infection with a global death rate of 1.4% (meaning, 1.4% of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 have a fatal outcome, while 98.6% recover). This is far fewer deaths than a severe flu season. We’re already starting to see the thrust to take our power back: In Virginia, people went to the beaches en mass, ignoring social distancing and the orders of the Governor to stay home. The central California city of Atwater has declared itself a “sanctuary city,” allowing business owners and churches to open, openly defying Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s coronavirus-related stay-at-home order. The truth about wearing masks is starting to come out and people are voting with their feet. Retired neurosurgeon, Dr. Russell Blaylock, warns that not only do face masks fail to protect healthy people from contracting an illness, but they create serious health risks to the wearer. While they shut us down and held us hostage in our homes, they changed our society, our lives, our world. I am not willing to accept this is the “new normal.” I won’t submit to testing. I will refuse mandatory vaccination. I will stop wearing a mask. I will not be afraid of standing next to a friend or family member and will not obey the concept of “social distancing.” I will understand that an asymptomatic carrier is a normal, healthy person and I will not buy into the fear that I might “catch something” from a normal, healthy person. It’s time for Americans to resist with non-violent civil disobedience. Be brave. Be bold. Put on the full armor of God, as found in Ephesians 6:10-20 in the Bible, to stand against the world rulers of this present darkness. With God on our side, all things are possible.

Another COVID Small Business Casualty: The American Christian Church

All across the U.S. small businesses are failing because they closed down during the COVID-19 situation. In some sectors, such as the restaurant industry, it is estimated that more than 50% of these small businesses will never re-open. Today I am going to write about one of the largest groups of small businesses that have also been hit hard by closing down during this "crisis" - the American Christian Church. American churches today are businesses, mostly non-profit small businesses. Hence, they are corporations setup just like other American businesses, requiring licenses and subject to the laws of the U.S. and their respective states. As we have seen recently, the government authorities can shut them down farily easily. The true body of Christ, however, is not a 501c3 non-profit church business. It is a living organism of believers not dependent on any business, and the leader is Jesus who rules from Heaven and empowers his people with supernatural power. This organism is not so easily defeated, if they function together as a body.

U.S. House of Representatives Bill 6666: $100 Billion Dollar Contact Tracing Bill About Controlling/Tracking Population

Independent journalist Ben Swann with Truth in Media discusses H.R. 6666 - A House resolution from Illinois Democrat Rep. Bobby Rush that would put Big Government in charge of tracking citizens’ movements as they relate to COVID-19 mitigation efforts — even sending health bureaucrats to “individuals’ residences,” “as necessary.” Watch his full report.

The Worst Is Yet to Come: Contact Tracing, Immunity Cards and Mass Testing

No one is safe. No one is immune. No one gets spared the anguish, fear and heartache of living under the shadow of an authoritarian police state. That’s the message being broadcast 24/7 with every new piece of government propaganda, every new law that criminalizes otherwise lawful activity, every new policeman on the beat, every new surveillance camera casting a watchful eye, every sensationalist news story that titillates and distracts, every new prison or detention center built to house troublemakers and other undesirables, every new court ruling that gives government agents a green light to strip and steal and rape and ravage the citizenry, every school that opts to indoctrinate rather than educate, and every new justification for why Americans should comply with the government’s attempts to trample the Constitution underfoot. Yes, COVID-19 has taken a significant toll on the nation emotionally, physically, and economically, but there are still greater dangers on the horizon. As long as “we the people” continue to allow the government to trample our rights in the so-called name of national security, things will get worse, not better.

More Doctors Speak Out AGAINST Face Masks – If No Health Benefit, What is the Real Reason They are Mandated?

Ironically, as coronavirus deaths continue to decline in the US and as more states are "opening up," there appears to be an increase in mask wearing. Are the face masks going to prevent the spread of the virus? Will they protect people from the virus? Or may they actually cause harm to some people? Or...even: are they a new form of "virtue signaling," a show of submission to the "authorities"? Could mandatory face mask requirements be the prelude to mandatory vaccines and other measures in the near future? Plenty of prominent MDs - including Fauci not long ago - have condemned the mass masking of America. Are they right?

Dallas Physician Heals COVID Patients Successfully with non-FDA Approved Hydroxychloroquine After Hospitals Sent them Home with no Treatment

Dr. Ivette C. Lozano from Dallas, Texas recently addressed a crowd during a rally to express her frustration over successfully treating COVID patients. She claims that patients were coming to her because they were being turned away from hospital emergency rooms and other doctors, and were simply being told to go home and quarantine themselves "to save the rest of society" without getting any treatment. Dr. Lozano said she received no help from the American Medical Association, the Texas Medical Association, or the Dallas County Medical Association on how to treat COVID patients. She explains how she heard about Hydroxychloroquine from the President Trump press briefings, and how this drug had been used successfully to treat COVID-19 patients in other countries. It is a drug with a 60-year history of being safe, and it is inexpensive. So she started prescribing it to her patients, and they were feeling better and symptom-free within 24 hours. But the pharmacies apparently became aware of how much she was prescribing, and that's when the troubles began. Dr. Lozano has been practicing medicine for more than 29 years, and she said: "For some reason, those bureaucrats that are standing next to our President, that think that they know more about medicine than I do, are telling me I can't use it!"

Bill Gates’ Control over Education in Poor Countries and the Corporate “Mainstream” Media

As Americans increasingly look at Bill Gates and his global agenda, today we republish an article from September of 2016 by Adam Johnson of FAIR, Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting. FAIR describes themselves as "challenging corporate media bias, spin and misinformation." From their website: "We work to invigorate the First Amendment by advocating for greater diversity in the press and by scrutinizing media practices that marginalize public interest, minority and dissenting viewpoints. We expose neglected news stories and defend working journalists when they are muzzled." Johnson's article looks at how Bill Gates sponsors and influences education in poor countries, and how he also influences the corporate media in the U.S., including Prime Time TV dramas.

Bill Gates and 5G – Surveillance of Every Person on the Planet?

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wrote last week about Malibu police’s ticketing Point Dume surfers $1,000 apiece for using the ocean during the quarantine. Was this merely an appalling police judgment at which we will laugh post-quarantine? Or does anyone else feel that this is the first wave of compliance and obedience training for something more permanent? Are powerful state and corporate entities using the current crisis to remove basic rights, and intensify pressures to promote vaccines and surveillance? Does anyone else feel the suffocating darkness of tyranny descending on our nation? And finally, does anyone share my dread that Bill Gates—and his long-time associate Tony Fauci—will somehow be running our Brave New World? Imagine a world where the government doesn’t need police officers to apprehend those surfers or ticket you when you violate social distancing with your girlfriend. Suppose that computers discover your beach trip by tracking your movements using a stream of information from your cell phone, your car, your GPS, facial recognition technology integrated with real-time surveillance from satellites, mounted cameras, and implanted chips. Desk-bound prosecutors or robots will notify you of your violation by text while simultaneously withdrawing your $1,000 penalty in cryptocurrency from your payroll account. Welcome to Bill Gates’ America. It’s right around the corner.

Google — A Dictator Unlike Anything the World Has Ever Known

Robert Epstein, who received his Ph.D. in psychology from Harvard in 1981 and served as the former editor in chief at Psychology Today, is now a senior research psychologist for the American Institute of Behavioral Research and Technology, where for the last decade he has helped expose Google's manipulative and deceptive practices. Google's powers pose three specific threats to society: 1. They're a surveillance agency with significant yet hidden surveillance powers. As noted by Epstein: "The search engine … Google Wallet, Google Docs, Google Drive, YouTube, these are surveillance platforms. In other words, from their perspective, the value these tools have is they give them more information about you. Surveillance is what they do." 2. They're a censoring agency with the ability to restrict or block access to websites across the internet, thus deciding what people can and cannot see. They even have the ability to block access to entire countries and the internet as a whole. The most crushing problem with this kind of internet censorship is that you don't know what you don't know. If a certain type of information is removed from search, and you don't know it should exist somewhere, you'll never go looking for it. And, when searching for information online, how would you know that certain websites or pages have been removed from the search results in the first place? The answer is, you don't. For example, Google has been investing in DNA repositories for quite a long time, and are adding DNA information to our profiles. According to Epstein, Google has taken over the national DNA repository, but articles about that — which he has cited in his own writings — have all vanished. 3. They have the power to manipulate public opinion through search rankings and other means. "To me, that's the scariest area," Epstein says, "because Google is shaping the opinions, thinking, beliefs, attitudes, purchases and votes of billions of people around the world without anyone knowing that they're doing so … and perhaps even more shocking, without leaving a paper trail for authorities to trace. They're using new techniques of manipulation that have never existed before in human history and they are for the most part, subliminal … but they don't produce tiny shifts. They produce enormous shifts in people's thinking, very rapidly. Some of the techniques I've discovered are among the largest behavioral effects ever discovered in the behavioral sciences." While surveillance is Google's primary business, their revenue — which exceeds $130 billion a year — comes almost exclusively from advertising. All that personal information you've provided them through their various products is sold to advertisers looking for a specific target audience.

COVID-19: Rolling Out a “New Era” of High-Risk, Genetically Engineered Vaccines

For weeks, talking heads have been promoting the liability-free vaccine(s) that will save the world—so Bill Gates and Tony Fauci proclaim—from what Gates has now dubbed “Pandemic I.” As Microsoft News peddles self-congratulatory stories about the Gates Foundation’s reorientation of its priorities to devote “‘total attention’ to the pandemic,” Fauci—making the rounds of talk shows—pledges that a vaccine will make its debut in January 2021. Not to be outdone, the White House has now unveiled “Operation Warp Speed”—a joint pharmaceutical-government-military effort aimed at “substantially shrinking the development time for a vaccine”—and President Trump promises one by the end of the year. Planet-wide COVID-19 vaccination—the overt objective that has all of these players salivating in anticipation—ignores a number of irrefutable obstacles. For one, the RNA virus being targeted, SARS-CoV-2, already “has mutated into at least 30 different genetic variants.” The variants include 19 never seen before as well as “rare changes that scientists had never imagined could happen.” Not to worry, say the entities funded by Gates (and also the Pentagon). Scientists working in the burgeoning field of synthetic biology are confident that they can “outdo” and outsmart nature using next-generation vaccine technologies such as gene transfer and self-assembling nanoparticles—along with invasive new vaccine delivery and record-keeping mechanisms such as smartphone-readable quantum dot tattoos. Does it matter that the researchers who have been experimenting with these approaches have never been able to overcome “nasty side effects”? Apparently not. Aided and abetted by the generous Gates and military funding, high-fanfare COVID-19 vaccine planning is proceeding apace. As biopharma pursues its unfettered, medical-ethics-be-damned race toward a COVID-19 pot of gold, the public needs to take a critical look at the industry’s disincentives for safety and also take a firm stand against the horrifying prospect of coronavirus vaccine mandates. Otherwise, genetically engineered COVID-19 vaccines are likely to start permanently altering genes, triggering autoimmunity and serving as the catalyst for other vaccine injuries or deaths, and—unhampered by any legal liability—none of the commercial or government actors responsible will likely care.

Bill Gates History of Vaccine Corruption Inflicting Harm and Death on Unsuspecting People in Poor Countries

A recent petition asking for the U.S. government to investigate the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for crimes against humanity, already signed by over a half of a million people, shows that the activities of Bill and Melinda Gates are being looked at more closely by the public these days. However, this is not the first time that Mr. Gates has received criticism for his dodgy dealings involving vaccination policies worldwide for more than a decade.  Professionals and activists in India filed a writ petition with the Supreme Court of India under Article 32 of The Constitution of India for Women on October 29, 2012, outlining a series of serious allegations regarding experimental trials of the HPV vaccines Gardasil® and Cervarix® funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Thousands of girls between the ages of 10-14 years became sick, and several died. In December 2012, in the small village of Gouro, Chad, Africa, situated on the edge of the Sahara Desert, five hundred children were locked into their school and threatened that if they did not agree to being force-vaccinated with a meningitis A vaccine, they would receive no further education. These children were vaccinated without their parents’ knowledge. This vaccine was an unlicensed product still going through the third and fourth phases of testing. Within hours, 106 children began to suffer from headaches, vomiting, severe uncontrollable convulsions and paralysis. The whole project was run by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In 2014, doctors from the Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association discovered that the tetanus vaccinations that had been administered to 2.3 million girls and women by the World Health Organization and UNICEF had been contaminated with the anti-fertility hormone hCG. This news came after it was announced that the Gates Foundation had awarded UNICEF $26 million to eliminate maternal and neonatal Tetanus (MNT).

How to Beat Internet Censorship and Create Your Own Newsfeed

Back in January of this year (2020) we reported about Event 201, a pandemic simulation which was hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This event took place about 6 weeks BEFORE the first cases of COVID-19 were reported in Wuhan China. As I have previously written, almost everything that was predicted at this pandemic simulation event has now occurred, except one: an Internet blackout. The most likely reason that an Internet blackout has not occurred yet, is because the American public, and indeed the world population, was very compliant and voluntarily locked themselves down in their own homes - something that has never before happened. With a compliant public, an Internet blackout would have done more harm than good, as the bandwidth on the Internet was pushed to its limits with everyone suddenly working from home via the Internet, and entertainment streaming services seeing a record high demand as people voluntarily complied and stayed home. Shutting off the Internet would have been counterproductive, as it would have made people angry and quite possibly led them out their homes back on to the streets to start protesting sooner. As a result, more and more people were able to research what was really going on, and find alternative accounts of the news different from what was being spoon fed to them through the corporate media and television networks. This has increased the corporate news organizations and their Big Tech alliances with companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google to increase their efforts to censor dissenting voices, such as what we publish here at Health Impact News. As a result, many of our articles are now censored and not allowed on Facebook, Twitter, Google (who owns YouTube) and Pinterest (Pinterest has banned us completely). In addition, emails from the domains of our news sites, like healthimpactnews.com, are also being suppressed, and many of the larger Big Tech "free" emails like hotmail.com and yahoo.com no longer allow us to email our newsletters or respond to inquiries. So how do you beat this Internet censorship?

CBS News Faked a Busy Coronavirus Testing Line in Michigan

A CBS News crew pulled medical professionals off the floor at the Cherry Medical Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan, to line up in their vehicles so a CBS film crew would have a long line for their COVID-19 coverage. “Our insider witnessed the whole thing and came to Project Veritas, because he knew we would protect him,” said James O’Keefe, the founder and CEO of Project Veritas. “The insider told us that medical personnel were taken away from treating patients and making the line longer for actual patients wait for the COVID-19 test,” he said. In an interview with the insider, O’Keefe asked the insider: “You're telling me you're a hundred percent certain that CBS News, CBS News Corporation--national, staged a fake event. They faked the news. They faked the reality and broadcasted that to all of their audience last Friday on “CBS This Morning.” The insider said to him: “A hundred percent. Absolutely.” Nick Ross, a corporate cleaning site supervisor at the Cherry Health facility, said he was there when the CBS News crew arrived and set up the video shoot at the COVID-19 testing site in the parking lot, "Apparently the news crew wanted more people in the line because they knew it was scheduled.” Maria Hernandez-Vaquez, a professional registration specialist, told the insider that Cherry Health Director of Quality and Informatics Glenda Walker helped to organize the facility’s workers into the COVID-19 testing line. “It's just annoying cause we could have done other stuff,” said one registered nurse there recorded with a hidden camera by a Project Veritas insider. The nurse said personnel at the medical center were given the heads-up to expect the CBS News crew. “We knew they were coming. We had no clue that we’re going to have to, like, do fake patients.” Another registered nurse, Alison Mauro, recorded on hidden camera, said she and other medical professionals working the drive-through testing site did not administer the actual swab swipe as CBS News was filming, but the actual patients were made to wait longer because of the manufactured line. “We pretended. There were a couple of real patients, which made it worse.”

CDC Director Dr. Redfield, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and Dr. Deborah Birx’s History of Corruption with the HIV Vaccine

U.S. military documents show that, in 1992, the CDC’s current Director Robert Redfield and his then-assistant, Deborah Birx—both Army medical officers—knowingly falsified scientific data published in the New England Journal of Medicine fraudulently claiming that an HIV vaccine they helped develop was effective. They knew the vaccine was worthless. Redfield now runs the agency charged with mandating COVID vaccines. Birx, a life-long protégé to both Redfield and Anthony Fauci, served on the board of Bill Gates’ Global Fund. Redfield, Birx and Fauci lead the White House coronavirus task force.