Medical Doctor Responds to Minnesota School Board’s Decision to Ban Under-Vaccinated Students from Attending School

In recent days, I have been in communication with several journalists who have been writing about issues that pertain to an issue in which I have some expertise: the alleged safety and efficacy of the huge number of neurotoxin-containing vaccines that are rather cavalierly administered to babies as young as 1 day, 2 months, 4 months and 6 months, ages in which their blood-brain barriers, their immune systems and their mitochondria are at their most immature and most vulnerable to toxins. Recently there has been information in the news about Rochester, Minnesota’s school board. They have decreed, probably with the advice and blessings of the Mayo Clinic, that they will be banning from school attendance the couple hundred “under-immunized or un-immunized” students (according to CDC recommendations) until they receive their shots or get clearance from a physician or a parent attesting to their philosophical or religious objections to the shots. The school board has somehow deemed these students to be an existential threat to the immunized students on the basis of the un-proven theory of “herd immunity.” I count myself among a group of whistle-blowing scientists who have seen through the massive Big Pharma-generated dis-information campaign that is designed to push more and more costly vaccines onto an unsuspecting public. (270 new ones are in Big Pharma’s pipeline.) The campaign is also designed to discredit skeptics of that dis-information agenda – not to mention the multitudes of vaccine-injured and vaccine-disabled (and dead) children and families that their neurotoxic vaccine have damaged. Because I “saw something,” I felt obligated to “say something” publicly.

Tennessee Mom Gives Birth to Premature Twins 3 Times – Surviving Babies Medically Kidnapped for Research?

The story of Nashville, Tennessee, mother Tamika Seagraves and her children is one of tragedy upon tragedy. Tamika has been pregnant 3 times, and in each case, she gave birth to premature twins, a boy and a girl every time. The first set of twins, Zayden and his sister Ziria were micro-preemies, born at just 24 weeks. Though Ziria grew stronger and eventually went home, Zayden never went home. He only survived 13 days. Two years later, Jordan and Jaliyah were born at 35 weeks. When Jordan passed away at just under two months of age, his mother began questioning, looking at vaccines and the vitamin K shot. At the same time, Child Protective Services began questioning and looking at HER. Jordan's autopsy stated that the cause of his death could not be determined, but DCS (Department of Children's Services) has blamed Tamika. Instead of closing out the case when the autopsy report came back, DCS stepped in and seized custody of Jordan's twin sister Jaliyah. According to court documents, DCS has accused Tamika of demonstrating "erratic behaviors" because she refuses vaccinations, stopped a medication for her child out of concerns for its side effects, "tried to have Jaliyah seen by a holistic chiropractor as opposed to a pediatrician." On December 5, 2016, Tamika gave birth again to another set of twins. When they were 4 weeks old, DCS seized both of them as well. All Tamika wants is to have her children back home and to be able to grieve the loss of her two sons. She wonders if her children are being used for medical research because of the unusual circumstances of their births - against incredible odds - 3 sets of twins, all premature, all boy/girl sets, the only children born to an African American mother, with 2 of the boys dying as infants?

Missouri Laws to Ban Mercury and Foreign DNA in Vaccines

In January 2017, State Representative Lynn Morris introduced HB 331 in the Missouri House of Representatives prohibiting vaccines containing mercury or other metals used for preservation or any other purpose from being administered to a child or adult in a public health clinic in Missouri. If passed, the legislation would take effect on Aug. 28, 2018. A second bill, HB 332, introduced by Rep. Morris, seeks to restrict the use of certain vaccines containing foreign human DNA. It requires that chicken pox and shingles vaccines administered to patients in public health clinics must not contain foreign human DNA contaminates. The two bills are in response to public concerns regarding vaccine safety. Vaccine mandates and policies at the state level are generally based on the vaccine schedule and guidelines recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease and Control Prevention’s (CDC). HB 331 and HB 332 aim to invalidate the CDC’s recommendations of vaccines that include mercury and other toxic substances. Although the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) maintains that “All forms of mercury are quite toxic, and each form exhibits different health effects,” the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continues to minimize the dangers of mercury in vaccines. The FDA admits that thimerosal (a mercury based preservative) is still being used in vaccines in varying amounts.

German Supreme Court Upholds Biologist’s Claim that Measles Virus Does Not Exist

A recent episode in Germany created a stir in the field of microbiology when microbiologist Dr. Stefan Lanka claimed he would award anyone 100,000 Euros who could prove the existence of the measles virus. At first it appeared he had lost. But Dr. Lanka took his loss to a higher court with more experts and the backing of two independent laboratories. He wound up not having to pay. It turned out that the “proof” provided was a composite of several different electron microscope images. And the composite involved different components of damaged cells. The composite could not be duplicated. The German Federal Supreme Court confirmed that there was not enough evidence to prove the existence of the measles virus. So how are they making MMR vaccines with attenuated measles viruses? In this article Paul Fassa looks at the history and controversy surrounding Louis Pasteur's germ theory and looks at other competing theories of disease of his time, and asks the question: Could there be something wrong with the Germ Theory?

How to Cure Cancer, Autism, and other Neurodegenerative Diseases without Toxic Drugs

Effective treatments for chronic illnesses such as cancer do not need to be expensive and they don’t need to have life-threatening side effects. In Part 1 of this two part article I reviewed the positive results of a research study for cancer treatment that combined the ketogenic diet, Bravo Yogurt, and a newly formulated macrophage activating factor called Rerum. Research showed that this immunotherapeutic approach has successfully reversed late stage cancer. This same approach has proven to be effective for treating autism and neurodegenerative diseases as well as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and chronic Lyme. In this second article we will look at the specific details about how we can use the ketogenic diet, Bravo yogurt, and Rerum for the treatment of various illnesses.

Yale School of Medicine: Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Vaccinations

There are questions being raised about children who are diagnosed with neuropsychiatric disorders and their association with vaccinations, according to the results of a pilot case study published in Frontiers in Psychiatry/Child & Adolescent Psychiatry last month. The study, which was conducted by researchers from the Yale University School of Medicine and the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine Department of Public Health Sciences, is based on the principle that the immune system plays a key role in normal brain development and in the pathobiology of several neuropsychiatric disorders. As a result, the autoimmune and inflammatory disorders affecting the central nervous system have been found to be “temporally associated with the antecedent administration of various vaccines.” Researchers examined the association between the administration of vaccines in children ages 6-15 years old who have been diagnosed with conditions such as anorexia nervosa, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), tic disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. What they discovered was that there is data to suggest that children who were newly diagnosed with anorexia nervosa were more likely to have been vaccinated in the previous 3 months than those in the control group. They also found that children vaccinated with the Influenza vaccinations during the prior 3, 6, and 12 months were also associated with incident diagnoses of anorexia nervosa, OCD, and an anxiety disorder. Several other associations were also significant, including correlations between hepatitis A with anorexia nervosa and OCD; hepatitis B with anorexia nervosa, and meningitis with anorexia nervosa and chronic tic disorder. The principal findings suggest that children with OCD, anorexia nervosa, anxiety disorder, and tic disorder were more likely to have received influenza vaccine during the preceding year.

Dead Doctor’s Research Expanded: Natural Cures Seen for Autism and Cancer

When Dr. Jeff Bradstreet unexpectedly and tragically died in the spring of 2015, many of us wondered what would happen to the research he was doing with GcMAF, Goleic, and Bravo yogurt, which he was using to help children with autism. To my great pleasure, I am pleased to report that the research has continued and treatment options have been expanded. We are now seeing even more powerful results for the treatment of autism, cancer, chronic Lyme, chronic fatigue syndrome, and various neurodegenerative diseases. Dr. Bradstreet’s previous research focused on the macrophage activating factors known as GcMAF and Goleic, which he used in his clinic. Dr. Bradstreet was able to help 3 out of 4 autistic children by treating them with GcMAF or Goleic. Approximately 20% to 25% of these children lost their autism diagnosis and another 50% experienced a reduction in autistic symptoms. After the European manufacturing facility for GcMAF and Goleic was raided and closed down in the first months of 2015, Dr. Bradstreet focused his research on a special yogurt formula known as Bravo. The microbes in this yogurt produce molecules of GcMAF and a newly identified compound called Rerum. These molecules stimulate the immune system when this yogurt is eaten or taken as an enema. At the same time, the microbes in the Bravo yogurt restore the microbiome of the human gut and the microbiome in the human brain. Dr. Bradstreet learned about the existence of Rerum three days before his death, so he was not able to use this new macrophage activating factor in its synthesized form as he did with GcMAF and Goleic. Rerum is now being tested in clinics in Europe and is producing amazing results for many different health problems. The newest research shows that when Bravo Yogurt and Rerum are combined with the ketogenic diet, the power of the human body’s ability to heal itself is released. This therapeutic combination is now part of an autism treatment protocol, as well as being an essential part of a powerful protocol for reversing and eliminating late stage cancers. This article is part one of a two part series on using the combination therapy consisting of a ketogenic diet, Rerum, and Bravo yogurt. Part 1 will focus on the results of a recent research study on this protocol and describe some of the basic science behind the treatments. Part 2 will provide information about how you can use the ketogenic diet, Bravo Yogurt, and Rerum as treatments for illness.

Flu Vaccine Efficacy Reported in Media is Fake News Says Medical Doctor (February 17, 2017) posted a story titled, “Flu Vaccine is only moderately protective this year, CDC says.” (1) The article stated, “Overall, getting a flu shot cut one’s risk of contracting flu and needing to see a doctor by 48 percent this season, when the effectiveness of the various components of the vaccine were assessed together, according to the report published in the CDC’s online journal Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR).” This story is a perfect example of fake news. The flu vaccine is a toxic mess that can contain mercury and other unwanted substances that should never be injected into any living being.

Dr. Paul Thomas: “INSANE” that Media Does Not Want a Commission on Vaccine Safety

Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D., is a board certified pediatrician with a thriving medical practice in Oregon. He is neither anti-vaccine nor pro-vaccine. His belief, which today tragically is a minority view among physicians, is that the health of our children should come first, and that everyone should want safe vaccines. In this video, he takes on the mainstream media for condemning President Trump and his desire to appoint a vaccine safety committee. He asks: "They don't want to find out if there's a problem with our vaccines?" Apparently not. Journalistic values and standards for investigating the truth seem to be sorely missing in the mainstream media's coverage of vaccines.

Medical Freedom at Risk in 2017 as Many States Seek Laws for Mandatory Vaccines

In 2015 and 2016, NVIC monitored over 200 vaccine-related bills introduced in more than 40 state legislatures, including 31 bills in 21 states that tried to restrict of eliminate vaccine exemptions. With tens of thousands of Americans actively using the online NVIC Advocacy Portal, NVIC led a grassroots effort of concerned citizens and supportive parental rights and health freedom groups to educate legislators with well-referenced information about diseases and vaccines. Forced vaccination bills were defeated in 29 out of 31 states, including in Virginia, where NVIC is headquartered. By February 2017, vaccine legislation had been introduced in 30 states that threaten vaccine freedom of choice, including bills in eight states to restrict or eliminate vaccine exemptions in Arkansas (withdrawn), Connecticut, Iowa, Minnesota, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Texas. Freedom. It is a human right to exercise freedom of thought, speech, conscience and religious belief. But, when it comes to vaccination, those basic human freedoms are being taken away in America, one state at a time.

Study: Government HPV Cancer Death Rates Found to be False – Higher Death Rate Among Black Women

The official report from the CDC and pharmaceutical companies is that HPV vaccines prevent cervical cancer. Various studies have been produced in the past couple of years to give credence to this belief, allegedly showing that HPV cancer rates are decreasing since the vaccine was introduced. However, a new study just published shows that the data used by the government to determine HPV cancer deaths was inaccurate because of faulty data. It included women who had hysterectomies, and therefore had ZERO risk of developing cervical cancer. One of the facts uncovered by this study was that the actual death rate for black women was nearly double than what was reported: "For black women, the corrected mortality rate was 10.1 per 100,000 (95% confidence interval [CI], 9.6-10.6), whereas the uncorrected rate was 5.7 per 100,000 (95% CI, 5.5-6.0)." The HPV vaccine only vaccinates for a very small number of known HPV strains, and as we have reported previously here at Health Impact News, these strains are the WRONG strains for African American women. Given the fact that thousands of young women have been harmed by the HPV vaccine, and some have even died, one must ask why any African American woman would ever want to receive an HPV vaccine? An even more important question to ask is why are government health officials and doctors continuing to recommend this vaccine to black women, and what can be done to stop this criminal practice, given the fact that U.S. law protects the manufacturer from being sued in court over injuries and deaths due to vaccines?

CDC, WHO and Big Pharma Collaborate to Conceal Vaccine-Autism Link Data from Public

Today in the U.S. and a growing number of other countries, the official policy is that any scientific study, regardless of its methodology, quality, author credentials, and peer-reviewed process is summarily dismissed as incomplete, irrelevant or unsupported if it finds a connection between any vaccine or combination of vaccines and autism spectrum disorder. Even when the CDC’s own immunologist, Dr. William Thompson, whistle-blows and provides thousands of pages of scientific data and research proving a vaccine-autism connection, the matter is rapidly shoved under the table. In the case of Dr. Thompson’s release of confidential documents to a Congressional subcommittee, the CDC intentionally concealed their evidence that African American boys under 36 months had a higher risk of autism after receiving the MMR vaccine. The documents also proved the CDC has know for a long time that neurological tics, indicating brain disturbances, were associated with thimerosal-containing vaccines, such as the influenza vaccine. We have also known for over fifteen years, thanks to a Freedom of Information Act filing, that CDC officials, vaccine scientists on the CDC’s vaccine advisory panel, the WHO and private pharmaceutical executives met secretly for two days at the Simpsonwood retreat center near Atlanta to deliberate on the Verstraeten research’s findings proving thimerosal’s role in the rise of autism. The meeting was held for the specific purpose to find ways to prevent the findings from reaching the public, and spin and manipulate the data to disprove a vaccine-autism connection.

30 States Move to Enact Vaccine Bills Including Tracking and Mandatory Vaccines

We have only finished the first full month of the 2017 legislative session, and already we are tracking 103 vaccine related bills across 30 states on the NVIC Advocacy Portal. To put the sheer volume of bills in perspective, we tracked a total of 106 bills in the entire legislative session last year. If you live in one of the following states, there are already vaccine bills filed that can affect your right to refuse vaccines or have your privacy violated by being listed in a database as opposing vaccines: AR, AZ, CT, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, MA, ME, MN, MO, MS, MT, NE, NH, NJ, NY, OK, OR, PA, RI, SD, TN, TX, VA, and WA. The following states are priority opposition alert states as they now have bills to restrict or eliminate vaccine exemptions: AR (withdrawn), CT, IA, MN, NY, OK, PA, and TX. The following states are priority support alert states as they now have bills to add or expand vaccine exemptions: HI, IA, MS (died), NJ, NY, OK, RI, and TX.

Study: Almost All Vaccines Contaminated with Toxins and Linked to Side Effects

A new study, titled New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination published in the International Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination, represents an unavoidable wave of clear information supporting an immediate moratorium on vaccination, suspension of government laws mandating vaccination, and simultaneous legal action at numerous levels to investigate a criminal vaccine industry and the establishment offshoots that have worked to prop it up. What did the new Italian study find? Examining 30 vaccines — representing 44 samples in total — the researchers found particulate matter, in aggregates and clusters, of micro- and nano-sized particulate matter in 43 of the 44 samples whose presence was not declared in the leaflets delivered in the package of the product. The authors state: "We had never questioned the purity of vaccines before. In fact, for us the problem did not even exist. All injectable solutions had to be perfectly pure and that was an act of faith on which it sounded impossible to have doubts. For that reason, we repeated our analyses several times to be certain. In the end, we accepted the evidence."

New Lyme Vaccine Pushed, Same Vaccine Corruption Revealed

Despite a long absence of any official acknowledgement from the CDC, the general public has long-echoed the sentiments of Richard Horowitz, MD, author of Why Can’t I Get Better? Solving the Mystery of Lyme & Chronic Disease when he recently told Fox5 New York: “There is not even a doubt that we are in the middle of a full-blown epidemic in the United States.” The FDA has given the green light to test another Lyme disease vaccine on humans after two decades of failed attempts to develop an oxymoronic ‘safe vaccine’ to counter the disease. For now the question appears, as Lyme vaccine testing continues in the background, how hard and loud will government agencies, pharmaceutical-funded corporate media organs, and industry-captured medical journals bang the drums to manufacture a consensus for a predictably unsafe and ineffective vaccine?

CDC Publishes New Rules for Quarantine and Isolation on Last Day of Obama Presidency

There are new U.S. government rules that can force travelers into quarantine or isolation if they are suspected of having a contagious disease. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published their revised rules explaining how they will intervene to protect the public from the spread of quarantinable communicable diseases such as Ebola. For those of us who prefer to minimize our contact with the conventional medical care system and its pharmaceutical products, these new rules should cause us to carefully consider our health status when traveling across state lines or traveling back to the United States during a CDC health emergency. If we have symptoms of illness that might be confused with a communicable disease, then it might be wise to carefully consider our travel plans. The rules were released on the last day of the Obama Administration, 1/19/2017, and will take effect on February 21, 2017. Under these rules, if a CDC medical professional examines and quarantines you under a public health order, certain medical procedures, such as mandatory vaccinations, could be required as a condition of your release.

The Vaccine Science is Unsettled

The foundation of scientific research on human health is the clinical study, and the strength and reliability of conclusions reached is a direct reflection of the study methods used in that research. If the trial design is sound and the research methods followed with integrity, the results will be robust. If not, the results are going to remain open to question and interpretation. One of the most widely repeated phrases bandied about by those who maintain that vaccines very rarely, if ever, cause injury and death is, “the science on vaccines is settled.” Aside from how absurd it is to insist that any science is ever completely settled, such a statement presupposes that vaccine safety and efficacy studies have been rigorous and exhaustive and that their conclusions, therefore, are reliable and authoritative. It would be great if that were the case. Sadly, it is not.

24 States With Vaccine Bills Restricting Rights and Tracking Vaccine Status

We are edging closer towards the end of the first month of the 2017 legislative session, and we have been busy because your state legislators have been busy. Many new bills have been filed since our last national email update. If you live in one of the following states, there are already vaccine bills filed that can affect your rights: AR, AZ, CT, HI, IA, IN, KS, KY, ME, MN, MO, MS, MT, NE, NH, NJ, NY, OK, OR, PA, RI, SD, TX, and VA.

Nurse Whistleblower Confirms NICU Pre-term Babies Being Injured by Vaccines

Within the realm of the vaccine industry, there are many tragic stories and underreported bombshells waiting to be spotlighted. One such narrative, hiding in plain sight, is the routine vaccine injury happening in hospital neonatal intensive care units (NICU) across the US. Two nurses have recently come forward as whistleblowers to reveal the harm being caused to these low-weight micro premature babies by vaccines. In addition, new research from the Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics journal titled "Adverse Events After Routine Immunization of Extremely Low-Birth-Weight Infants" confirms what these nurse whistleblowers are revealing: "All ELBW [extremely low-birth-weight] infants in the NICU had an increased incidence of sepsis evaluations and increased respiratory support and intubation after routine immunization." How long will the US medical system continue to sweep these daily NICU vaccine injuries under the rug to save face for their hospitals and the larger CDC-pharmaceutical complex? How long will doctors and nurses continue to follow orders against the established medical ethics of “do no harm”?

As New State Legislative Sessions Begin, Renewed Efforts to Increase Mandatory Vaccines

2017 has started off with a bang. We are only about one week into legislative sessions across the country and so much is happening. New State vaccine legislation is being introduced daily - all over the country. Here's the status of State bills throughout the US as of 1/17/17.