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Big Pharma and Corporate Media Finally Admit the Oral Polio Vaccine is a Failure – Causes Polio Instead of Preventing It

In an almost unprecedented admission of vaccine failure, National Public Radio (NPR) recently published a show explaining how the present-day oral polio vaccine is a failure, and is actually contributing to the rise of polio in poor countries. In it's Weekend Edition Saturday show, NPR's Scott Simon and Jason Beaubien produced a show titled: "How The Oral Polio Vaccine Can Cause Polio." They report that the U.S. CDC is now recognizing that there is a problem with the oral polio vaccine, which as a live-virus vaccine is actually causing polio around the world, a fact reported here at Health Impact News for over 6 years now. Of course when we, or any other alternative media source, report this or any other negative news about vaccines, it is labeled as "Fake News," and it is censored in social media, particularly on Facebook, if the article becomes too popular. Apparently, this problem of polio being caused by the oral polio vaccine has become such a problem worldwide, that someone gave NPR the approval to cover the story, probably for "damage control." For the many years that Health Impact News has been covering the oral polio vaccine tragedy around the world, a vaccine that has long been rejected as unsafe and not used in the U.S., Europe, Israel, and other wealthy nations, but is crippling children in poor countries like India, Africa and Pakistan, Big Pharma and their sponsored "mainstream" media have been criticizing parents in these countries as being "uneducated" for refusing the vaccine which is then forced upon them, often at gun point. This is just another example of the fact that vaccines can never survive in a free market where one has to prove the success of one's product to survive in the marketplace, but that government intervention, censorship of science and harmful side effects, and physical force is necessary to get people to comply with mandated vaccinations. Will future world wars and national revolutions arise from vaccine resistance?

Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed – What Does the Science Say?

Part six in our series of studies comparing health outcomes among vaccinated vs unvaccinated populations. Once again, chronic illness plagues the vaccinated cohorts. CDC and Pharma make great efforts to block researchers from performing these studies and to prevent the journals from publishing them. Nonetheless, independent scientists have persisted and their reports have evaded the censors. Public health advocates willing to search can find them in quiet abundance among the peer-reviewed literature on Pubmed.

Dr. Brownstein Exposes Fake News About Flu Shot in WSJ

My friend Brad texted me during the Michigan-Michigan State football game yesterday telling me I have to read the flu shot article in the WSJ and write about it. Well, I got home from the BIG Michigan victory (Go Blue!) and promptly read the November 16, 2019 article. This article must have been supplied to the WSJ writer by Big Pharma as this was nothing more than a promotional spot for why we should be vaccinated against the flu. Fake News: The flu vaccine has NEVER been shown to protect those aged 65 and older. And, 79,000 dying from the flu last year? No way.   The CDC annually gins up the number of deaths from the flu by reporting pneumonia and flu deaths as one number. Then, the CDC reports this number as the total dying from the flu. The number who die from the flu range from a few hundred to a few thousand per year. Since the flu vaccine does not prevent pneumonia, and pneumonia deaths vastly outnumber flu deaths sometimes 20-40x, there is simply no reason to lump the numbers together unless you want to unnecessarily scare the population into getting a flu vaccine. The flu shot has NEVER BEEN SHOWN TO REDUCE SERIOUS COMPLICATIONS SUCH AS PNEUMONIA OR HOSPTILIZATION FROM INFLUENZA INFECTION IN CHILDREN, HEALTHY ADULTS AND THE ELDERLY!

Recording Surfaces of Illinois Department of Health Planning to Medically Kidnap Newborns from Parents Who Refuse Vitamin K Shot at Birth

Earlier this year (2019) the Chicago Tribune reported on a federal lawsuit where parents sued several doctors at three hospitals and DCFS for medically kidnapping their newborn infants simply for refusing the Vitamin K shot at birth. Megan Fox, writing for PJ Media, has published a recording from an April 12, 2018 meeting of the Perinatal Advisory Committee (PAC) that operates under the Illinois Department of Public Health. In the recording, health officials that apparently include doctors and possibly nurses who are authorized to give the Vitamin K shot to newborns, discuss how they can work together with the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) to take custody of newborn babies from parents who refuse the Vitamin K shot at birth. The members of the Health Department basically conclude that since it is DCFS policy to mandate the Vitamin K shot, that medical professionals have the authority to take custody of the child and administer the Vitamin K shot over the objections of the parents, even without DCFS involvement. Such "custody" can be as little as only "2 minutes," the time it takes to give the shot. So basically Illinois Health Department officials decided in a meeting that they had authority to take a child away from the parents, without DCFS involvement, without parental approval, and with no court or judge's order to take custody, and forcibly inject the newborn child with the Vitamin K shot.

Western Pharmaceutical Companies using People in India as Human Lab Rats to Deliberately Infect with Diseases to Develop New Vaccines

An opinion article in The Sunday Guardian by Jacob Puliyel, MD, focuses on the plan to conduct unethical medical experiments in which  human beings are deliberately infected with infectious diseases in order to develop possible vaccines. These experiments are classified as “human infection model”. They are to be conducted first, in India, a population that the pharmaceutical industry very often exploits with impunity. Such experimentation on human beings crosses the line of permissible medical experiments as defined in the Nuremberg Code. Such a development should raise loud alarm bells because it signals a return to ghastly human experimentation made possible by the collusion of government with the chemical/ pharmaceutical industry.

The Vaccine Deep State: Controlling the Media and Government to Suppress Vaccine Facts

There is perhaps no other area of so-called scientific progress that has relied upon more deceptive and misleading research and a distortion of facts and statistics than in modern medicine’s religious belief in vaccines as a miracle to protect the world’s population from infectious diseases. The distortion and exclusion of scientific evidence, the reliance upon cherry-picked studies and blatant corruption behind the vaccine research to further vaccination campaigns and compliance inquisitorial assaults on the medical voices of reason who demand honest and open dialogue about vaccine safety and efficacy has turned into a media war. Popular scientific consensus has yet to tackle the growing uncertainty gap to identify the most probable causes of childhood neurological disorders and increasing rates in asthma, allergies and autoimmune conditions, including the role that toxic vaccine ingredients such as adjuvant aluminum compounds may play in these epidemics. If you have read the opinion pieces in the New York Times, Washington Post or listen to television commentators, you will be left with the impression that there are no evidence-based facts to offer a legitimate challenge to the assumption that all vaccines are effective and safe. Nevertheless there is a large group of board certified pediatricians, immunologists, toxicologists and research scientists who have reviewed volumes of peer-reviewed literature to support their criticisms of what the media wants us to believe. But you will never see anyone from this group cited in mainstream publications or invited on multimedia. Rather, the media has created the illusion that only a small group of activist parents and renegade physicians oppose vaccines.

Dr. Brownstein: “Measles Amnesia” is False Science – Natural Immunity Superior to Vaccines

Measles has become the cause célèbre for conventional medicine and mainstream media in order to convince us that we need the measles vaccine. Furthermore, the Powers-That-Be are using everything they can about measles to stop any anti-vaccination talk. The new scare is "measles amnesia." The New York Times (NYT 11.1.2019) article on this subject is titled, “Measles Can Kill Memory Used by Immune System.” The NYT was referring to two new studies published October 31, 2019 that show that measles infection can cause lasting harm to the immune system. The NYT claims the measles infection “…erases that memory leaving the patient prone to catching {previous} diseases all over again.” Since the studies were released on Halloween, that is truly scary stuff! IF it were true. But, alas, it is NOT true.

Study: Gardasil Vaccine Linked to Autoimmune Diseases

The powerful government-pharmaceutical industry partnership that has been foisting human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination on girls and boys around the world since 2006 now has working-age adults within its sights. Merck’s Gardasil 9 received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for expanded use in the 27-45 age group in late 2018, and there are signs that a campaign is afoot to achieve the same end result in other countries. HPV vaccines have been linked to over 100,000 reported adverse events globally, including disabling autoimmune conditions and deaths, but officials seem unconcerned. Merck set the tone for the truth-stretching claim that HPV vaccine risks are “negligible” when it conducted its initial clinical trials for Gardasil and dismissed as irrelevant the serious medical conditions that arose—within seven months—in half of all participants who received the vaccine. In a new study in Pathobiology, two of the most-published researchers on this topic report on the overlap between human proteins and HPV antigens. The authors consider their results indicative of “a cross-reactivity potential capable of triggering an extremely wide and complex spectrum of autoimmune diseases.” Using cutting-edge molecular biology techniques to look at matching peptide sequences in HPV “epitopes” and human proteins, Kanduc and Shoenfeld examine epitopes from 15 different HPV types, including eight of the nine types included in Gardasil 9. With 500 micrograms of aluminum adjuvant, Gardasil 9 has more than double the amount of aluminum contained in the original Gardasil vaccine.

Scientists Find Chronic Brain Inflammation in Children With Autism

A recent study out of Tufts University Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts has concluded that, “inflammation may be the main driver behind autism.”​ The areas of the brain most prominently affected were the amygdala, responsible for processing emotions such as fear, anger, and pleasure;​ and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, which is plays a role in a number of cognitive functions of the brain including memory maintenance, attention, behavior modification, and evaluation of rewards. In another study published in Annals of Neurology on Oct. 8, 2019, researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center examining brains donated to Autism BrainNet, a non-profit tissue bank, reported finding evidence suggesting that an immune response targeting specialized cells in the brain resulted in chronic inflammation in two thirds of autistic brains analyzed postmortem. The concept that chronic inflammation is one of the hallmarks of ASD is not new. In 2013, the Journal of Neuroinflammation published an article stated that, “Increasing evidence indicates that brain inflammation is involved in the pathogenesis of neuropsychiatric diseases,” including ASD.​ Pointing out that many children with ASD “regress at about age 3 years, often after a specific event such as reaction to vaccination, infection, trauma, toxic exposures, or stress,” the authors of that article go on to discuss increasing evidence of immune dysfunction/inflammation in ASD and to detail multiple markers of inflammation in the brains and cerebral spinal fluid of children with ASD. Other evidence of the link between chronic inflammation and ASD is presented in a collaborative study between Johns Hopkins and the University of Alabama that was published in 2014.

Mandatory Vaccination Laws Without Exemptions Violate Human and Civil Rights

Right now, there are only two laws that require American citizens to risk their lives. The first is a federal law, the military draft, which requires all healthy male adults to risk their lives in a war declared by the government to protect national security. The federal government allows adults conscripted for military service, who object to killing other people for reasons of conscience or religious beliefs, to obtain a conscientious objection exemption and perform alternative civil service. The second law is a state law requiring all healthy children to risk their lives in a war on microbes that doctors declared two centuries ago. However, unlike adults who are not segregated and denied a school education or medical care for following their conscience and religious beliefs, parents can be punished for following their conscience and refusing to risk their children’s lives in a perpetual war on microbes that, today, the federal government has expanded from the concept of protecting the public health to a more military concept of protecting national “security.” The military draft in times of war and vaccine mandates are two different laws that legally require healthy Americans to risk injury or death: one law temporarily conscripts healthy adults in what the government clearly defines as an emergency military action; and the other law perpetually conscripts healthy children in a mandatory vaccination program that the government does not define as an emergency military action, but is certainly operated like one. In the 21st century, the biggest threat to individual and public health is not measles or pertussis or influenza. The biggest threat to our health is the increasingly unlimited authority that doctors exercise over the human right to autonomy and protection of bodily integrity.

Dr. Brownstein: The Flu Vaccine is Terribly Ineffective – Causes More Problems than it Helps

Just as you can be sure that the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, you can count on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to encourage everybody to receive the flu vaccine. However, before you rush off to receive the flu vaccine, let me share some information with you. Last year, while the CDC was heavily promoting the flu vaccine for everybody, the flu vaccine was found to be ineffective for the vast majority who received it. But, that is not all. One study found children who receive the flu vaccine are at a 4.4x higher risk of virologically-confirmed non-influenza infections—in other words, they are more susceptible to other common flu-like viral infections. And, to make matters worse, asthmatic children who receive the flu vaccine have been found to have a 3x significantly increased risk for hospitalization for the flu and flu-like illnesses. And, just a comment about pregnant women being recommended to get the flu vaccine. This is ridiculous!

New Vaccine Trials in India Deliberately Infect Humans with Deadly Diseases to Develop New Vaccines

It appears that vaccine manufacturers are ever more impatient to reap high profits from new vaccines — especially since they have entered into “public-private” partnerships with governments. Increasingly, government officials oblige this greed-infected industry with laws mandating new vaccines. And public health authorities around the globe have become marketing auxiliaries for vaccine manufacturers. A report in the Economic Times of India, confirms that the Indian health ministry is working with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), the Department of Biotechnology, and the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) as they embark on a medical atrocity – that is, to conduct clinical trials in which human beings are deliberately infected with deadly diseases in order to test the efficacy of experimental vaccines. The India Infection Research Consortium has named these experiments: “controlled human infection model (CHIM)” This “controlled human infection model” is no different than the medical atrocities committed by the medical establishment under the Nazi regime. India’s public health officials declare that the CHIM atrocity will abide by “high standards of medical ethics.” Which standards of medical ethics?

Disabled Child with Doctor’s Medical Exemption to Vaccines Denied an Education in New York Under New Law

New York and California are two states that revised their laws this year regarding mandatory vaccines as a requirement for school admissions. A medical doctor's exemption for vaccines for medical reasons is no longer accepted in these states. Instead, public health officials, politicians, basically now make those decisions. Predictably, many medically fragile children who cannot receive vaccines for medical reasons are now being denied an education, which appears to be a clear violation of the American Disabilities Act. The Vaccine Reaction reports on one case out of Buffalo, New York, where a 9-year-old boy with cerebral palsy and with a medical exemption for vaccines from his neurologist has been kicked out of school because he is not fully vaccinated.

Moral and Health Implications of Aborted Fetuses in Vaccine Production

One commonly cited reason for claiming a religious vaccine exemption has to do with the fact that some vaccines are made using aborted fetal cell lines. Vaccine manufacturing is not dependent on the ongoing procurement of aborted fetal tissue, and the Catholic Church issued a statement in 2005 assuring Catholics that by getting vaccinated they are not “cooperating in evil.” Yet the idea of injecting themselves or their children with a substance manufactured using aborted fetal cells still makes some Christians, Jews, Muslims and those of other faiths or personal beliefs feel morally uneasy. Regardless of whether you believe the use of fetal cells from abortions in vaccine production is morally reprehensible or completely justified, there may be other reasons to object to being coerced or compelled to use vaccines — or give your children vaccines — that were made using human fetal tissue cells. According to a study published in the September 2014 issue of the Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology, rates of autism strongly correlate with the introduction of vaccines using human fetal cell lines. Three vaccines in particular were found to be significantly correlated with autism: MMR, varicella (chickenpox) and hepatitis A vaccines. According to the study authors, autism rates rose sharply each time one of these vaccines was released.

Medical Kidnap Show to Expose Corruption in Arizona Regarding Child Sex Trafficking Thursday October 10th

The public is encouraged to tune into KFNX 1100 in Phoenix Thursday, October 10th, at 9 p.m. local time (midnight EDT) for the Medical Kidnap Show as they answer the question: Is Arizona a Hub of Child Sex Trafficking? For those not residing in Phoenix, the show will be simultaneously live-streamed from the Medical Kidnap Facebook Page as well as the Health Impact News Twitter Feed. The show will attempt to reveal how pedophile rings reportedly operate out of Arizona, tied into the foster care system, and why alleged perpetrators are allowed to continue operating. Names will be named in an investigative report no local media has ever dared to report.  You do NOT want to miss this explosive show!

Has the Gardasil HPV Vaccine Really Eliminated Cervical Cancer in Australia? Statistics Show Increase of Cancer Rates After Vaccine Introduced

In our September 18th debate for Spectrum TV, Kaiser’s Chief of Pediatrics, Dr. Robert Riewerts, parroted Pharma’s popular canard that the Gardasil vaccine has eliminated cervical cancer in Australia—the first country to mandate the jab. This is false. Gardasil actually increases the risk of cervical cancer by a terrifying 44.6% among women who were exposed to HPV infection prior to vaccination. If anyone ever bullies you to take Gardasil, look up “Gardasil Vaccine Insert” on your cell phone to see all of the adverse events and show them this table.

Why Are UK Experts Recommending the HPV Vaccine for Seniors Over 60 Years Old?

On September 28, 2019, The Daily Mail published an article titled "Now give every ADULT the cancer-fighting HPV vaccination and save 'thousands of lives', experts demand as evidence shows the jab can slash the cancer risk for grown-ups too." The article states that leading HPV expert and president of the International Papillomavirus Society, Professor Margaret Stanley, OBE, told reporters that there was a spike in the incidence of HPV cancers when people entered their 60s because their immune systems became weaker over time.  She stated: "HPV breaks the usual rules of vaccination. Vaccinating older, infected people will make it less likely that cancers will develop." However, Health Impact News found no evidence to support her claim. In fact, according to our information, if a person is already infected with the HPV virus, getting vaccinated could, in fact, increase, not decrease their chances of getting cancer. In 2018, we reported that according to the research of French oncologist Dr. Gérard Delépine, the HPV vaccine Gardasil was actually associated with an increased rate of cervical cancer among patients. If Dr. Delépine’s research is correct, then if everyone in Britain were to be vaccinated with the HPV vaccine, there is an extremely high possibility that the rates for cervical cancer in Britain could increase.

How Did One California Doctor Become the Vaccine Czar with the Power to Force Every Other Doctor to Obey Her Wishes on Vaccine Exemptions?

SB276/714 – the bills which limited the exemption criteria for vaccine injury and put every physicians writing more than 4 a year under the scrutiny of the California Public Health Department - did not appear out of nowhere this year. Dr. Charity Dean, friend of Senator Pan, planned a multi-year campaign to propel herself up the ranks of the Public Health Department which culminated in her current position where she will oversee the review and revocation of all vaccine medical exemptions under SB276/SB714, leaving hundreds of well-intentioned, legitimate physicians throughout California wrongly discredited in her wake. A Voice for Choice Advocacy urges the Governor, our California State Senators and Assembly Members and the mainstream media to investigate and take action to stop the witch hunt and allow physicians to practice medicine without fear of unwarranted investigation, and specifically to remove Dr. Charity Dean from her post until the investigation is complete.

Beware of Medicine Marching in Lockstep With Government – Personal Reflections From a Holocaust Survivor

As a child survivor of the Holocaust I learned indelible lessons about the nature of evil. I was 31/2 years old when my family was uprooted & chased out of our home in Romania. We were herded into a concentration camp, where my father died. My experience as a child has sensitized me to the threat posed by government dictates that sever parents’ right to protect their children. Not only is protecting one’s child a parental human right; it is a primal instinct. What makes the Holocaust unique is that at every step of the murderous process medical doctors & medical institutions endorsed and lent the veneer of legitimacy to mass murder of millions of civilians. By the mid-1950s, the pharmaceutical industry was a global business whose singular objective was profits without regard for the harm caused by a defective drug or vaccine. So why is the pharmaceutical industry so powerful? The answer is collusion by the medical establishment, by government, and Big Pharma. This unholy alliance works in tandem to promote widespread uptake of new drugs and vaccines – disregarding the harm caused in pursuit of profits.

Polio Making a Comeback Due to Oral Polio Vaccine

Recent news reports confirm the worst fears: the oral polio vaccine has caused crippling paralysis because live strains of the oral polio virus in the vaccine have mutated and have become virulent. The vaccine-derived type 2 poliovirus is spreading throughout Africa: Ghana, Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, and Somalia. Type 1 vaccine-derived poliovirus cases have been reported in the Philippines, Myanmar, Indonesia, New Guinea. In January 2019, the WHO did not call the world’s attention to the critical threat of polio paralysis for children in countries that had followed the vaccination recommendation of the WHO. Instead, officials of the WHO declared “vaccine hesitancy” as posing one of the 10 most serious threats to public health in 2019 — on par with Ebola. That “fake public health threat” announced by the WHO was widely disseminated by the media, and used as ammunition by the vaccine lobby which is using its enormous financial clout to exert pressure on government officials around the globe to enact mandatory childhood vaccination laws – thereby stripping parents of their parental authority to protect their child from medical interventions that they have reason to believe, will put their child in harm’s way. Protecting one’s child is not only a human right, it is a parental mammalian instinct.