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So far AdminM has created 1976 entries.

One Year Anniversary of President Trump Forcing the FDA to give Emergency Use Authorization to the Pfizer COVID-19 Shot

I am writing this on the eve of the 1 year anniversary, December 11, 2020, of former President Donald Trump pressuring the FDA to give emergency use authorization (EUA) to the Pfizer COVID-19 shots. Moderna's shot was also given an EUA a few days later. Happy Anniversary President Trump! We have created a video to commemorate this most historical day, perhaps the most significant day ever in the history of the United States.

Registered Nurse Suffers Pericarditis from Pfizer Shot – Put in Hospital Section for Vaccine Injured as She was 7th Patient Admitted That Day for Heart Issues Following COVID Shots

Stallone Edmonds Tepania is a 33-year-old registered nurse and mother of 3 in New Zealand. She recently went public on social media to share her story of being diagnosed with pericarditis, inflammation of the sac around the heart, after being injected with a second dose of a COVID-19 shot. She doesn't mention the manufacturer of the shot, but the government of New Zealand's pamphlet on "COVID-19 Vaccine" only mentions Pfizer, and no other brand. While these tragic stories of people being injured, especially with heart issues, following COVID shots are all too common these days, what is remarkable about Stallone's story is what she learned after being admitted to the hospital, and realizing that these vaccine injuries are not rare at all. She states that she was actually placed in a section of the hospital that was treating vaccine injuries, and that she was the 7th person admitted that day suffering a heart problem following a Pfizer shot. The nurse allegedly told her that they were not allowed to talk about these vaccine injuries. But they are certainly not rare. Stallone was given strict instructions to not do anything strenuous to cause her heart rate to go up. This is why we are seeing so many athletes collapse in sporting events. She was told that about one out of 10 people admitted to the hospital with these COVID-19 vaccine-caused damaged hearts were not surviving. They are dying from cardiac arrest. She is not sure if she will have to live like this for the rest of her life, which now may be quite short, and stated "I feel trapped in my own skin."

#RealNotRare New Website for COVID-19 Vaccine Injured

A new website has been launched where people can tell their stories about being injured by one of the COVID-19 shots. The name of the website is Real Not Rare, and they also have groups people can join, and it appears there is one group in each state. They also have a "Take Action" section. Health Impact News subscribers will recognize quite a few of the people in their videos, as we have covered many of their stories here.

Two Babies In Brazil Hospitalized After Getting Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

A nurse in Sao Paolo has mistakenly vaccinated a two-month-old girl and a four-month-old boy with the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine instead of the combined diphtheria, pertussis and hepatitis vaccines. After that, the babies had a fever, vomiting and pain and were both hospitalized. The nurse who performed the vaccination has been fired and an investigation is underway.

American Heart Association Journal: 97.8% Adolescents and Young Adults with Myocarditis had an mRNA COVID-19 Shot

The American Heart Association's journal Circulation has published another abstract of a study with very alarming data on the effects of the COVID-19 experimental shots on heart disease in young people. This follows their study published a few weeks ago by cardiologist Steven R Gundry. The new study just published is titled: "Clinically Suspected Myocarditis Temporally Related to COVID-19 Vaccination in Adolescents and Young Adults" It looked at cases of reported myocarditis in young people with an average age of 15.8 years old, and found that cases of myocarditis occurred in 136 patients (97.8%) following mRNA vaccine, with 131 (94.2%) following the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine; 128 (91.4%) occurred after the 2nd dose. Symptoms started a median of 2 days (range 0-22, IQR 1-3) after vaccination.

New Documentary on The PCR Test Deception is Banned on YouTube – Share this Film with Skeptics

Film producer Rai Gbrym reached out to me last week about a new documentary he had just produced that exposes the fraud of the PCR test. He had just posted it on YouTube and it already had thousands of views. I immediately downloaded the video so that I could view it when I had some time. When I went to watch it, it was already banned on YouTube, and no longer available. After viewing it now, I can see why Big Tech doesn't want you to watch this, and why Google banned it on YouTube. If one can prove that the PCR Test used to detect COVID-19 is a fraud, then the entire "pandemic" is a fraud as well. Rai does a very good job of exposing the fraud behind the PCR test, and he has excellent interviews with people like Dr. Stephan Lanka from Germany, and Dr. Malcolm Kendrick from the U.K. We have featured the work of both these men over the years here at Health Impact News, as both of these men have been exposing the corruption in science and medicine for many years now, unlike the many doctors and scientists that have only recently begun to speak out against crimes in Big Pharma due to the COVID-19 scam. Dr. Lanka made headlines in 2017 when he issued a challenge in Germany where he agreed to pay 100,000 euros to anyone who could prove that the measles "virus" actually existed. Wanting to categorize him as a "quack" for not following the mainstream dogma, he had some people take him up on his challenge, but in the end, the German Federal Supreme Court confirmed that there was not enough evidence to prove the existence of the measles virus. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick is the author of several books, including "The Great Cholesterol Con," "A Statin Nation: Damaging Millions in a Brave Post-health World," and "Doctoring Data," among others. Rai Gbrym has done a wonderful job in this documentary, and he is offering it to the public for free, even though it was self-funded, so important does he consider this information. Please support this work at his website, and share this film with as many people as you can.

Attorney Leigh Dundas Gives Updates on Current Legal Actions Regarding Vaccine Mandates

California Civil Rights attorney Leigh Dundas recently spoke at a symposium in Texas. We have published the work of Attorney Dundas in the past. She is a mother and a passionate advocate for children.  She is also fearless, and not afraid to call out the tyrants. In this update she explains the full ramifications of the nationwide walkout and strike that happened in November. You didn't hear about that? Not surprising. Learn it now from Leigh. If you have never heard Leigh speak before, you are in for a treat.

Attorney Reiner Fuellmich on Nuremberg 2.0: Justice will Not Come Through the Courts but by the People Rising Up

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich practices law in Germany and in California, and he has been exposing the crimes against humanity by the Globalists who have inflicted the false COVID-19 narrative on the public and mandated their dangerous bioweapons called "vaccines" through his Corona Investigative Committee for the past two years. We have published some of this work here on Health Impact News. It has been called "Nuremberg 2.0" by many, as expectations have been that there would be some kind of trial in an international court of law where these criminals would be prosecuted. Dr. Fuellmich recently revealed much of what his Corona Investigative Committee has uncovered in a meeting in Poland, and he made clear the same thing I have been saying for many months now, that the judicial system is owned and controlled by the Globalists, and justice will not be found in today's courts, whether it is Germany or the U.S., or any other country. He stated: "The only way to end this is by the people rising up and telling the authorities that this is the end of the line. It is not the courts of law. The courts of law, maybe we can use them to clean things up. But I am afraid that they are not even good for that. Because they are so infiltrated by the other side that we're going to have to setup a whole new judicial system." That doesn't mean that they are not going to proceed with a trial that will be similar to the original Nuremberg trials. He states that there will be a real judge, real lawyers, and real witnesses, but the jury will be "the people" who will watch it via live stream. And he expects this to happen soon, before the end of the year. I was very pleased to watch his presentation, and how he fielded questions, in this presentation in Poland. I had been concerned for some time now that his work was giving people a false sense of hope that there was some kind of International Court out there somewhere that would try this case and arrest all the criminals responsible. But he made it very clear that justice would NOT happen through the current court system, especially in Germany. His years of experience in litigating in these corrupt courts have also taught him that the politicians are merely puppets, and that the real criminals are a small group of very wealthy people who are actually calling the shots, and these are the people that need to be tried. But this is very important work that he and his team have been doing, nevertheless, because they are exposing the entire COVID conspiracy, and as he stated, "There are no more conspiracy theories left. They have all become true and are no longer theories."

Revealed: The Locations of Australia’s Eleven Quarantine Camps | Exclusive

In this article, TOTT News documents the names and locations of publicly-acknowledged COVID quarantine camps across Australia. It does not include the names and addresses of hotels, motels, and animal centres currently being used/planned for use because most are temporary camps. South Australia, for example, does not appear to have built any camps. Instead, it is temporarily using hotels and resorts. Rather, permanent and semi-permanent nationwide compounds under construction or refurbishment are of primary concern and include army barracks and refugee/immigrant holding facilities.

Donald Trump Admits His Guilt in Mass Murder by Lethal Injection: “I Developed the Vaccine When Everyone Said it Wasn’t Possible”

With data in the U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) now showing that about 800,000 people have probably died after receiving an experimental COVID-19 shot that was rushed to market, Donald Trump has gone public, again, to take credit for this crime against humanity. The Right Wing news site Breitbart published Trump's comments, while also stating that: "With the help of Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, scientists successfully developed and received Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of a coronavirus vaccine in December 2020." I wonder what Breitbart's definition of "successful" is here? Successful in causing more deaths and crippling injuries than all vaccines combined for the past 30+ years? That's some "success!" Here is the former President's full statement, where he takes all the credit, and even refers to the Pfizer "vaccine" (and I assume the Moderna one as well?) as "my vaccine." Does that imply Trump owns significant stock in Pfizer?