Father and Military Veteran Dies After Mandatory COVID Shot as Children Continue to Lose Parents to COVID-19 Shots

A former marine who served campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan was out of work for 16 months after being laid off from his hospital job when the COVID plandemic started. On the verge of losing his home, this husband and father was finally offered a job, but with one catch: he had to get the COVID-19 shots as a condition of employment, something he had avoided up until this time. Just after getting the second shot, he collapsed on the floor in front of his family and died. A 23-year-old woman dies from a blood clot just after a COVID-19 shot, leaving behind a 19-month-old daughter. A father in France mourns the death of his son after he received a COVID-19 shot, tasked now with taking care of his 13-year-old grandson. We continue to bring you the tragic stories of lost lives and devastated families from those who die in the prime of their life just after receiving COVID-19 shots, deaths that the CDC and FDA say are not related to the shots, and stories the corporate media does not want to cover.

Dr. Cole on COVID Shots: “This is a Poisonous Attack on our Population and it Needs to Stop Now!”

Dr. Ryan Cole is the CEO and Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics, one of the largest independent labs in the State of Idaho. Dr. Cole is a Mayo Clinic trained Board Certified Pathologist. He is Board Certified in anatomic and clinical pathology. He has expertise in immunology and virology and also has subspecialty expertise in skin pathology. He has seen over 350,000 patients in his career. We featured a lecture he gave earlier this year back in April, where he discussed cures for COVID-19 symptoms, and warned about the dangers of the COVID "vaccines." Dr. Cole gave another presentation this past weekend in Texas, as part of a seminar with America's Frontline Doctors. Being a pathologist who runs his own private diagnostic laboratory, Dr. Cole is perhaps one of the most qualified physicians in America today to give an independent, honest evaluation of the current roll-out of the COVID-19 "vaccines," and he didn't pull any punches in his presentation, saying: "We need to stop the insanity immediately. This is over. Game over. This is no longer good science. This is a poisonous attack on our population. And it needs to stop now!"

Standard COVID Protocol Treatments Still Killing Patients in Hospitals – When will the Murders Stop?

I can hardly believe I am writing this, but as I am about to head to [another state] to bury my younger brother, I need to face it. COVID protocols killed my brother and I have such a mix of emotions - mostly anger at the system and how they are killing people - and sadness, shock and disbelief that my brother is actually really gone. He died last week, but I have been in too much shock to even write to you about it, but since I am headed there now, I needed to tell you. He got sick, but it really hit his GI system and he had bad diarrhea and vomiting and after 2 days got really dehydrated. My older sister rushed him to the local ER where they promptly gave him fluid iv's. Then an oxygen tank. Then lots of drugs. Then a ventilator. And more drugs... lots of drugs to put him in a coma and "paralyze" him so he wouldn't fight the ventilator. I begged them not to put him on a ventilator, to try HCQ, Ivermectin, VIT C IV... but "none of those are FDA approved or protocol." I pleaded to deaf and dumb ears. They even admitted that not one patient who went on the ventilator came off of it! They knew they were killing him! But they said "he would die" without going on it. I asked... what do you have to lose by trying some of these other therapies that have been proven to work by many doctors here in the US and abroad? But they would not budge. Their damn protocols killed my brother! He died a few days after his 49th birthday.

Digital Health Passports: The Snare that will Lure Many into the One-World Cashless System

Several new technologies that appear separate and unrelated will soon converge, creating a giant digital trap that will easily entice the uninformed masses. The digital trap has already been set and globalist elites are using COVID to speed up the process of convergence. Most people will sleep-walk right into the trap, which will ultimately reduce them to a human QR code – trackable, traceable, and 100 percent dependent on Big Tech and big government for their existence. In a briefing Monday, Aug. 2, Biden’s Coronavirus Response Coordinator Jeffrey Zients announced “it’s time to impose some requirements” where COVID vaccines are concerned. When asked for clarification on exactly what COVID rules might be implemented, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said nothing is off the table. Remember that phrase: "Nothing is off the table." This could involve rounding up the unvaccinated and placing them in isolation and quarantine camps. Despite what anyone tries to tell you, separating Americans by vaccine status is a historic first. It has never before been tried, not through the polio or smallpox outbreaks of the 1920s, 30s and 40s, not during the Spanish Flu. Not ever. Yet another piece to the evolving techno-fascist puzzle is the new digital currency. The world’s central banks are working on a programmable digital currency based on block chain technology. This means they will be able to track your spending and shut you off for any reason. The goal is a comprehensive digital identity, combining one’s health data and vaccine status with banking and other personally identifiable data.

Politicians Push Back Against COVID-19 Tyranny – Can We Trust Them?

Three politicians made news this week and were widely quoted in the Alternative Media as opposing tyrannical COVID-19 measures: U.S. Senator Rand Paul, Alberta, Canada Chief Medical Officer Deena Hinshaw, and Queensland, Australia Senator Malcolm Roberts. And while it is refreshing to hear politicians push back against COVID-19 measures and stand up for their constituents whom they are supposed to be representing, will anything actually positive result from their public addresses this week in terms of real freedom from COVID-19 medical tyranny?

The American Idolatrous Christian Church is Part of the Satanic New World Order as its Leaders Urge Everyone to get the COVID-19 “Vaccine”

"It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery. Behold I, Paul, say to you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no benefit to you. And I testify again to every man who receives circumcision, that he is under obligation to keep the whole Law. You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace. For we through the Spirit, by faith, are waiting for the hope of righteousness." (Galatians 5:1-6) These words written by Paul in the First Century, were addressed to a congregation of believers in Jesus Christ who lived in the city of Galatia, which would be in central Turkey today. He was confronting the teaching from a group of leaders who were urging the believers to receive a medical procedure: circumcision. "Circumcision" was the sign under the Old Covenant, instituted by Moses, but not the New Covenant, instituted by Jesus Christ. And he didn't hold back in explaining what the consequences would be if these believers decided to receive this medical procedure: they would become "slaves" again to the system that Christ had saved them out of, and they would be "severed from Christ," "fallen from grace," and Christ would be "of no benefit" to them. Read through these verses again, and replace the word "circumcision" for a different medical procedure being preached today by Christian leaders, COVID-19 shots, and you will have the exact same principle happening today as was happening in the First Century from the Jewish "believers" who were trying to force the non-Jewish believers to receive this "mark" through a medical procedure. "It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery (medical tyranny). Behold I, Paul, say to you that if you receive (circumcision) a COVID vaccine, Christ will be of no benefit to you. And I testify again to every man who receives (circumcision) a COVID vaccine, that he is under obligation to keep the whole Law (everything the medical state dictates). You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be (justified by law) healed by pharmakeia/sorcery; you have fallen from grace. For we through the Spirit, by faith, are waiting for the hope of righteousness (healing and deliverance from disease by Christ, not by pharmakeia/sorcery)."

Are American Businesses Committing Suicide by Mandating COVID-19 Vaccines for their Employees as Staffing Shortages Increase?

While the public continues to debate COVID-19 Vaccination "Passports" or IDs in order to participate in society, many businesses have recently announced that they are planning to mandate the shots as a condition for employment. This begs the question: Are these companies committing financial suicide by further restricting the labor force that is already seeing massive shortages since last year? As we have documented here at Health Impact News, publishing dozens and dozens of cases of people who died in the prime of their life after receiving a COVID-19 shot, we know that all of these deaths and injuries following the COVID-19 shots are always blamed on COVID-19, and not the shots. And since the CDC has proven to be a disinformation propaganda agency that regularly lies to protect Big Pharma, we actually have no idea what the true number of deaths and injuries are that have followed the COVID-19 injections. They currently admit that about 12,000 people have died after getting the shots in the last 8 months, double the amount of deaths recorded following ALL vaccines for the past 30 years. Add to that the fact that there is a very sizable portion of the population that will simply refuse to get a shot, even if it means being fired from their job, then I think we can answer the question posed in the headline of this article with a definite "YES." Mandating employees to receive a COVID-19 shot as a condition of employment is financial suicide, and a terrible business decision.

World’s Elderly Population Targeted with 3rd COVID-19 Shot for Those Who Survived the First Two

According to statistics released by the CDC in their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the vast majority of recorded deaths following one of the experimental COVID-19 injections has been among the elderly. According to the CDC, 60% of all reported deaths following COVID-19 injections have been in people age 44 or higher, 50% of all reported deaths have been in people age 65 or older, and 35% of all recorded deaths have been in people age 75 or older. When you consider that 38% of all recorded deaths following COVID injections the age is "unknown," then those percentages among the elderly are most certainly even higher. For those who refuse to accept the CDC's explanation that all these deaths recorded following the COVID-19 injections had nothing to do with the shots, then it is clearly obvious that the elderly are being killed in much higher numbers from these shots than the rest of the population. We have documented many of these stories of mass deaths in senior care homes earlier this year, often in homes where few or no deaths occurred in all of 2020 during the COVID-19 Plandemic. In some cases, these seniors were forcibly injected against their will. For those who survived the injections, there are now plans in motion to roll out a 3rd COVID-19 "booster" shot to be injected into the seniors who survived the first two shots.

UNCENSORED: A Review of the First 8 Months of the COVID-19 Injections – A Memorial for Those Who Paid the Ultimate Price

Health Impact News has covered the "other side" of the roll-out of the COVID-19 "vaccines," starting last year in 2020 when the Trump Administration gave Big Pharma TRILLIONS of dollars to develop them, and then appointed a military team they called "Operation Warp Speed" to rush these shots to market. Here is a review of the first 8 months of the results of "Operation Warp Speed" that you will not hear from the CDC, FDA, Anthony Fauci, or the corporate media. It is also a memorial for those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for "the greater good" they were told they were serving.

20,595 DEAD 1.9 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots

The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 20,595 fatalities, and 1,960,607 injuries, following COVID-19 injections. A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries. The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50. (There are some differences of opinion as to which countries are technically part of Europe.) So as high as these numbers are, they do NOT reflect all of Europe. The actual number in Europe who are reported dead or injured due to COVID-19 shots would be much higher than what we are reporting here.

CDC: 11,940 DEAD 618,648 Injuries and 1,175 Unborn Babies DEAD Following COVID-19 Shots

According to the most recent stats released by the CDC this past Friday, their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) now has recorded twice as many deaths following the non-FDA approved experimental COVID-19 shots during the past 8 months, than deaths recorded following ALL FDA approved vaccines for the past 30 years. In spite of these U.S. Government CDC-verified facts regarding the experimental COVID-19 shots, not only are they continuing to administer them, but the big push now is to MANDATE them as a requirement for employment in both government and private sector jobs. And so far, at least, it seems that the majority of the U.S. public is willing to comply and participate in what can only be labeled mass genocide. As we reported last week, Israel is now planning to roll out a third injection of the Pfizer shots to those who have already been injected twice and survived, targeting seniors first, and we can certainly expect the same rollout soon here in the U.S. as well. The July 30th data dump into VAERS, which everyone acknowledges is not the full data of deaths and injuries following COVID-19 shots, reveals 11,940 deaths and 618,648 injuries among 518,770 cases, including 12,808 permanent disabilities, 65,272 emergency room visits, 40,873 hospitalizations, and 11,198 life threatening injuries. There are also 1,175 premature deaths of unborn children following COVID-19 injections of pregnant women.

Are Your Friends and Family Mocking You for Building an “Ark” in Preparation for What is Coming?

"As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away." (Jesus - Matthew 24:37-39) Are you feeling all alone these days as you watch the Satanic Globalists move closer and closer each day to implementing their plan of installing a New World Order that drastically reduces the world's population, and collapses the world's financial system to begin the Great Reset, while everyone around you seems blind to these realities and just continues to live their lives as if everything is just going to "return to normal?" Are you "building your ark" preparing for the day when you may not be able to participate in society without fully embracing the "mark of the beast" by getting one of the COVID-19 injections, while the insanity of everyone around you sees you as the one who is "crazy" as you refuse to participate in all the COVID nonsense? If this is what you are feeling right now, take heart, and stand firm. Because this is how the world treated Noah as he obeyed the voice of God and built an ark to save humanity and most of the animal kingdom, while he warned people of God's impending judgment and the coming of a world-wide flood in the ancient world, where up until that point it had never rained. Nobody listened to him to build their own ark, which would have been far easier to build than the one Noah was building to also save the animal kingdom, just to save themselves and their families, and they paid the ultimate price for mocking a righteous man who was going against the crowd in obedience to what God had told him. When Jesus walked the earth he warned his followers that the same thing that happened in the days of Noah preceding the flood, would be happening just prior to his coming back to earth to judge the world, where people would act as if tomorrow would be the same as any other day, failing to recognize the times and season they were living through.

Israel Becomes First Country in the World to Push 3rd COVID Shot for Already Vaccinated

Pfizer continued their program of using Israelis as lab rats this week as Israel became the first country in the world to authorize a third COVID-19 "vaccine" for those who have already received two Pfizer mRNA shots, beginning with people over the age of 60. Earlier this year Vera Sharav, a holocaust survivor, reported how the Israeli government had reached an agreement with Pfizer to vaccinate as many people in Israel as quickly as possible and monitor the results, selling out their citizens as "lab rats." It appears that now the Israeli people will also be the first to be tested with a third injection, as Israeli President Naftali Bennet confirmed what most of us expected: there will be constant COVID-19 booster shots just like the annual flu shots. Mordechai Sones, with America's Frontline Doctors, interviewed security expert Ehden Biber this week who claims to have recovered unredacted contracts between Pfizer and world governments which he claims required these countries to ban or make illegal existing treatments for COVID-19, such as Ivermectin, to be able to distribute Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 injections.

Is Pineapple Enzyme Bromelain a Remedy for COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries?

A Health Impact News subscriber from the UK emailed me today, heartbroken over some of the stories we have covered with people taking the COVID-19 injections and suffering horrible disabilities. He shared that he read about research in Australia using the enzyme bromelain, derived from pineapple, and its success in destroying the "spike protein in COVID-19," and decided to try using it as a therapy with an elderly woman who had received two COVID-19 injections and was now "magnetic." He reports that: "After taking this for just over a month she is now to my surprise no longer magnetic as I retested her!" Being familiar myself with bromelain, having used it as a digestive enzyme for years, since the days I lived in the Philippines back in the 1990s, I decided to look this up and see if I could find the research this person was referencing. I found two peer-reviewed studies that have been published since COVID-19 started, where it was being tested as an early treatment for COVID-19. One study looked at just bromelain, and another one (the one in Australia) looked at a compound of bromelain with Acetylcysteine (BromAc), which has been previously studied in cancer treatment.

More CDC Insanity: Fully Vaccinated Spreading Delta Variant – So Everyone Needs to Get Vaccinated and Wear Masks

Those of us in the alternative media who have been exposing the dangers of vaccines for years, have had to deal with the attacks and ridicule from the vaccine believers who parroted the one statement that always ended any debate on the subject of vaccines, which they claimed were responsible for eliminating most of the world's infectious diseases: "The science is settled. Vaccines save lives." Writing and reporting on this topic for more than a decade now, I have constantly told our readers that this statement, "The science is settled," is one of the most unscientific statements the health bureaucrat "doctors" at the alphabet letter agencies have ever made, because when is the "science" ever settled? Never mind the fact that the rate of autism among our children has increased from one in ten thousand to one out of every 50 children in the U.S. as the CDC childhood vaccination schedule ballooned over the years. Never mind that the U.S. has the highest infant mortality rate in developed countries along with the highest amounts of vaccines injected into children from birth to age 18 among the developed countries. No, that is not related to vaccines, because "the science is settled" when it comes to vaccines, we were all told. Those infant deaths were all written into the death certificates as SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), and everyone knows that autism is genetic, happening before birth, so don't be a stupid "conspiracy theorist" and blame vaccines, because when it comes to vaccines, "the science is settled." So to all my fellow truth seekers in the alternative media who have been ridiculed for many years for publishing the truth about vaccines and the injuries and deaths they cause because "the science is settled," we were all just vindicated yesterday by CDC director Rochelle Walensky, who announced to the world that people fully vaccinated for COVID-19 were spreading the "delta variant" and that it was now time to mask up again, just weeks after they announced that people fully vaccinated for COVID-19 no longer needed to wear masks, because: THE SCIENCE IS SHIFTING.

Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the “Unvaccinated”

The official government narrative that the U.S. is facing a new "pandemic of the unvaccinated" continued this week, as the corporate media, the White House, and state governors all continued to blame the "unvaccinated" for rising cases of COVID-19 and the "delta" variant. Is there any evidence of all these "unvaccinated" patients that we are being told are all of a sudden filling the nation's hospitals? We keep hearing and reading that "90% of new hospital admissions are among the unvaccinated." Since this is not the kind of story that Big Tech and the corporate media will "fact check," let me please provide that service to the public and "fact check" these claims to see if they are true or not.

Most Americans Have No Idea How Close They are to Poverty, Starvation, and Death

There are few people left alive today that remember the last time a severe drought that destroyed crops combined with a collapse of the financial system left millions of Americans hungry and homeless, back in the 1930s. Most of us alive today were taught in school that in the 1930s the nation suffered during "The Great Depression" as well as "The Dust Bowl." And whether or not these were natural or man-made catastrophes back then is really not all that important when we consider that we are facing such potential dire circumstances for the immediate future, or even worse, here in 2021. Corn and wheat crops in the U.S. are in big trouble right now as we approach the end of July. Prices of corn, soy and canola are all going up right now, due to the fear that this year's harvest will be greatly affected by drought conditions across the U.S. Gloomy outlooks on this year's harvest are not the main reason for concern, however, as we have seen poor weather patterns like this in the past, and few starved or went homeless. The larger area of concern is that our entire agricultural system rests in the hands of just a few international companies, and the Globalists who brought us the COVID-19 Plandemic last year that is making a repeat performance this year, could decide to add global hunger and starvation to this show, and few Americans are prepared for empty grocery store shelves for any length of time. They will look to their government representatives for help, and that government "help" could very well be their next plan to get 70% of the population injected with the COVID-19 shots, making it a requirement to receive any government food aid. This is not a topic you want to be ignorant about.

CDC to Withdraw Emergency Use Authorization for RT PCR Test Because It Cannot Distinguish Between SARS-CoV-2 and the Flu

The CDC quietly announced last week that it was withdrawing its request to the FDA for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2. Most of the public is probably unaware that similar to the current COVID-19 injections that are not yet approved by the FDA, but only given Emergency Use Authorization, so too the hundreds of diagnostic tests that supposedly detect COVID-19 are also NOT approved by the FDA, but only authorized via an EUA. What is the reason the CDC is withdrawing its EUA request for the Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel? "CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses." So there you have it. The CDC just basically admitted that many of the COVID-19 cases this past year could not be distinguished from "flu cases."

Nationalism and the Ten Commandments – Patriotism or Idolatry? “Liberty” or Slavery?

Pretty much every country on earth today has a flag representing that country, and children are taught from the earliest ages, usually through public or religious education, to respect and honor that flag, often by saluting it. In the United States pretty much every school for children, whether public or private, teaches their students to "Pledge Allegiance" to the flag of the United States of America, while holding their hand over their heart. The original Pledge of Allegiance was written by a 37-year-old Baptist Christian Minister named Francis Bellamy in 1892. So why am I spending time writing about this today? Because our country is as divided as ever, placing people into groups and labeling them so everyone can keep fighting each other rather than fighting the Globalists who are dead-set on enslaving us and murdering us, and the label "Patriot" is a classification I see every single day in my newsfeed, mainly among the Christian Right and Trump supporters. The term "patriot" today can pretty much be weaponized against anyone who disagrees with the narrative of the day that the State wants one to believe and obey, which today includes obeying all COVID-19 restrictions, and being a "good patriot" and getting the "vaccine" to protect everyone else. For the Christian Right, displaying the flag on national holidays like the 4th of July and Memorial Day is the "Christian" thing to do, and failing to do so is seen as a moral failure. But I absolutely REFUSE to pledge my allegiance to the American flag, not for political reasons, but because to do so is IDOLATRY.

Republican Governors Join Biden and CDC in Blaming “Unvaccinated” for Alleged New COVID Hospitalizations

Alabama Republican Governor Kay Ivey has joined the Biden Administration and the CDC in attacking "unvaccinated" residents in her own state, blaming them for rising "cases" of COVID-19. Her handlers, who are undoubtedly among the Big Pharma lobbyists, are apparently putting pressure on her to get in line with this narrative as Alabama has the lowest COVID-19 vaccination rate in the country. She stated that it is “time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks” for rising cases of Covid-19. "It’s time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks, not the vaccinated folks. It’s the unvaccinated folks that are letting us down. These folks are choosing a horrible lifestyle of self-inflicted pain.” It should be noted that like other Republican Governors, Ivey signed a bill in May that prohibits businesses and other institutions in Alabama from requiring “vaccine passports” that verify the immunization status of people as a condition for entry or services. But as we have previously reported, that doesn't mean that she, or any other Republican Governor, is against the COVID-19 injections and all the harm they are causing. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, while stopping short of actually blaming the "unvaccinated" for current "outbreaks" as Governor Ivey did, nevertheless is also promoting the same narrative put out last Friday by the CDC and Biden administration, by repeating the lie that almost all hospitalizations right now are among the "unvaccinated." He stated: "If you are vaccinated, fully vaccinated, the chances of you getting seriously ill or dying from COVID is effectively zero. If you look at the people being admitted to hospitals, over 95 percent of them are either not fully vaccinated or not vaccinated. And so these vaccines are saving lives." These Republican Governors are LYING to you, just like the CDC and the Biden Administration are.