Minnesota Woman Loses Both Legs and Both Hands Following Second Pfizer COVID-19 Shot

Jummai Nache, and her husband, Philip Nache, were born in Nigeria and came to the U.S. to settle in Minneapolis a few years ago, working with the Southern Baptists to plant churches among the African communities living in Minneapolis. They were reportedly forced to leave Nigeria due to the "Boko Haram terrorist group," and eventually ended up in Minneapolis serving as missionaries with the Southern Baptists. Tragically, it appears that the Naches have adopted many of the American Christians' values here in the U.S., which includes participating in and trusting the corrupt medical system. Jummaci was working as a medical assistant in a clinic in Minneapolis and was instructed to take the COVID-19 "vaccines." She complied, and immediately after getting the second injection, according to her husband, "she started to experience chest pain at work." Things went down hill fast after that, as the all-too-familiar symptoms of blood clots, a known side effect of the Pfizer COVID-19 shots, were found in her heart, and today she has had both legs amputated, and will also have to have both of her hands amputated. Her case is supposedly "rare," as her husband reports that after the CDC and "70-80" doctors investigated her case, and reported back to him: "the CDC sent us a letter of their conclusions which stated that Jummai was infected with MIS-A and covid-19, but they cannot conclude whether the covid-19 vaccine contributed for now." Her entire story is published on their GoFundMe account, written by her husband, where they are trying to raise money for their medical expenses.

Freedom of Information Request Reveals 5,522 People have Died Within 28 Days of Receiving COVID-19 Vaccines in Scotland

After 7 months of mass COVID-19 vaccination efforts worldwide, we are receiving more and more reports about just how severe the casualties have been from injecting so many people with these experimental shots, and the massive efforts of censorship to try and prevent the public from understanding the full scope of the deaths and disabilities these shots have caused. Another report came to our attention today from Scotland, where Public Health Scotland apparently has responded to numerous freedom of information requests to provide data on how many people in Scotland have died within 28 days of receiving one of the shots, due to reports to their agency. They published the results on their official COVID-19 statistical report page, where as of June 23, 2021 they report that 5,522 people have died within 28 days of receiving one of the COVID-19 injections in use within Scotland. The total population of Scotland is about 5.5 million people. The Daily Expose, based out of the UK, covered the story earlier this week. Using the same percentages as the statistics supplied by Public Health Scotland, based on the population of the UK, they state that would equate to about 57,470 deaths in the UK within 28 days of being injected with the COVID-19 shot. For the population in the United States, that would equate to about 331,320 deaths within 28 days of receiving a COVID-19 injection. Could this be true? We reported earlier this week how officials in the City of Baltimore have stated that the safety of residents of the city are in jeopardy due to staffing shortages with firefighters and police officers. I have personally been told that a major Sheriff department of a major U.S. city is also facing severe staffing shortages, and that deaths of Sheriff deputies following COVID-19 injections are being covered up. And what is going to happen to our healthcare system if hospitals across the country keep firing staff who refuse to take one of these dangerous injections? Hang on folks, because I think we are in for some very rough times ahead, and most of the American public is in "summer vacation" mode right now enjoying their new "freedoms" as COVID restrictions have relaxed in most parts of the country, completely oblivious to the dangers that seem to be awaiting us later this summer or early this Fall.

18,928 DEAD, 1.8 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots

As many countries around the world now begin another round of lockdowns, and take steps to cut off citizens from social life if they do not consent to receive one of the deadly COVID-19 shots and carry around some kind of identification that marks them as "vaccinated," the death tolls following these injections continue to rapidly increase. Yesterday we reported about an alleged whistleblower with the U.S. CDC who is claiming that there have been at least 45,000 deaths reported within 3 days of receiving the injections, and that this information is being suppressed. And yet, most people around the world still seem to be completely ignorant regarding how many deaths following COVID-19 injections are actually being recorded by government health agencies, as the corporate media around the world for the most part is not allowed to cover these verifiable statistics showing unprecedented amounts of deaths and crippling injuries following these shots, all of which are still in the experimental phase and have not even completed Phase 3 trials yet. What we are witnessing is quite clearly a worldwide genocide and the implementation of a plan to reduce the world's population. Never before in modern, or even ancient history, have governments around the world acted in unison to force a medical procedure upon all their populations, and silence all dissenters who try to sound the warning alarm, which include tens of thousands of doctors and scientists. The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 18,928 fatalities, and 1,823,219 injuries, following COVID-19 injections.

Attorney Files Lawsuit Against CDC Based on “Sworn Declaration” from Whistleblower Claiming 45,000 Deaths are Reported to VAERS – All Within 3 Days of COVID-19 Shots

Ohio-based Attorney Thomas Renz was one of several speakers this past weekend at a conference in Anaheim, California, where he announced that with the help of America's Frontline Doctors, he was filing a federal lawsuit in Alabama based on a "sworn declaration, under threat of perjury," from an alleged whistleblower who claims to have inside knowledge of a cover-up of reported deaths filed with the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which is operated by the CDC. This whistleblower has allegedly claimed, under oath, that there are at least 45,000 reported deaths that have occurred within 3 days of receiving a COVID-19 "vaccine." Renz states that this report of 45,000 deaths is just from "one system" that reports to VAERS. This would be significantly greater than what the CDC is currently reporting, which is 10,991 deaths, and many of those are beyond 3 days following the shots. Renz also states that he believes Google, Facebook, and Twitter are "complicit with causing death" due to their censorship, and he stated, "I cannot wait to sue you, over and over again."

Is God Calling you to be a “Watchman” to Warn Others of What is Coming?

I recently published a commentary on the ministry of Jeremiah, a prophet in the 6th Century B.C. who was called by God to warn people in the capital city of the Jewish Empire, Jerusalem, of pending judgement and disaster that God was about to unleash in judgment against them. I wrote how the moral decay of the Jewish Empire mirrored the moral decay of the United States today, and that if anything, the United States is probably more evil today than the Jewish Empire that was completely destroyed in 586 B.C. Jeremiah was referred to as the “weeping prophet,” because the visions of the future that awaited his country and his people were so horrible, it almost drove him mad. Everyone abandoned him, including family members, and it almost cost him his life to deliver the message that God had given him to bring to the rulers and population of his country, because it was not a message of hope that they wanted to hear, but a message of doom, where a significant majority of the population were about to die horrible deaths. And while Jeremiah prophesied from the Jewish capital of Jerusalem, there were many people who had already been captured and taken away into captivity in Babylon, including the then-king of Israel, and members of the royal family who were no longer living in Jerusalem. One of those people was a priest named Ezekiel, who like Jeremiah was called by God to warn his people that judgement was imminent, and that there was no "returning to normal" as so many false prophets who were living in Babylon were predicting, giving false hope to the people living in captivity that soon they would be able to return home and to their former way of life. Ezekiel was called by God to be a "watchman," because he knew the truth, and God made it clear that if he did not tell the truth, even in the face of hostile opposition, that when judgment came and many people died horrible deaths, that their blood would also be on Ezekiel's hands if he shrank back in fear and failed to warn the people. Is God calling you to be a watchman today?

CDC Director Lies to America Announcing Latest “Pandemic” – “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated”

"Pandemic" is the new word the Globalists love to use for controlling the masses through fear. And why not, since they had such great success in using it last year to destroy tens of thousands of businesses, drive record rates of suicide among children, get hundreds of millions of people to wear face masks and stay home, simply by naming a "virus" and using the magic word: PANDEMIC. And while this "COVID-19 Pandemic" was raging and supposedly killing hundreds of thousands of people, determined simply by a PCR test of "positive" for this "killer virus," almost nobody seemed to notice that the flu completely disappeared at the same time. Yesterday, July 16, 2021, the CDC Director Rochelle Walensky officially named the newest "pandemic" they want every to fear: the "pandemic of the unvaccinated." This new "pandemic," announced from the White House COVID-19 Response briefing which included mass-murderer Anthony Fauci and White House COVID-19 coordinator Jeff Zients, was also written down as a script to be distributed to the Pharma-controlled corporate media as well, as is evidenced by the almost exact same headline and text they all used, demonstrating yet again that real investigative reporting on anything involving vaccines or drugs no longer exists in the corporate media. If you are one of the increasing number of individuals who has abandoned the corporate media as a "news" source, and started investigating things for yourself, then you will clearly see that this "new pandemic" has all the same features as the ones that destroyed our country last year. Statistics based on "lab tests" that they control, and just outright lies with a single purpose: get more people "vaccinated" with COVID-19 injections. Anyone with a high school education and the ability to do searches on the Internet, particularly on the Government's own websites such as CDC.gov, can easily fact-check what Walensky and Fauci said, and easily see right through their lies. But how many people will actually do that?

CENSORED: CDC Records Almost 12,000 DEATHS in 7 Months Following COVID-19 Injections

The U.S. CDC released more data today in their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database, and now admit that they have received reports of nearly 12,000 deaths during a 7-month period since the COVID-19 shots were given emergency use authorization by the FDA last December. This includes 997 deaths among unborn children, which is separate from the 10,991 deaths recorded where the "patient" (the one getting the shot) died. There are now 551,172 adverse reactions recorded out of 463,457 cases, including 9,274 permanent disabilities, 59,403 emergency room visits, 30,781 hospitalizations, and 8,831 life threatening injuries. You will not find a single corporate media outlet reporting these government statistics, as this has to be the MOST CENSORED information in the United States. To put this in perspective, these recorded deaths during the last 7 months are now almost twice as many deaths as have been recorded by the CDC following vaccinations since they started recording such statistics back in 1990. The Medalerts.org interface for the VAERS government database allows one to search all the way back to 1901, and from January 1, 1901 through November 30, 2020, which is the last month before the COVID-19 shots were given emergency use authorization, there are a total of 6,255 deaths recorded following ALL vaccines. And what is the U.S. Government's position on these 12,000 deaths and half million injuries recorded from those who chose to receive one of these experimental injections during the last 7 months? Go door-to-door and try to convince even more people to get them, as the pharmaceutical companies producing these shots now expand their trials to include young children and pregnant women. Government officials brushing off these statistics, which represent only a fraction of what is actually happening in the public since so few health professionals report these adverse reactions to VAERS in the first place, is most certainly a criminal act leading to genocide. This is a non-partisan issue as not a single U.S. Governor from either a Blue or Red state has taken action to stop these injections in pregnant women or children. They are ALL accomplices to mass murder, and should be arrested and tried for their crimes.

The Right to Be Let Alone: What to Do When COVID Strike Force Teams Come Knocking

We are now at Thursday of the first week of announced "door-to-door" visits by agents working for local governments enforcing the Biden Administration's directive to get more people "vaccinated" with COVID-19 shots, and so far things are pretty quiet in the local corporate media, and in the alternative media. Could the push back from the Right last week be making many local communities hesitant to carry out this policy? Time will tell, but as of today, I have only seen 3 reports of this policy being carried out. While these are the only reports I have been able to find so far this week, others have now also weighed in on the legality of these door-to-door visits. The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons issued this statement: "COVID Shot Home Visits Unconstitutional and Unethical." Constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute has also published an excellent piece, along with Nisha Whitehead. "The Right to Be Let Alone: What to Do When COVID Strike Force Teams Come Knocking"

Canadian Doctor: 62% of Patients Vaccinated for COVID Have Permanent Heart Damage

We have previously covered the story of Dr. Charles Hoffe, the brave doctor who has been practicing medicine for 28 years in the small, rural town of Lytton in British Columbia, Canada. After he had administered about 900 doses of the Moderna experimental mRNA COVID-19 injections, he sounded the alarm over the severe reactions he was observing in his patients who chose to get the shot (he chose NOT to get it himself), which included death. The result of him sounding the alarm was a gag order issued against him by the medical authorities in his community. He defied this gag order and was interviewed by Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson on her show where he sounded the alarm. His punishment for going public to warn others on the dangers of these experimental shots was that he was relieved from hospital duty and lost half of his income. Last week, Dr. Hoffe was interviewed again by Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, and he continues to share his findings with the public regarding the experimental COVID-19 shots. Dr. Hoffe is truly a hero today, risking not only his reputation, but probably his very life to bring important information regarding the COVID-19 shots that the Globalists who control the corporate media and social media are trying very hard to censor. In this latest interview, Dr. Hoffe states that the blood clots that are being reported in the corporate media as being "rare" are anything but rare, based on his own testing of his own patients who had recently received one of the shots. Dr. Hoffe claims that he has found evidence of small blood clots in 62% of his patients who have been injected with an mRNA shot. He states that these people are now permanently disabled, and they will no longer "be able to do what they used to do." His warning is very dire: "These shots are causing huge damage and the worst is yet to come.”

USDA Attacks Amish Farmers Selling REAL Food to Protect Corporate Industrial Farming

The vast majority of the American population is completely ignorant about the United States militarized industrial corporate food system that feeds most of the population, and is used to topple governments worldwide. Less than 1% of our population is involved in agriculture today feeding the other 99%+ of our population, and very few people even know this, even in the alternative media. Most Americans have absolutely no clue where their food comes from, and are totally dependent on the commodity-based food system that fills the shelves of America's grocery chains. As a result, Americans spend the lowest percentage of their income on food than any other nation in the world. But the entire nation got a real dose of reality when the COVID Plandemic hit last year, and the meat operations that were dependent on processing plants that require USDA certification to sell their food became a bottleneck that chocked the nation's food supplies. Many of the small-scale operations that do not sell to the retail chains but only to members of their private food clubs kept right on producing their food, especially if they did "on-farm" processing. The USDA would want you to believe that such food is "unsafe," but that is hardly the case at all, and these small-scale private operations are actually producing food the way it has been produced for thousands of years. Amish farmer Amos Miller who operates food clubs in the Northeast has been a frequent target of the militarized industrial food system, and they are after him again as David Gumpert reports. If Americans don't wise up soon and understand that it is small-scale producers like Amos and others that have the solutions to delivering us from the tyranny and slavery of the Globalists controlling the food system, and take a stand to protect these producers, then when the shelves go bare in your local grocery stores, you will be at the total mercy of the U.S. Government. And more than likely they will not share any of their cheap, contaminated mass-produced food they have stored up for just such an occasion without you meeting certain requirements, which undoubtedly will include showing them your COVID-19 vaccine passport or scanning your implanted microchip or nanobot.

After 9 Years Including 21 Days in Solitary Confinement Canada Drops Charges Against Parents Charged with Failure to Vaccinate Child Who Died

After 9 years of legal battles against the government of Canada, David Stephan announced on his Facebook Page this weekend that all charges had been dropped against him and his wife over the death of one of their children, where he and his wife were singled out by the Canadian government to be made an example of what happens when one dares to take on Big Pharma. A champion of Health Freedom for years, when the young son of David and Collet Stephan died in what is now known as gross negligence by the medical system, the authorities tried to make an example of the Stephans for their way of life that included trusting God and generally not using pharmaceutical products when natural remedies were available. They were charged with "failure to vaccinate" their child and blamed for his death, in the hopes of setting Canadian policy that failure to use Big Pharma sanctioned products by parents was the same thing as withholding the basic necessities of life from children, such as food, water, and air. When their case against the Stephans did not go as they planned and massive corruption was uncovered, they turned to the corporate media in Canada to control the narrative, and for a while it worked, as millions of people, not only in Canada but around the world, vilified this couple and branded them as criminals for allegedly withholding proper medical treatment that they thought would have saved their child. So effective was this negative media campaign against the Stephans, that the father, David, had to spend 21 days in solitary confinement in jail, as the other inmates considered him a child murderer and tried to kill him. Health Impact News got involved in this story in 2016, and it was one of our most-read stories that year. So what is David's message to the rest of us after having to endure 9 years of fighting the corrupt Canadian government, Big Pharma, and the corporate media that worked so hard to destroy his family? He admits that we are currently in the "eye of the storm" regarding medical tyranny and the whole COVID Plandemic, with the worst yet to come, but he tells us: "Do not fear! Perfect love casts out fear."

Comply with COVID-19 “Vaccination” Demands and You Could End up DEAD Like These People

The public pressure for people to get the COVID-19 injections is in full swing right now, as those who wanted these shots and have already taken them voluntarily are quickly dwindling down. The first court case challenging employers who are mandating these shots as a condition for employment in Texas went the way of Big Pharma and government, as the judge ruled that people still have a choice - they can choose to refuse the shots and look for employment elsewhere. In addition to employers, many schools now are also moving towards mandatory COVID-19 injections as a condition for enrollment. The question everyone needs to ask themselves these days when faced with these mandates is how much do you value your job or school? Enough to potentially give up your life or become permanently disabled? Sadly, there are many who have taken that risk, and lost. They are now dead, and the debate is over. Once they bury or burn your body, there is no turning back. As we reported on Friday, the CDC now admits that over 9000 people have died following these COVID-19 injections since they were unleashed on the public last December. Those are more deaths recorded following the COVID-19 shots in the past 7 months than deaths recorded in the CDC VAERS system for the past 31 years following vaccination, when the VAERS system was implemented in 1990, shortly after the U.S. government gave legal immunity for pharmaceutical companies producing vaccines for injuries and deaths caused by those vaccines. And yet when these people die after receiving a COVID-19 injection, the corporate media will very seldom report their "vaccination status" when mentioning their deaths or in their obituaries. They will blame anything they can drum up as an excuse, even if the victims were young and previously healthy with very little chance of dying from these other causes they list. We primarily find out about their "vaccination status" through their social media accounts where they admit, and often brag, about getting the shots. We bring you four more stories of those who gave in to social pressure to get the shots, but did not live long enough to regret their decisions. Those regrets will have to live on with their families and loved ones who will never see them again in this life.

One in Christ: Abolishing Discrimination and Class Warfare in the Messianic New World Order

The world is very quickly advancing to the final stages of the "The Great Reset," and implementing a "New World Order," and as I have explained in past articles on this topic, there are two competing ideas as to what this New World Order will look like, and who will implement it. One is a Luciferian World Order ruled by Satan, and the other one is a Messianic World Order ruled by Jesus Christ. What is apparently not very obvious to most people today, is that the path to both versions of this New World Order look very similar. Both paths see a reduction of the world's population, for example. One of the truths that is perverted by the Luciferian world system, is the concept of "race" and "equality." "Critical race theory" (CRT), for example, is being put forward in our educational systems as a way to deal with inequalities within races. And while there might be some truth in this teaching somewhere, its overall purpose is to continue promoting class warfare, and dividing classes of people to oppose each other and achieve the Satanic version of a New World Order. True equality of classes is only found in the Messianic New World Order, led by Jesus Christ who only saw two classes of people: those who know God and those who do not. This truth of the equality of the human race independent of ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, or any other way of classifying human beings, is so basic and so clearly taught in the Bible, that most people just completely miss it and are easily deceived by the prevailing teachings of the day regarding class warfare. And this is true on BOTH the Left and the Right political sides. But if you can understand this basic truth, you will be able to see through many of the lies being mixed with truths and half-truths today, and it will greatly affect your view of the future. It will mean the difference between viewing the future with fear, giving up hope and thinking there is nothing standing in the way to stop the Satanic Globalists' implementation of their New World Order, to looking at the future with expectation and hope, waiting patiently for the day when Jesus fulfills prophecy and brings about true equality and justice for the human race.

CDC Adds Over 2000 Deaths Associated with COVID-19 Shots in One Week – 917 Unborn Baby Deaths

The U.S. CDC released more data today in their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines, and they added more than 2000 deaths following COVID-19 shots over what they reported last week. Last week they were reporting 6,985 deaths, and this week that number jumped up to 9,048. This is by far the largest increase of recorded deaths in one week since they started reporting deaths following COVID-19 shots. Besides the 9,048 deaths, there are 7,463 permanent disabilities, 56,971 Emergency Room visits, 26,818 Hospitalizations, and 7,822 Life Threatening injuries following the COVID-19 injections. And yet, none of this government data will be reported in any corporate media news broadcast, and those who try to post it on the Big Tech social media sites will be flagged for "fake news" by the "fact checkers." These are not even the true numbers, as the CDC selectively chooses what to release to the public each week, and of course many deaths and injuries go unreported because the public is conditioned to believe that none of these deaths and injuries have anything to do with the COVID-19 shots. To put this into perspective, there are now 30% more deaths recorded in 7 months since the launch of the COVID-19 shots in December of 2020, than during the entire 31-year history of VAERS recording deaths following vaccines since it started in 1990. 1990 to November 2020: 6,145 deaths following ALL VACCINES. December 2020 to July 2, 2021: 9,048 deaths from COVID-19 shots only.

17,503 DEAD, 1.7 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots

The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, which also tracks reports of injuries and deaths following the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.” A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries. The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50. So as high as these numbers are, they do NOT reflect all of Europe. The actual number in Europe who are reported dead or injured due to COVID-19 shots would be much higher than what we are reporting here. The EudraVigilance database reports that through July 3, 2021 there are 17,503 deaths and 1,687,527 injuries reported following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots. From the total of injuries recorded, half of them (837,588 ) are serious, life-threatening injuries.

Tens of Thousands of COVID-19 “Vaccine” Injured in the U.S. Begging for Help as the Medical Community Turns Their Back on Them

Over 6 months into the mass vaccination campaign with the experimental, non-FDA approved COVID-19 shots, where about half of the U.S. population now has received at least one of these injections, tens of thousands of victims are beginning to speak out, regretting their choices, and begging for help. The medical community by and large has turned their backs on them, which is really what they have done for the past 40+ years with ALL vaccine injured people, most of whom have been children prior to the COVID-19 shots. So while those speaking out in the past have been primarily parents of vaccine-damaged children that the corporate media and medical system have summarily dismissed as "crazy," now those speaking out are primarily adults who have had their lives ruined by these injections. Pro-vaccine adults, obviously, since they chose to receive one of these shots, that many dissenting medical doctors and scientists are now calling "bioweapon" shots. At least they still have a voice to speak out, as thousands of others are now dead following the shots, according to CDC statistics. Here is a video that was recently published by a group that calls themselves "Vax Longhaulers."

Pedophilia Boy Scouts of America Reaches Largest Child Sex Abuse Settlement in U.S. History at $850 Million

For the past 7+ years Health Impact News has been reporting the fact that the United States has the horrible distinction of being known as the #1 country in the world known for child sex trafficking. This is not my opinion. The U.S. Government actually admits this. Last week, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) reached the largest settlement of sex abuse claims in the history of the United States, and this may just be the tip of the iceberg so prevalent has the problem of pedophilia become in the U.S. They reached an $850 million settlement with more than 60,000 men who sued them over alleged sexual abuse by adults in scouting over several decades. Ken Rothweiler, one of three lead negotiators on behalf of the men who say they were raped, molested or sexually harassed as children, called it historic. In an emailed statement he called the deal "the largest settlement of sexual abuse claims in United States history." There is strong evidence that the Boy Scouts program has been corrupt from its inception, and in this article I will present strong evidence that the CIA may have been using these Scouts programs for years to experiment on sexually abused children as part of their "trauma-based" MK Ultra mind-control program to train children to be spies and carry out military operations.

Unmasking The Global Food Cartel: Is Massive Starvation and Population Reduction Their Next Move?

The Globalists who control the world today are not politicians. Politicians are puppets, chosen by the Globalists, who control the world's financial system. At the very top of the pyramid they are Satanists, specifically "Satanic Jews" which I defined recently in the article: "Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order – Who are the 'Jews'?" Their modus operandi is the world's financial system, and the Globalist companies that run the world. We recently published the very well-written commentary by F. William Engdahl on BlackRock, the investment firm which he claims has more financial influence than the Federal Reserve and the governments of most nations. Today, I am republishing an article from a website called "Behind The News Network," a site I have been following in my newsfeed since the COVID-19 Plandemic began last year. The reason I am republishing this article today, is because it is in my topic of specialty, which is food. And the short summary of what is explained here is this: just a handful of companies control the bulk of the world's food, and if they want to turn off the faucet, they can, and it will result in massive starvation and death, and a drastic reduction of the world's population. That is what the author fears, which is why he put the time into writing this. He has unmasked the Globalists who control the world through the food supply chain, and named names. He writes: "Genocide is an intent of this system, not a side-effect." You will definitely want to take the time to read this, and prepare accordingly.

6-Year-Old Son Tells Dad “Please Don’t Get the Shot” – But He Did and Now He’s DEAD

A 53-year-old musician and father is dead despite being warned about COVID-19 “vaccines” by his kindergarten-aged son. Mr. Jeff Kimpland received the experimental Johnson & Johnson viral vector shot on or around April 13, according to his Facebook page. He mentioned in the same post that he was aware of the Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration temporarily halting the J&J shots due to blood clots. The post concluded with Mr. Kimpland repeating something his six-year-old son told him: “don’t get J&J daddy.” Mr. Kimpland added the “I got my COVID-19 vaccine” banner to his profile photo on June 6. His last Facebook post was on June 15. He died at his home in Dewitt, New York, on June 19. He is survived by two sons.

Americans Will Celebrate “Independence Day” as CDC Reveals Almost 7000 DEAD and Half a Million Injured Following COVID Injections?

As Americans gather this weekend to celebrate the July 4th Independence Day, I can't help but ask: What the hell are you celebrating?? Are you celebrating the fact that the CDC admits that almost 7000 people have now died following the non-FDA approved experimental COVID-19 injections with the data they released yesterday, July 2, 2021? Maybe the almost half million injuries that people have reported following these COVID-19 injections is cause for celebration? After all, Americans still have the "freedom" to not get these injections and choose to sacrifice their careers if their employer is mandating them. That is still "freedom," right? Or are you celebrating that there are now a recorded 622 unplanned abortions following these COVID-19 injections? Where is the "freedom of choice" for these unborn babies? Or perhaps all of you who are heading out to barbecue and watch fireworks this weekend are celebrating your freedom to choose to send your children to government schools, muzzled with facemasks, to learn Critical Race Theory and how to get medical procedures done to change their gender. And of course children now have "freedoms" also to exercise their "independence." Perhaps you are celebrating the fact that in many places your child can now choose to get a COVID-19 bioweapon shot without your knowledge or permission, and young boys now have the freedom to identify as girls and use the school's girls' bathrooms to sexually prey on young girls? Maybe that's a cause for celebrating our "independence"?