Recovering from my Gardasil Vaccine Nightmare

When I originally wrote my Gardasil story as a cautionary tale for others, I thought the worst was over. I had battled for almost six years and was left with only periodic numbness/tingling in my hands to deal with at that point. I believed the worst was over and I could begin to get on with my life. That was in October of 2013. In 2014, the roller coaster ride began again. My hands became worse; the tingling and numbness traveled to my legs. I would have moments of paralysis forcing me to rely on crutches to get around for a few days each month. My sleep patterns became irregular. I would stay awake for 4 days straight before collapsing from sheer exhaustion and physical weakness. The numbness and tingling I previously had in my hands progressed to tremors that never stopped, even when I was sleeping. Tremors so bad they stopped me from successful photography, hindering my ability to complete my home-based projects or even use everyday tools. I spent all of 2014 seeking answers only to end up having a major life-threatening stroke in January of 2015. What if I did not survive my next stroke? My children would be motherless. So, I set out on another research adventure and put the doctors aside. They were not finding anything and I was not healing.

CDC Cover-Up of Autism and Vaccine Link Continues

It has been 15 months since a senior CDC scientist, Dr. William Thompson, became a whistleblower when he admitted that a 2004 CDC study was falsified in order to show that there was no link between the MMR vaccine and autism. In August of 2014 Dr. Thompson stated, “I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the Journal of Pediatrics.” Folks, we have a whistleblower at the CDC who has admitted, under oath that the CDC falsified data in order to deny a link between vaccinations and autism.  It is nearly 15 months later and nothing has happened. Nada.  Zip. Zero. There have been no Congressional hearings.  The mainstream media has refused to talk about it. One courageous Congressman has spoken in front of Congress twice about this issue.  His name is Bill Posey.  I have attached a link to his October 21, 2015 speech here.  Dr. Posey is demanding his colleagues call hearings on this matter.   Folks, this will only happen if you contact your representative and tell them that we are demanding a Congressional hearing on the CDC whistleblower.  It is vitally important for all of us to speak up.  That certainly includes all African American parents.  If the information from Dr. Thompson is proven to be true, this could rival the injustice of the Tuskegee disaster.

The Health Liberty Revolution to Save Our Children from Vaccines

Those tiny miracles. God’s most precious gift to us. We hold them in wonder just moments after they are born. We love them in a way we never loved anyone, and they love us in a way that no one else ever will. We will not be silent while our children are being harmed by those who have no liability or accountability for their actions. We will not bow down before our oppressors and witness the biological integrity of another generation of children be destroyed in this bitter harvest that can only continue if we allow it to continue. This is a Health Liberty Revolution and we are declaring our independence from the profit-driven, fear-based toxic paradigm embraced by government and fed by industries that are bankrupting America’s health care system and taking away our freedom to choose how we and our children heal and stay well. The pharmaceutical industry and negligent doctors must be held fully accountable and liable for vaccine injuries and deaths in civil court. And every public health law in America must include informed consent protections in the form of flexible medical, religious and conscientious belief exemptions. The mountain you must climb is high, but you will climb it and bring about a new age of enlightenment in this Health Liberty Revolution led by people for the people. And you will not give up, just like we have not given up, because we are doing this work to save our children and the country we love. We are the daughters and sons of liberty, and our mission continues: No forced vaccination. Not in America.

A Mother’s Anguish: 2-Month Old Baby Lost to Vaccine Injuries

I had to lose my son before I learned all the truth. Vaccines are dangerous. Why didn’t I trust God. He gave us an immune system to fight off infection and disease. Please don’t take the chance. It’s not worth it. There are things you can do to stay healthy. Vaccines are TOO DANGEROUS.

Nearly Half of the Doctors in U.S. Not Routinely Recommending HPV Vaccine

The cracks in support for the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine by the medical community and public are turning into bottomless fissures. Country after country is calling for investigations into fraudulent research, damage, and the lack of medical ethics. Meanwhile, in the United States, political and medical leadership are ignoring serious questions, concerns, and damage continually mounting around the HPV vaccine. Thankfully at this point, there appears to be a disconnect and wedge between the views of medicine, politics, and the public regarding this shot. A study published in 2015 in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, looked at the quality of physician communication to their patients about the HPV vaccine. The survey has given a glimpse into an American health care system that is showing doubt and apathy towards following unethical orders to push a highly questionable HPV vaccine.

Flu Shot Remains Most Dangerous Vaccine Based on Injuries and Deaths Compensated by Government

The Department of Justice issues a report on vaccine injuries and deaths every quarter to the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines. There are 211 cases for vaccine injuries and deaths for the period 5/16/2015 through 8/15/2015. 86 of the settlements were listed in this report, giving the name of the vaccines, the injury, and the amount of time the case was pending before settlement. Three of those settlements were for deaths linked to vaccines, with two deaths related to the flu shot, and one death for the HPV shot. 65 of the 86 settlements were for injuries and deaths due to the flu shot, and the majority of flu shot injuries were for Guillain-Barré Syndrome. These quarterly reports on vaccine injuries and death settlements from the U.S. vaccine court are seldom, if ever, reported in the mainstream media. We report them here at Health Impact News. Here is the latest report from September 3, 2015.

Concordia Professor Condemns HPV Vaccine After Winning $270K Federal Grant to Study It

A Montreal social scientist and the federal agency that awarded her almost $300,000 to study the HPV vaccine are facing criticism after the professor condemned the vaccine and called for a moratorium on its use. Concordia University’s Genevieve Rail also said there is no proof that the human papillomavirus directly causes cervical cancer.

Vaccine Injuries to Spike During Aggressive Flu Season Push

October is deemed the start of the flu season. This year, the rhetoric and methods to push flu vaccines are beginning to take on an authoritarian flavor. Medical consent and medical choice appear to have taken a backseat to government mandates and strong arm tactics by local pharmacies, medical practitioners, and employers. Government oversight bodies and medical professionals are omitting the risks and informed consent when it comes to the flu shot. To understand this year’s flu vaccination push, here are some points to put things into focus.

Are Doctors in the U.S. and the American Public Being Psychologically Manipulated to Accept the HPV Vaccine?

What happens when a potential blockbuster vaccine (Gardasil, Cervarix, or Gardasil 9) is simply not accepted by the public on the same level as other recommended vaccines? Do the manufacturers and international health authorities re-examine the product to assess whether or not public concerns are valid? Not often, and when they do it is pretty much a cursory ‘investigation’ where they are quite careful to NOT look in the direction needed to expose any potential problems. What is wrong with this picture? Could it have anything to do with the fact psychologists and psychiatrists have been studying how to manipulate public behavior for over 35 years? Could the results of these studies be used by HPV vaccine promoters to manipulate the public, medical professionals and/or politicians to increase the uptake of HPV vaccines?

Irish Government Calls for Investigations on Gardasil Vaccine Injuries

Senator Paschal Mooney calls the Irish HPV vaccination program a national disgrace condemning the national health authorities for ignoring the basic right to informed consent and ignoring pleas for answers from families affected by adverse health after Gardasil injections. He is putting forth a resolution aimed at forcing the HSE (national health agency) to meet with affected families and answer their questions. He also mentions how the packet insert for the Gardasil vaccine lists 21 side effects, and that this information is not being passed on to the parents and girls between 12 and 17 years of age before deciding whether or not to receive the vaccine.

Is Your Unborn Baby Part of a Vaccine Experiment?

When a woman becomes pregnant, naturally, she would want to protect her unborn child above all else. Therefore, when offered a series of vaccinations said to protect her newborn baby against disease in the first few weeks of life, she will probably accept the vaccinations without a moment’s hesitation. However, would she accept those vaccinations so readily if she knew that her unborn child was going to be used as part of a vaccine experiment being conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the vaccine manufacturers? Health Impact News decided to investigate this issue more carefully, and what we uncovered may shock and horrify you.

United States Tracks Children to Push Gardasil Vaccine – Rest of the World Becoming Skeptical

The United States continues to carelessly move forward with the HPV vaccine Gardasil. Meanwhile, due to its endless damage, the shot is the center of criminal lawsuits in Spain, India, France, Japan and many other countries. In the UK, the HPV vaccination push has 8,228 official reports of side-effects, almost more than all other vaccine reports combined. Dr. Dalbergue, a former pharmaceutical industry physician with Gardasil manufacturer Merck gave a 2014 interview stating that: “Gardasil is useless and costs a fortune” as well as predicting “Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all times…” Ignoring data and worldwide protest, Departments of Health within the U.S. are now sending letters to parents advising them to submit their children to HPV vaccinations. With no prior announcement, parental consent given, or notice, the states of New York and Indiana have tracked HPV vaccine non-compliers and are now hassling them with physical letters.

CDC Spends $1 Million to Increase Adult Flu Vaccination Rates – Flu Shot to be Mandatory?

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) own statistics, the seasonal flu vaccine for the 2014-2015 season was only 19 percent effective. So why is there a worldwide push for flu vaccination? What are the risks inherent in a flu vaccination and are they worth it? These questions have been deleted, ignored, omitted, and crossed out by most in favor of what appears to be a dose of drug company profit mixed with political agenda.

Unlike U.S., Japan Government Investigating HPV Vaccine Injuries

U.S. government officials and agencies have proven that they cannot be relied upon to give the public accurate information regarding vaccine safety and efficacy. With the National Vaccine Compensation Program implemented in 1986 to grant pharmaceutical companies total legal immunity allowing them to put as many vaccines into the market place without the threat of lawsuits if they harm or kill people, the incestuous relationship between Big Pharma and government agencies overseeing vaccines has become a huge conflict of interest. One of the most controversial vaccines world wide is the HPV cancer vaccine. Young girls are suffering tremendously, many of them experiencing premature menopause and with no hope of ever starting their own families. The official U.S. government response has been that there are no problems with this vaccine, and that it is totally safe. Other countries are not obligated to continue promoting this propaganda, and there are many lawsuits currently in litigation in Europe. Japan is one government that has taken a more sane approach to the HPV vaccine, and is still investigating the harmful effects, while leaving it an optional vaccine that they do not officially endorse. In addition, they are exploring ways to help the victims who have suffered from the vaccine.

California Vaccine Refusers to Get “Court Order” or “CPS Visit” Under SB277

California Senate Bill 277 (SB277) is setting a dangerous precedent by removing medical consent from California school children in 2016. In addition, the bill appears to be in violation of the Nuremberg Codes for informed medical consent. However, pressure is already being felt as school administrators and directors have chosen to ignore current law and force vaccine schedules on school children. The language of SB277 left enforcement and vaccine noncompliance up to the school’s governing authority for each district. Orange County’s Department of Education’s Legal Division interprets that a court order to vaccinate will be an option. Will all California school districts, by way of their legal counsels, be directed to file court orders against noncomplying parents of all school children in 2016? It is essential that all California parents that believe in medical freedom file a personal belief vaccine exemption before the January 1st deadline. This is the only method known at this stage to grandfather a waiver into your child’s 2016 school year.

Americans Head to Atlanta to Protest Against CDC Corruption

The National Vaccine Information Center stands in solidarity with parents who are gathering in Atlanta and witnessing about what happened to their once healthy children, and are again calling on the CDC to tell the public the truth about vaccine injuries and deaths. We stand with in solidarity with all who want to protect the right to know and the freedom to choose how to stay healthy in America. Be in Atlanta October 24, 2015 To Stand Up at the Truth, Transparency & Freedom Rally!

The Gardasil Vaccine After-Life: My Daughter is a Shadow of Her Former Self

Before Gardasil my daughter was an outgoing, super funny, confident, soccer athlete, practicing 3-4 hrs a day. She planned to play HS soccer and move on to college soccer. Autumn was a free spirit and so full of life. Her love for animals and passion to save the mistreated drove her to want to open her own animal shelter. She had dreams, goals and a plan. That is until she had the Gardasil vaccine. Autumn fought hard to keep the life she had prior to Gardasil, but eventually was forced to quit soccer and withdraw from school. She has been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Autumn suffers from extreme memory loss, anger, insomnia, and severely diminished cognitive processes. She has self-harmed, cutting and branding her wrist/hips to cope with the suffering she endures daily. Did the benefits of Gardasil outweigh the risk for Autumn? Absolutely not!

Why is the FDA Fast Tracking Squalene as a Flu Vaccine Ingredient for Seniors?

The non-profit National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is questioning the basis for the fast tracked licensure by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of a squalene-adjuvanted influenza vaccine for use in seniors over age 65. The Novartis MF59 adjuvanted Fluad vaccine was approved for accelerated licensure by the FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) on Sept. 15, 2015 primarily using limited immunogenicity and safety evidence from a small clinical trial in which only about 1,000 healthy Americans over age 65 were given the adjuvanted vaccine. Although MF59 is bioactive and designed to stimulate a strong immune response, FDA does not require that vaccine adjuvants be proven safe in a placebo controlled trial and they are not licensed separately. Fluad will be the first influenza vaccine licensed in the U.S. containing squalene, a controversial oil in water adjuvant that has been linked with development of autoimmunity, narcolepsy and other immune and neurological disorders.

The Polio Vaccine Continues to Spread Polio and Harm People in Poor Countries

Scientists state that there have been no cases of wild polio reported in four out of the six regions of the world being targeted in the vaccine-program since the 1990s, and the only cases of polio that are being reported are those of VDPV caused by the OPV vaccination. The oral polio vaccine was banned from use in the United States in 2000. The reason for this ban was because too many children were developing vaccine associated paralytic polio (VAPP) as a serious side effect of the oral vaccine. When you hear about 'outbreaks' of polio in foreign countries, the first question you should ask is, 'Are they using the oral polio vaccine?' and the answer is usually, 'yes.' If children in the US were getting VAPP as a significant side effect of the oral vaccine, why wouldn't this occur in other countries where children are receiving the oral polio vaccine, and health conditions may actually be worse for them there, than they are in the US? It has been proven over and over again that vaccinations alone cannot eradicate polio. Isn’t it about time that governments stopped their lies and got their priorities right for the sake of innocent children?

New Fetal Cell Line from Live Abortion Emerges for Vaccine Production

Due to dwindling capacity for existing aborted fetal cell lines to self-replicate, scientists in China have developed a new aborted fetal cell line, WALVAX 2 that will be used for viral vaccine production. The existing cell lines, MRC-5 and WI-38 are currently used in MMR, Varicella, Hepatitis-A, Shingles, some rabies and some polio vaccines. WALVAX 2 is taken from the lung tissue of a 3 month gestation female who was ultimately selected from among 9 aborted babies. The scientists noted how they followed specific guidelines to mimic WI-38 and MRC-5 in selecting the aborted babies, ranging from 2-4 months gestation. They further noted how they induced labor using a “water bag” abortion to shorten the delivery time and prevent the death of the fetus to ensure live intact organs which were immediately sent to the labs for cell preparation.