Are Parents Fully Informed of Risks of HPV Vaccine Before Consenting?

When your 12-year-old daughter comes back from school with the consent form for HPV vaccine in hand, and you have to make the decision on her behalf, all the issues around informed consent come sharply into focus. My older two daughters — now adults — missed the boat on this one. My youngest two daughters, however, face a new predicament — one that’s only been on offer to humans for a decade: the HPV vaccine. Should or shouldn’t they be exposed to a genetically engineered vaccine, hailed as the best shot at cervical cancer prevention? The reality is that the information my daughter was given, information that’s intended to help guide us in this very important decision, amounts to — in my personal view — a sales pitch for Merck (the vaccine’s manufacturer). It couldn’t be described as anything approaching the provision of all relevant, currently known information about the likely benefits and risks of HPV vaccination. It also gave away nothing about other options available, should we choose to not go down the vaccination route for my daughter.

How the Government is Hiding Vaccine-Related Deaths

This latest article by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. explains how world governments go to great lengths to hide vaccine-related deaths. The fact that vaccines do cause deaths sometimes is not even a fact in dispute. In addition to the deaths reported in the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the Department of Justice supplies a quarterly report to the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines on cases settled for vaccine injuries and deaths. The American public is largely unaware that there is a "vaccine court" known as the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). This program was started as a result of a law passed in 1986 that gave pharmaceutical companies total legal immunity from being sued due to injuries and deaths resulting from vaccines. If you or a family member is injured or dies from vaccines, you must sue the federal government in this special vaccine court. Many cases are litigated for years before a settlement is reached, and a November 2014 GAO report criticized the government for not making the public more aware that the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program exists, and that there are funds available for vaccine injuries and deaths. Therefore, the settlements represented by vaccine injuries and deaths included in the DOJ reports probably represent a small fraction of the actual vaccine injuries and deaths occurring in America today. Also, as we have previously reported, the CDC lists 130 official ways for an infant to die, but vaccine deaths are not even an option. If the death does not fall into one of these 130 causes, it usually gets listed as SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). SIDS has skyrocketed since the 1986 National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program started.

Irish Philanthropist Vows to Stand Up for Gardasil-Injured Girls Abandoned by Health Services

Jonathan Irwin is a former stud owner and racetrack executive who, in his mature years, devoted his life to a foundation he set up with his wife Mary Ann called the Jack and Jill Foundation. He set up the foundation in 1997 to provide in-home nursing care for severely disabled children, or babies born with life-threatening, debilitating conditions, whose parents would otherwise be unable to afford such services. The Irwins set up the foundation in response to a tragedy which befell their own family in 1996, which would change the course of their lives. Jonathan Irwin’s son Jack was born healthy, but for an unknown reason, he developed severe brain damage due to complications which occurred two days after his birth. According to Jack and Jill’s website, “While history does not reveal the immediate aftermath of this drama, it is probable that he died and was resuscitated. Certainly from that moment on, Jack could not swallow and was probably blind and deaf.” The doctor treating Jack advised the Irwins to leave him at the hospital so that he would not be a burden on his family and moreover, this would be the only way the state would be forced to provide care for him. The Irwins, outraged and finding this attitude totally unacceptable, decided to care for Jack at home with the help of a local volunteer nurse. They received no assistance from the health services executive (HSE) which they found appalling. The Irwins vowed to help as many families as they could, who unavoidably found themselves in the same tragic situation. Jack lived for 22 months under the loving care of his family and a team of volunteer nurses by his side. In the last 20 years, the Irwins, with the Jack and Jill Foundation, have helped thousands of families fund care for their severely disabled children in their homes. It is truly a monumental service to the country of Ireland and a gift to the children and their families they have helped. So it was with a heavy heart that Jonathan Irwin stepped down as CEO last week in a shocking announcement via Twitter. His reason? To care for his daughter who is bedridden, following what he says was a severe reaction to the Gardasil vaccine. The usual vitriolic attacks from the motley crew of pro-HPV-vaccine-at-all-costs media reps, professors, doctors, and “concerned individuals,” which normally descends on such posts, was noticeably absent. It seemed like there was a kind of stunned silence that such a prominent figure as Mr. Irwin would make such a claim.

California Nurse Gives Gardasil Vaccine to Own Daughter who Develops Leukemia and Dies

The VAXXED team interviewed a mother in Long Beach, California, who is a nurse and was pro-vaccine. She explains that all her children were up-to-date on their vaccines before she gave her daughter the Gardasil vaccine at age 16. As a nurse, she routinely gave vaccines to patients at work, and never questioned these vaccines. She states that she was never taught about their side effects. So when she heard that Gardasil was a vaccine to prevent cancer, and that her daughter needed to have it before she became sexually active, she did not hesitate to have her daughter come in to the office where she worked, where she herself administered the first vaccine. After that first vaccine, her daughter was always tired, and they thought maybe she had "mono." Her body ached all the time, and she had difficulty walking long distances. Prior to the vaccine, her daughter was healthy and active. Her mother did not associate these symptoms with the vaccine, however. She attributed it to a poor diet and a busy lifestyle. Because of her daughter's fear of vaccines, she decided to bring the second Gardasil vaccine home and give it to her daughter in their home. Soon after the second vaccine, her daughter was diagnosed with leukemia. 10 months later, she was dead. "I want to share my story because it is very important. This vaccine is horrible. I don't know if I wouldn't have given it to her if she would still be here. And I feel really responsible because I gave it to her physically... I just thought I was doing what was right to protect my daughter from cancer, and she got cancer! I tried to protect her..."

Fox News Tucker Carlson Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Why is Raising Questions About Vaccines a No Go?

Conservative Fox News host Tucker Carlson had Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on his show last night (7/10/17). Acknowledging that Kennedy is a "liberal democrat" Carlson asked Kennedy why he was being attacked by other liberals for promoting vaccine safety. Kennedy acknowledged that skepticism towards big corporate power, like pharmaceutical companies, and government agencies is typically a liberal position, but that it is different when it comes to vaccines. He mentioned that the CDC has been characterized by at least four federal studies as a "cesspool of corruption" because of its entanglements with the vaccine industry, and this is the government agency that is supposed to be overseeing vaccine safety. Kennedy goes on to explain that there is very little safety testing on vaccines, like there is on other pharmaceutical products. Carlson echoed his opinion that he believes in vaccines, but that there should be discussions allowed about vaccine safety and that these discussions should not be censored in the media.

French Lawmakers Oppose High Court and Public’s Resistance to Mandatory Vaccinations

The French government announced that it might make 11 vaccines compulsory for children, adding to the three already mandatory shots (diphtheria, tetanus, and polio). Under the new jurisdiction, parents would be forced to follow a vaccination schedule including jabs against measles, hepatitis B, meningitis C, rubella, mumps and whooping cough. This change of heart comes after the Conseil d'Etat, France's highest administrative court, ruled in favour of parents who chose not to vaccinate their children, as the three mandatory shots were not available separately, but only in one shot combined with additional vaccines. The former Health Ministry opposed making these three vaccines available for people, which led the court to give the new government 6 months in order to find a solution. In the largest study on vaccine confidence to date, France was found to be the least confident in vaccine safety out of 66 countries surveyed, with 41 percent respondents disagreeing with the claim that vaccines are safe. The skepticism isn’t limited to the general population; a quarter of French practitioners aren’t confident about the risk and efficacy of vaccines, either.

Does Data in Hospital Research Show Flu Shot Given to Pregnant Women Increases Autism in Unborn?

Brian Hooker, Ph.D., PE, has 15 years experience in the field of bioengineering and is an associate professor at Simpson University where he specializes in biology and chemistry. His over 50 science and engineering papers have been published in internationally recognized, peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Hooker has exposed fraud in vaccine studies for years, and in 2014 a top CDC vaccine scientist turned whistleblower and chose to reveal evidence of fraud in the CDC to Dr. Hooker. Health Impact News has used Dr. Hooker in the past to unravel research on vaccines, much of it sponsored by the government and your tax dollars, where the data uncovered in the research was spun to the public and corporate media to achieve a result that was not supported by the data at all. Dr. Hooker has done this once again, by analyzing the data in a recent study by Kaiser Permanente looking at the data regarding the annual flu shot which is recommended for pregnant women, and the possible link between the flu shot and the unborn baby being diagnosed with autism. Did the conclusions of the authors of the study support the actual data?

Health Freedom: Is the Right to Refuse Vaccines a Human Right?

Informed consent means you have the legal right to be fully and accurately informed about the benefits and risks of a medical intervention, including a pharmaceutical product, and are free to make a voluntary decision about whether to accept the risk for yourself or your minor child without being coerced or punished for the decision you make. Informed consent has guided the ethical practice of medicine since the Doctor’s Trial at Nuremberg after World War II, where the informed consent principle was internationally acknowledged as a human right for individuals participating in scientific research. Today, informed consent to medical risk taking also means you have the legal right to be fully and accurately informed by a doctor or medical facility about the benefits and risks of a lab test, surgical procedure, prescription drug or other medical intervention performed on you or your minor child and give your voluntary permission.

Dr. Brownstein and Other Medical Doctors Respond to AMA’s Opposition to Vaccine Research

The American Medical Association (AMA) has released a position statement that opposes the creation of a new federal commission on vaccine safety whose task is to study the association between autism and vaccines. “The AMA fully supports the overwhelming body of evidence and rigorous scientific process used by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices which demonstrate vaccines are among the most effective and safest interventions to both prevent individual illness and protect the health of the public,” William E. Kobler, MD said in a statement. Dr. Kobler is a member of the AMA Board of Trustees. Autism is occurring at epidemic rates.  We now have over 1,000,000 U.S. children diagnosed with autism.  Something in our environment is responsible for causing the autism epidemic.  It is not due to genetics.  Could it be the increasing numbers of vaccines given to our children?  Why wouldn’t any rational person want to study this association?  A simple study comparing vaccinated with unvaccinated children could help decide whether vaccines are responsible for causing the autism epidemic.  But, the Powers-That-Be, like the AMA, do not want this study done as it may turn their world upside down. In response to the AMA edicts supporting more vaccines and stating that no further research is needed, I and my colleagues have released a reply to the AMA letter.

New Proposed California Bill to Allow Optometrists to Administer Vaccines – State Vaccine Tracking System to Increase

Your action is needed to OPPOSE California AB 443 Optometry: scope of practice. If passed as currently written, AB 443 would allow optometrists to administer vaccines for influenza, herpes zoster virus (Shingles), and pneumococcus to adults 18 years of age and older. AB 443 has already passed the Assembly and is scheduled to be heard in the Senate Committee on Business, Professions and Economic Development on Monday, July 10, 2017 at 12:00 noon in Room 3191. Please plan to attend. If AB 443 passes into law as written, it would require optometrists to enter newly administered vaccines and personally identifying information into the state vaccine tracking system, CAIR.

Infant Accidentally Vaccinated with Gardasil – Mother Blamed for Vaccine Injuries and Baby Medically Kidnapped

Doctors call it a "medication administration error." During a routine check-up at her pediatrician's office, 4-month old Aniya was accidentally given the Gardasil 9 vaccine, and she hasn't been the same since. Anita Vasquez of Victoria, Texas, herself a nurse, says that "doctors are in denial" that any of the medical issues that began after her daughter received the shot are related to the vaccine. Aniya was a happy and healthy breastfed baby before her 4-month doctor visit. Her only illness was an ear infection which had been cleared up with antibiotics shortly before that fateful day of December 29, 2016. Since then, she has suffered numerous health issues and several hospitalizations. Rather than acknowledge the possibility that the Gardasil 9 vaccine contributed to the decline in Aniya's health, doctors and Child Protective Services have reportedly blamed the mother. Her desperate search for answers has led instead to her being accused of Munchausen by Proxy, or "medical child abuse," and her baby has been seized by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS). Anita told Health Impact News that her concerns about the vaccine have been dismissed and ignored by virtually everyone involved in her daughter's care. DFPS refers to her "unfounded concerns" about the Gardasil 9 vaccine. She believes that they are trying to cover up the dangers of the vaccine. This is any mother's worst nightmare, and no one deserves this.

As Lawsuits Against Cholesterol Drugs Mount, Big Pharma Develops a Cholesterol Vaccine

As we have reported frequently here at Health Impact News, sales of drugs to lower cholesterol are the top selling drugs of all time. It is a $100 billion a year industry. The cholesterol-lowering drug Lipitor is the best-selling drug of all time, grossing over $140 billion, with no serious close competitors in the history of pharmaceutical drugs. One out of every four Americans over the age of 50 is taking a statin drug to lower their cholesterol. However, these block buster drugs have run through their patent life, and now generics dominate the market. So Big Pharma is looking at new ways to patent new drugs to lower your cholesterol. The latest? A vaccine is being developed to lower your cholesterol. In recent years, class action lawsuits have been stacking up against statin drug manufacturers due to the terrible side effects, including diabetes. Is this another reason for turning to vaccines to "cure" cholesterol? In this country, lawsuits against vaccines are prohibited while civil suits against prescription or over-the-counter drugs are allowed.

Mass Protests in Italy Highlight Global Vaccination Agenda and the Resistance Movement

June 2017 saw the biggest public demonstrations against forced vaccination held in Europe since the Victorian era, as tens of thousands of Italians of all ages marched for vaccine freedom of choice in Rome, Florence, Milan, Bologna, Turin, Cagliani and other cities. They marched in opposition to a May 19 decree endorsed by the government’s Health Minister and President mandating that school children receive multiple doses of 12 vaccines or be prohibited from attending school with fines of up to $7500 euro (about $9,700) assessed to non-compliant parents. Parents leading the 35-year old vaccine safety and informed consent movement in America stand in solidarity with the parents in Italy, France, Germany, U.K. and many other countries in Europe, who are leading a defense for the human right to informed consent to medical risk taking, including vaccine risk taking. Hold your elected officials accountable for their actions at the polls. Have faith, stay strong and do not back down. You inspire us to do the same.

EU Court Rules in Favor of Vaccine Injury Based on Evidence

Our UK correspondent Christina England brings us this report regarding a vaccine injury case recently ruled on by a European Union court. The ruling is significant, because the court looked at the evidence of the particular case, and ruled that the evidence showed that the hepatitis B vaccine caused multiple sclerosis. This greatly upset pro-vaccine extremists who boldly declare that the "science is settled" on vaccines, and that there is no scientific proof that they cause injuries like this. The court was not swayed by this position, however, and ruled on the evidence presented in the case, not "scientific" opinion. The corporate sponsored mainstream media spun the story from the vaccine extremist position, of course, with headlines such as: "EU court: Vaccines can be blamed for illnesses without proof." (CBS News) They define "proof" according to their own standards, declaring that anyone who disagrees with them has no "proof." "Scientific proof" is, of course, almost a contradiction in terms, since science cannot technically "prove" anything. Scientific studies and their outcomes are only as good as the data examined, and as new data becomes available, scientific theories are revised. The other problem with relying on "science" is that most scientific studies today are heavily biased, producing the outcomes desired regardless of the data. Corruption and conflict of interest are common, as one CDC whistle-blower has revealed regarding data withheld from CDC studies supposedly proving vaccines do not cause autism.

Gardasil Vaccine Victims: “I Just Believed Everything the Doctors Told Me”

As we have reported stories on hundreds of HPV vaccine injuries and deaths over the past few years, one statement we hear over and over again from the victims is: "I just trusted my doctor." Since the U.S. Government and the pharmaceutical companies unanimously state that the HPV vaccine is "safe and effective," most don't bother to research the vaccine for themselves, and doctors seldom, if ever, talk about potential side effects. When they are discussed, they are presented as very rare. It is of course impossible to prove that the serious side effects are rare, and the stories we have covered lend evidence to the likelihood that this is probably not true. And the side effects are very serious, from Primary Ovarian Failure (premature menopause - will never have children), to heart disease, and even death. Another apparent side effect from the vaccine that is supposed to protect one from cancer, is cancer. In this article, Katy explains how she developed cervical cancer after receiving the Gardasil vaccine. In another interview, Asha relates how her life was destroyed after receiving the Gardasil vaccines. She is now in the early stages of developing leukemia. Should this vaccine ever have been brought to market? We look at some facts about Gardasil that most in the public are completely unaware.

Medical Doctor who Escaped Vietnam as a Child in the 1970s Explains Why He no Longer Vaccinates

The VAXXED film crew recently interviewed Dr. Anthony Phan in California. Dr. Phan escaped from Vietnam in the 1970s when he was 8 years old. He was separated from his parents and escaped on a fishing boat along with his 2 year old brother. Making it to the U.S. as a child refugee, Dr. Phan testifies that God led him through college and medical school, and he went on to become a medical doctor at Johns Hopkins. Dr. Phan talks about how his mentor at Johns Hopkins taught him about the importance of the Hippocratic Oath to "do no harm." Do no harm means your oath is to the patient. Not to the CDC, not to the government, not to the FDA, your oath is to the patient. His mentor also reportedly stated to him: "One day Tony, in your career (this was in 1993), when you see these threesome (CDC, FDA, and the government) in bed together, be very careful. When you see pharmaceutical companies being in bed with the government, and being controlled by the health industry, you need to make a decision about where you want to take your medical career." Dr. Phan explains that his experience with vaccines began in 2000 when he did his fellowship in Integrated Medicine. He was taught to question the practices of "conventional" medicine that are wrong. He was practicing in geriatrics at the time, and he noticed that every time he gave the flu shot to his older patients, they would get very sick. "They would get very sick with upper respiratory tract infections, some would get pneumonia, and some would be admitted to the hospital and die." So he stopped giving flu shots after 5 or 6 injections.

Mass Protests Against Mandatory Vaccines in Rome – Some Parents Prepare to Leave Italy

Once again, Health Impact News brings you reports out of Italy that are censored in the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media. Tens of thousands of parents across Italy have taken to the streets to protest new mandatory vaccination laws. The BBC is reporting that one group of German-speaking parents in northern Italy are so angry about a new requirement to get their children vaccinated that they plan to seek asylum in nearby Austria. "We won't allow our children to be poisoned. Asylum is claimed not just by people fleeing war, but also by people whose rights are being violated," said Mr Holzer, quoted by Austria's Der Standard daily.

Study: Repeated Flu Shots Decrease Antibody Response – More Evidence that Annual Flu Shots are Worthless

A new study from Australia lends more evidence to the realization that the flu vaccine is almost worthless when it comes to preventing people from being infected with influenza viruses. The flu vaccine is, by far, the most heavily marketed vaccine in the world, being distributed and injected into more people than almost all other vaccines combined. The flu vaccine also injures and kills more people each year than all other vaccines combined, based on compensations paid for injuries and deaths in vaccine court, and reported by the DOJ. It is the only vaccine that has to be redeveloped every year because the manufacturers have to guess which strains of influenza the vaccine must produce antibodies for each year. Good matches are rare. Due to a censor on any kind of information in the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media regarding anything negative about vaccines, very few among the public understand just how little science there is behind the annual flu shot.

Italians Take to the Streets to Protest New Mandatory Vaccination Law

Readers from Italy have been contacting Health Impact News this past week, asking us to cover the massive demonstrations happening throughout Italy to protest a new mandatory vaccine law. This news has been censored from the U.S. corporate media. Francesca Alesse, who worked with the VAXXED film team to get the film shown in Italy last year, writes: "In an unprecedented way, the decree-law proposed by the Minister of Health has been signed by the sitting Italian president Sergio Mattarella. Only four vaccines were mandatory in Italy, now that number triples to 12. No other decree-law has moved so fast in the Italian legislative system, the reasons of such hurry are incomprehensible considering that the Istituto Superiore Di Sanità (the local version of the CDC) has declared that contrary to what stated in the decree itself there is no objective urgency. There are no epidemics, the number of cases of measles or meningitis in the current year have been substantially lower than the previous year. Thousands of parents have protested the new law this past June 3rd, protests and marches have taken place in 21 Italian cities spread across the nation. A national protest is scheduled for this Sunday June 11th." The new law apparently has severe consequences for parents who fail to comply, including the possibility of having their children taken away from them. In addition to public outcry, there appears to be strong political opposition to the law as well.

Gelatin in Vaccines Can Cause Allergic Reactions

The substance known as “gelatin” is a protein usually obtained from cows or pigs and produced by the partial hydrolysis of collagen extracted by boiling animal parts such as cartilage, tendons, skin, bones and ligaments in water. It acts a stabilizer, thickener and texturizer in food products such as yogurt, cream cheese, ice cream, marshmallows, etc. It is also used in the manufacturing of vitamin and drug capsules and cosmetics and is an ingredient in vaccines. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) vaccine excipient list, eleven vaccines contain gelatin. Gelatin is used as a stabilizer in vaccines and primarily comes from pigs. Gelatin is the most commonly identified cause of allergic reactions to vaccines